Immortal Martial God

Chapter 521 Kowtow Heavily

Chapter 521 Kowtow Heavily

"I know!" Dream butterfly shouted, "The closer you get to the Dead Sword, the stronger the resurrection ability of the undead will be!"

"That's why those skeletal soldiers hundreds of kilometers away from the Death Sword can be killed."

"The scope of the Death Sword's ability is still limited." Xiang Nan took two steps back. Seeing the skeletal general rush up again, he released a Heavenly Jade Finger at him.

The Heavenly Jade Finger turned into a light cord and locked the skeletal general to the ground, preventing him from breaking free.

Xiang Nan circled around the skeletal general and walked forward. Then, three more skeletal generals climbed out from the ground.

There was nothing to say. Xiang Nan directly locked them up with his Heavenly Jade Finger and continued forward.

By the time Xiang Nan was only a hundred meters away from the Sword of the Dead, he had already locked down 33 skeletal generals.

At this point, even Xiang Nan himself began to be infected by the aura of the Dead Sword.

Xiang Nan suddenly had a very negative mood. That kind of mood made him feel the urge to commit suicide at any time. He only felt that at this moment, he remembered the suffering and sorrow of his previous life and his current life, and it was infinitely magnified.

It was precisely this thought that filled Xiang Nan with disappointment towards life, and he impulsively wanted to cut off his own life.

Xiang Nan immediately circulated the Nine Purities Cosmos Skill and suppressed the suicidal thoughts in his heart.

"Be careful." Dream butterfly shouted from behind, "Although the stone stele says that you can resist the erosion of the aura of death by possessing a very high innate attribute, your realm is still too low."

"Yes." Xiang Nan took a deep breath and took a few more steps forward. He discovered that with each step he took, the negative emotions brought about by the aura of death became more obvious.

The senior who left the words on the stone stele probably didn't think that there would be a low-level martial artist who would have the chance to approach the Dead Sword. Therefore, the senior only mentioned talent, but didn't mention realm.

Xiang Nan was indeed an exception. If he didn't have the Golden Body Unbreakable and Heavenly Dipper Demon Subduing Array , he definitely wouldn't have been able to reach this place.

"There are still eighty meters left." Xiang Nan gritted his teeth and continued forward.

His heart was beating slower and slower, and his mood continued to fall.

He circulated the Nine Purities Cosmos Art at a faster speed to resist the aura of death, but when he reached seventy meters, he discovered that the Nine Purities Cosmos Art was no longer able to hold on.


Xiang Nan raised his right hand and used the Sun God Technique to protect his mind.

When the sun fell, Xiang Nan's negative emotions were greatly reduced. He heaved a sigh of relief and felt much better.

"Why don't I just stop wasting my energy with it? I'll just take it down in one fell swoop!"

Xiang Nan gritted his teeth and rushed over with a flash step, grabbing the hilt of the Sword of the Dead with his hand.

At that moment, Xiang Nan suddenly felt that his life force was rapidly withering away at the speed of a dragon absorbing water!

In less than five seconds, I'm afraid I'm going to die.

Xiang Nan was shocked. He hurriedly jumped back and retreated eighty meters. However, he felt that his body was in a terrible state.

He glanced at his hands and found that his hands were like withered bark, tightly clinging to his bones.

He hurriedly pointed the blade of the giant saber at him. He took a look at himself and discovered that he had already turned into an old man of seventy or eighty years old. His head of black hair was already gray.

"Ah …" Meng Die covered her mouth in fright and cried, "No, let's not. Come back quickly."

"No!" Xiang Nan gritted his teeth and shouted, "You must snatch back my lost years!"

No one could accept it. He was originally a seventeen-year-old boy, but in an instant, he became an old man.

If Xiang Nan gave up, the lost vitality would be wasted.

"Damn it, Jade Light Finger!" Xiang Nan said angrily, "Follow me, right? I'll follow you to the end today!"

A gigantic Big Dipper phantom appeared behind Xiang Nan, and all seven stars on it shone.

A jade finger based on the power of the sun struck the sword of the dead.


The Dead Sword shook violently. On the pitch-black sword, white ripples were pointed out by the finger force, but the ripples immediately disappeared after they spread out.

"One more finger!" Xiang Nan threw seven or eight fingers at the Sword of the Dead.

When the Sword of the Dead was struck by the eighth finger, more black gas began to spread out.


The black gas on the sword turned into a black undead and whistled towards Xiang Nan.

The undead looked like a skeleton, but it didn't have a lower body. It only had a tail formed from black gas. Black gas filled the skeleton's entire body. As it flew over, the air it passed through left behind a black mark.

"You actually know how to resist!" Xiang Nan released a Heavenly Pivot Finger and sent the undead flying.

"Heavenly Jade Finger!" Xiang Nan pointed out again.

The finger power transformed into a light cord, binding the Dead Sword together. However, the Dead Sword only shook slightly, and the light cord immediately shattered into specks of light.

"Quickly use the power of the Vermillion Bird." Meng Die shouted in panic.

Xiang Nan shook his head. "It's useless. Physical strength is meaningless to the aura of death."

Meng Die was too worried about Xiang Nan's safety, so much so that she forgot even the most basic common sense.


The Dead Sword suddenly shook violently. In an instant, black gas covered the sky and covered the sun.

The black gas transformed into thousands of phantom undead in the sky. Many undead circled in the sky, making this place look like a purgatory.

"Too many, too many." Xiang Nan panted violently.

After seeing the thousands of undead circling around for more than a dozen times, they rushed towards him.

Xiang Nan no longer cared about anything, he only retreated quickly and pointed his Heavenly Jade Finger at the undead regardless of consumption!

The finger power of the Heavenly Jade Finger shot randomly, tightly locking down every undead that was hit by the finger power, and then Peng's voice was fixed to the ground.

However, this Heavenly Finger was not as fast as Mo Ke's index finger. Xiang Nan was already desperately releasing it, but it was still pierced through by the two undead!

The two undead charged into Xiang Nan's chest and flew out from behind him, taking away a large amount of Xiang Nan's vitality.

Spots of gray spots appeared on Xiang Nan's face as his gray hair withered and even began to fall.

Xiang Nan knew that he was really careless this time. Since the Sword of the Dead was imprisoned on the eighth floor, it meant that it was truly extraordinary.

However, relying on his divine talent, he conceited that he could subdue it, so much so that he had fallen to such a state. It was truly his own fault.

However, at this moment, no matter how regretful Xiang Nan was, there was no turning back. He was already so old that even if he could escape, it would be much better than dying.

Xiang Nan was truly on the verge of arrogance now, so he had no choice but to make

"Cough" Xiang Nan bowed his body and coughed twice. "Today, I will fight you to the death. Even if I die, I will be finished."

"Sun Sword Qi!"

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