Immortal Martial God

Chapter 592 Ninth Princess

Chapter 592 Ninth Princess

"You … Aren't you a man?" Xiang Nan immediately reacted.

It turned out that the Ninth Princess was too playful. She was actually disguised as a man and ran outside to play.

No wonder, when he saw the handsome man at that time, he had never seen such a good-looking man in his life. He was actually the dignified ninth princess of the royal family.

He was so unhappy with her in the street.

Now that he looked at her again, he knew that this girl was so pretty. Her two big eyes blinked and blinked, her small nose stuck out high. She had a small mouth and the corners of her mouth raised slightly. She was the cutest looking woman Xiang Nan had ever seen.

However, the eyes of the Ninth Princess were always filled with a strange and ancient spirit.

"Haha! So you are the person Sixth Brother told me to wait." The Ninth Princess's face turned cold as she sneered, "You let me make a fool of myself in public on the streets. Who would have thought that the path of my enemies would be narrow? You didn't expect to fall into my hands, did you?"

Xiang Nan smiled bitterly in his heart.

"Pick up the teacup for me!" The Ninth Princess shouted.

"Yes." Xiang Nan helplessly walked out of the room and went to the garden to pick up the teacups.

The royal guards looked at Xiang Nan sympathetically. Some of them even shook their heads at Xiang Nan and whispered, "Endure, endure."

Xiang Nan sent the teacup back to the study.

The Ninth Princess threw the teacup at Xiang Nan's face.

Xiang Nan tilted his head slightly. The teacup whistled through the windows and doors and entered the garden again.

"Heh, I don't see how much ability you have. You're quite nimble in escaping." The Ninth Princess had a gloomy face and shouted, "Pick it up for me!"

Xiang Nan took a deep breath and could only go to the garden to pick it up.

He had a very bad impression of the Ninth Princess. From the fact that she refused to apologize after bumping into someone, it was obvious that she had been spoiled because of her lack of upbringing since childhood.

The Ninth Princess took the teacup and threw it at Xiang Nan's face for the third time. As a result, Xiang Nan dodged the teacup again.

"Pick it up for me!" The Ninth Princess stomped her feet angrily.

"The teacup is already dirty, so you can't use it even if you pick it up." Xiang Nan finally couldn't help but reply coldly.

"How dare you!" The Ninth Princess rushed forward and slapped him.

Xiang Nan dodged and said, "Miss, please respect yourself. Men and women are not allowed to kiss each other."

"You, you, you, you dare to disobey my orders!" The Ninth Princess was so angry that her cheeks bulged. She casually picked up the tables and chairs and smashed them towards Xiang Nan's face.

She smashed whatever she caught, and even threw out a screen.

Xiang Nan dodged left and right as his anger grew. He said in a deep voice, "Is that enough? I came here to follow orders and impart knowledge to you, not to train with you."

"You … you actually dare to berate me?" The Ninth Princess's eyes were wide open, and her pitch-black eyes flashed with fierce anger.

Xiang Nan clasped his fists and said neither humbly nor arrogantly, "This subordinate obeys Sixth Young Master's orders. I came here to do things impartially. If Miss Jiang is not satisfied with me, I will go back and find Sixth Young Master to resign now."

"Alright, alright, alright. What an impartial person. Use Sixth Brother to suppress me." When the Ninth Princess heard Xiang Nan mention the Sixth Prince, she knew that she could not continue.

This "Xiang Ru" was a petty person, and he was reluctant to forgive him on the streets. Perhaps, he would really go to Sixth Brother to sue him.

The Ninth Princess nodded hatefully, "Alright, if you want to do business, we will do it!"

She burst out with a large pile of sheepskin scrolls and said, "Here is the list of envoys from all over the world. Aren't you a teacher? Come and find me tonight and help me settle all of this."

"Yes." Xiang Nan nodded and turned to leave.

"Someone, clean up the study for me!" In the study, the Ninth Princess cried out angrily.

The royal guards hurriedly rushed into the study. Someone even gave Xiang Nan a thumbs up, "You have the guts to even dare to contradict the princess."

Someone took Xiang Nan to an elegant two-story wooden house located to the east of the garden.

"Young Master Xiang, please rest here. If you need anything, just call us." One of the royal guards bowed respectfully to Xiang Nan and slowly retreated.

"Young Master, hehe." Xiang Nan shook his head. He didn't expect his status to suddenly become so high.

However, how should he spend the night? The Ninth Princess was obviously a vindictive master, and she had left countless ideas to deal with him tonight.

There were many kinds of tributes in the imperial palace. If she wanted to find something that could be used for shameless people, it would really be as easy as the palm of her hand. Judging from her personality, she must have brought quite a few of these things with her.

For this reason, Xiang Nan felt a headache. He always felt that this trip to Haojing was the wrong one.

In the evening, the middle-aged man came again and said, "Young Master, when will you go to the Lightning Lake to refine your body?"

"Let's talk about it in two days." Xiang Nan waved his hand.

This Ninth Princess had an irreconcilable look on her face. She was afraid that this marriage would be over. At that time, she would be dismissed without being able to escort the troops. She would also be embarrassed to lick her face and go to the Hao Ran Fire Lake.

No matter what, he was a Haoran Sect disciple, so he still had to have some backbone.

At night, Xiang Nan had a headache. He rubbed his temples and went to the princess' study. He had already made several preparations to welcome the Ninth Princess' troubles.

Before he could push the door open and enter the study, he heard the sound of gnashing his teeth.

Xiang Nan used the Nine Purities Cosmos Skill to increase his eyesight and hearing. Through the cracks in the windows and doors, he saw the Ninth Princess sitting behind the desk.

"Damn Xiang Ru, look, I won't kill you this time!"

"You actually dare to make me lose all face in front of so many commoners. Wait for me. As long as you dare to come tonight, I will keep you from leaving this manor alive!"

Xiang Nan looked through the gap and saw that the buttons on the Ninth Princess' collar had been unbuttoned. His heart sank abruptly.

Shit, this stinking girl shouldn't be trying to frame me, right? When she suddenly tore her clothes and accused me of one offense or less, I wouldn't be able to cut off ten heads.

If word of this spread out, where would my Haoran Sect's face and my master's face go?

Seeing the Ninth Princess gnashing her teeth, Xiang Nan took two steps back and thought to himself, "You want to mess with me? I'm not going in yet. Do what you like. I'm going out for a drink."

Thinking of this, Xiang Nan swaggered out of the manor.

Flowering Haojing, there were fresh things everywhere. Xiang Nandong looked around and found a few places to drink four or five times before returning at dawn.

However, he was also a little uneasy. In the end, he was guessing the Ninth Princess' intentions. She shouldn't be playing that big. She really wanted to frame him.

On the contrary, he had left her hanging all night, not knowing what had happened to her now.

However, after returning to the manor, Xiang Nan discovered that everything was as usual. He did not expect that the Ninth Princess would cause such a huge commotion here.

"What?" Xiang Nan tentatively walked to the study door and gently pushed it open.

The Ninth Princess was sitting behind her desk, next to a small mountain of sheepskin scrolls that had already been tidied up.

Her eyes were also bloodshot, and her face was filled with exhaustion.

Xiang Nan's heart trembled slightly. She actually worked here all night?

When the Ninth Princess saw Xiang Nan enter, she drank an entire cup of herbal tea angrily and said, "Xiang Ru, I know that there is some personal grudge between you and me."

"But please don't bring this grudge to work!"

Xiang Nan's heart had already softened by half. He immediately apologized, "Sorry, I was slacking off."

The Ninth Princess took a deep breath and waved her hand, "Forget it. You can go back and rest. I've finished sorting out the list."

"But I warn you, this is the only time! If I arrange business for you next time and you escape responsibility, don't blame me for doing business and changing your job!"

"Yes." Xiang Nan left the room.

He thought to himself that he had gone too far this time. Mr. Wu Chen had reminded himself that the princess' temper was changeable, but she was just a little playful. She would not really do anything to others.

It seemed that her guard was too heavy, but she had kept herself busy all night.

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