Chapter 1632 Alive

Apart from the guests, there were also a large number of Bai Hua Clansmen who were still alive. Among them was the eldest grandson and the wife who had just passed the door.

They huddled together and trembled. No one dared to say a word.

They were intimidated by Xiang Nan's move to cripple a Heavenly Tribulation First Layer expert, even though they didn't know that this move had made Xiang Nan prepare for three days and three nights.

At this time, Lan Tian looked at Xiang Nan again. He wanted to wait for Xiang Nan's further instructions.

Xiang Nan walked to Bluesky's side and whispered, "There's no more instructions. You can decide the rest yourself. It's up to you."

Bluesky nodded and looked down.

Everyone's faces were pale, and they didn't dare to utter a single word. Not long ago, Bai Huatie Ge was still standing here, giving a high-spirited speech.

Less than half an hour later, there were already two Great Fiend Stars standing on the platform.

Blue Sky swept his gaze across the crowd, and his gaze finally landed on the White Flower Clan members.

He took a deep breath to calm his excitement and said, "Logically speaking, killing White Flower Iron Ge will be the end of my revenge."

"This is a personal grudge between my master and White Flower Iron Ge. Originally, it had nothing to do with you White Flower Clansmen."

Hearing this, the people of the White Flower Clan were overjoyed and felt that they had seen a new light of dawn.

But then, Blue Sky's words changed.

He said, "But I know best what it means to say that the upper and lower echelons are unjust. The White Flower Iron Ge Old Dog is so vicious. You people of the White Flower Clan, who grew up under his wings, must not be good people."

"I don't believe that after letting you go, you will know how to change your minds and start over. I let you go today because I am not responsible for more people who will die tragically at your hands in the future."

The members of the White Flower Clan fell into despair once again.

"More importantly, killing White Flower Iron Ge is the only thing I don't want to do. I have to kill all of you to make me feel better," Lan Tian said.

"And you guys."

Bluesky pointed at the guests. "You must have been there when my master came to seek revenge, right? You must have all seen my master's liveliness with a smile. Someone even ridiculed my master like he ridiculed us just now."

Blue Sky tilted his head slightly, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, "Only those who commit murder are the most hateful?"

"I feel that those who watch and cheer are more guilty than those who commit murder!"

Xiang Nan's eyes lit up. Xiang Nan did not expect Bluesky's words.

Indeed, this kind of person who watched the commotion was often the most annoying.

"We … we have no choice but to do so." One of the guests pushed away his clansmen and took a step forward. "You should also know how powerful the White Flower Clan is here," he said with a trembling voice.

"We are also humans in the crack. If it weren't for catering to the White Flower Clan, where would we have been able to stand?"

Lan Tian said, "I accept this reason."

That person was immediately overjoyed.

"One day, there was such a person. He was starving for more than ten days and was about to starve to death. At this time, he discovered a family. Unfortunately, the family was also very poor, and there was no food for this extremely hungry person to eat."

"This person is so hungry that he has no choice. He killed that family and ate their meat to satisfy his hunger."

Lan Tian looked at the guest and said, "This person's actions are reasonable and understandable, but the crimes he committed are still unforgivable."

The guest's face immediately turned ashen.

"Reason," said Lan Tian, "can only explain why you did this, but reason cannot clear your guilt."

After saying that, Bluesky raised his hand and pointed. A strand of Dipper Qi shot out, turning the guest into a sand sculpture.

"What's the difference between you and the White Flower Clan!" A man shouted loudly.

Lan Tian touched the back of his hand and said, "When my master came to seek vengeance, you spectators didn't speak out. You didn't help my master even say a single word. You chose to throw a stone at him when he fell."

"Since you have chosen to be inhumane, why should I let his father treat you with kindness and righteousness!"

Bluesky roared out these words.

He suddenly said angrily, "You are unkind, I will be unjust today! Both of you and I are equal, don't educate anyone who is f*cking inhumane!" "Don't teach anyone who is f*cking inhumane!" "Don't teach anyone who is f*cking inhumane!"

"Damn it! Die for me!"

The blue sky soared into the sky. He was high up in the sky, and his aura was frantic.

The aura wrapped around his body, turning him into a giant sand eagle!

The Sandhawk spread its wings and covered the sky. However, the next moment, the giant Sandhawk suddenly turned around and dived madly towards the ground.


The giant sand eagle landed on the ground. All the guests and members of the White Flower Clan were blown into dust and rolled away in the air.

"Ha … hahahaha …"

In the center of the air wave, in the sandstorm, only the miserable and crazy laughter of the blue sky could be heard.

Saint realm, outside Moon City.

Blue Sky lay under the pear tree, crying like a child.

"Master, this disciple has avenged you. Unfortunately, you were unable to personally witness this scene …"

"Master, this disciple is incompetent. I failed to take good care of you, and I failed to honor your kindness to nurture you."

At this point, Bluesky cried loudly and shrugged his shoulders.

Xiang Nan stood behind Bluesky and looked at him silently. His heart was filled with emotions.

Actually, Xiang Nan also felt that the blue sky had changed. The blue sky was no longer the kind of person that his master taught him to possess the final dignity.

Bluesky could have let the guests go, but he didn't. He killed them all.

Xiang Nan wasn't a bad person either. He felt that Lan Tian was relieved when he did this! That's what it should be.

Don't find any excuse for your crime. If you do, then do it. No matter how perfect the reason is, it is not a magic treasure for you to get off the hook.

Are those people who cling to power and call themselves people in the cracks really innocent?

Xiang Nan believed that everyone had their own stories, that everyone had their own reasons for doing evil, and that very few people killed without any purpose at all.

If the existence of reasons can make their crimes forgivable, then where is justice?

"No matter what reason they have to become a gangster, the reason is only their'cause ', and the saber in my hand is their'fruit'."

Xiang Nan said this with emotion. He murmured to himself in a low voice, as if he was speaking to himself.

But Blue Sky also heard it.

Bluesky stood up. He looked at Xiang Nan and said, "I've decided. I won't die anymore. I'll follow you."

"However, this is only my wish. I can't stay any longer."

As he spoke, he looked at his withered hands and body and said, "I burned my life force. I don't have much time left. I'm afraid I only have three or two days left to live."

"During this period of time, I will do whatever you want me to do for you."

"Really?" Xiang Nan asked.

Blue Sky nodded.

Xiang Nan asked again, "Even if it is against your will, you are willing to do it?"

Lan Tian pondered for a moment before nodding his head forcefully, "My life is yours. Even if I help you commit evil and let me fall into hell, I will admit it!"

Xiang Nan nodded and took out the grade eight spirit herb from his storage ring. He tossed it to Lan Tian and said, "I want you to live."

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