Chapter 846 Goodbyes

"So, you want to go on an adventure, huh?" A cold voice came out of Aelina as she stared down at Mira.

Sitting at a table at the top of the mountain, Mira took a sip of tea and nodded.

"You do know you just became the Sect's Prime Disciple, right?" Aelina tapped her fingers and asked, her voice still cold.

"And?" Mira replied with an indifferent expression.

"There are certain responsibilities that come with that title. One of which isn't immediately leaving."

"I'll come back every so often," Mira said, but Aelina wasn't satisfied with that. The Prime Disciple position was more than just being a Central Continent Competition candidate. It was the face of the Sect's current generation—a representation of the Sect's future.

A weak Prime Disciple often meant a weak future, and vice versa. Mira couldn't just leave because she wanted to.

"It's not that simple, Mira," Aelina said with a sigh. "There are things you have to do, take part of. Friendly competitions between other Sects, training the newer disciples, making appearances, spreading your influence, and more. You think you can just get all the benefits without giving anything in return?"

Mira gave Aelina a mocking smile and pulled out a Divine-Grade herb from her Infinity Garden. She tossed it at the Sect Master, who carefully caught it and said succinctly, "Yes."


Putting the herb away, Aelina coughed awkwardly and said righteously, "...A-Actually, an adventure might be good. Our Sect's Prime Disciple should really broaden her horizons! No, not just you, but all disciples need to go out into the world!"

"..." Mira just stared at her with a deadpan expression.

"Haaa…" Aelina gave a massive sigh. "I know I can't change your mind, but you really do need to stop by every so often to fulfill a few obligations. The Elders and I will work on preparing everything you need to do. All you need to do is show up."

Taking out a palm-sized wooden token covered in runes, as well as around 100 Communication Talismans, she handed them over to Mira. "We can get in touch through these. However, don't ignore me, or I'll be forced to drag you back."

Putting them in her storage space, Mira gave her a weird look. "Why do you think I'll be gone so long? What if I just have a few errands to run?"

"Are you really?" Aelina gave Mira a knowing look.

"..." Mira didn't have anything to say against that, as she really did want to go explore the rest of the world before reaching the Central Continent.

She had a feeling that once she made it there, not only would it be hard to leave, but her strength would be high enough that traveling to other Continents wouldn't be interesting.

It was better to get these things out of the way when she could still find enemies of similar strength.

'This'll also be good for Dominique's development. I can also get that lazy wolf to get off its butt.' There was also the fact that the Sect was too safe for her. While sparring was fun, and she could definitely learn from them, they weren't as effective as battles to the death.

Outside in the wild, without protection and seeing the world how it really is was much more interesting.

"...I'll try and come back at least once a year." Mira finally replied.

"That's fine." Aelina nodded with a smile before her expression became serious. "However, don't be gone too long. It seems that after we invaded the Beast Clans, something big is going to happen soon. While the Elders and I can handle most things, you do need to make an appearance for these kinds of things."

"...Fine." Mira readily agreed, not necessarily for Aelina, but because killing things was the most efficient way for her to grow. If enemies started invading the Sect in droves, her cultivation might skyrocket!

"Good." Aelina nodded, finally somewhat satisfied. "I'll make a public statement saying you've gone into seclusion to prepare for the Central Continent Competition. However, that'll only stall any enemies waiting in the background until you reveal yourself, which probably won't take more than a day."

Mira couldn't refute that. She was just too noticeable now, and she really didn't want to switch forms just to avoid a bit of trouble.

"Alright, be on your way now." Aelina got up and waved Mira off. "I'll contact you when I need something. Try not to die, and don't use MY herbs so freely."

Mira nodded and got up as well. She didn't bother saying thank you or anything like that, as she was going to leave anyway. She was just here to inform her.

Seeing her walk away, Aelina gave a faint smirk. 'The bait has been thrown. Now, let's see who my first target will be.'


Making her way back to her home, Mira was surprised to see Nova, Seraphina, Everly, and Eden playing with Dominique and Hana outside.

'What are they doing here?' She wondered as she landed right next to them, catching their attention.

"We came to say goodbye." Nova, who was sitting on the grass, said bluntly.

"...How'd you-" Mira's eyes widened slightly in surprise.

"You're leaving the Sect to explore and broaden your horizons, right? So are we." Nova cut her off and answered. Mira was surprised to hear that and wondered why they'd also leave.

As if she saw through her thoughts, Seraphina said, "After training with you a few times, we realized that we've spent most of our time in the Sect over the years. We haven't really gone out. However, our time in the beast's Secret Realm really opened our eyes, showing us that there are extraordinary opportunities outside of the Sect."

"We can't allow you to leave us in the dirt, after all." Everly chimed in.

"...I see." Mira slowly nodded in realization. "Well, do whatever you want."

The group gathered around, each one of them sharing a determined look. They each recognized the other's hunger for growth. Nobody wanted to be left behind, especially not geniuses like them.

It was already bad enough that the girl who joined the Sect years after them and is decades younger was about to surpass them in cultivation and had already done so in strength. They couldn't allow her to leave them behind.

They had their own pride too!

"I guess Aelina will be a bit lonely," Mira chuckled, thinking of the Sect Master's exacerbated face. Dominique and Hana, playing nearby, paused what they were doing and looked up, sensing the serious mood.

lightsnοvεl.cοm "Yeah, but we'll cross paths again. And when we do, it'll be your face in the dirt," Nova stated with a smirk, clearly looking forward to the challenge.

Seraphina nodded with shining eyes. "It's not just about getting stronger. I want to see more of this world, understand its mysteries."

Everly and Eden shared a glance, nodding in agreement. "We'll all have our adventures. Maybe we'll even find some new techniques or rare treasures," Everly said with a hopeful tone.

Mira looked at her companions. She wasn't sure what to feel regarding them. Although they were nice to have around occasionally, Mira wasn't someone who wanted to be tied down by unnecessary things.

However, perhaps if they kept this level of passion for learning and getting stronger, they might all be able to stick together in the future.

'...Similar to Maria, I suppose. In the end, only strength matters. Having weak friends is nothing more than a liability.' Mira thought while staring at them in satisfaction. She really didn't want to be stuck with Aelina for the rest of her life.

'...As long as that witch doesn't die of old age, I really can't see her dying.' She shook her head with a bitter smile.

If there was anyone in this world that she could trust not to die, it was Aelina. Not just because she was strong, but she was too crafty, like a wily old fox. Even with her age and life experience, Mira doubted that she wouldn't be tricked by one of Aelina's schemes.

The woman was really too smart.

'Who knows, I'm probably part of one of her plans right now and don't even know it.' Mira didn't realize how right she was.

Their conversation continued for a while, each sharing their plans and aspirations. Mira listened, offering advice where she could, based on her own experiences. As the sun began to set, casting a golden hue over the mountain, the group stood up.

"Well, this is it then," Seraphina said, a hint of sadness in her voice. "We should get going."

One by one, they bid farewell to Mira, Dominique, and Hana. With promises to meet again, they each took off in different directions, disappearing into the horizon.

Mira watched them leave, feeling a mix of emotions. She was proud of her friends for taking this step, but she also felt a twinge of loneliness. Shaking her head, she turned to Dominique and Hana.

"Let's go inside. It's getting late."

As they walked back to the house, Mira's mind was already racing with plans and preparations for her own journey.


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