Chapter 855 Storm

The storm that engulfed 'The Northern Gale' was like a living entity, a furious beast unleashed upon the sea. Thunder roared above and lightning crackled, striking the water around them and illuminating the dark. Massive waves, like towering walls of water, crashed against the ship, each impact sending the boat smashing into the water.

Captain Jorvik stood at the helm and steered the ship with narrowed eyes and clenched fists.

His experienced hands gripped the wheel tightly as he navigated through the tumultuous waters.

"Steady now!" Jorvik bellowed above the howling wind. "Keep her course true!"

A crewman, drenched from the rain, called back, "Aye, Captain! Holding as steady as she'll go!"

Another sailor, securing the rigging, shouted, "Waves on the starboard side, Captain! They're massive!"

Jorvik glanced at the approaching walls of water, his jaw set. "Brace for impact! And keep an eye on those sails. We can't afford them tearing now!"

The crew responded in unison, shouting as they scurried across the deck, battling both the elements and the ship's violent movements. Their coordination, honed by countless voyages, was near perfect as they reacted to every situation.

"Captain, we've got trouble below!" yelled a crewman, emerging from the lower deck. "Water's breaching the hull in places!"

Jorvik cursed under his breath. "Get the pumps working! And patch up whatever you can. We're not losing The Northern Gale to this tempest!"

As Jorvik steered, his gaze occasionally swept over the crew, ensuring that each man was at his post, doing what was necessary to keep the ship afloat. Despite the danger, there was a fire in his eyes and a smile on his lips.

Below deck, Mira and her companions were feeling the full brunt of the storm's fury. The ship rocked and heaved, the sound of crashing waves and creaking wood a reminder to them that the boat wasn't invincible.

Dominique clung to her bed, her face pale but determined. "I never knew the sea could be this terrifying," she murmured, trying to steady her voice.

Hana, curled up beside her mother, looked up with wide, scared eyes. Linnea held her tightly, offering what comfort she could. "It's alright, Hana. The ship is strong, and the crew knows what they're doing."

Mira stood next to the porthole and watched the storm rage outside. Her expression was calm, but her eyes betrayed a hint of respect for the sea's power. Now she was beginning to understand why flying by oneself could be dangerous.

Those winds, waves, and lightning strikes could rip most people to shreds if they had to face it head-on. 'Flying too high is a death sentence, but too low, and you'd be a prime target for beasts and tsunamis.' She thought.

Elenei, meanwhile, seemed almost fascinated by the tempest. "Such raw, natural power. Truly, us cultivators are nothing in the face of Mother Nature," she said, her voice a mix of awe and excitement.

Meanwhile, Rhydian was still in her wolf form, sprawled on the floor, seemingly unperturbed by the chaos around her.

Back on deck, the crew was struggling to keep the ship on course. The Qi cannons were charged, ready to blast any sea creature daring enough to approach the ship in these conditions.

Suddenly, a massive whirlpool formed off the port side, its swirling waters threatening to engulf the ship.

"Port side, hard turn!" Jorvik commanded, his voice cutting through the storm. The crew scrambled to adjust and did their job swiftly

As the ship narrowly avoided the whirlpool, a gigantic waterspout ascended up ahead, spinning with such force that they were pulled in.

Jorvik's face tightened. "Prepare the Qi cannons! We'll blast through if we have to!"

The crew readied the cannons, aiming them at the waterspout. With a unified shout, they fired, the concentrated bursts of energy striking the waterspout and dissipating it enough for the ship to pass through.

But the sea was not done with them yet. From beneath the waves, a monstrous shadow loomed, its size and shape indistinct but clearly massive.

"Sea beast!" one of the crewmen shouted, pointing towards the dark shape beneath the waves.

Jorvik's eyes widened slightly. "Ready the ballistae! Aim for any weak spots!"

As the crew prepared to defend the ship, a whale broke through the surface and slammed its massive body against the ship's side. The impact was immense, shaking the entire vessel.

The crew fired the ballistae, the bolts piercing the whale's thick hide. The beast roared in pain and anger, thrashing in the water.

Watching all this go down, Mira made a decision. 'I can't let them have all the fun, can I?'

She dashed up to the deck, her eyes glowing with amusement.

Seeing the whale, she raised her hand, and ice began to form around it, attempting to encase the beast and immobilize it. With just that simple movement, she froze hundreds of meters of water a foot deep around them in an instant.

Although it kept breaking apart due to the cataclysmic force behind the waves, she didn't let up.

Jorvik, watching her, felt a mix of relief and amazement. "So that lassy decided to come up, huh," he muttered, his eyes fixed on the spectacle before him.

The ice spread rapidly, covering the whale. The creature struggled against its icy prison, but Mira's power was overwhelming, and it was just a measly Rank 8 sea beast.

With a final roar, a flurry of ballistae bolts penetrated its skull, and the whale stilled, frozen solid in the icy waters.

The crew cheered, their shouts of victory echoing over the storm. Jorvik allowed himself a brief smile before turning his attention back to navigating the ship.

"Pipe down ye' bunch of braggarts! Get back to work!" He yelled, which immediately shut them up as they scurried back to their posts.

However, he could see that they had already gotten past the worst of it.

As the storm gradually subsided, leaving behind a clear sky and calm seas, the crew took stock of the damage. The Northern Gale had suffered some minor injuries, but it remained strong and seaworthy. They'd just need to patch up a few places, use a few Spirit Stones, and they would be back to normal.

Mira stood at the bow, looking out at the peaceful sea. The storm had been a new experience, but she was starting to understand why people did this as a profession despite the dangers.

"It's quite… entertaining, is it not? Fighting not people but the world." She muttered aloud.

"Aye. We might not do as much killin' as you land folk do, but our battles are just as fierce," Jorvik said, joining her at the bow. "But with you on board, I reckon our chances just got a lot better should we face against the living."

"Mmhm. Nobody's better at, 'killin' land folk,' as you say, than me." Mira replied with a toothy grin. "If such a problem arises, I'll be the first to take action."

"...A bad omen you are, Missy." Jorvik's lips dipped as he looked out at sea, not daring to turn toward the 'woman', or whatever demon was next to him. Just hearing the word "kill" out of her mouth sent an inexplicable shudder down his spine.

Mira chuckled, "You're right, old man. So, prepare for the worst. Then, multiply that by ten."

"...It can't be that bad, right?" Jorvik's gaze turned unusually serious as he even lost part of his accent.

Mira turned to him, a small smile playing on her lips. "Let's hope so, Captain. Let's hope so."

With that, she walked away from the bow, returning to her quarters and leaving him to mull over her words.

'O' gods above!' He immediately bowed his head as soon as she left. 'Please grant this pitiful lost soul good fortune! I'm too old to die from some lass's bad luck!'

A gust of wind passed by him when he finished his prayer, and he could've sworn he heard a whispering, "Noooooo~" pass by his ear, but it was probably his imagination.

However, watching his crew start to fool around now that the danger has passed irked him a bit. Stomping his foot on the ground, a loud thump caught everyone's attention. "Get back to your stations! I want everyone on high alert at all times! We have VVIP clients this time! If something happens to them, I'll dock all your pay!"

"Fuck! Captain! That's too much!"

"Aye! So what if they get hurt? Our job is just to take them!"

"You can take my life, Captain, but you can't take my money! Mutiny! I declare a mutiny!"

"SHUT UP!" Jorvik yelled with a Qi-amplified voice. "Just stay on high alert! Our client this time is a little… special. Attacks and disasters will come more often!"

The crew clamored once again after that, but their faces all turned serious. They understood that if the captain was saying this, things weren't simple.


Somewhere, deep underneath the surface of the water, in the darkest depths of the ocean, a creature opened its eyes.

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