Immortal of the Nine Realms

Chapter 255: Eating Melon Seeds Only to Find Them Spilled on Oneself

Chapter 255: Eating Melon Seeds Only to Find Them Spilled on Oneself

The Third Elder was astonished. "How is this possible..." he muttered.

Right... how was this possible?

The Spirit Void Sect disciples were shocked.

The First and Second Elders exchanged a glance, both seeing deep shock in each other's eyes.

Even they couldn't casually grab hold of the Third Elder's flying sword like that!

"Break free!" bellowed the Third Elder suddenly, channeling more of his spiritual energy into his flying sword!

Clang! Clang! Clang!

The flying sword in Fang Chen's hand began to violently tremble, attempting to break free. Sparks scattered in the air as the sound of metal clashing against metal hit everyone’s ears.

Fang Chen chuckled lightly. "Stop moving," he said, and with a flick of his finger, the flying sword broke near the tip.


The Third Elder hacked out a mouthful of blood, and his face turned ashen and wilted. When a practitioner's Destiny Spiritual Treasure was damaged, it would reflect back wounds to its owner!

"What kind of technique was that?!" The First Elder's heart thumped violently. How could someone even break a flying sword that has twelve Soul Imprints with their bare hands?!

"Looks like you’re quite confident in your swordsmanship?" Fang Chen looked at the Third Elder. "You were so confident in yourself that you didn’t even bother looking my way as you attacked me. But look at you, you can’t even keep a firm control over your sword.”

The Third Elder's face alternated between shades of green and red, feeling immensely humiliated. He had embarrassed himself in front of the entire Spirit Void Sect!

A cough suddenly resounded. It was the First Elder. "Who exactly are you?” he asked. “If there's anything our Spirit Void Sect has done to offend you, please do tell us.”

"Well then, I’ll be frank with you. Your sect leader chose to side with the Qingzhou Sword Sect and wanted to join forces with Yao Dan and the Flying Eagle Gate Master to pressure Abbess Zhu Yue into handing over a treasure of hers," said Fang Chen with a smile. "Yao Dan and the Flying Eagle Gate Master have already met their end. Only your sect master managed to run away. She shouldn’t be coming back any time soon, so feel free to consider her dead.”

Everyone present was dumbfounded.

Everyone Fang Chen had just mentioned was a Foundation Building Realm expert, and the Qingzhou Sword Sect’s Yao Dan was particularly formidable! In fact, due to the Third Elder’s passion for the sword, he had sought out Yao Dan’s advice on several occasions. The two even had a bit of a master-disciple relationship.

The Second Elder squinted, and he challenged, "What’s all that hogwash you’re spouting? How can a Foundation Building Realm cultivator die just like that? Abbess Zhu Yue doesn't have that kind of ability!"

"Yes, that’s right!" The First Elder immediately caught on, nodding. "Abbess Zhu Yue simply doesn't have the ability to do that. So, tell us, why are you really here? What do you want to achieve by fooling us with those words?” he barked. “I don’t want to hear that nonsense about taking over our sect from your mouth!"

"News of Yao Dan and the Flying Eagle Gate Master's death will probably reach here soon,” said Fang Chen. “As for why I am here, I am here to take over the Spirit Void Sect and then sell it off." Fang Chen smiled. "Blood will be spilled if you try to stop me. I'll give you one chance; leave all your treasures, spirit stones, and storage rings behind in the sect; leave the mountain and never come back. Everything you own will now belong to me.”

The Spirit Void Sect members were shocked and furious. The Spirit Void Sect belonged to him? How dare he speak so preposterously!

The First Elder sneered. "Don't think that because you had the upper hand against the Third Elder just now you can do as you please."

The next moment, he and the Second Elder both made their move. They activated their spiritual treasures, only to watch them shattered by a silver lightning bolt a second later.



The two Elders both hacked out blood, and their faces suddenly turned sickly. Their legs almost gave out.

Their treasures had been completely shattered!

The Third Elder suddenly exclaimed in horror, "You're a sword cultivator! That’s right! You're a sword cultivator! I’ve heard about the Sword Body that sword cultivators have! It makes your physical body invulnerable! Sword cultivators can also break through all obstacles blocking their path!"

The crowd was stunned, some still trying to process what a sword cultivator was. But the First and Second Elders were horrified, and they stared at Fang Chen blankly. Right; he had instantly shattered their treasures, that was an ability sword cultivators were well-known for.

"You're well informed," said Fang Chen lightly. "Since you know about sword cultivators, I advise you to persuade your fellow sect brothers to do as I say. I'll give you half an incense stick worth of time."

Fang Chen then closed his eyes and waited.

Abbess Qing He assumed that Fang Chen was only pretending to meditate, so she stood by idly, absentminded. She didn’t concern herself with the Spirit Void Sect at all. For her, the fact that the Spirit Void Sect would be taken over by Fang Chen was already an established fact.

Fang Chen's divine soul appeared over the Spirit Void City. Since the incident involving the Spirit Blood Sect, he had been using any of his free time to project his consciousness and inspect his surroundings whenever he had the chance, checking for any Spirit Blood Sect members acting covertly.

Fang Chen's gaze fell upon the City Lord's Mansion. "There are quite a few cultivators in the city, but it seems like there are only two Foundation Building Realm cultivators."

In the state of spiritual projection, he was highly sensitive to spiritual energy fluctuations.

Suddenly, Fang Chen appeared in the City Lord's Mansion.

He saw two Foundation Building Realm cultivators conversing; one was in the early stage, while the other emitted a much stronger aura.

"Mid-stage Foundation Building Realm? No, he might actually be stronger. He might even be in the late stage," pondered Fang Chen as he looked at the Passing Dragon Island Master.

The aura emanating from the Passing Dragon Island Master was stronger than anyone Fang Chen had encountered so far. Jin Nan was in the mid stage of the Foundation Building Realm, but the Passing Dragon Island Master's cultivation far surpassed Jin Nan's, leading Fang Chen to believe that he was in the late stage of the Foundation Building Realm.

Glancing at the delicacies sprawled on the jade table, and the lit, expensive incense around, Fang Chen’s mouth couldn’t help but trace a smile. "These two really know how to enjoy their lives.”

"Passing Dragon Island Master, I’ve sent messages to many people around the empire. As soon as they see that junior, they will relay his whereabouts to us," said the Spirit Void Citylord with a smile.

"Alright." The Passing Dragon Island Master nodded. "You've done well."

Overhearing them, Fang Chen couldn’t help but grow curious. It seemed like the two were plotting something.

Thankfully for him, he saw the Spirit Void Citylord activate a jade slip in his hand, and to his surprise, he found that his own face had suddenly been projected into the air!

"This young man isn’t from the Flame Empire, is he?" said the Spirit Void Citylord.

The Passing Dragon Island Master's eyes flashed with a hint of cold mockery. "You don’t need to know that. I don't even know where he’s from. All I need to know is that he has offended my Sea Dragon Sect,” he said. “He’s on his way to death."

Sizing up the Passing Dragon Island Master, Fang Chen couldn’t help but feel like he was a bystander who had been suddenly caught in the crossfire.

He didn’t need to hear anything else. There was no doubt about it, this person was one of the Island Lords of the Sea Dragon Sect, just like the Green Mountain Island Lord. The only difference being that he was in the late-stage Foundation Building Realm, which was enough to dominate the Flame Empire as a whole.

With such cultivation and background, the Heavenly Southern Sect and the Spirit Beast Valley really had to show him respect.

‘I wonder what my chances are against someone at the late stage of Foundation Building....

He had already killed three early-stage Foundation Building Realm cultivators. The Green Mountain Island Lord, Yao Dan, and the Flying Eagle Gate Master. The Green Mountain Island Lord had been way stronger than the other two, however.

It didn’t matter, though, in the face of the Eight Desolation Supreme Sword Scripture, he was still killed in an instant, which meant that the power of the first move of the Eight Desolation Supreme Sword Scripture had already surpassed early-stage Foundation Building Realm cultivators. It could even be used to deal with mid-stage Foundation Building Realm cultivators.

Fang Chen's face turned serious. Against a late-stage Foundation Building Realm cultivator... the chances of victory were probably zero.

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