Immortal of the Ages

Chapter 686: Tawei Imperial Palace!

Beyond the Divine Gateway, a majestic platinum palace loomed over the central region of the Celestial Court. To enter this Imperial Palace, visitors had to ascend step-by-step for a total of 999 steps.

These steps, like a miniature white dragon, held aloft the platinum palace. Atop the palace hung a sign board aglow with golden light, embossed with the eternal words—Taiwei Imperial Palace.

At this moment, both inside the Taiwei Imperial Palace and upon the white dragon steps, a historic peak of activity thrummed. Immortals of Rank 2 and above had been summoned in great numbers.

Crowds surged up the white dragon steps, each Immortal taking one step at a time, their faces solemn, whispering amongst themselves in hushed tones as they orderly entered the Taiwei Imperial Palace to pay homage.

The Taiwei Imperial Palace, the very heart of the dynasty, was a place where officials, devoid of seats, stood according to their rank—the greater the rank, the deeper inside they stood.

At the highest point of the palace was a lofty dragon throne, now vacant. To the left and right of the throne sat Empress Zhao and the Crown Prince, respectively, poised and proper.

Empress Zhao's brows were tightly knit, her face icy, while the Crown Prince wore a cold expression, his eyes harboring a hint of lethal intent.

Below them, the ministers bowed their heads slightly, their expressions stern, neatly arrayed.

Before long, the Taiwei Imperial Palace was nearly full, the air thick with swirling mists.

Even figures like the Nine Heavens Supreme Thunder General would be positioned at the very back here.

"There’s no need to wait any longer!" The Crown Prince’s chilling voice shattered the silence.

The assembled Immortals turned towards him, puzzled.

"My Imperial Father is only one step away from cracking the Immortal Asylum," the Crown Prince declared. "He has granted me full authority to deal with the invading forces of Naraka."

This Crown Prince of the Celestial Court was unlike any earthly prince. Like the White Emperor of the Great Dao Celestial Realm, he was one of the only two beings who'd been sustained by the incense offerings for countless ages. Even Empress Zhao was but a junior in his presence.

In terms of real authority, Empress Zhao couldn’t hold a candle to him, though she was still addressed as his mother.

"Yes!" came the unified response.

With the Crown Prince in charge, none among the assembled Immortals objected.

At that moment, an elder with white hair and beard stepped out to the forefront. He said, "Reporting to the Crown Prince, Chaos Sovereign Lu Fan and the remaining eight Supreme Generals of the Great Dao Celestial Army have ignored the summons. I believe it's evident that Lu Fan has colluded with the forces of Naraka, preparing for rebellion. This fact should now be made known across all of the Great Dao Celestial Realm."

This elder was one of the three ministers whose stations in the Taiwei Imperial Palace ranked even above those of the Rank 1 Sovereigns. These three were second only to the White Emperor and Crown Prince in the Celestial Court's hierarchy, collectively known as the Three Great Constellations, akin to imperial princes and princesses in a mortal dynasty.

However, the three were not the brothers of the White Emperor but descendants of the Crown Prince, though they appeared much older than him.

The white-haired elder who had spoken was known as the Heaven-Reaching Constellation.

To his left stood an old woman in a robe of nine colors, her aura vast and her gaze compassionate, resembling a Bodhisattva of salvation. She was known as the Nine Arcanes Constellation.

To the right stood the youngest of the three, a gaunt middle-aged Immortal with a hunched back and deep-set eyes, appearing gravely ill. His official title was the Martial Peak Constellation.

These Three Great Constellations represented the core power of the dynasty, commanding the Constellation Army, the real backbone of the Celestial Court's military force. Their primary purpose was not to maintain peace in the Great Dao Celestial Realm but to uphold the dynasty's absolute rule.

Behind these three were the Celestial Court’s Rank 1 Heavenly Officers, the pinnacle outsiders could aspire to in a lifetime, including the likes of the Northstar Sword Devil, Dragon Tiger Sovereign, and Combat Sovereign.

It was clear that among the Eight Great Sovereigns, two were absent—the Nine Thunders Sovereign and Chaos Sovereign!

The Nine Thunders Sovereign was on a secret mission tasked by the Crown Prince.

Meanwhile, the Chaos Sovereign, who commanded the Great Dao Celestial Army, had defied the summoning, revealing his ambitions to all.

Evidently, the invasion of Naraka's forces was outside of the Crown Prince's expectations. He had hoped to pit Lu Fan against Yun Xiao, watching from afar as they fought.

Unexpectedly, a greater tiger had emerged, one that aimed unmistakably to devour his dynasty’s realm—a force purer than both Lu Fan and Yun Xiao.

With the Celestial Court's territory under imminent threat, sitting back on the sidelines was no longer an option.

Now, the officials inside the Taiwei Imperial Palace knew all too well that this chaos was Lu Fan’s doing.

"How could such a cunning man let us simply watch his battles?"

Indeed, Lu Fan had dragged both the Celestial Court and Naraka into the mire.

In the Taiwei Imperial Palace, the assembled Immortals turned their gaze to the Crown Prince, echoing the call of the Heaven-Reaching Constellation. Together, they demanded, "We beseech the Crown Prince to decree the guilt of Lu Fan and his followers for their rebellion against heaven."

The Heaven-Reaching Constellation spoke, "Within the Great Dao Celestial Army, perhaps many are merely coerced by his authority. We should issue a decree offering these individuals a chance to reaffirm their loyalty to the Celestial Court. Those who turn back shall be granted amnesty."

A strategy of intimidation and temptation.

"The threat from Naraka is grave; we can no longer afford to sit idly by," the Nine Arcanes Constellation declared. "If we wait any longer, Lu Fan and Naraka might coordinate their attacks from inside and out, targeting the Immortal Asylum first, and ignoring Yun Xiao..." Her gaze fixed on the Crown Prince, she added, "This would spell disaster for the Celestial Court."

"Indeed, the Immortal Asylum must be the first target for Lu Fan and Naraka. Yun Xiao himself is a monster forged within its walls," the gaunt Martial Peak Constellation rasped.

Their consensus was clear. They needed to crush the rebellion in the Great Dao Celestial Army and Lu Fan with the swiftness of a thunderbolt before the full force of Naraka could be brought to bear.

The Immortals were unanimous in their stance, but the Crown Prince pondered for a moment before suddenly asking, "The current intelligence suggests that Lu Fan has informed Naraka that our star barrier is neutralized?"

This was a point of doubt, and the Immortals were puzzled.

"Has it disappeared?" the Crown Prince asked.

"No," the Immortals replied.

"I have controlled this grand formation for thousands of years; I would know best if it has stopped working or not," the Crown Prince said with a cold laugh. "No one can challenge the Myriad Extremes Five Infernos Star Barrier."

"But Lu Fan has always been unpredictable. We must prepare for the worst," Empress Zhao interjected.

"Yes, preparations must be made," the Crown Prince stood, his voice firm. "Just a reminder to all: never underestimate the enemy, but do not show weakness. The Celestial Court has reigned over the Great Dao Celestial Realm for countless generations without challenge, relying on our strength and heritage. Today, we face a once-in-an-eon upheaval, a calamity from three fronts... Yet, once subdued, no one will shake our dynasty’s rule for another ten thousand years!"

"Yes!" the assembled Immortals replied, their spirits ignited.

The game could no longer be played casually. If they had to enter the fray, what was there to fear?

Then the Crown Prince spoke coldly, "Take the imperial decree, proclaim throughout the realm that Lu Fan is a condemned criminal, and the Great Dao Celestial Army is to be dissolved effective immediately!"

JustLivingJL's Thoughts

"I have controlled this grand formation for thousands of years; I would know best if it has stopped working or not," the Crown Prince said with a cold laugh. "No one can challenge the Myriad Extremes Five Infernos Star Barrier."

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