Chapter 1964 Undead

"This thing isn't simple." Xiang Nan took the book before his eyes and said, "I finally saw the famous Rosen Summoning Technique."

"Ya Ya, do you want to cultivate?"

Ya Ya said, "I won't practice this anymore. Using Rosen's Summoning Technique, I need to borrow the power of Rosen's Hellfire."

"I'm not going to touch that Rosen Hellfire. Even the Nine Yin Ghost King was killed by this thing. I don't want to follow in his footsteps."

Xiang Nan said with relief, "I almost meant the same thing, but I respect your thoughts. If you want to learn it, I can use the Rosen Hellfire I sealed for you."

"However, this Rosen Hellfire is now an adult Spirit Gatherer. It is even more cunning and changeable than some humans. It is indeed not good to have too much contact with it."

As he spoke, Xiang Nan looked through the contents of Rosen's Summoning Technique.

This summoning technique was similar to what the serpent had guessed.

Just like humans could not survive in the Underworld, the ghosts of the Underworld could not exist in the Human World.

As for Rosen's Summoning Technique, it was a good solution to this difficult problem.

The formation of Rosen's Summoning Technique was divided into two stages. One was Domain Simulation, which was the above description, and the other was Concrete Summoning.

The Nine Yin Ghost King had personally designated a domain from the Human Realm to directly simulate the environment of the Underworld and summon all the ghosts out, so that the Ghost Flow could also exist in this domain. This was equivalent to dragging thousands of troops into the Human Realm.

This kind of domain simulation required the power of Rosen's Hellfire.

The other was a specific summoning. It was the process of summoning all the ghosts from the Underworld to the Human Realm.

After pondering for a moment, Xiang Nan gave up the original function of Rosen's Summoning Technique and chose to use it for reference to summon the anti-law creatures of the Nether Realm.

There were two advantages to doing so. The first was that he didn't have to rely on the power of Rosen's Hellfire anymore.

The second benefit was even more straightforward and rough, because Nether creatures were even more powerful than ghosts.

Xiang Nan thought to himself, "I can directly capture the Nether Creatures and imprison them in my dreams. I can release them when I need them. In this way, I don't need to learn the second procedure of the Summoning Technique, Summoning."

"This way, I can directly save half of my study time."

The serpent said, "Well, you can also give up half of the process in the first simulation field. Half of the incantations are focused on how to control Rosen's Hellfire. You don't have to learn this either."

"Since the Nine Yin Ghost King can simulate the Nether Realm's domain, you can also simulate the Nether Realm's domain and see what the book says."

Xiang Nan flipped through the books and gradually understood the Nine Yin Ghost King's fantasy.

This so-called simulation domain was realized by the Nine Yin Ghost King using the method of summoning space.

In fact, to put it bluntly, he used Rosen's Hellfire to communicate with the Underworld. Then, the Nine Yin Ghost King did not summon the creatures of the Underworld first, but directly summoned a space from the Underworld to the Human World.

This was a bold move. Of course, it would not have been possible without the help of Rosen's Hellfire.

The serpent asked in surprise, "Does that mean that you can also use your Dream Dao to capture a space in the Nether Realm?"

Xiang Nan nodded, "It's very possible. Let's see what the Nine Yin Ghost King did first."

Xiang Nan familiarized himself with the incantation and method, and after a slight improvement, he formed what he wanted.

Capturing Nether Realm space, if the Nether Realm was compared to an ocean, Xiang Nan's method was to bring out a ladle of water from that ocean, and when he needed it, he would throw out the ladle of water.

The Nine Yin Ghost King used Rosen's Hellfire to steal the Nether Realm space, while Xiang Nan prepared to use the Dream Dao to steal the Nether Realm space.

Then it would be easy to do next. He only needed to go to the field to test it out and see if his conjecture would succeed.

At this time, the bud said, "Aiya, I almost forgot, there is still him!"

As she spoke, she shook the chains and pulled a dead person from the Sky Spill Sect out of the void.

Xiang Nan looked at it and asked curiously, "I wanted to ask you before. Why did you take such a big risk to capture the corpse of this disciple of the Heavenly Evolution Sect?"

Ya Ya said proudly, "Of course it was prepared for you. This corpse was a disciple of the Sky Spill Sect when he was alive. I'll let him tell you the incantation."

Xiang Nan shook his head with a bitter smile and said, "Impossible. After a person dies, even if he is resurrected by any method, he will no longer have complete logical thinking ability. Even his memory will disappear along with him."

"After a person dies, the soul that has been separated from the body for too long does not possess any memories. It only possesses emotional abilities."

Ya Ya Qi said, "What do you mean?"

"Let's put it this way," Xiang Nan said. "You should have heard many stories about people whose souls turn into ghosts and seek revenge on their enemies after they die."

Ya Ya said, "Yes, so what?"

Xiang Nan said, "But do harsh ghosts often kill innocent people by mistake? Because they only remember the hatred in their hearts. They only know anger, but they don't know who killed them."

"That's why they kill whoever they see."

Ya Ya said, "So it's like this. No wonder so many fierce ghosts randomly hurt people, but … no, some fierce ghosts can still recognize their enemies after seeing them."

Xiang Nan nodded and said, "That's because even though the fierce ghost doesn't remember what he experienced in his life, the enemy's face is the easiest to trigger their anger."

"Once you see the enemy's appearance, the ghost will instantly go crazy. However, this only triggers the ghost's anger mechanism, not the ghost's memory structure."

"If you don't believe me, give it a try."

Xiang Nan already had some understanding of undead and other things through the early Death Sword.

The reason why the Sword of the Dead could control the undead was because the undead could not remember anything, so it was easier to control their consciousness.

Otherwise, take the Eternal Vicious Beasts for example. In fact, the bugs and Dali were killed by Xiang Nan. If they still had memories of their lives after Xiang Nan resurrected them, then they would never listen to Xiang Nan or even kill Xiang Nan.

The Dead Sword gave Little Bug and Great Strength a new life force, and at the same time wiped out their hatred towards Xiang Nan.

What should I say? This kind of action is actually against the law of heaven. It is extremely vicious. I always feel that it is a kind of disrespect for the deceased.

Unless he had to, he wouldn't do it so easily.

Sure enough, Ya Ya followed Xiang Nan's instructions and ordered the disciples of the Heavenly Evolution Sect to tell Xiang Nan about the Heavenly Evolution Sword Technique.

On the other hand, the corpses of the disciples of the Heavenly Evolution Sect remained indifferent, their faces expressionless.

"Ah? That's true." "I thought they would listen to my orders to attack and be attacked, so they would definitely listen to my orders and tell me what they know," Ya Ya said disappointedly.

Xiang Nan smiled and said, "If it was really that easy, then it would be fine. Didn't the Nine Yin Ghost King already grasp the Heavenly Evolution Sect and the Spirit Vulture Sect's martial skills?"

"That's true." Ya Ya shook her head bitterly and said, "The corpse that I took with great difficulty was useless."

Xiang Nan thought for a moment and said, "Actually … it's not useless. I know someone who can help us complete this idea."

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