Immortal Martial God

Chapter 339 Haoran Palace

Chapter 339 Haoran Palace

"Xue Qi." Shi Beihong said.

Mu Xueqi walked forward and cupped her fists, "Disciple is here."

"Bring your seven junior brothers and sisters up. I want to stay here and recruit new disciples." Shi Beihong smiled.

Hearing this, the outer sect disciples immediately became excited.

Recruiting new disciples was talking about the top 100 outer sect disciples, including Mo Hai and Li Qingchuan.

"Ha, Mo Hai, Qing Chuan, we will be fellow disciples from now on!" Xiang Nan said excitedly to the two of them.

Mo Hai and Li Qingchuan were also very happy. After seeing the martial skills of the Haoran Sect disciples in the joint examination, they had long admired them.

"Xiang Nan, follow me." After receiving the order, Mu Xueqi threw out a strand of Yuan Qi and flew towards the palace in the sky with Xiang Nan and the others.

When Xiang Nan first stepped onto Haoran Peak, he had seen that palace. The palace was called Haoran Palace, and it was the residence of the Heavenly Dao Old Man.

The palace was hidden in the clouds and mist. From the outside, only a few edges and corners could be seen.

When Xiang Nan and the others flew up, the Outer Sect disciples and the other Haoran Sect disciples all looked up.

When they saw the next scene, everyone opened their mouths wide and were so shocked that they could not help but grin from ear to ear.

Xiang Nan and the others flew towards Haoran Palace, but the bodies of the seven of them were getting smaller and smaller. In the end, there was only a tiny black dot like an ant.

However, Haoran Palace did not float high! Measured with his line of sight, it was about a hundred meters above Haoran Peak. This height definitely wouldn't cause the human body to shrink to the size of an ant.

Li Qingchuan couldn't help but sigh with emotion, "How miraculous …"

On the other hand, Xiang Nan and the others were even more surprised. When they were on the ground, they saw that the Hao Ran Palace in the sky was not much bigger than a tenth of the Sun Palace.

However, the farther he flew towards Haoran Palace, the farther he felt that he was from Haoran Palace! As for the Nature Palace, it was constantly growing bigger and bigger!

Xiang Nan, Murong Wanqing, and the others couldn't understand this spectacle.

Mu Xueqi smiled and said, "This is your first time entering Haoran Palace. You must find it very strange. Actually, this principle is very simple."

"Haoran Palace was personally created by his master. It is similar to the principle of the storage ring, but it is more advanced than the storage ring. Not only does it form a world of its own, it also allows life to exist."

Xiang Nan and the others suddenly realized that this Nature Palace could be compared to a super large storage ring.

"Wait! Master?" Xiang Nan suddenly noticed one of Mu Xueqi's words and hurriedly said, "Senior Sister, are you also the disciple of the Sect Master?"

Mu Xueqi smiled and said, "Almost there. Get ready."

When the eight of them landed in front of Haoran Palace, their bodies had already shrunk greatly. From the entrance, they could see that Haoran Palace was already as magnificent as Sun Palace.

And when they stepped into the palace gate, the inside was suddenly enlightened!

Looking around, it was a brand-new world. There were green peaks, beautiful waters, rivers, mountains, and rivers.

"My Sect Master is truly a mighty man!" Murong Wanqing couldn't help but praise.

Mu Xueqi smiled and said, "Elder Shi has already instructed me. The few of you can get the top ten rewards now. Follow me."

As the eight of them walked down the hillside, Xiang Nan couldn't help but look back. Not far behind him, the palace gate was still standing by itself, and there was nothing attached to it on either side.

As the eight of them walked through the mountains, they felt that the spiritual energy here was abundant and dense.

The Spiritual Qi in Haoran Peak was already very strong, and the Spiritual Qi in Haoran Palace was even ten times stronger!

As she walked at the foot of the mountain group, Mu Xueqi introduced herself to everyone from time to time. She pointed at a mountain peak and said, "That mountain peak is called Yuehua Peak. It is the place where the Sect Master meditates and rests."

From afar, on the summit of Yuehua Peak stood an elegant palace that looked like it was wrapped in silver. Its entire body was snow white.

"That mountain peak is called Oceanic Peak. It is the sect master's'study room '."

There was also a palace on the Ocean Peak. The palace was made of pure wood, and it was also a "living wood" with fresh and tender green buds and leaves growing on it.

Mu Xueqi kept introducing herself, and everyone remembered her earnestly.

"And this one is the one I want to lead you to find weapons, Ruyan Peak." Mu Xueqi pointed at a mountain peak.

There was also a palace on the mountain peak, but this palace was neither fresh nor elegant, nor was it filled with a scholarly aura. Instead, it revealed an undisguised sharpness.

"Why is it called Ruyan Peak?" Murong Wanqing asked curiously.

Mu Xueqi said, "Because this palace is the weapon that the sect master used all his life."

"He is already a thousand years old. He has used countless weapons in his life, and there are many different types of weapons. He can be called a Martial Arts Grandmaster."

"Every time he switched to another weapon, he would keep the former weapon in his possession. That's why he called it 'Ruyan Peak'."

Xiang Nan clapped his hands and praised, "The past is like smoke."

At the same time, Xiang Nan's heart was filled with admiration for this. When you turned over a thousand years old and looked back, you could borrow those weapons to recall the past.

Every weapon records a certain period of your life. They have fought with you before, and now they have "rested for the rest of their lives".

"Wait, Senior Sister is saying that you want to reward each of us with a weapon that the Sect Master once used?" Luo Yuan's eyes widened.

Mu Xueqi smiled faintly, "You are already the direct disciples of the Sect Master. Naturally, you will have to use the weapons that the Sect Master personally used."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but cheer happily.

When they entered Smoke Peak's palace, everyone was shocked.

It turned out that this Smoke Palace had a unique cave!

Haoran Palace was already a world of its own, with heaven and earth, mountains and waters. In the Haoran Palace of its own, there was such a smoke palace, and the palace was still a world of its own!

At this time, Xiang Nan felt an indescribable shock in his heart.

The smoke in Ruyan Palace was ethereal, and the first to bear the brunt was a long river that rolled eastward. At first, the river was as narrow as a small stream, but the further east it went, the wider the river became!

Mu Xueqi said, "This river means the path of martial arts for the old sect master. You can see for yourselves."

Xiang Nan looked around curiously. At the beginning, the river was like a small stream. This should mean that when the sect master was young, he had little understanding of martial arts. When the river reached the middle of the river, it was already incomparably open. This meant that the sect master had profound martial arts and dominated the world.

When they reached the middle and back reaches of the river, they set off a shocking wave. That wave was extremely dangerous, and it slammed against the bank of the river and surged for over a hundred meters! Moreover, the river's movements were turbulent and complex, shocking.

This should mean that when the Sect Master's path of martial arts was the most complacent, he had boundless sharpness and ambition.

When the river reached the back end, it suddenly turned around and harvested a small stream. However, the flowers and plants on both sides of the stream were luxuriant, and the fish, birds, and insects were full of vitality.

At the end of the river, Xiang Nan felt both a sense of disappointment and a sense of returning to nature, a shock in tranquility, and an immortality in commonness.

Xiang Nan couldn't help but see through the gods, as if his mood was following the river.

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