Immortal Martial God

Chapter 513 Berserk Beauty

Chapter 513 Berserk Beauty

"Aiyo, this is still a female gorilla!" The disciple holding the chimpanzee cried out, "Everyone, look, this cub is still lactating. It means that the adult Vajra chimpanzee is a female."

"Haha, this is great."

Although the chimpanzee was still lactating, it was still three to four meters tall. However, it was easily lifted into the air by the disciple.

Beside him, a disciple quickly ran over and said, "Junior Brother, let the baby gorilla bleed! We can definitely lure the male gorilla over."

"Alright, let's do this!" The disciple who grabbed the chimpanzee immediately used his claws to tear open the chimpanzee's back, causing fresh blood to spill out.

Seeing this, the female gorilla's wailing became even more miserable, making people's hearts tremble when they heard it.

It was hard for anyone not to be moved when they heard this kind of mother's sorrowful cry.

However, when faced with the people from the The Profound Sky Sect , its sorrowful cries only brought about even more unrestrained laughter.

"Let it scream! Let it scream as hard as it can. The louder it screams, the greater the chances that the male gorilla will hear it."

The disciples of the Heavenly Profound Sect all laughed out loud, their faces twisted into smiles that almost didn't belong to humans.

One of the side effects of demonic transformation was to make people cold-blooded, ruthless, and bloodthirsty!

"The The Profound Sky Sect is indeed worthy of its reputation."

Suddenly, amidst everyone's wild laughter, an ice-cold voice floated over.

"Who?" The disciples of the Heavenly Profound Sect immediately stopped laughing and looked in the direction of the sound.

One of them was wearing a black robe and carrying a dark red saber as he slowly walked over. The blade of the saber was dragged onto the ground, making rustling sounds.

"Oh, so he's a fifth level Origin Returning Trash." Seeing Xiang Nan's talent, everyone sneered again.

"We are at the sixth level of the Origin Realm. Even if we don't transform, we will still be able to kill you."

Another disciple walked towards Xiang Nan and said, "The outer disciples are too lazy to let him in."

"Alright, I'll use you to open the meat if I'm impatient with the male gorilla!"

As he spoke, this disciple bowed and turned into a half-tiger! He was five meters tall, with two pectoral muscles bulging high. His upper body was perfectly inverted triangular, and all the muscles in his body were filled with explosive power.

Half man, half tiger, looks majestic!

The Half Tiger Disciple walked over to Xiang Nan and said, "Struggle. The more you struggle, the more excited I will be!"

As he said that, he swung his thick and frighteningly large arm fiercely towards Xiang Nan.

Vermillion Bird Force!

Xiang Nan's heart skipped a beat, and his physical strength suddenly increased by six times!

As soon as he raised his hand, Peng Yi grabbed the Half Tiger disciple's right wrist in his hand.

"Ah?" The Half Tiger Disciple was suddenly shocked, "You … you actually managed to grab my hand?"

Xiang Nan narrowed his eyes, and the strength in his hand began to increase. As for the Half Tiger Disciple's wrist, it was actually squeezed by Xiang Nan and began to shrink.


Following the screams of the Half Tiger Disciple, his right wrist was actually crushed to shreds by Xiang Nan with pure strength! A gigantic right hand weakly hung down.

"You! Who exactly are you?" The Half Tiger disciple broke out in cold sweat from the pain.

Xiang Nan grabbed his wrist and went back, knocking the Half Tiger Disciple towards him. Immediately after, Xiang Nan lightly jumped up and slammed his knee into the Half Tiger Disciple's face.


Half of the Half Tiger Disciple's face had collapsed into his brain cavity.

"With such physical strength, I don't know where confidence comes from." Xiang Nan lightly landed on the ground and casually waved his hand. The corpse of the Half Tiger Disciple flew hundreds of meters away with a whoosh.

All the other disciples of the Heavenly Profound Sect were shocked by this scene.

A disciple of the Heavenly Profound Sect shouted, "This brat's body is strange! Let's go together!"

After saying that, more than a dozen disciples of the Heavenly Profound Sect pounced towards Xiang Nan at the same time.

Xiang Nan stabbed the huge saber into the ground, and then he directly took a horse step and steadily pushed his arms forward.

"A divine weapon descended from the heavens!"

The Dragon Blood Saber entered Xiang Nan's body with a buzzing sound.

The Vermillion Bird's power, coupled with the descent of the divine weapon, allowed Xiang Nan's defensive power to reach a range beyond common sense.

A dozen disciples of the Heavenly Profound Sect who had blind confidence in their physical strength surrounded Xiang Nan in an instant. They rushed forward, gnawing, biting, scratching, and scratching at Xiang Nan.

Normally, their abnormal physical strength would even allow them to easily tear apart the ancient demonic beasts' defenses!

But this time, they failed.

Xiang Nan didn't even resist, just stabbing his horse and allowing them to attack at will!

However, those Heavenly Profound Sect disciples, not to mention their strength to suck milk, had probably used all their strength in their previous lives, and were actually unable to do anything to Xiang Nan in the slightest.

I'll stand here and let you fight! What can you do to me!

"This! How is this possible! My God … he definitely isn't a human. He must be some kind of ancient demonic beast that has transformed into a form!"

Those disciples were extremely shocked by what had happened in front of them.

"Get out of my way! Let me do it!"

A Sky Profound Sect disciple at the seventh level of Origin Return retreated more than ten meters, and then he transformed into a wild boar half-demon that reached an astonishing height of six meters!

"Tie Shan!"

The wild boar half-demon frantically scratched its limbs and launched a fierce attack towards Xiang Nan. It even used martial skills, and its high-strength Yuan Qi wrapped around his body, causing him to launch a short-range charge towards Xiang Nan like an invincible land war chariot!

As he ran, the ground rumbled and shook.

All the disciples of the Heavenly Profound Sect dispersed, clearing the way for the wild boar and half-demon.

Xiang Nan narrowed his eyes. He hugged his right shoulder and took a step forward. His right foot stepped on the ground, leaving a footprint half a foot deep. He used his right shoulder to greet the wild boar and half demon.

Xiang Nan's move could only be regarded as Tie Shan's starting stance. He welcomed the other party's fierce charge with a motionless posture, and this posture itself suffered a great loss.

"Brat, I'm driving you crazy!" The wild boar and half-demon suddenly jumped five meters away from Xiang Nan!

A huge wild boar rammed into Xiang Nan violently.

At that moment, the wild boar collided with Xiang Nan's right shoulder in an astonishing posture.


In an instant, Xiang Nan's body slipped backwards by an inch.

As for the wild boar, it was instantly stopped by the crazy charging speed!

The impact force was so shocking that it knocked the wild boar head-down, feet up, and the entire boar flipped into the air.


The giant head of the wild boar was actually shattered!

He took the initiative to smash into Xiang Nan's body, and it was actually a direct blow to his head! The shattered skull and brain slurry shot into the air like a blowout.

Xiang Nan rubbed his shoulders and said, "Pfft, this dead pig actually has five times the strength of its body."

However, at this moment, the entire arena fell silent, except for the female gorilla who was lying on the ground wailing.

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