Chapter 715 Orc

Xiang Nan didn't expect this trip to be so troublesome. Originally, he was only searching for World Exterminating Divine Lightning, but he didn't expect to encounter orcs, and at the same time, he encountered even more troublesome members of the Star Guild.

On the principle that one more thing is better than one less thing, Xiang Nan did not want to continue to entangle himself with any outsiders.

"Let's go." Xiang Nan placed Dongzi on the Frost Wolf's back, and everyone continued to move forward.

However, on the way to serve them, everyone became very silent.

Just now, the man from the Star Guild had knocked Dongzi to the ground with a slap. This matter made everyone extremely angry, but they did not dare to resist.

That scene was a great disgrace in the hearts of these mercenaries.

His leader was humiliated on the spot. This could already be considered a kind of hatred.

Dongzi's personality was rather cheerful. Instead, he would try to persuade everyone from time to time, hoping that everyone would forget about that unpleasant scene.

After walking out for a while, a patch of spiritual herbs appeared in front of him.

Everyone finally cheered and hurriedly rushed up to gather spiritual herbs.

Most of these spirit herbs were between the first and third grade. Their grades weren't high, but because their attributes were extremely rare, their prices were at least tens or even hundreds of times higher than spirit herbs of the same grade!

This was because to gather these spiritual herbs, one had to pay the price of their lives.

Xiang Nan wasn't very interested in these spiritual herbs. He just leaned against the tree and thought silently.

The people from the Star Guild were here to find the orcs. If he really found them, wouldn't these orcs hiding in the Extreme Frost Lands have no way to enter the heavens or the earth?

Why must humans kill orcs? Xiang Nan never understood this matter. He knew that he overestimated the inclusiveness of humanity. Racial discrimination was a prejudice that could never be eliminated.

Humans only discriminate against their own races, such as people of different skin colors, just like the aborigines of the Northern Ocean Continent.

Humans, on the other hand, do not discriminate against completely different races, just as humans do not discriminate against dogs.

From this, it could be seen how filthy the orcs were in the hearts of humans.

"Holy shit! There really is such a thing!!"

Suddenly, Xiang Nan heard someone shouting loudly. He immediately turned his head to look.

He saw that the mercenaries who were gathering spiritual herbs had suddenly discovered two orcs!

Those were two young tauren. The two little fellows were dumb and cute. They were waiting for a pair of large watery eyes to stare at the humans curiously.

These two little fellows were obviously still small, and their heads did not have complete horns. They only had two small, cute protrusions.

However, their heights had already reached an astonishing height of more than two meters. To humans, they were roughly equivalent to seven or eight-year-olds.

The group of mercenaries immediately became excited and even forgot to pick herbs.

A mercenary kindly waved to the two oxen-headed children. He held a deer leg in his hand and said, "Xiaoniu, come here."

Due to their natural affection for humans, the eyes of the two calves that weren't involved in the world immediately lit up. They licked their tongues eagerly and carefully walked towards the deer leg.

The mercenary stuffed the leg of the deer into the hand of a calf and rubbed the hair on the calf's forehead.

The two calves immediately began to eat happily.

Seeing this scene, a kind of tenderness appeared in Xiang Nan's eyes.

But in the blink of an eye, the mercenary's expression changed. He kicked a calf to the ground, stepped on its neck, and stabbed a long sword through its shoulder with a pu!

The other calf cried out in fright and ran off into the distance.

"Hurry up and catch it, don't let it escape! This kind of bastard can be sold for a high price outside!"

The mercenaries were incomparably excited. Five of them had already pulled away their bows and arrows, shooting fierce arrows at the fleeing calf.

Seeing that the lonely and helpless little cow was about to be shot to the ground, at this moment, a furious shout resounded through the clear sky.


Xiang Nan used his flower fingers to intercept all the arrows in the air.

More mercenaries had already chased after the fleeing Minotaur.

The sturdy frost wolves had fierce glints in their eyes. Their sharp fangs were constantly opening, carrying an innate hatred and disgust towards the orcs.

Even this pack of cute furry frost wolves wanted to kill the orcs!

"All of you, stop!" "Are you all crazy?" Xiang Nan roared angrily.

However, no one listened to him. Everyone was chasing after Xiaoniu crazily.

Dongzi curiously said to Xiang Nan, "Brother, why do you sympathize with the orcs? They are just a bunch of dirty and cheap bastards."

"These bastards have saved your lives!" Xiang Nan grabbed Dongzi by the collar and roared at him, "Quickly stop your men!"

"If you can't do it, I will personally take action." Xiang Nan's eyes were cold, and the Yuan Qi in his body was already restless.

That Dongzi was frightened. He looked at Xiang Nan in disbelief. Previously, this Xiang Nan was a good brother who had died with him. Why did he suddenly turn hostile now?

"This … this …" Dongzi hesitated.


Suddenly, a large number of screams came from afar.

"Something big has happened!" Dongzi shook off Xiang Nan's arm and hurriedly ran towards the direction where the screams came from.

After arriving at the place, Dongzi was immediately stunned by the scene in front of him.

The group of mercenaries chased after the orcs and arrived at a jade-green swamp.

Large patches of jade-green fluorescent bugs flew out of the swamp. These bugs spat out green gas at the air.

The mercenaries were all poisoned. They covered their eyes and rolled in the mud. Everyone's eyes were blinded by the poison, and strange black blood flowed out of their eyes.

On the other side of the swamp stood the frightened little cow. He didn't even care about fleeing for his life. He just watched pitifully as the humans who had chased after him rolled on the ground in pain.

This race was so pure and adorable, yet the heavens had bestowed upon them such a tragic fate.

"Let's go, let's go!" Xiang Nan lowered his voice and waved his hand at the calf.

Xiaoniu glanced at Xiang Nan and immediately ran away without a trace.

The two mercenaries rushed over with the other Xiaoniu. When they saw this scene, they were all shocked.

Xiang Nan and thirty to fifty mercenaries who weren't poisoned pulled all their companions out of the swamp and laid them flat on the ground.

Dongzi examined everyone's injuries and gritted his teeth. "These damn orcs!"

Xiang Nan was about to laugh when he said, "You want the monster? If it weren't for your subordinates chasing after that little orc child, how could it end up like this?"

"Dongzi! You've disappointed me too much!"

"Brother Xiang Nan, you … why are you talking like this?" Dongzi was stunned.

Just as everyone was in a state of chaos, intense vibrations suddenly came from not far away. Immediately after, hundreds of tall figures appeared.

Hundreds of tall and sturdy orcs rushed out from the other side of the swamp. There were at least seven or eight hundred of them. These orcs were six meters tall, and the tallest were nearly nine meters tall!

Dongzi and the others were shocked and took out their weapons one after another. They shouted, "Bastards, one more step and we'll fight you!"

The orcs immediately held on. They looked eager but helpless.

Xiang Nan frowned and said, "They're not here to take revenge, they're here to save people! Quick, let them take everyone away!"

Dongzi looked at Xiang Nan in shock and shouted, "Xiang Nan! Do you know what you're talking about? These are orcs, not humans!"

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