Chapter 179

"Excuse me?"

"I said you pass. I hate to admit it, but I have no choice. Right, old man?"

"...Hmph, it was a decent strike for someone like you."

Lucia slightly bent her arm and tapped Caron with her elbow.

"If you're going to praise, do it properly. Honestly, it was an amazing strike, right?"

"It might be at your level."

"This damn old man!"

Stomp stomp stomp-!

Tap tap tap tap-!

Lucia and Caron's fighting started again.

I had no intention of stopping them. In the first place, it's not a fight I can intervene in. Slightly moving my eyes, I turned my gaze to the air.

Various information windows were floating there.

[Zero Original: F]

-You can create a new skill.

-Only skills suitable for the current character can be created.

Creation condition: ???

First original secret technique - Sincere Downward Strike

'O-Original secret technique?'

Even I couldn't help but be surprised.

Creating an 'original secret technique' is something that only protagonists, supporting characters, extras, etc, can do because it's only possible for characters who originally existed in this game.

I've never heard of a customized character like now creating an 'original secret technique'.

At best, what was possible was combining and using skills.

'But are we also capable of that?'

Is it thanks to Lucia's guidance?


I could intuitively tell. It wasn't solely because of my connection with Lucia.

The experience of the game I repeated tens of thousands of times.

The secret techniques I've experienced so far, the experience accumulated through duels.

Efforts and earnest desire.

They created my own secret technique.

My fists clenched involuntarily.

Not only did I become the first user to create an original secret technique.

But also because it's an opportunity to become stronger and become a 'real' part of this world.

'Not only can I create my own secret technique, but I can also use it.'

I was happy when I obtained the [Fleur Family Style], but now I'm feeling a different kind of joy.

However, if there's one complaint...

'Sincere Downward Strike? What kind of name is this!'

Isn't that right? There are so many cool technique names like Continental Destruction Slash, Black Dragon Wave, or Hokuto Musou! (TL Note: Weebs out there will know these. I'm not sure about the first, but the second one is Yu Yu Hakusho and the third one is Fist of the North Star)

But Sincere Downward Strike!

It's an embarrassing name to even show off somewhere.

"Old man, but is it okay to pass him like this?"

"...It was a perfect score anyway, so it doesn't matter."

"You're being too rough. What if you get fired from the academy like that?"

"Your neck will probably get cut off faster than that, so don't worry about it."

"Saying such unlucky words! This damn old man!"

Bam bam bam bam-!

Thud thud thud thud-!

Hmm, I see.

This test is ultimately a test to see the attitude and response when facing a stronger opponent.

It's not a test to see one's mindset.

But ignoring that, does it mean my strike was so impressive that the word 'pass' naturally came out of their mouths?

'Then does it mean that to clear this quest, I had to compete purely with skill, not relying on extraordinary plays, secret techniques, or tricks...?'

Perhaps a Hidden Piece connected to the [Fleur Family Style] has been triggered.

The [Fleur Family Style] is also ultimately the swordsmanship of the 'Fleur' family.

There's no way a family that believes their family's swordsmanship is the best and that the path of the sword they wield is the true way would want to prove that the [Fleur Family Style] is the best.


'Does it mean to train posture, develop abilities, and hone your own swordsmanship?'

Raising stats and allowing the creation of one's own secret techniques.

If this is what the creator of the [Fleur Family Style] truly desires, then it's nothing short of amazing.

Because it means they want people to train their family's swordsmanship and individual swordsmanship.

'Then... someday all the people of the continent may use the [Fleur Family Style] as a foundation.'

A swordsmanship that makes you stronger just by training posture and helps you create your own swordsmanship and secret techniques.

The fame of the Fleur family will echo throughout the entire continent.

'Lérang... Things might get bigger than expected.'

Although I obtained my own secret technique, I won't neglect training the [Fleur Family Style] either.

Not only can I raise my stats.

'Because I'm the last successor.'

Both the [Fleur Family Style] and [Zero Original].

I'll hone both of them and spread to the world the teachings of the Fleur family that the extremes of all martial arts are the same.

'If I can spread it to all the people of the continent... game clearing might become easier?'

Nobles, knights, commoners, slaves, etc.

If I slightly raise the stats of all the people in this world?

We might be able to win the great war against demons.

Of course, it's not an easy task.

Nobles and knights with their own families probably won't even pretend to accept it.

'But if the academy accepts it... I might be able to achieve my goal more easily than expected.'

Annwood Academy is the holy land of education and the starting point of waves spreading throughout the empire.

If it's a training method accepted by the empire's top academy, everyone will compete to perform the basic movements of the [Fleur Family Style].

Students are still young, so they'll have no prejudice in accepting new things.

Of course, this isn't an easy task either.

Because Annwood Academy is a place where nobles make up half the ratio.


'I thought of a very good method.'

An absolutely brilliant and nose-blocking method to make academy students have no choice but to do the basic movements of the [Fleur Family Style].

It just came to mind.




"...Old man, I think he's gone crazy. Do something about it."

Crazy? What a rude thing to say!

Glancing to the side, I checked the quest window.

[Gain Lucia de Lucid's recognition (0/1)]

[Surprise Lucia de Lucid (1/1)]

The first condition is still not achieved.

Judging by the situation, it's a situation where she has no choice but to recognize me.

I moved my body and pressed against Lucia.

"Come to think of it, there's one thing we need to settle between us."


"Didn't you say you'd accept me as a disciple if you recognized me?"


Perhaps recalling the memory.

Lucia's pupils shook wildly. As if there was an earthquake.

"Surely you're not going to break your promise or anything like that, right?"

"D-Do we really have to keep that? Wh-Why, promises are meant to be broken. There's a saying like that too, right?"

"Keke, there's such a great saying? The secret of the Lucid family. It's great enough to make me want to blab about it right now."

The pupils that were shaking as if there was an earthquake started spinning round and round.

"Th-That, why don't we talk about it later? Be-Because the test is in progress now!"

"Well, sure. I'll specially let it slide. Since you're my beloved teacher."

"L-Love!? T-Teacher!? Ugh!"

Lucia staggered towards the bushes.

From there, the sound of vomiting something echoed.

Why is she acting like that? I only said nice things to her.

Unfortunately, I decided to postpone the settlement for a bit.

As Lucia said, the test isn't over yet, but also.

'It seems there's a separate settlement time.'

Sometimes that happens. When wrapping up a long episode or when there are multiple characters to receive rewards.

They would give rewards all at once.

'Then does it mean Luna and Rezé will also receive rewards?'

Not only Luna, who received Lucia's guidance with me, but Rezé is also learning unknown skills.

What kind of rewards will the two kids receive?

Just imagining it made me feel good.

"Oho, settlement......"

That's when Caron approached, his eyes glowing.

"Keke, I have some calculations to do with Lucia."

"I see. Come to think of it, don't you have some calculations to do with me too?"

"Excuse me?"

"Calculations for lying to me and hiding things."

Caron's eyes were not just burning, but boiling furiously.

The fact that I can use secret techniques other than [One Flash], the deal with Lucia, and becoming her disciple.

It was only natural for Caron to be furious since I didn't report a single thing.

We're in a business relationship.

"Ke-keke... I'm reminded of what Lucia said a little while ago. Promises are meant to be broken. Isn't that a great saying?"

"Oho... It certainly is a great saying."

Caron doesn't have any particular secrets about me.

Unlike what I did to Lucia, he won't be able to blackmail me.

"Instead, I can break your head."

"Excuse me?"

"Of course, I can crush it too. Tell me which one you want. I'll give you that much choice."

Hmm, I see. A fist in front of you is scarier than holding secrets?

What's the point of racking your brain? If you can just bury it with force.

I'm learning another principle of the world like this.

This game is really an amazing game.

Should I say it's a god-tier game that lets you experience society(?) in advance?

"Wh-Why don't we talk about it later? Because the test is in progress now."

"...I see. Let's have a very slow conversation. A space of about 1 pyeong should be enough to talk in."

Having a slow conversation in such a small space.

It seems it will be a much hotter date(?) than I thought.

'Well, I have all the excuses ready, so it doesn't matter.'

The reason I can skillfully use other people's secret techniques?

Because I'm a genius!

The reason I could become Lucia's disciple?

Because I'm a genius!

The reason I made a deal with Lucia?

Because I'm a genius(?).

Just claiming to be a genius can solve 80% of it.

He won't be able to disbelieve it since I used [One Flash], [Moon Shadow], and [Sky Splitter] in front of him.

In other words, all I have to do from now on is watch the last team's test and eat popcorn.

Just that one thing.

It was when I took out popcorn and disguise sunglasses from [Dimensional Pocket].

"...What are you doing now?"

"Keke, should I say it's preparation for watching the next team?"

"Not only is it forbidden to watch other teams' tests, but it's also the rule to leave here immediately upon elimination. So hurry up and get out."

Caron pointed to the exit with his finger.

Hmm, as expected of Caron.

It means he's a really annoying guy.

"I have the right to watch the next team."

"Right? What right do you have?"

"Keke, because I'm Luna's mom."

"...Were you a woman?"

Caron took a step back.

Me, a woman! I may be cute-looking, but I'm still a sturdy man!

It's an insult to a big person. Of course, I'm talking about height.

"This heart that wants to see my child's growth in front of my eyes! What is this if not a mother!"


Caron's eyes turned sour.

Gasp! If Caron pretends to be Luna's dad...

Then are we two a married couple?


"Why are you hitting me!"

"I can see in your eyes that you're having strange thoughts! How can you even have such absurd imaginations!"

Absurd imaginations!

...It certainly is.

But this is all Caron's fault.

This wouldn't have happened if he had guaranteed me the freedom to watch!

"Ugh, don't shout. It's making my stomach churn."

Lucia appeared from behind the bushes, looking a bit disheveled.


And she stared at me for a moment, then flicked my head.

What! Why is everyone bullying me! What did I even do wrong!

I expressed my dissatisfaction by puffing out both cheeks.

Whether I did that or not, Lucia and Caron were busy talking.

"I'll take care of the next team too. Is that okay?"


"There's a kid I need to check out, and I need to vent a little. I'm going crazy because my stomach is turned inside out."

"...Go easy."

After Lucia stepped onto the dueling ground.

Soon, the kids from Team 14, including Luna and Daike, appeared.

'A total of seven survivors.'

Caron's face was colored with tension.

He seems worried that Luna might get beaten up by Lucia.

I gently held out a bag of popcorn to him.

"Keke, would you like some?"

"...You eat a lot."

He doesn't know anything. This is when it tastes the best.

Chomp chomp-.

'I wonder how long our Luna can endure?'

In fact, I didn't devise any particular strategy for Luna.

It was partly because making Rezé enter the advanced class was the most urgent matter, so it was pushed back in priority, but.

'That lolicon... No, Caron will just pass her.'

While I sincerely explained the 1st and 2nd stages, I didn't give much advice for the 3rd stage.

I only told her to use Daike as a shield and do her best.

"I will use the power of a 6-star knight level. If you subdue me, it's a victory; if you fail, it's a defeat. Of course, the score will be higher if you win."

With Lucia's faint smile.


The test for the last team began.

--TL Notes--

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