Immortal of the Ages

Chapter 670: The Nine Suani Nis of the Thunder Immortal Formation!

A devil lurked in the shadows! He was meant to be a hidden assassin, striking only when Yun Xiao was at his weakest, aiming for a kill in one swift blow! But now that he had been spotted, there was no point in hiding any longer.

As Yun Xiao spoke, a dark specter rose from his shadow, transforming into a figure cloaked in black, his head shrouded, seemingly footless as he floated in the air—a devil!

His entire form seemed to merge with the night, nearly invisible unless looked at closely.

In such surroundings, his movements were naturally even more elusive.

“Naraka's devil territory, Xiu.” The shadowy devil appeared next to Zhu Shenlu, his dark red eyes peering coldly through the black veil of his cloak at Yun Xiao.

With this devil, five formidable beings were now assembled!

One devil, two demons, and two Immortals!

Furthermore, there were over 30 Divine Tribulation Realm celestial generals and demons!

The combined force surrounded Yun Xiao and his two companions from the skies above, the ground below, and even from beneath the earth, their eyes bloodthirsty, resolved to fight to the death!

“Seems like the gang’s all here, let's begin,” Yun Xiao said, stepping forward towards the front.

His gaze fell on Zhu Shenlu, who was like a volcano, his eyes already ablaze with fire.

BOOM! His thick palm gathered a fierce fiery glow, from which a giant Sword Soul, four feet long and four inches wide, bathed in flames, was born.

It was clearly a Palm Sword, but it seemed almost like a Sovereign Sword!

“Upper Dao Heaven grade Sword Soul, Melting Sky, with 29 Sword Prisons," Yue Yin whispered in Yun XIao's ear.

As a Sword Cultivator, she deeply understood this foe of the same ilk.

Yue Yin’s Sword Soul was also Upper Dao Heaven grade, with one more Sword Prison than Zhu Shenlu, totalling 30.

In terms of Sword Soul grades, Yue Yin and Zhu Shenlu were second only to the Northstar Sword Devil and his son Jian Chi. Yet… these were still the most powerful Sword Souls in the Great Dao Celestial Realm!

At that moment, Zhu Shenlu, wielding Melting Sky, became one with the sword, whipping up a fierce firestorm. The spirit above his head manifested into a fire deity with a cauldron for a head, spewing fierce flames!

In the Late Anima Tribulation Realm, Zhu Shenlu's spirit had endured three tribulations. It wielded the essence of the Earth Pulse Thunder, Volcanic Thunder, and Moonwater Thunder. These elements, fused into his celestial power, were devastatingly lethal!

The crucial part was that Zhu Shenlu had no intention of facing Yun Xiao alone!

To his left, the resentment demon Wind Fiend transformed into a dark red storm, swirling towards Yun Xiao, while to his right, the shadowy devil silently vanished into the darkness, his killing intent spreading like deadly poison!

"Yue Yin is ours," said Yu Shiling and Greenchild as they exchanged a glance, a chilling smirk forming on their sharp features.

"Her blood smells delicious..." Greenchild narrowed his eyes, inhaling deeply, savoring the scent.

They faced her two against one—a significant advantage!

Meanwhile, Yun Xiao, a mere youth, was encircled by a deadly trio of Immortal, demon, and devil!

Of course, the greatest pressure was on Gu Suwan, as the thirty celestial generals and demons, unassigned to any other foe, focused solely on her!

Without breaking through to the Anima Tribulation Realm, she couldn't defeat even one of them!

Now, she was truly helpless, even escape was an impossibility!

In that moment, under the grim murderous intent of the thirty foes, the hearts of Yue Yin and Gu Suwan turned ice-cold... They were prepared to meet their end!

Their enemies drew ever closer!

The air grew increasingly volatile!

"Don't panic."

Yun Xiao looked unwaveringly at Zhu Shenlu, Wind Fiend, and Xiu, then gazed skyward again.

"Don't forget. The Thunder Department's Thunder Immortal Formation doesn't only command the heavenly thunder. It's also protected by the Suan Ni!"

The Suan Ni was the symbol of the Thunder Department!

Even the simplest Rank 9 Arbiter bore the image of the Suan Ni!

"Right!" Gu Suwan remembered, her spirit soaring. She hadn't forgotten; she simply hadn't considered he could still wield the Thunder Immortal Formation to this effect, without the Nine Thunder Sovereign's Supreme Everlasting Thunder Cauldron!

Just as the enemies were about to strike again, an extraordinary change occurred!

Above in the skies, the Thunder Immortal Formation, seemingly dimming, suddenly burst forth like a returning light, emitting a thunderous roar that shook the heavens!

This sound terrified the celestial beings, who had already been scared by a previous heavenly ordeal. Hearing the thunder, they scattered far and wide!

"Don't worry, the Thunder Immortal Formation is spent!" Zhu Shenlu shouted, his eyes blazing as he stood his ground.

As his words fell, Yun Xiao looked up to the heavens and calmly said, "Demons invade, false Immortals rebel, and the Thunder Department faces destruction. Divine beast Suan Ni, will you not aid me?"

His thunderous words, powered by his spirit, reached deep into the foundation of the Thunder Immortal Formation!

Only in the most desperate situations could this protective formation be unleashed to its fullest!

As Yun Xiao's declaration resounded through the heavens, the dimming Thunder Immortal Formation above seemed to come alive, erupting in furious, heaven-shaking thunder!

The roar of the Suan Ni swept through the Thunder Department's domain, igniting the faith in the hearts of every Arbiter devoted to their symbol.

BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! The Thunder Immortal Formation, which had protected the Thunder Department for countless ages, suddenly began to violently contract.

It had been dim, but as it contracted and condensed, it grew brilliantly intense!

It was unimaginable that the Thunder Immortal Formation could reach such a point of infinite concentration!

Not only did it contract, but it also split into nine, initially forming nine glowing orbs of thunderous electricity. Then, it transformed into nine thunderous Suan Nis, each issuing a heaven-shaking roar as they descended from the skies!

These nine Suan Nis flashed with destructive lightning, racing around Yun Xiao!

For a moment, the entire Thunder Department was devoid of light, yet around Yun Xiao, it was as bright as day.

Protected by the Suan Nis, the young man’s black hair billowed like that of a peerless thunder god, his spirit rejuvenated!

"You are now truly the soul of the Thunder Department…" Gu Suwan's eyes trembled with surging thunderlight.

She could hardly believe that someone capable of obliterating the Thunder Department's 10,000 Immortals and slaying the Nine Thunders Sovereign could, at this moment, merge so completely with the faith of the Thunder Department, summoning the legendary Suan Nis to battle for him!

Trump card after trump card. It appeared Yun Xiao had endless reserves.

Just how many more secrets did this youth still hold?

Not just Gu Suwan, but the five top powerhouses watched the young man and nine Suan Nis with furrowed brows, their expressions twisted, furious, and ugly!

"Ultimately, the formation has been driven to exhaustion. Once he is slain, all these Suan Nis will dissipate like smoke!" Zhu Shenlu said gravely.

"Let’s fight." Wind Fiend glanced back at the thriving lands of the Thunder Department.

The Chaos Sovereign had agreed! Once Yun Xiao was killed, the Thunder Department's Immortals would be sacrificed to the demons and devils of Naraka! They couldn't wait!

"I'm coming over," Yu Shiling said.

She was preparing to join Zhu Shenlu when, just as she spoke, Yun Xiao dispatched three of the thunderous Suan Nis to Yue Yin's side.

At the same time, he sent two more to protect Gu Suwan!

So, only four remained by the young man’s side.

"A mere Golden Immortal… Your spirit hasn't even transcended tribulations. You think you can bluff your way out of this with just four Suan Nis?"

Zhu Shenlu waved his hand to stop Yu Shiling from coming over, his eyes ablaze as he stared fixedly at Yun Xiao.

"What? You guys want me to bring out more? Too bad, I've got bigger fish to fry." With those words, Yun Xiao turned his back and soared toward the highest clouds.

He aimed for the loftiest cloud bank! Just then, the thunderclouds and demonic miasma finally began to disperse somewhat.

As Yun Xiao, in his platinum Arbiter armor, ascended with the four Suan Nis, many in the Thunder Department saw his ascent through the brilliant flashes of thunder.

"Lu Yao's not dead!"

"Thank goodness!"

"Wait, there's people chasing him!"

Suddenly, tension gripped everyone.

The ones in pursuit were naturally Zhu Shenlu, Wind Fiend, and the unseen Xiu!

As Yun Xiao took to the skies, below him the two women commenced their fierce battle.

Yue Yin, with three Suan Nis, battled alone against Yu Shiling and Greenchild!

Gu Suwan, flanked by two Suan Nis, was besieged by 30 celestial generals and demons in the Anima Tribulation Realm!

The battle below erupted instantly. The swords of Sword Immortals, the sigils of Inscription Immortals, the celestial weapons of Martial Immortals, the magic of devils, and the iron-hard bodies of demons... all clashed together in rapid succession!

ROAR! The five Suan Nis, protecting the two women, unleashed booming thunderous light, stirring up dust upon the earth once more!

Though the battle raged fiercely, the attention of the onlookers was drawn skyward!

"Is Lu Yao and the Flame Virtue General fighting against that wind demon?"

"No! Why is Zhu Shenlu attacking our Champion?!"

This battle, just beginning, stirred incredible turmoil within the Thunder Department.

"It must be the Chaos Sovereign's doing. He's aiming to crush Lu Yao's talents!"

"He's blatantly betraying the Celestial Court!"

"Send flying talismans! Inform everyone in the Great Dao Celestial Realm!"

"Record the crimes of the Great Dao Celestial Army with Projection Orbs!"

The Thunder Department was abuzz, as countless Arbiters were filled with righteous indignation.

Yet, Zhu Shenlu paid them no heed; today was the day for revelations!

In the sky, Yun Xiao soared between heaven and earth, one hand grasping a three-foot azure blade and another wielding a violet umbrella. Beside him, four thunderous Suan Nis guarded him. His divine countenance was heaven-defying, his gaze superior to all!

His look at Zhu Shenlu was one of disdain.

"Kill!" Zhu Shenlu grasped his four-foot Melting Sky Sword Soul, his body rumbling like a volcano, tracing a path of magma as he instantly appeared above Yun Xiao!

Amidst his fiery rage, 29 Sword Prisons, like real volcanoes, whipped up a sky of fierce flames, resembling 29 lava worlds plummeting down!

The Melting Sky Sword Soul was immensely heavy, its presence transcendent, with its Sword Prisons spinning, weaving countless Sword Auras into a sun-like ferocity. Under the divine might of his fire deity spirit, a single strike had the power to obliterate thousands!

This was an Upper Dao Heaven grade Palm Sword Technique, Tai Ah’s Flame.

It was one of the Great Dao Celestial Army's renowned sword techniques, known for its power and explosiveness, which perfectly aligned with Zhu Shenlu's nature.

Without Yun Xiao's direction, two of the Suan Nis roared to his side, their bodies condensing with explosive electricity, launching hundreds of lightning strikes to counter Zhu Shenlu’s earth-shattering slash!

BOOM! The clash of the fiery Sword Soul and the Thunder Immortal Formation's lightning exploded into sharp sounds of electric and fiery detonation!

"Break!" Zhu Shenlu, as the Flame Virtue General, had fought in many battles and was truly formidable. His sword actually shattered two Suan Nis!

However, as his blade furiously descended once more, Yun Xiao was no longer where he was aiming.

BOOM! The residual force of the sword struck the ground, the fiery Sword Aura instantly swallowing several dozen residences within the Divine Heaven Jade Purity Office, and leveling them to the ground.

"Wind Fiend!"

With a roar fueled by rage, Zhu Shenlu called out.

In a coordinated assault, the essence was teamwork!

Yun Xiao, with two Suan Nis, blocked Zhu Shenlu's attack and vanished in a flash... but Wind Fiend and Xiu were not about to let him escape easily.

Just as Yun Xiao dodged Zhu Shenlu's strike, a chilling wind burst behind him. A red wind vortex suddenly appeared, its heart-wrenching scream carrying the power to corrode the spirit, sweeping out from the vortex!

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