Immortal Martial God

Chapter 631 Have A Nice Trip

Chapter 631 Have A Nice Trip

Everyone is drunk if they are not drunk.

If a martial artist sincerely didn't want to get drunk, it would be very difficult to get drunk.

However, Xiang Nan and Li Junyi both had mixed feelings and drank too much.

Early the next morning, Li Junyi personally took Xiang Nan and the others to visit the Flower Capital.

Anyone who saw Li Junyi on the streets would automatically move aside and stand respectfully with their hands down.

This Snow Fox was the local overlord of the Flower Capital. It wouldn't be excessive to say that Li Junyi was the local emperor here.

As for the princess and the others, they had enjoyed such a high standard of treatment, so they felt that they had a lot of face.

However, the experts of the five Royal Academies were relatively quiet. They didn't dare to make eye contact with Xiang Nan.

They only felt that their faces were burning hot, but they had to enjoy the treatment Xiang Nan had obtained. This feeling made the five of them feel very disgusted, as if they had eaten flies and even pretended to smile.

On the day of parting, Lin Junyi personally saw Xiang Nan off. Not only did he give Xiang Nan a flying ship from the Snow Fox Clan, he even gave Xiang Nan a total of eighteen boxes of precious jewelry, including a hundred "dancer orchids".

Before leaving, Li Junyi cupped his fists at Xiang Nan. "Brother, there's nothing I can't handle in Jiuxiao Empire. If you encounter any trouble, just mention my name. No one dares to make things difficult for you."

"Thank you, let's say goodbye." Xiang Nan cupped his fists and parted ways with Li Junyi.

The group of people obtained the flying ship of the Snow Fox Clan. The journey north could be said to be smooth and smooth, and no one could stop them anymore.

The enormous flying ship was carved with the Snow Fox Clan's family emblem. Everyone who saw this emblem retreated.

"Xiang Ru, I'm sorry for your loss this time. I didn't expect your connections to be so wide that even the The Nine Firmaments Continent can speak." The princess's eyes flickered with stars as she blinked at Xiang Nan.

Xiang Nan smiled and didn't say anything.

With the speed of this flying ship, it would only take about ten days to reach Tianyu City.

When the flying ship reached the sky above a desolate mountain range, it suddenly flew up from the mountains and searched for nearly a hundred small flying ships that were fifty meters long.

"Ah, it's a bandit!" The Imperial Guards immediately turned pale with shock and quickly surrounded the princess.

The bandits of the The Nine Firmaments Continent were not the kind of people who robbed their families. The bandits here were famous all over the world, and they were all vicious characters who licked their blood with their sabers.

Moreover, they specialized in robbing martial artists.

There were even some bandits with large forces whose potential energy was not inferior to the second-class sects of the The Haotian Empire .

Xiang Nan also frowned slightly. He didn't expect to encounter the Nine Firmaments Mountain bandits here. This was a group of extremely vicious goods.

"In front, that's Brother Xiang Ru's boat."

Someone shouted loudly from the front of the hundred-odd bandit ships.

Xiang Nan cupped his fists and said, "Exactly."

" Young Lord Li Junyi has already sent a message to inform the brothers that it was thanks to the care of Mr. Bai Muchen and Bai that they were able to set foot in the Nine Heavens."

"Since you are Bai Muchen's friend, you are our benefactor! Come, present!"

Bandit boats approached, and the ferocious-looking bandits were actually carrying large boxes to Xiang Nan's ship.

Seeing this scene, the princess and the others were dumbfounded.

The princess was even more shocked, "Xiang Ru, do you know Bai Muchen?"

Xiang Nan sighed and could only helplessly nod.

Li Junyi naturally understood the word "Bai Muchen" and could not casually mention it, but these bandits didn't care much about it.

"Heavens!" The princess grabbed Xiang Nan's arm and shook it. "How did you know him? Tell me what he looks like."

Xiang Nan could only find an excuse to thank the bandits and temporarily leave the Princess' entanglement.

The bandits were all extraordinarily powerful, and in their constant battles and killings, each of them was filled with a dense killing intent.

These people killed people without blinking an eye, but at this moment, all of them had friendly smiles on their faces, and they always felt awkward.

"Brother Xiang Ru, this is a token of respect from the brothers. Take the flowers on the road." A one-eyed dragon walked over and cupped his fists as he laughed. This person was the leader of this group of bandits. He was about fifty years old and had actually reached the second level of Heaven Scryer.

"Brothers, you're too polite." Xiang Nan clasped his fists in return. He did not refuse these gifts. He knew that this was the only way for the bandits to express their friendliness. If he refused, it would be tantamount to not putting them in his eyes.

"Brother Xiang, it's been a good journey!" Behind them, many bandit boats escorted Xiang Nan and the others a thousand miles away before cupping their fists and saying goodbye.

The third day.

Xiang Nan's flying ship passes through an inland sea.

The structure of the The Nine Firmaments Continent was peculiar. The entire continent was split in half by an ocean that stretched across the continent.

On the rough sea, many pirates were robbing the shopping mall.

The sea was filled with flames of war. Countless martial practitioners of the caravan jumped onto the surface of the sea, using their Yuan Qi to solidify the sea water and fight with the pirates until their flesh and blood flew everywhere.

"Damn it, why is Jiuxiao Empire so unpeaceful?" Seeing that scene, the princess immediately ordered the flying ship to slow down and slowly stop, not daring to cross the ocean.

Xiang Nan said, "This is a method used by the The Profound Sky Sect to restrain the Nine Firmaments Imperial Clan. They allowed the various powers to develop here so that the Nine Firmaments Imperial Clan would not have any avatars."

The sea was burning with excitement. Suddenly, a giant whale over five hundred meters long suddenly jumped out of the sea.

The giant whale soared into the sky, its enormous body causing one to tremble with fear.

The giant whale opened its bloody mouth and bit a 10,000-ton freighter in half with a single mouthful.

After the giant whale fell into the water, it jumped up again, opened its huge mouth again, and swallowed ten small merchant ships directly into its mouth.

"Heavens" Everyone on Xiang Nan's flying ship felt their scalps go numb. "That's the Sea Race!"

Demonic beasts were divided into three types: land, air, and sea. Among them, the Sea Race was the strongest, because more than 70% of the world's surface was oceans.

On the other hand, the bodies of the Sea Race were generally incomparably large, much larger than road-type demonic beasts.

However, there was always a law in the world of martial arts that the larger a creature's body was, the more difficult it would be to cultivate.

It was also because of this that the Sea Race was unable to dominate the world.

The giant whale had apparently discovered Xiang Nan's flying ship. When the giant whale jumped out of the water again, it jumped for more than ten li. It opened its huge mouth and directly swallowed towards Xiang Nan's flying ship.

"Not good, prepare to accept the enemy!" The five experts from the Royal College immediately picked up their weapons in fear.

However, such a small weapon was simply not worth mentioning to the giant whale demon that was over five hundred meters tall.

But in an instant, the whale suddenly hung in midair!

Above the whale's head stood a five-meter-tall sea demon. The sea demon had a human-shaped outline and a trident in its hand.

"Eh? That's Brother Xiang Ruxiang's boat." The sea demon opened its mouth and cried out in surprise.

"This is me." Xiang Nan clasped his fists.

The sea demon was immediately overjoyed, "I've already received a message from Young Lord Li Junyi."

"In his year, Mr. Bai Muchen personally pleaded with Han Lan Fire Prison for the release of our Xuelin Sea Clan's Third Prince."

"Since you are a friend of Mr. Bai Muchen, you are a friend of our Xuelin Sea Clan!"

As he spoke, the sea demon waved its hand and roared, "Come, present!"

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