Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 873 Explosive Ice Gauntlet-Completed

Chapter 873 Explosive Ice Gauntlet-Completed

Under the moonlit sky, Mira stood in the snow-covered field of exploded ice trees, contemplating. She had pushed the Explosive Ice Gauntlet to new heights, but the challenge of making it viable at her full power remained.

"The fusion of elements... perhaps that's the key to efficiency," Mira pondered. She recalled her affinity for water alongside ice, considering how these two elements could synergize within the gauntlet.

With this new approach in mind, Mira focused her Qi, summoning the essence of water to merge with the ice. She visualized the water molecules interlacing with the ice lattice, reinforcing it and adding a new layer of versatility.

As she formed the gauntlet again, she noticed an immediate difference. The presence of water made the ice more malleable, allowing for quicker formation and a smoother explosion mechanism. The water seemed to cushion the ice's explosive release, reducing the Qi drain significantly.

'Seems I'm going in the right direction.'

Excited by this development, Mira tested the enhanced gauntlet on a nearby tree. Pulling back her fist, she punched with just 30% of her strength.


The impact was more controlled, the explosion less violent, but equally effective. "This is it," she said, a triumphant smile forming. "The combination of ice and water not only strengthens the gauntlet but also makes it more efficient."

Mira continued her training, gradually increasing her power output while maintaining the balance between the ice and water elements.

At thirty-five percent, the gauntlet showed remarkable stability, its explosions precise and impactful.

Forty percent power brought new insights. Mira noticed that the water element allowed her to adapt the gauntlet's form mid-strike, providing a dynamic edge to her attacks. She experimented with changing the shape and density of the ice mid-punch, creating varying effects upon impact.

By the time she reached fifty percent, Mira had honed the Explosive Ice Gauntlet into a versatile and formidable weapon. The fusion of ice and water had not only enhanced its strength but also its adaptability, making it a perfect fit for her combat style.

However, she knew that her ultimate goal was to make the technique viable at her full strength.

Sixty percent power was a significant milestone. The strain on her Qi was quite noticeable, but the efficiency of the gauntlet had improved drastically. She could sustain the technique for longer periods while still retaining its devastating explosiveness.

Seventy percent brought about a new level of mastery. Mira felt a deep connection with the elements, her Qi flowing seamlessly between ice and water. The gauntlet responded to her every thought, adapting to her changing tactics.

She wanted this to be something that would always be a part of her arsenal. Something she could always rely on.

It didn't have to devastate armies or destroy mountains, nor was that what she was going for.

Looking forward to the technique at full power, Mira pushed even harder to complete it.

Finally, after another 12 hours of constant work, Mira wanted to unleash the full potential of the Explosive Ice Gauntlet.

"I need to see its limits, its true capacity for controlled destruction," Mira spoke to herself. She set her eyes on a large, robust ice tree in the middle of a bunch of smaller ones and approached it.

Mira raised her fist and enveloped it in the Explosive Ice Gauntlet.

At a hundred percent of her strength, Mira unleashed the gauntlet. Her fist shot forward like a blur.

Upon impact, the spectacle was breathtaking. The gauntlet exploded, but unlike before, the explosion was a concentrated burst of energy precisely directed into the tree.

The ice shards, supercharged with Yin Lightning, penetrated deep, branching out in a web of electric energy within the trunk. Simultaneously, the Yin Fire spread, creating a surreal scene of ice burning with a cold flame, scorching the insides while leaving the exterior surprisingly intact.

Mira observed the aftermath, noting how the tree stood, seemingly unscathed, yet internally, it was utterly ravaged. "This... This is the essence of the Explosive Ice Gauntlet. Devastating yet precise. Destructive, yet controlled."

A second later, the tree turned to dust, but she ignored that. Her power was simply too strong for it.

Turning her attention to another tree, Mira experimented with varying the intensity and focus of the gauntlet's explosive release. She discovered she could fine-tune the balance of elements, creating different effects based on her intention.

A lighter touch resulted in a more superficial burst of Yin Lightning, ideal for quick, piercing strikes. A heavier blow unleashed the full might of the Yin Fire, engulfing the target in a freezing inferno.

"This technique isn't just about raw power," Mira reflected. "It's about adaptability, the ability to respond to any situation with the right combination of elements."

As she continued her practice, Mira found herself moving in a trance. The gauntlet felt like an extension of her own body, responding instantly to her thoughts and movements.

"Each element brings its own strength," she thought aloud, her fists moving in a rhythmic pattern as she destroyed tree after tree. "Ice for structure, water for flexibility, Yin Fire for its piercing cold, and Yin Lightning for its swift, penetrating force."

After another few hours of training, Mira felt that she had finally completed and perfected her first technique. Not only that, but her understanding of the creation process, as well as her own elements, had improved drastically.

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