Immortal of the Nine Realms

Chapter 218: Nine Tribulations Cinnabar

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Chapter 218: Nine Tribulations Cinnabar

"Since I have a preference for talisman crafting, I'd like to buy some spiritual materials that are suitable for that,” said Fang Chen with a smile. “And It’s been many years now since I’ve descended the mountain and I’d like to bring back some gifts for the junior disciples back at my sect, so I'm looking to purchase a few treasures. They don't need to be of high grade."

Song Yu's eyes flickered slightly, and his smile became even warmer. He really hadn't guessed incorrectly; the person in front of him was indeed a legitimate heir with a proper cultivation lineage, unlike the usual wandering cultivators that visited Dragon Ridge.

"Our largest business in Dragon Ridge Lane is the Dragon Ridge Trading Company, young friend. I'll take you there so you can have a look."

"You're too kind, senior," replied Fang Chen courteously.

Song Yu quickly waved his hand casually. "There's no need for such formalities. I'm just another cultivator at the ninth level of the Qi Refining Realm. Young friend, you've reached the eighth level at such a young age; we can be considered peers."

After some pleasantries, Song Yu took Fang Chen to the Dragon Ridge Trading Company.

Before long, they arrived. The head of the Dragon Ridge Trading Company was well-prepared and warmly welcomed them as soon as he saw them. "Welcome, esteemed guests!"

"This is Manager You, young friend,” introduced Song Yu. “He’s an old-timer here at Dragon Ridge Lane. The Dragon Ridge Trading Company is run by his family. The You family has been in the business for generations, and they have branches in many marketplaces. The quality of their goods is undoubtedly top notch."

A family of cultivators?

Fang Chen's eyes flickered, and he nodded politely to Manager You. "Manager You, I'm looking to purchase some spiritual materials and treasures for talisman-crafting. Do you have any in your esteemed establishment?"

"No problem, no problem. Fellow Daoist, please come to the VIP lounge," invited Manager You courteously.

Shortly later, the three entered the VIP hall of the Dragon Ridge Trading Company. Without saying a word, Manager You directly took out a pile of materials and treasures from a storage ring.

"Fellow Daoist, these are the precious treasures that I've collected lately that are suitable for talisman-crafting. Normally, I wouldn't easily bring them out for sale. After all, these wandering cultivators really can't afford them."

Manager You enthusiastically began his sales pitch. "Look at these three brushes; their handles are all made of Sky Blue Stone, genuine Sky Blue Stone! Each brush has at least one or two stones incorporated into it! And these brush hairs, they’re taken from peak-tier spirit beasts. I’m telling you, even in all of the vast expanse of this region, you won't easily find a peak-tier spirit beast. They actually originate from a sixth-tier empire."

Song Yu chuckled and said, "Old Man You, why don't you usually bring out such good stuff? I'm a bit disappointed that I’ve only gotten to see them now."

Manager You smirked. "It's not that I don't want to bring them out, but as you know, treasures should not be easily shown. Not to mention, you don’t even understand the art of talismans, so there's no point in bringing them out for you."

"That makes sense." Song Yu nodded with a smile. "Talisman crafting is too complicated, and it takes up one's cultivation time. I don't have that luxury."

Fang Chen took the three brushes and carefully examined them. He even probed them with his spiritual power a few times. And Indeed, as Manager You had said, the stability of the spiritual power in the brush handles was extremely high. They would no doubt be of great assistance during talisman crafting.

"Manager You, I wonder... what are the prices of these three talisman brushes?" asked Fang Chen casually.

Manager You's eyes flickered slightly, and he pondered for a moment before saying, "Since you came personally with the boss, Fellow Daoist, I can't be too greedy. Let's set a fair price. How about one hundred low-grade spirit stones for each of them?"

"Manager You, that's not fair,” said Song Yu, frowning. “One hundred low-grade spirit stones can buy you a treasure with ten Soul Imprints! How can these brushes be priced so high?"

Manager You sighed. "Lord Song, you don’t know how popular these brushes are outside. Those master talisman makers can easily make a profit after drawing a dozen talismans with them. Besides, these are the only type of treasures that could be used to aid one in talisman crafting."

"The price is indeed not too high. I'll take them," Fang Chen said with a faint smile as he took out three hundred low-grade spirit stones and then collected the three talisman brushes.

Making talismans not only consumed talisman paper and cinnabar, but ordinary brushes couldn't endure the infusion of spiritual power for a long time. The brushes that Fang Chen was used to using didn’t last long. Brushes of such quality were essential for crafting high-grade Purple Lightning Talismans. Now, pair these new brushes with better talisman paper and cinnabar and Fang Chen would be able to craft top-notch Purple Lightning Talismans.

"Fellow Daoist, you are very generous!" Manager You gave a thumbs up, happily collecting the spirit stones. After that, he continued introducing other spiritual materials. "Fellow Daoist, take a look at this yellow-grade talisman paper. The material used to create this paper also originates from a sixth-tier empire; Thunderous Wood, perfect for crafting fire-element talismans. But that’s what is widely circulated between the people, but what many don’t know is that Thunderous Wood talisman paper is actually most suitable for lightning-element talismans!"

Manager You sighed softly. "It's a pity that there are very few cultivators who know how to craft Purple Lightning Talismans. That's why these yellow talisman papers can't fetch a high price."

Thunderous Wood? Fang Chen took a piece of yellow talisman paper and carefully examined it. Indeed, it faintly carried a trace of lightning aura – it was undoubtedly excellent material for crafting Purple Lightning Talismans!

After glancing at the paper, Fang Chen placed it back down again, seemingly not very enthusiastic. "Manager You, I'm not proficient in fire-element or lightning-element talismans, but talisman papers of this grade are not easy to come by. What's the price?

Manager You was a bit anxious seeing this. This batch of yellow-grade talisman papers had been in his possession for too long, and due to their high price, no one had bought them. Now that he finally encountered a cultivator with decent cultivation and a passion for talismans, he didn't want to miss the opportunity.

After some consideration, Manager You tentatively said, "How about one low-grade spirit stone per sheet?"

"You might as well go rob someone," chimed Song Yu with a chuckle. "Is this piece of paper worthy of being compared to a spirit stone? Young brother, let's just buy some ordinary yellow talisman paper. One low-grade spirit stone can get you a whole stack of them."

"Boss, you really don't understand the art of talismans. Do you know the value of Thunderous Wood? It’s at the very least worth this much!" Manager You turned his palm and counted. "One hundred low-grade spirit stones! And it's still in short supply!" Pausing for a moment, he continued, "With one or two pieces of Thunderous Woods, you can make seventy to eighty sheets of talisman paper at most. I'm already selling at a loss here. If I meet a knowledgeable and capable cultivator, I can sell it to them for two low-grade spirit stones per sheet!"

"It is indeed a bit expensive." Fang Chen shook his head slightly. He decided to turn his attention toward the cinnabar botter Manager You had taken out instead.

The lid of the bottle had already been opened, and Fang Chen could see that inside were about four or five taels of cinnabar. Each tael seemed to have a fine texture and was entirely purple. Upon closer inspection, one could see that each grain was almost identical in size!

Seeing that Fang Chen seemed uninterested in the batch of talisman papers, Manager You felt a bit disappointed. However, he still mustered his spirits to introduce the bottle of cinnabar. "Fellow Daoist, there are five taels of cinnabar in this bottle, and the price is thirty low-grade spirit stones per tael."

"But you might as well—"

Song Yu was about to speak, but he had been ruthlessly shut down by Manager You.

Glancing at Song Yu, Manager You snorted. "Ridge Master, this bottle of cinnabar is a treasure! Seven years ago, a mighty cultivator met his first tribulation of the Three Calamities and Nine Tribulations – the first lightning tribulation. The terrifying power of the lightning tribulation obliterated the mighty cultivator, but where he stood, due to the baptism of the tribulation, ordinary sand was transformed into Nine Tribulations Cinnabar.

After the tribulation ended, these Nine Tribulations Cinnabar were immediately divided among various factions. My You Family was able to buy a bit at a high price. We have to make some profit, right?"

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