Chapter 713 Sad Race

Walking through the air was definitely an unwise choice. Xiang Nan could only descend and carry the five hundred plus people running at full speed.

In this way, after losing the advantage of stepping into the air, he could no longer ignore the complicated mountains and jungles. In other words, he had to take a detour when he encountered trees, or when he encountered high mountains.

As for a thousand meter diameter Yuan Qi disk, it was self-evident how much it consumed for a martial artist.

Even Xiang Nan wouldn't last long. Every twenty minutes, he had to stop and rest for a while, and use heavenly lightning to replenish his exhausted Yuan Qi.

In the third hour, all the members of the team were already motionless. They stood on the Yuan Qi disk in a daze.

Worse still, Xiang Nan saw that damn valley again! This was the third time he had come here.

"I can't get out." Xiang Nan frowned. He used his lightning vision to try to crack this area that he couldn't walk out of.

Unfortunately, there were no lost formations here, and the things that Lei Guangmei could see could not help Xiang Nan walk out.

He simply gritted his teeth and carried everyone up into the sky. He went up to the area where the fog was thickest and headed north 200 meters in the air.

In the end, he discovered something even more shocking. In the sky, he was already within the range of the "aurora".

The multicolored aurora made it impossible for him to determine the direction. He thought that he was advancing in a straight line, but after flying for a long distance, he landed. In the end, he discovered that he was still in the pink mist!

In front of him was still the damned valley.

'"This Extreme Frost Secret Realm is truly deadly. No wonder they chose to use the Frost Wolf Continent instead of using a flying ship to directly cross the first ring. So these auroras have such strange effects."

Xiang Nan rubbed his temples. The terrain here could make people lose their way, and the aurora in the sky had a similar effect. There was really no way to enter the heavens or the earth.

"How should I get out?" Xiang Nan was also worried. He had rich combat experience, but he did not have enough exploration experience.

In the Devil Sea, he had never encountered such a scene before.

Just as Xiang Nan was at a loss, a shadow slowly walked out from the fog in front of him.

The shadow was sturdy, about four meters tall, but because it wasn't close enough, it couldn't see his appearance clearly.

Xiang Nan sucked in a breath of cold air. This was the second time he had encountered a human that was four meters tall.

Yuan Meng, who was four meters tall, was the only person Xiang Nan had ever seen in his previous life. He should be the only mutant among the tens of billions of humans.

And here, he actually discovered a second one!

"Hey!" Xiang Nan shouted at the figure, "Friend, do you know how to get out of here?"

The muscular figure seemed to be observing Xiang Nan, but it gave Xiang Nan the feeling that he was in a daze.

Xiang Nan couldn't help but shout again.

Only then did the sturdy figure wave his hand and turn around to walk in a certain direction.

Xiang Nan was overjoyed. He immediately brought the team members and ran towards the sturdy figure, wanting to meet up with that person.

However, that person seemed to be very timid and cautious. When Xiang Nan ran, he quickly ran. When Xiang Nan slowed down, he also slowed down and kept a certain distance from Xiang Nan.

"Perhaps he doesn't want anyone to see his true face." Xiang Nan understood very well and did not insist on meeting that person.

After walking for twenty minutes, Xiang Nan had to stop to replenish his Yuan Qi. The muscular figure was also standing not far away waiting for Xiang Nan. From here, one could see that the person would occasionally scratch his head.

This habit of scratching his head was already the hundredth time Xiang Nan had seen it on that person.

After Xiang Nan replenished his Yuan Qi, he began to move forward, and that person was leading the way.

The sturdy little giant seemed to be a little hungry. He was actually in front, peeling off the bark from the tree and putting it into his mouth to eat.

Seeing this, Xiang Nan felt an inexplicable sadness in his heart. He took out an entire half of the roasted deer and threw it at the little giant.

The little giant seemed to be very happy, but he didn't dare to approach the roasted deer.

Xiang Nan brought the team back for a while. The little giant let out a buzzing cheer and ran over to pick up the deer meat to eat.

After that, everyone continued to move forward. Xiang Nan followed the little giant and replenished his Yuan Qi every twenty minutes.

After three hours of repetition, the pale pink mist gradually dissipated. Everyone appeared in an open primeval forest, and the dense mist here turned white.

"That's great!" Xiang Nan was overjoyed, "I finally came out."

The little giant waved at Xiang Nan and was about to leave.

"Friend, don't leave. How can I thank you?" Xiang Nan was extremely grateful to the little giant. He didn't want to miss out on his "benefactor" like this, so he turned into an afterimage and chased after him.

When the little giant saw this scene, he was so frightened that he sprinted wildly. However, his speed was not as fast as Xiang Nan's.

Xiang Nan arrived in front of the little giant almost in the blink of an eye. After he saw the little giant's appearance, he was stunned as if he had been struck by lightning.

The little giant was also stunned. He panicked and punched Xiang Nan in the chest!

Xiang Nan hurriedly dodged, and after the little giant finished its fist, it sprinted wildly and ran away with no life.

Xiang Nan was still stunned. After a long while, he took a deep breath and spat out two words, "Orc!"

This time, Xiang Nan finally knew why the little giant didn't dare to meet him.

In this world, there were roughly four races related to beasts.

The first type was a wild beast, an ordinary jackal, a tiger, and a leopard. The second type was a demonic beast, and the third type was a demonic beast that had transformed into a demonic beast.

The fourth type was the orcs.

Orcs were not a form, but a race.

The orcs were neither the result of the demonic beast's transformation nor the result of humans' demonic transformation. Rather, they were a mutation created by humans in ancient times. They were a deformed child born from the combination of demonic beasts and humans.

However, there was not the slightest bit of leniency towards orcs in the world!

Humans believed that the appearance of orcs was a great humiliation to humans.

The demons and demonic beasts did not like orcs either. They believed that orcs contaminated their pure bloodlines.

In the entire history of mankind, there had been more than ten massacres of humans and demons against orcs!

Every massacre was extremely tragic, resulting in the extermination of countless races.

However, the most important thing was that orcs were pure and kind. Not only did they have feelings for humans, they also had feelings for demons and demonic beasts.

Even after the orcs suffered so many tragic massacres, they still harbored fear and affection for humans.

Even when they saw that humans had lost their way in the fog, they were actually willing to lead the way for Xiang Nan, even though they were still afraid of humans and did not dare to meet them.

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