Immortal of the Nine Realms

Chapter 169: Observing the Trial

Chapter 169: Observing the Trial

The next day, before the gate of the magistrate opened, a crowd had gathered outside to witness the spectacle. As Zhao Yan was escorted in, a chorus of insults and curses erupted from the onlookers. Some relatives of the victims attempted to approach and attack Zhao Yan, only to be stopped by the nearby elite guards.

Jue Panshi walked alongside Zhao Yan, observing the scene. He couldn't help but sigh. "If you can't present evidence that proves you’re innocent, these people might tear you apart alive."

Zhao Yan shot a glance at Jue Panshi with his single eye. "Commander Jue, your attitude toward me back then wasn't like this."

Jue Panshi awkwardly smiled. "Duke Fang had the young master bring you back. He spared your life and didn't cripple your cultivation. I understand that there must be a reason behind his actions.”

Zhao Yan immediately grasped Jue Panshi's meaning. He was stunned for a moment, then a bitter twist rose on his lips. It turned out that each of Fang Chen’s actions was something that the officials took into careful consideration.

Just as the two were about to step into the magistrate, Jue Panshi’s face turned solemn, and he asked, "Were you really not the one who had killed them?"

Zhao Yan exhaled slowly. "No." He knew why Jue Panshi had asked this. He intended to be on his side this time around. He didn't have to face hostility from all sides as he did back then. As long as someone stood on his side, there might be a turning point in this case.

Inside the magistrate, officials of various ranks had gathered. The importance of this case was evident, as mishandling it could potentially lead to public outrage in Southern Immortal Prefecture.

King Xiang sat at the main seat, with Governor Ouyang to his left, followed by Master Chen and some students from the academy. The rest of the officials filled the remaining seats.

Seeing Zhao Yan being escorted in, the attention of everyone in the room focused on him. Despite the unfriendly gazes, Zhao Yan remained expressionless.

"Criminal Zhao Yan, kneel down," ordered Governor Ouyang slowly.

Zhao Yan glanced at Governor Ouyang, and then at King Xiang, before finally getting to his knees.

King Xiang began to review the case file in front of him. Shortly after, his eyes came to rest on Zhao Yan. He cleared his throat. Just as he was about to speak, a commotion erupted from outside.

Frowning, King Xiang looked at Governor Ouyang. The latter hastily stood up and rebuked, "Do not cause a disturbance!"

The crowd parted, revealing an elderly man lying on a stretcher. The old man seemed fragile, with his life hanging by a thread. "Honorable gentlemen, he is Wang Xiaohua's grandfather. Since Xiaohua's death, the old man fell ill and is now barely clinging to life. He insists on witnessing the execution of this demon Zhao Yan. I beg your understanding!"

A young man in charge of carrying the stretcher bowed to King Xiang and others. The crowd's expressions subtly changed. Wang Xiaohua was the youngest victim, having died at the age of five. The anger among those outside surged, and they clamored for Zhao Yan's immediate execution.

"Xiaohua, Grandpa can finally witness the execution of the villain who killed you. I hope you can rest in peace in heaven!" muttered the old man, fixating his gaze on Zhao Yan.

Due to his arrival, the determination of the people became stronger. There was a rising sentiment that if Zhao Yan was not beheaded today, they would overturn the magistrate.

"Hmph, Zhao Yan, you wouldn’t even spare a five-year-old girl. You're worse than a beast. How can our academy produce such a student? We can't hold our heads up!" Behind Master Chen, Yu Zhang snorted, looking at Zhao Yan with disdain. "It would be against the principles of the Heavens if you do not die today!"

The students from the academy chimed in furiously. "Yes, against the principles of the Heavens!"

"Shut up," yelled Jue Panshi suddenly, pointing at the students. "Whether Zhao Yan lives or dies today depends on the final outcome of this case. If Zhao Yan is truly innocent, then others will face the consequences."

"Innocent?" The students looked at Jue Panshi in disbelief. Someone whispered, "How much silver did Zhao Yan pay Commander Jue?"

Governor Ouyang and other officials exchanged glances, their eyes whirling with suspicion.

"Alright," King Xiang spoke slowly, quelling the whispers and exchanges among the crowd. His gaze was composed as he continued, "There are indeed some doubts in this case, which is why we are re-examining it today. Until I pronounce a verdict, Zhao Yan can only be considered a suspect. After all, there were no eyewitnesses at the time of the crime."

Suddenly, a voice resonated in the court. "To reevaluate the evidence is appropriate. I happened to pass by this place and decided to attend as an observer. I hope you don't mind."

The crowd turned to the source of the voice to see Fang Chen! He was walking out the crowd with Xu Ge. His unexpected appearance surprised many, prompting several officials to stand up involuntarily.

"Ah, it turns out to be Duke Fang. If you are present at today's trial, Duke Fang, I will have more confidence with the verdict. Please." King Xiang stood up to welcome Fang Chen, arranging for him to sit in the position formerly occupied by Governor Ouyang. The governor felt somewhat awkward and stood to the side, but a considerate official gave up his seat for him, alleviating his embarrassment.

"Duke Fang is here!"

"How wonderful! With Duke Fang here, that villain Zhao Yan can't escape today!"

"With Duke Fang around, this devil will get his wings clipped!"

The excited voices of the common people outside reached the court. Zhao Yan, who had been expressionless, showed a hint of emotion when he saw Fang Chen. His lips moved, but in the end, he remained silent.

Fang Chen cupped his fist together after sitting down. “This should be Master Chen from the Southern Mountain Academy, right?”

Master Chen replied respectfully, “Duke Fang, there’s no need for such formalities. I have long since heard of Duke Fang. How wonderful it is for us to meet today.”

The scholars from the academy silently sized Fang Chen up. There were some with looks of worship in their eyes while there were many who had respectful gazes. There were some who were very excited as though they couldn’t believe they were standing in the same hall as him.

“You’re too polite.” Fang Chen chuckled before speaking to King Xiang. “King Xiang, let’s go through the evidence you previously had, and if this matter is indeed committed by Zhao Yan, I don't think he can argue his way out of it.”

King Xiang nodded slightly and began to read out the evidence.

The details in the evidence were highly accurate, specifying dates and times when the female corpses buried in Zhao Yan's yard were discovered. The discoverers were all recorded. In addition, the times each female corpse went missing were meticulously documented through various inquiries and comparisons, making them basically error-free.

The most crucial point was that Zhao Yan's connection to the case was established when someone found women's accessories in the bag he used to carry books. This key evidence led the guards to target him, uncovering various corpses that had gone missing at different times.

"Zhao Yan, facing this evidence, do you have anything to say?" asked King Xiang coldly.

Zhao Yan remained silent and looked toward Fang Chen.

Fang Chen smiled and said, "You have the Exquisite Seven Wonders Heart, don't you? If you have doubts, you should know where to find the answers."

"I looked, but the person is gone," replied Zhao Yan.


Everyone was slightly puzzled. Who’s gone?

Zhao Yan continued, "The academy student Huang Xin, who discovered the women's accessories in my bag, has been missing for many years."

Master Chen raised his eyebrows. "Huang Xin had already dropped out and went to the northern region to meet up with his relatives."

"Master Chen, I've been to the north, and Huang Xin is not with his relatives. They have never seen him since he left the academy,” said Zhao Yan in a deep voice.

Master Chen was taken aback. "How could this be?"

Yu Zhang sneered. "It might be that you’ve killed him!"

"Such an important witness has gone missing...." Fang Chen rubbed his chin as he chuckled to himself. "Looks like this is going to get difficult...."

All eyes turned to Fang Chen, and King Xiang smiled wryly, "Can you share with us some of your insights, Duke Fang?"

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