Immortal Martial God

Chapter 319 Song of Ice and Fire

Chapter 319 Song of Ice and Fire

Luo Yuan was so angry that his mouth was trembling. He angrily said, "Those shameless women! They have no face to curry favor with Jiang Cheng at this time!"

Xiang Nan patted Luo Yuan on the shoulder and said, "There is no need to be so angry. There are at least 50,000 to 60,000 female spectators, but there are only 1,000 to 2,000 to please Jiang Cheng, right? In fact, there are still a lot of good girls."

"Furthermore, I have every reason to believe that many male disciples have secretly left letters for Jiang Cheng. They want to follow Jiang Cheng to the The Nine Firmaments Continent . However, Jiang Cheng's malicious intention was to expose the female disciple's letter to provoke us."

"There are always scum, but we can't kill everyone in one go."

"Wanqing understands this logic, that's why she burned those letters. Don't you understand?"

"That's why we have to work harder to win. Let everyone know that they are worth staying in the Blue Tide Continent."

Luo Yuan was speechless by Xiang Nan's words. He didn't expect Xiang Nan to have so many. He only knew that he was very angry in his heart.

However, reality had always been like this, never changing.

On the arena.

"Sunset, you and I know our roots, so don't waste time testing each other." Jiang Cheng raised his sword, and a cold aura filled the sword.

At this moment, the temperature on the arena began to drop rapidly! In an instant, a layer of frost formed on the surface of the sturdy arena.

Murong Wanqing's right arm burst into flames, and the frost beneath her feet quickly melted.

At this time, the arena was divided into two halves. Normally, the cold air was intense, while the other half was blazing hot and unbearable.

Jiang Cheng slashed out with his sword, and an icy sword light shot towards Murong Wanqing.

Murong Wanqing counterattacked with a sword strike, and a flaming sword light shot towards her!

The two sword lights collided in the air. The flaming sword lights and the ice-sealed sword lights immediately exploded. However, after the flaming sword lights disappeared, there was still a bit of the ice-sealed sword lights left and they continued to fly towards Murong Wanqing.

"Not too good." "Sunset is two levels lower than Jiang Cheng," Xiang Nan said. "It's a huge disadvantage."

Murong Wanqing's left hand formed a claw and grabbed the incoming ice-sealed sword light. The remaining ice-sealed sword light suddenly burned and quickly turned into white gas.

"The Road to the Ice Peak!" Jiang Cheng stepped on the ground. Starting from the landing point, a blue ice road on the ground quickly froze and spread towards Murong Wanqing.

Murong Wanqing jumped into the air, and the icy road actually rose from the ground, transforming into an icicle that climbed up, continuously chasing after Murong Wanqing.

Murong Wanqing stepped on the icicle. Her feet burst out with anger, suppressing the ice road from rising. The sword in her hand slashed towards Jiang Cheng from afar and shouted, "Fire Bird!"

This sword strike did not condense the sword light. Instead, it chopped out more than a dozen small flaming birds and flew towards Jiang Cheng with flapping wings.

"Ice Sparrow!" Jiang Cheng also slashed down with his sword, and with a howl, an ice bird with five meters wide wings whistled out!

The Ice Bird and the Fire Bird collided in the air and cancelled each other out. In the end, the dozen or so Fire Birds were extinguished. The five-meter-wide Ice Bird continued to fly towards Murong Wanqing with two meters left. Murong Wanqing made up a sword strike and burned it into white smoke.

The little bird stood on Xiang Nan's head and pointed at the arena with the tip of its wings.

"I know," Xiang Nan said, "the birds they released are all fake. You are the real one."

Little Sparrow arrogantly raised her head, feeling a little more at ease in her heart.

"It's sort of fun." Jiang Cheng licked his lips, "Sunset, in fact, the person I like the most in my heart has always been you. When I take off the laurel of this joint exam, you can follow me to the The Nine Firmaments Continent ."

"Shameless!" Murong Wanqing was furious. She raised her sword and a shockingly hot wave of fire pounced towards Jiang Cheng.

The temperature of the flames was so high that the air was twisted, causing people's line of sight to undergo a serious change.

"Women, aren't they the ones who like shameless men? The more shameless I am, the more you like them." Jiang Cheng teased Murong Wanqing with his words, but he didn't show any mercy.

Jiang Cheng also raised his sword and picked up the cold wind that covered the sky and the earth.

These cold winds were actually dark blue! The temperature was already incredibly low.

The fire wave and the cold wind collided. The fire wave was quickly extinguished, and the cold wind also attenuated quite a bit. However, the remaining cold wind still pushed towards Murong Wanqing.

Murong Wanqing hurriedly made up her sword, wanting to neutralize the remaining cold wind.

Doing so meant that Murong Wanqing had to use two moves at a time to neutralize Jiang Cheng's attack.

Jiang Cheng took the opportunity to take a slippery step around the core war zone, circling behind Murong Wanqing. He held a sword in his right hand and slashed out at Murong Wanqing's back with his left hand. He shouted, "Yin Cloud Frost Palm!"

An air ball shaped palm print flew towards Murong Wanqing. The palm print grew larger and larger, and by the time it reached Murong Wanqing's back, it was already more than two meters tall!

Murong Wanqing had a cold wind in front of her and a cold palm behind her. She only had time to counteract the cold wind, but she was heavily slapped on her back by the cold palm.

At this moment, Murong Wanqing's entire body began to freeze rapidly. Her eyes were slightly panicked, and she hurriedly circulated her Yuan Qi to resist the freezing body with flames.

Soon, all the frost on her body was melted, but her expression was still ugly.

"Wanqing, our attributes are innately opposed to each other. What we compete with is a level of cultivation. You are not my opponent." Jiang Cheng scampered around Murong Wanqing and said, "Do you think my Ice Palm is only going to freeze you?"

"Haha, do you feel a cold energy swiftly flowing through your meridians now?"

"If you want to get rid of the cold energy in your body, you must use your power. Otherwise, you can only bring this cold energy to fight with me."

"What a sinister method." Shen Linhai said in shock.

In a battle, where would there be time to do something?

Murong Wanqing's face was ashen as she slapped Jiang Cheng's palm, "Fire Cloud Palm!"

A gigantic flame palm was pushed towards Jiang Cheng, but this flame palm was not solidified enough! The flames were loose, and it seemed that the cold energy in his body was causing trouble.

Jiang Cheng blew out a mouthful of dark blue coldness as he faced the flame palm, immediately extinguishing the flame palm.

"Still refusing to submit?" Jiang Cheng stabbed at Murong Wanqing, and a cold aura spurted out from the tip of the sword.

Murong Wanqing counterattacked, and a pillar of fire sprayed out from the tip of the sword.

The cold energy and the pillar of fire clashed, stalemated each other, and they were all trying to swallow each other up.

However, Jiang Cheng, who was at a higher realm, clearly had a natural advantage. In addition to the cold energy flowing in Murong Wanqing's body, her fire attribute martial skill was unable to operate smoothly.

Very quickly, the cold energy took the upper hand and began to push towards Murong Wanqing's direction, while the flame pillars were being suppressed to become shorter and shorter.

Murong Wanqing decisively gave up fighting with Jiang Cheng's Yuan Qi. She soared into the air and slashed seven times at Jiang Cheng.

Seven streaks of flaming sword light pierced through the sky and flew towards Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng landed on the ground and a dark blue ice wall rose from the ground.

Seven flaming sword lights struck the ice wall, leaving behind seven deep sword marks, but they were unable to penetrate it completely.

Jiang Cheng kicked down the ice wall. The ice wall shattered into countless tiny pieces of ice. The tiny pieces of ice melted into water droplets and scattered over Murong Wanqing's entire body.

Jiang Cheng clenched his right hand and said, "Seal it for me!"

The traces of water on Murong Wanqing's body instantly froze! It froze her into an ice sculpture.

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