Immortal Martial God

Chapter 594 Act Recklessly

Chapter 594 Act Recklessly

From the outside, the Haotian Tower was at most three hundred meters in diameter, but its interior was a world of its own.

Xiang Nan walked into the negative floor and discovered that there was an open world in front of him. He could not see the boundaries of this world.

In this world, apart from some fire pools of different sizes, there was nothing else.

These fire pools were strictly defined, ranging from the Body Tempering Fire Pool, the Xiantian Fire Pool, the Origin Returning Fire Pool, to the Divine Martial Fire Pool, the Half Sacred Fire Pool, and even the Heavenly Tribulation Fire Pool.

Xiang Nan approached the Origin Returning Fire Pool and carefully sized it up. This fire pool was round, and there was a very strange type of flame inside. If it looked like it, it should be a kind of red liquid.

However, Xiang Nan knew that these liquids were actually flames.

"What a skillful job." Xiang Nan looked at the fire pool and praised endlessly. He had good experience in his previous life and knew that when a high-level martial artist used the power of the heavens to compress air, he could compress the air into a liquid.

However, this was the first time in his life that he had seen a flame turn into a liquid.

He stretched out his hand to stroke the "water" in the pool, and immediately felt a special "spiritual energy" that he had never felt before. This kind of spiritual energy even caused the Dragon Blood Saber stored in his storage ring to vibrate faintly.

"Is this the Qi of the Dragon Vein?" Xiang Nan sucked in a breath of cold air.

The Dragon Vein was just an adjective, not something left behind by a True Dragon. Rather, it was said that the Dragon Vein determined the strength of the spiritual energy in a region, so it was not appropriate to hit the other side. It was the Spring Eye.

When Xiang Nan touched the "water" in the Origin Fire Lake, he felt that it was warm and suitable. When he touched the "water" in the Origin Fire Lake, he felt that it was extremely hot.

"Perhaps, this is the only chance I have in my life to step into the Nature Fire Lake. Since I have come, it would be too unfortunate to only cultivate in the Origin Fire Lake."

Playing with the small ones was a little too small.

Xiang Nan gritted his teeth, took off his coat, and placed his eyes on the Heavenly Scryer Pool.

He grabbed a handful of fire water from the Heaven Scryer Fire Lake, and it didn't feel hot in his hands. This made him feel very strange, but when he took out his hand, his heart skipped a beat.

The right hand he pulled back had actually melted to the point that only the bones of his hand were left!

"My god!" Xiang Nan's eyes widened, "I said, why don't you feel hot? So this fire water melted my flesh and blood in an instant."

Only then did a burst of heart-wrenching pain appear.

Xiang Nan broke out in cold sweat as he hurriedly circulated the Nine Purities Universe Technique to recover from his injuries.

However, when the cultivation technique started to circulate, he suddenly discovered that the nine fire pools were all starting to shine.

"Oh? I didn't expect that Master would still have a hand here." Xiang Nan asked curiously. He hurriedly used his left hand to retrieve the water in the fire pool. This time, he felt a trace of warmth. He then pulled out his left hand. This time, his left hand was not melted.

He was excited and hurriedly went to retrieve the water from the Good Fortune Fire Pool. As expected, the temperature increased, but his right hand still did not melt.

"There are nine fire pools here, and the Nine Purities Cosmos Art has a total of nine levels. Could it be that there is some sort of logic behind it?" Xiang Nan's heart pounded. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva and walked to the last Heavenly Tribulation Fire Pool.

He gritted his teeth and extended his right hand into the Heavenly Tribulation Fire Lake. He felt an unbearable pain coming from his heart. The pain made Xiang Nan sweat profusely in an instant. He quickly pulled his right hand back, only to find that his right hand was still intact, only burned to a translucent color.

This situation caused Xiang Nan's heart to surge.

It seemed that everyone had their own selfishness, even their own master and Haoran Sect Master!

Who would have thought that practicing one more layer of the Nine Purities Cosmos Skill would correspond to the endurance of a fire pool!

In the entire history of the Nature Sect, only he and his master had cultivated the ninth level of the Nine Purities Cosmos Skill . Doesn't that mean that he can directly enter the Heavenly Tribulation Realm's Fire Lake to cultivate?

"Nothing to the tiger's den, nothing to the tiger! Success or failure depends on this. Either you die or you are strong, I will never allow myself to be mediocre in this life!"

Xiang Nan gritted his teeth and jumped into the Heavenly Tribulation Fire Lake.

In an instant, endless pain assaulted Xiang Nan. That kind of pain made him feel as if he could not survive. The key was that this pain was not only from the burning pain, but also from the extreme cold pain of the water veins, the suffocation pain of the earth veins, the exhaustion pain of the wood veins, and the cutting pain of the wind veins.

At this moment, he had an impulse to escape. Even before his mind could react, his body wanted to escape from the scene.

"No, hold on! Hold on!" Xiang Nan forcefully controlled his instinctive reaction and forcefully suppressed himself in the Heavenly Tribulation Fire Pool.

He had lived his entire life for revenge. If he couldn't avenge himself, then what was the point of living?

If he didn't live, he would die. He definitely wouldn't be mediocre!

Xiang Nan raised his head and roared angrily. The indescribable pain left him with no choice but to vent it in this way.

The most shocking thing was when the fire water seeped into his skin, into his body, and even into his meridians and spiritual sea.

The pool of fire water suddenly began to transform into a pool of lightning!

"This" The veins on Xiang Nan's forehead bulged in pain, but he couldn't suppress the shock in his heart.

This Nature Fire Lake actually changed its attributes according to a martial artist's innate talent? That pool of fire water actually turned into lightning?

"I can't, I can't take it anymore!" Xiang Nan clenched his teeth and frantically circulated the Nine Purities Cosmos Skill .

Even so, the pain still darkened his eyes, and he felt that he could faint from the pain at any time.

If he fainted in this fire pool, then he would truly die without a single life and would never be able to recover from his calamity.

This was a fire pool cultivated by a Heavenly Tribulation Realm martial artist!

Even the Nine Purities Cosmos Skill was almost unable to suppress the pain Xiang Nan was enduring.

"No, I have to hurry up and refine my body!" Xiang Nan endured an unfathomable pain and immediately circulated his golden body's unbreakable incantation.

The sixth level, the power of the ancient White Tiger !

The Golden Body Unbreakable Sixth Layer's incantation, once circulated, slightly alleviated Xiang Nan's pain. It could be seen that this kind of martial skill was still effective.

However, even though the pain had been alleviated, the remaining pain could still torture a person to madness.

In Xiang Nan's mind, there was no longer any distracting thoughts. There was only one thought, and that was refining!

Body Refinement! Body Refinement! He needed to increase his physical strength to alleviate the suffering he had to endure.

The Dragon Vein Qi contained in the Heavenly Tribulation Fire Lake was incomparable. In just ten minutes, it had allowed Xiang Nan to refine his golden body to the sixth level. He had instantly obtained seven times the strength of his physical body.

At the instant the sixth layer succeeded, Xiang Nan almost fainted. However, the seventh layer began to circulate, reducing the pain he suffered by a bit.

Just that bit of pain caused Xiang Nan to struggle back from the fainting line.

Seventh level, Ancient Black Tortoise Force!

Continue refining!

Twenty minutes or so, the golden body could not break through the seventh layer, and he had succeeded!

At this moment, Xiang Nan was about to faint from the fire pool. Thanks to the success of the seventh level, he had once again reduced his pain.

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