Chapter 867 The Temple Master

'The hell is this old bastard saying?' Mira scowled as she stared at the old man. 'I knew they were a temple, but I didn't think they were really a bunch of monks.'

From the information she received, the Frozen Sangfroid Temple's ice techniques are some of the best in the world. Mira didn't think much of it, assuming that they lived in a tough environment, climate-wise, all the major powers should be quite proficient in fighting or at least surviving.

However, those two guards didn't know what to do against her despite barely doing anything.

'I guess it'd make sense if this place is filled with monks. They have great techniques but lack experience?' At least, Mira hoped that to be the case. It'd be a complete waste of time if she came all the way to this Continent for something she could just do herself.

She had journeyed across continents, not for lectures about wisdom and other nonsense, but to steal-*ahem*-obtain some of the best ice techniques.

While she could browse the FLDIL for such things, she now understood that there are some things in this world that points can't buy.

"I didn't come here for sermons," Mira retorted sharply, resting her scythe on her shoulder. "I want to experience the world's supposed 'best' ice techniques."

"..." The Temple Master's eyes deepened as he met Mira's gaze. "Strength, young cultivator, is more than the ability to destroy. It lies in understanding and in harmony with the world and its elements. True mastery comes not from overpowering but from becoming one with your element."

'I already am.' Mira thought, becoming more and more annoyed by the second. With a sigh, Mira raised her scythe and pointed it at the old man. "Look, you can lecture your students about this crap all day long, but I didn't come here to play with children. I came to experience the best. If your temple can't even handle that much, what good is harmony and understanding?"

The faint smile on the Temple Master's face receded, not like Mira's attitude. He might just be a wisened old man who simply cared about taking care of future generations and passing on the late Ice Sage's teachings, but there was a limit to his patience.

However, on the flip side, he was strong and wise enough to see that interacting with the 'fox' before him could not be good. Angering her, even less so.

'The amount of death and destruction she's caused… all that negative karma… I can't see her other than a monster that crawled out of the depths of hell. A walking calamity.' The Temple Master thought as his eyes altered between ice blue and black.

From his perspective, Mira looked less like a person and more like a ball of darkness that sucked the life out of everything she touched. She was like a void that killed indiscriminately, uncaring of friend and foe.

As long as she survived, nothing else mattered. And she would do anything to survive, even if it meant killing herself.

'Such a contradictory entity… I don't know what she's experienced, but from what I can tell with my Eyes of Truth is that life and death mean nothing to her, yet she can control both concepts. What to do, what to do…' The Temple Master contemplated his next words and actions very carefully.

One of the main reasons he was able to obtain the position he has today was because of his eyes. He was born with a unique physique, but unlike other physiques that granted better talent, an affinity, or greater strength, his gave him extraordinary insight.

He could use his eyes to peek into the truth of the world, to see the unseen. They weren't perfect, but he was able to master techniques extremely quickly and even improve upon them with relative ease.

Through this, he was able to take a small, unknown Sect to the top of the Continent.

While the legendary Ice Sage, Yulian, will always be the Temple's founder, and they couldn't be here without her, he was recognized as the leader. Hence his title.

However, because of his eyes, he could see just how dangerous of a person Mira was.

'If she's left alone to roam free in this world, I fear of what will become of things.'

But maybe it was the teacher in his heart that he simply couldn't kill off someone who wanted to learn. Either that, or he was afraid of the consequences that would befall him should she perish.

'...Let's gather some information first, and if she wants to learn, then so be it.'

With his decision made, the Temple Master raised his hand and said, "There's no need for us to fight. If you want to learn and see what my temple has to offer, then who am I to send away such an… eager guest? Perhaps you could even give my disciples a lesson or two in the way of the world. Hohoho!"

With a chuckle, he landed on the ground and waved his hand, signaling for Mira's group to follow him.

Mira lowered her scythe but kept a wary eye on the Temple Master. His sudden shift from a stern teacher to a seemingly accommodating host didn't sit well with her. But she followed him without making a fuss.

The group was led to a vast training ground where disciples of all ages practiced. The air was filled with the crisp sound of ice being manipulated, and the atmosphere was one of focused discipline.

"Here, you will see the true essence of our techniques," the Temple Master said, gesturing towards the disciples. "Observe, and perhaps partake if you feel inclined."

Mira watched, her expression unreadable. The disciples moved with a grace that was almost mesmerizing. Their control over ice was evident in the way they seamlessly shaped it into various forms - from razor-sharp spears to intricate shields and even delicate sculptures.

"Your disciples are quite skilled," Mira commented, her tone grudgingly respectful. While she certainly wouldn't call them strong, they at least knew what they were doing.

"They have dedicated their lives to mastering the art," the Temple Master replied. "Would you like to challenge them? It might give you a better understanding of our methods."

Mira's eyes lit up at the challenge. "I thought you'd never ask."

She stepped forward, her presence commanding the attention of every disciple in the vicinity. The air around her grew colder, a testament to her own mastery over ice.

A young disciple, a woman with sharp features and a determined gaze, stepped forward to meet Mira's challenge. "I am Lian, a senior disciple of the Frozen Sangfroid Temple. I accept your challenge."

Mira nodded, her scythe ready. "Let's see what you've got."

The duel began with Lian launching a series of rapid ice shards towards Mira. Mira deflected them with ease, countering with a wave of her own ice energy. Lian responded by creating a barrier of ice, absorbing Mira's attack.

The two were a blur of motion, ice and frost swirling around them and filling the area. Mira's style was aggressive and overwhelming, while Lian's was defensive and precise. The latter did her best not to let a single speck of energy go to waste.

As they fought, Mira began to see the depth of Lian's skill. Each of her moves was calculated, and her defense was impenetrable. Of course, it was only because Mira had reduced her strength enough that she wouldn't completely destroy Lian that the fight lasted so long, but she didn't come here to obliterate her opponents.

She came here to experience the so-called best in the world.

Gradually, Mira's attacks became more measured, her movements syncing with Lian's in a strange harmony. It was as if she was beginning to understand the Temple's philosophy through the heat of battle.

The clashing of ice and frost echoed throughout the training ground, drawing the attention of other disciples. They gathered around, forming a ring around Mira and Lian. Their eyes were wide with awe and anticipation, watching every move and countermove in the intense duel.

Mira, with a flick of her wrist, sent a spiraling ice tornado towards Lian. The senior disciple, undeterred, countered with a wave of her hand, dispersing the tornado into a shower of harmless snowflakes. The crowd gasped, impressed by Lian's control and Mira's power.

"You're good," Mira acknowledged with a nod, a hint of respect in her voice. "But let's see how you handle this!"

With a sudden burst of speed, Mira closed the distance between them. Her scythe, enveloped in a chilling aura, sliced through the air, aiming for Lian's midsection. Lian, in response, formed a thick wall of ice in front of her, but Mira's scythe shattered it effortlessly.

Lian, however, was no longer there. She had moved with astonishing speed, reappearing a few meters away. "Your power is immense," she said, panting slightly. "But power alone doesn't win battles-!"


Lian's face was shoved into the ground, with Mira standing on top of her unconscious body. "Are all you monks the same!?"

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