Immortal Martial God

Chapter 1628 The Story Under the Tree

Chapter 1628 The Story Under the Tree

Xiang Nan asked, "What kind of person is the master you remember?"

"He laughs a lot. In my memory, he laughs almost every day, every minute," Yin Yang said.

"That brilliant smile filled my childhood memories. I always thought that Master was a smiling person."

"This should be your illusion." Xiang Nan was thoughtful. A person who was annihilated and attempted to take revenge couldn't always wear a smile on his face.

"Later on, I found out that his nickname was Iron-faced Butcher. He was a quiet person, and there were legends about him, always accompanied by slaughter and blood."

"When I grow up, I'll remember. So, Master is only smiling at me. I'm the only one who has ever seen such a smile."

Xiang Nan nodded, "What you see is only the rarest side of him. At home, he is an old man with a friendly smile. Outside, he is a cold-blooded and merciless killer."

"Master is very smart. He invented a cultivation method. This cultivation method is very powerful, but he failed to succeed. Instead, I succeeded," Yin Yang said with a face full of emotions.

"It's the kind of technique that can drain water elements from a person's body." Xiang Nan said.

Yin Yang said, "Master never told me about his hatred until one day he disappeared."

"You know, to me, that smiling master is all I have. He is my heavens and my mountains."

"I looked for him all over the world. I searched everywhere and finally found him by the river who was half dead. I asked him for a long time before I found out about him and his enemies."

"Master's talent is not good enough. He has encountered a bottleneck. He knows that he will never cross the ninth level of the Divine Martial Arts in his lifetime, so he blindly went to seek revenge. He only wants to die."

"I heard about the Saint realm. I brought him to the Saint realm. I promised him that I would find enough Saint Spirit Stones to make him a Martial Saint."

Xiang Nan and Yin Yang's faces touched the wine jar without interrupting him.

Yin Yang said, "We have arrived at the Sacred Domain, entered the Eternal Secret Realm, and worked hard to slaughter fierce beasts and search for Sacred Spirit Stones."

"Once, our water bag broke and Master was seriously injured. I carried him on my back to escape from the secret realm, but at this time, a fog descended."

"When we arrived at the edge of the secret realm, I had already stepped out of the secret realm, and Master was only one step away. At this moment, the fog enveloped him and trapped him inside."

"I didn't let go."

The tone of Yin Yang Face's voice was very calm. He did not speak of a grudge that was so bloody. Instead, there was a faint warmth in it.

Xiang Nan looked at the face of Yin Yang and said, "The black color that occupies half of your body is the Eternal Shadow."

Yin Yang nodded, "I grabbed Master for a day and night. When the second ten days arrived and the fog was refreshed, I brought him out."

"Because of this, my master became an eternal shadow, and therefore, I left behind this memento."

Yin Yang's face tore open his jacket. The black and white boundary stretched from his face to his crotch, and the entire right side of his body was black.

Xiang Nan could roughly imagine the scene of a man who was infinitely grateful to his master. At the last moment, he grabbed onto his master's body and stubbornly refused to let go.

Xiang Nan knew about the Eternal Shadow. Once humans were devoured by the fog, they would become the Eternal Shadow. I heard that it was an extremely painful process.

However, this man spoke so calmly about the heart-wrenching and soul-stirring process with a very plain sentence.

Xiang Nan did not know that the Eternal Shadow could still be dragged out of the secret realm, but he thought that the Eternal Shadow should be connected to this man's body, and he was still "half" alive, so he pulled it out.

Xiang Nan carefully observed the man and used his lightning vision to discover that this man was indeed "half dead".

Including his right arm, right leg, and right half of his body, he was actually half a corpse.

He's a half-dead man.

The reason why his right arm and right leg were still able to move was that they should be supported by Astral Qi, just like how he used Astral Qi to control a prosthetic limb.

"Where are the three Inferior Grade Sacred Spirit Stones?" Xiang Nan asked.

Yin Yang said with a face full of anger, "I promised that I would definitely let Master become a Martial Saint. However, after many attempts, we only managed to gather 253 yuan. There are still three left."

"Later, I entered the secret realm four times, but my luck was bad. I didn't even get a single Holy Spirit Stone on those four occasions."

"I discovered that Master's Eternal Shadow has accelerated the rate of dissipation outside the secret realm. His corpse is gradually disappearing, and he is no longer able to hold on."

"So you have no choice but to steal other people's Holy Spirit Stones." Xiang Nan said.

Yin Yang's face was filled with tears. He raised his head to look at the falling snow in the sky and said, "When I was young, Master beat me many times. Whenever I was naughty, he would beat me. But he was completely different from when Father beat me. When Master beat me, he cried."

"He told me time and time again that humans can live in failure, but they must not lose their backbone."

"I'd rather starve to death than steal it."

Xiang Nan's eyes also turned red.

"When I grew up, I didn't do anything that offended my conscience, because that was Master's last line and the only way he could protect his pitiful dignity," Yin Yang said with a face full of anger.

"But in the end …"

Yin Yang's voice trembled and choked.

He took three deep breaths to calm himself down and said, "But in the end, I failed him."

"I don't know what else I can do. I can only steal it."

"I stole three Sacred Spirit Stones and buried the almost transparent corpses of Master and Sacred Spirit Stones under this tree."

"This is my story. It's very ordinary and simple."

"That's why you want to die." Xiang Nan said.

"I've insulted Master's dignity. I'm not worthy of being his disciple. I'm a thief," Yin Yang said with a face full of anger.

"Where's the enemy? What about the enemy?" Xiang Nan asked.

Yin Yang said, "It doesn't matter anymore. Master is dead, and there is no hatred left."

Xiang Nan nodded and said, "You are thinking emotionally. Your master has already disappeared, so his enemies are meaningless to you."

"However, I don't think so. I don't think whether the enemy should die or not has anything to do with whether Master is dead or not."

"What do you mean?" Yin Yang asked.

Xiang Nan said, "I will avenge your master."

"Even if you do, I won't follow you," said the Yin Yang face.

Xiang Nan patted him on the shoulder and said, "You misunderstood. I didn't do this to rope you in, but simply to pay tribute to the soul of an old hero."

"At the same time, I already know this story. I can't tolerate that kind of beast continuing to live."

"Perhaps your world outlook is completely different from mine, but at least in my place, you damned bastard, you must die."

"Take the head of your master's enemy and pay tribute to him. If you still want to die at that time, I won't stop you."

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