Immortal Martial God

Chapter 724 Lost Civilization

Chapter 724 Lost Civilization

"The divine lightning should be in the pit ahead." Xiang Nan pointed with his hand.

He discovered that even Slaughter luck 's movements had slowed down under such low temperatures.

Slaughter luck 's black hair was wrapped in a layer of dark blue frost. With a shake, a large amount of blue frost fell down.

Xiang Nan impatiently ran to the edge of the pit and looked inside. He was shocked to find that the pit was endless, but in the dense fog, he had actually found some shadowy outlines of the palace with his lightning vision.

"Has anyone ever built a palace in such a damn place?" Xiang Nan rubbed his chin in shock.

It was also strange that this heavenly pit seemed to be a dark blue lake.

The entire pit was filled with a dark blue liquid.

Xiang Nan fished out the liquid, but he discovered that it was not water, and no water could still take on a liquid state at this temperature.

Xiang Nan put the dark blue liquid in his hand in front of his nose and sniffed. He frowned and used Yuan Qi to heat the liquid. He discovered that the liquid would disappear once it warmed up.

"Air?" Xiang Nan suddenly understood.

"What?" Slaughter luck also came over curiously to take a look. He could not understand the reasoning behind it.

Xiang Nan pointed at the crater and said, "There is something inside that can release extremely terrifying cold temperatures."

"When that level of low temperature occurs, even air cannot escape. It will be liquefied at low temperatures, resulting in large areas of vacuum."

"Once the vacuum zone is formed, more air will be sucked in by the vacuum. The newly filled air will also be unable to escape. It will also be liquefied, forming a vacuum zone and then pumping air from outside."

"So many times, the massive amount of air was sucked into the heavenly pit, forming the peculiar scenery of today."

Slaughter luck still didn't understand, and his eyes were filled with confusion.

Xiang Nan said, "In other words, we can breathe in the dark blue liquid. Let's go, just follow me."

The two of them entered the sky of the Blue Lake. As Xiang Nan had said, they could breathe directly in this liquid.

It was just that he wasn't used to it at first. Breathing in this kind of place was like breathing in water. He felt drowning. However, once he adapted, it wouldn't matter anymore.

The temperature was still decreasing, and as Xiang Nanyue got closer to the core of the crater, the temperature became lower.

When he was only ten kilometers away from the palace, even Slaughter luck could no longer withstand the cold. That kind of temperature caused Slaughter luck to be completely frozen and turned into an ice sculpture.

Xiang Nan could only use his Yuan Qi to unfreeze the slaughter, but considering that if he left the slaughter here, the result of the slaughter would probably not be too good.

"Stand closer to me. I'll use my Yuan Qi to protect you." Xiang Nan spread his Yuan Qi out and wrapped himself up with Slaughter luck .

When the two of them were still eight miles away from the palace, the temperature continued to drop. Xiang Nan felt that his Yuan Qi was no longer running smoothly.

"Guide the light!" Xiang Nan raised his right hand, and in the boundless sea of mist and blue liquid, a gentle beam of sunlight shone down, enveloping the two of them.

Slaughter luck 's eyes widened in surprise. He simply couldn't believe the "miracle" he saw.

"This is my Sun God Technique. Luminescence can bring us considerable temperatures. Let's continue." Xiang Nan explained as he walked.

When the two of them were still five miles away from the palace, there was no way to get close.

The temperature here was even lower, causing the blue air liquid to crystallize in a large area, turning into a giant block of ice made of frozen air.

The entire palace was sealed inside by the ice.

"We have to break through the ice and move forward."

Xiang Nan used his Yuan Qi to condense a ten-meter-diameter lightning fireball, allowing the fireball to move forward while Slaughter luck and himself followed behind.

Once the fireball touched the huge dark blue crystal, it vaporized it to form a passage. Xiang Nan and the other two had just entered when the passage behind them was immediately frozen.

The further he went, the harder it became to dissolve. By the time Xiang Nan was about a mile away from the palace, the ice crystals here were already as hard as beginner Earth Soldiers!

It took less than ten minutes for Xiang Nan to break through the four-mile-long ice crystal, but it took him more than half an hour to break through the last mile of ice crystal!

When they finally arrived at the entrance of the palace, Xiang Nan let out a long sigh of relief. The amount of Yuan Qi in his body was several times more than that of an ordinary martial artist, but now, there was not much Yuan Qi left in his body.

"What a peculiar place." Xiang Nan stared at the entrance to the palace in surprise.

There were two ice crystal doors in the palace that were closed. On the two ice doors, there were a large number of relief pictures and characters.

Xiang Nan did not recognize these words.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, when humans had teleportation arrays and flying ships, the travel between the five major worlds became more frequent.

Since then, civilizations from all over the world have clashed and brought the world together.

Although mankind does not have a specific form of a common currency, but the unified provisions of gold, silver and copper as the raw materials for coining money.

In order to allow trade between the various regions of the world, in just a few hundred years, all languages and characters had been unified.

"This must have been left behind by an extinct race." Xiang Nan nodded thoughtfully.

Those words he didn't recognize could only mean that they originated from a rare race, and that race hadn't been passed down yet.

Although the words are unrecognizable, the pictures are common.

On the relief, Xiang Nan saw a large number of humans gathered in circles, worshipping towards a thunderball.

Because the reliefs weren't painted, Xiang Nan could only tell that it was a lightning ball. However, it was impossible to determine the exact shape and color of the lightning ball.

He was very excited. He knew that an unknown and mysterious civilization was about to appear in front of him.

"Are you ready? We're going in." Xiang Nan seemed to be discussing with Slaughter luck , but in reality, he couldn't wait to push open the two ice crystal doors.

Following the rumbling sound of the giant door opening, a burst of warm wind suddenly blew out from the interior of the palace.

"Huh?" Xiang Nan was slightly delighted. He immediately rushed in with Slaughter luck and quickly closed the door.

The temperature inside the palace was relatively normal. Although it was still extremely cold, compared to outside, it made Xiang Nan feel much more comfortable. At least here, he wouldn't be frozen into an ice sculpture without using his Yuan Qi.

The interior of the palace was beautifully decorated. There were large patches of beast hides that were laid on the ground like carpets. These hides were still bright and well preserved at low temperatures.

Golden palace pillars stood tall in every corner. Each pillar had a large number of relief murals. The scenes depicted on them were very similar. Basically, they were all related to a wonderful thunderball.

"I really found the right place." Xiang Nan clenched his fists and said, "It took me so much time to find it."

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