'Go chase a flying ship moving Northeast right now!' 

Rhydian paused mid-flight and scowled, hearing Mira's commanding voice in her head. 

Taking a breath to push down her irritation at being forced to work, she responded, 'But… how will I even know where they are or what they look like?'

'It's a flying ship! Do you see any others in the sky?'

Rhydian's frown deepened, but she just sighed and asked, '...How am I supposed to catch them if even you and that stupid bird can't?'

'You don't have to catch them. Just find their presence and follow them!' Mira replied angrily through their connection, so much so that Rhydian could feel her frustration building by the second.

'...Fine, but I want some sort of reward.' She reluctantly agreed, knowing that it was impossible to deny Mira at this point.

'If you can follow them, we'll do whatever you want to do next.' 


Rhydian's eyes widened in shock, scaring the people around her! She'd never heard Mira say something so… nice(?).

Yeah, nice. Mira was being "nice" for once in her life.

"You okay, Rhydian?" Dominique, who was sitting on the wolf's back, tapped her shoulder and asked.

Rhydian snapped out of her thoughts and nodded with a wide smile. "More than okay."

"Really? What happened?" 

"I got a job from your mother."

"Mother? What'd she want you to do?"

"To chase someone."

"...Sounds about right."

The people on the ship remained unaware of its silent pursuer and continued its course northeastward. Rhydian watched carefully, noting its trajectory and any peculiarities in its movement. 'They're heading towards... the Frozen Cliffs,' she realized, recognizing the landmark from the map Mira had bought.

As she followed, Rhydian's thoughts drifted to her companions on the ground. Dominique, Hana, Coralia, and Linnea were a peculiar bunch, each with their own quirks and strengths. 'Coralia better keep her word,' she thought, a hint of concern in her mind. The mermaid's playful yet crazy words weren't lost on her.

However, she didn't know how to handle this new companion.

'I don't think Mira does either.' She thought, finding it peculiar.

Usually, Mira was someone who was incredibly decisive. When she decided to do something, only death would stop her, if that. But regarding Coralia, she just ignored her presence, as if choosing not to deal with her. 

'Not like I don't understand. That woman's got something wrong with her brain. I guess it's better to just leave crazy alone.' 

That's what they all did with Mira, and they were still alive and well. 

As these random thoughts popped up inside her head, the ship suddenly veered to the right, heading towards a cluster of floating icebergs. Rhydian adjusted her flight path, her eyes never leaving the vessel. 'What are they planning?' she wondered, now a bit more intrigued by who was on this ship and why they made Mira so angry.

But Rhydian's senses remained alert, scanning for any potential threats or surprises. The Northern Continent was known for its unpredictable weather and dangerous creatures. She couldn't afford to let her guard down, not even for a moment.

The ship maneuvered skillfully through the icebergs, its crew clearly experienced in navigating such treacherous areas. Rhydian admired their skill, even though she knew they were likely enemies.

After about half an hour of following the ship, it finally slowed down, approaching a secluded cove hidden among the icebergs.

Rhydian hovered away from the secluded cove, her golden eyes locked on the ship as it approached the hidden entrance. The icebergs parted silently, revealing a massive staircase carved into the earth, wide enough for the ship to enter. She watched in awe as the vessel glided towards the opening, disappearing into the depths below before the icebergs slammed shut.

The wolf's ears perked up as she heard Mira's voice in her head. 'Did you find them?' Mira asked, her tone icy.

'Yes, they're here. There's a hidden entrance in the ice. It looks like they're heading underground,' Rhydian responded, conveying the coordinates to Mira and Elenei.

'Good. We're on our way. Keep an eye on them, and don't let them out of your sight,' Mira instructed.

Rhydian nodded, even though Mira couldn't see her. She settled into a watchful position, keeping her gaze fixed on the entrance. The Northern Continent's twilight cast a serene glow over the icy landscape, but Rhydian did her best not to get distracted by the environment, despite really wanting to take a nap right about now.

It wasn't long before Mira and Elenei arrived, soaring through the sky with incredible speed. Mira's [Paragon Wings] froze the air around her, creating ice crystals in her trail, while Elenei's magnificent Dracophoenix form exuded a domineering aura that left any nearby beasts running with their tails behind their legs.

Rhydian greeted them with a nod. "They went in there," she said, pointing to the staircase.

Mira surveyed the area, her eyes narrowing as she sensed something unique. She wasn't sure what, but she smelled… loot. "This place... it's not just a cove. There's something else here. Can you sense it?" she asked Elenei, who nodded in agreement.

"Yes, there's a strong energy emanating from below. It's not natural," Elenei confirmed, her voice echoing with a mix of curiosity and caution.

"Good. Hopefully, whatever they're keeping down there can make up for my wasted time. Let's go." Mira decided, leading the way towards the staircase.

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