Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 875 [Glacial Mirage Steps] And Scythe Technique

The moon cast a silver glow over the Glacial Thicket, its light reflecting off the icy terrain. Mira stood amidst this beautiful landscape, ready to unleash the [Glacial Mirage Steps], her latest Movement Technique.

Although movement techniques were the foundation of any good cultivator, Mira hardly bothered to learn one. The main reason for that was her scythe. 

It was simply too unique of a weapon. Finding or creating a movement technique suitable for it was incredibly difficult as there were just too many variables. 

However, after years of not using one, she felt she finally had the tools necessary to create a suitable technique.

She began with a gentle step, creating a layer of electrified ice beneath her that she could glide off of with extreme speed. 

A layer of light cloaked her body, casting multiple blinding afterimages around her. Each illusion mirrored her movements, creating a display that would hopefully distract or catch her opponents off guard.

Mira then moved forward, her steps silent and swift as thin layers of ice appeared under her feet, only to disappear a second later. That's when the earth element subtly worked its magic, leaving the snow behind her undisturbed, erasing any trace of her passage. 

To any observer, it would seem as if she was gliding.

As she approached a clearing, a pack of Frost Wolves emerged.

She activated the Wind element, feeling the air around her shift. It lifted her slightly, reducing drag and enhancing her speed dramatically. The wolves lunged, but Mira was no longer where they thought she was. Her afterimages took the brunt of their attacks, confusing them further.

Mira appeared behind them and struck. She darted around the wolves, her movements a blur. A wolf grabbed one of her clones, only to find itself biting into thin air. Meanwhile, Mira, the real one, delivered a precise kick to its flank, sending it skidding across the snow.

The light around her flickered with each movement, creating dazzling patterns that disoriented her foes. The wolves growled and snapped but were unable to discern the mirage from reality.

As she leaped and twirled among the wolves, the earth subtly shifted beneath her, guiding her steps and providing a stable platform for her ice when she landed as she continued her assaults.

One by one, the wolves were killed, their efforts futile against the elusive fox. 

As the last of the wolves lay subdued, Mira came to a graceful halt. Her breathing was steady, her energy barely spent. 

She decided to integrate her Yin Fire into the mix, adding a searing chill to her attacks. As she resumed her assault, the Drake found itself not only battling her speed and illusions but also the biting cold that now enveloped her blade.

Each strike left frostbitten wounds, the Yin Fire penetrating deep into the Drake's flesh. The beast roared in pain and anger, its own frost breath becoming erratic.

Mira, sensing an opening, unleashed a flurry of strikes, her scythe moving faster than the eye could see, each swing leaving a trail of light and shadow. The Ice Drake, who was overwhelmed, faltered under her relentless assault.

With a final, decisive strike, Mira brought her scythe down on the creature's neck and snapped its spine. She stood over it without even breaking a sweat, her technique proving its worth against a rather challenging opponent.

As she collected the Drake's corpse, Mira reflected on her technique's performance. "The [Glacial Mirage Steps] are effective, but there's still room for improvement. I need to work on integrating my elements more seamlessly, making each movement a natural extension of my will."

Determined to refine her technique further, Mira continued her journey through the Thicket, her mind already formulating strategies for her next technique.

"The Scythe Technique will be next," she decided. "Something that complements the [Glacial Mirage Steps] and maximizes the scythe's potential."

As she walked, Mira pondered the possibilities, her imagination already spinning as she tried to come up with something that would suit her.

"It needs to flow seamlessly with the [Glacial Mirage Steps], yet stand strong on its own," she thought, her gaze fixed on the blade of her scythe.

She began by experimenting with different styles. First, she tried a fluid approach, keeping her scythe in constant motion, allowing it to weave through the air like water. She coated the blade with a thin layer of Qi, enhancing its sharpness and reach.

Swinging the scythe, she struck at the air, feeling the resistance lessen as her Qi sliced through it. The technique was elegant and graceful but lacked the impact she desired. "Too light," she concluded. "It needs more power."

Switching to a slower, more forceful style, Mira focused on gathering her strength in each swing. She channeled her Qi into the scythe, making each strike more potent. The weight of the scythe felt more pronounced, its path through the air leaving a trail of frost behind it.

She struck a nearby ice boulder, splitting it cleanly in half before both sides exploded into a million pieces. The power was there, but the technique felt cumbersome, lacking the speed and agility that made the scythe an actual usable weapon. "Too rigid," she muttered, dissatisfied.

Mira paused, considering her options. "What if I combine the fluidity of the first with the strength of the second?" she pondered.

She started spinning her scythe, gradually increasing its speed. The blade whirled around her, kicking up the wind and destroying the land around her. As the speed built up, so did the power behind each swing. This in and of itself took immense control, especially at her strength, but after using the weapon for years now, she had grown accustomed to it.

Mira moved through the Thicket, her scythe spinning like a whirlwind. She approached a frozen pond, the surface reflecting the moonlight. With a sudden, forceful motion, she brought the scythe down onto the ice.

The impact was thunderous, sending shards of ice and pools of water flying in all directions. 

"Yes, this is it," Mira said, a satisfied smile crossing her lips. "A technique that builds momentum, allowing for a devastating strike when the time is right." 

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