Chapter 160

"...You're saying I should save them?"

"Yes, become a true hero."

"I'm already officially recognized as a hero, you know? I've achieved enough feats for that."

"You don't acknowledge it yourself."

Lucia flinched. Because her thoughts were exposed.

Caron has been like this since long ago. He noticed what she was thinking like a ghost.

As if he was peeking into her mind.

"How can I be a hero when I couldn't even protect my friends..."

That's right. Lucia didn't acknowledge herself as a hero.

Partly because she started from a superior starting line with the help of the Empire and Caron, but.

'I just survived by luck.'

A hero created on top of the corpses of friends and comrades.

Lucia wasn't shameless enough to proudly think of that title.

Perhaps because of that. At some point, she started acting far from a hero.

Taking as long of a break as possible after each mission, sloppy appearance, becoming the Empire's second biggest slacker.

She showed behavior unbelievable for a hero.

She hoped the title she couldn't acknowledge would naturally fall off.

The problem was that the public sent praise even for such behavior of Lucia, saying it was human-like?

Lucia couldn't help but feel frustrated.

"So stop spouting nonsense about becoming a hero and help me a bit. You can take off this damn title for me, right?"

"No. There's no reason to do that."

"You just said it! For me who couldn't even protect my friends and comrades to be called a hero...!"

"That's all the more reason you should become a hero, Lucia."

Because you've experienced pain, felt hurt, grieved.

You know better than anyone the lives of those broken by war.

"Prove it on this battlefield. That you've become strong, that you're ready to protect everyone, and..."

That you're not lacking to be called a hero.

Caron closed his eyes. Seeing that, Lucia fell into thought.

Don't react emotionally to the situation, approach it logically and rationally.

Those were words Caron always said like a habit.

The fact that he closed his eyes means to think sufficiently before answering.

Just as Caron knows Lucia well, she also knows the man called Caron well.

Because they were once comrades who roamed the battlefield together, although they're distant now.

'...A hero, huh.'

Honestly speaking, the title of hero wasn't all bad.

Not only did people warmly welcome her wherever she went, but many people believed in and followed her.

Having someone rely on you is... how should I put it.

There's something about it that makes you feel good.

It's hard to explain in words, but anyway, it was like that.

'Well, it's also because I dug my own grave.'

That's right. Lucia, who realized she was a 'manufactured hero'.

It's impossible now, but back then, she could have easily taken off the title of hero if she wanted to.

But Lucia didn't do that. Because she realized she could use the title of 'hero' as a shield.

The demon's curse placed on the Lucid family.

There are no eternal secrets in this world.

Someday, the fact that the Lucid family was cursed by a demon will be revealed, and a fight for survival will begin.

At that time, the title of hero will be an excellent scapegoat.

Because it's proof of having devoted oneself to the Empire.

Maybe it will end with just a light disciplinary action.

With that thought, she accepted being a 'manufactured hero', and it has continued until now.

And above all.

'Because Delin is proud of me.'

Although Rodelin is well-mannered, whenever people talked about Lucia, she would start a long speech.

Meaning Lucia is Rodelin's pride.

A pride she can boast about anywhere.

As a result, she couldn't give up the title of hero even if she wanted to.

'What kind of expression would she make if she knew I'm a manufactured hero?'

Imagining Rodelin's sad face, Lucia's heart somehow ached.

Lucia, who couldn't do this or that.

Caron reached out his hand to her again.

Saying to become a real hero.

Is this an opportunity, or a continuation of an ill-fated relationship that will end in tragedy?

"...What if I fail to prove it?"

"Then I'll take responsibility and remove the title of hero for you. Of course, only if you want me to."

Whether she fails to prove it or not, he's saying the choice is hers.

The conditions are strangely good.

"Without a price?"

"...I'm in a situation where I need to ask for your help. And you're asking for a price for that. There's no way."

For Caron to be this humble. He must be in a hurry.

'Ugh, I don't know. Let's roughly go with it. By the time this matter is over, some conclusion will be reached.'

In the first place, she's not the type to think deeply.

Whether Caron's proposal is a scheme or not, whether the ill-fated relationship that started with a misunderstanding will end in tragedy.

It'll work out somehow.

'But it's a clear fact that Caron has pissed me off until now.'

Perhaps because she made up her mind.

A smile appeared on Lucia's face. A mischievous smile.

"Hmm~ In the end, you're saying you need my help, right?"

"...That's right."

"Your attitude in asking doesn't seem like it though? You should say 'please'."


"You don't want to? Then forget it."

Caron let out a small sigh.

Such a petty revenge. Her capacity is so small it's too small.

'I thought she had sufficient capacity to be a hero.'

Was his thinking wrong?

But it can't be helped. He's the one in need right now.

Including Lucia, his ill-fated relationship, in the extermination squad and making her realize she's a hero herself.

And becoming the Empire's hope.

If he can obtain those three things with the word 'please', it's an extremely cheap price.

Caron muttered while turning his head to the side.

"...I'm asking."

"That's not it. I told you to say 'please', didn't I?"


Why does it feel like he can see Lucia's smile even though his gaze is directed elsewhere?

Lucia's triumphant smile flickering in front of his eyes.

Caron said while desperately suppressing his annoyance.


"Yes, yes!"

"-se forget it."


"I'll refuse your request. I'm canceling it."

"Refusing a request! What kind of language is that!? And cancel! This is troubling! Are you saying I really won't go?"

"Don't come. With that body of yours, you'll just be a hindrance even if you come."

Caron's gaze directed at her.

Lucia instinctively covered her stomach.

"Covering there won't hide the other parts."

Caron's gaze went here and there.

Face, arms, thighs, calves, pants that looked like they would burst at any moment.

"Y-You pervert! Where are you looking!"

"What the hell is with that lousy body? You should always maintain battle readiness. Did you trade the lessons learned on the battlefield for snacks?"

"I-I'll lose it quickly! And this is all energy, energy!"

"Energy made from snacks, so it's not wrong."

"Th-this is why I hate you!"

Caron didn't particularly refute. It was something that didn't need to be refuted.

What's important now is that Lucia agreed to join the extermination squad.

"Don't worry. I'll save you when it's dangerous. Like back then."

He's talking about the battlefield they fought together.

Memories of the battlefield where she received help from Caron over hundreds of times.

Recalling those memories, Lucia pouted.

"You should worry about your own body. Seems like you can't even properly sense presences."

"It couldn't be helped. I felt like a lost pig entered, not a person. There's no reason to be wary of a pig, so naturally I didn't wake up from sleep."

"Hey!! Do you really want to die?"

"Can pigs kill people these days? This is surprising."

"Argh! Enough! I won't say it!"

Lucia stomped her feet.

Leaving Caron behind and about to go out, she suddenly had a thought.


'Could the matter with the Lester family also be something that happened because of a misunderstanding?'

Caron, who brought back the head of Renia, the head of the Lester family.

Yeah, there might be a reason for that too.

Like the reason he had no choice but to make her a hero.

Lucia spun around.

"Can I ask one more thing?"

"...Even if I say no, you're going to ask anyway. What is it?"

"Why did you do that back then? You should have known the Lester family was innocent, right?"

For a moment, Caron's eyes trembled.

But only a little. Because Caron desperately suppressed his emotions.

A trembling so small even Lucia didn't notice.

It was an emotion suppression befitting someone called the Empire's rat.

"Don't try to find out. Forget about the Lester family too."


"Many people will get hurt."

"But we need to restore the tarnished honor of the Lester family..."

"Even if your family can't avoid getting hurt either? Would you be okay with that?"

Lucia had no choice but to shut her mouth.

The Lucid family she belongs to is similar yet different from the Lester family.

In this situation, someone from the Lester family would naturally say of course, but.

The Lucid family is one that prioritizes family and the safety of the frontier.

'If our family was treated unjustly... The people of the Lester family would have done their best to restore our honor.'

Is it because the Lucid family has a duty to protect the frontier while the Lester family doesn't have such a thing?

No. This is just a difference in family and people.

The Lester family that valued pride. A family that had no shame.

Lucia could once again feel the greatness of the Lester family.

"Give up on revenge. That's not the Lucid family's role."


"There's a final survivor of the Lester family. Right here in this academy."


Lucia reacted without realizing it.

Not to the words in the front, but to the words in the back.

Seeing that, Caron laughed.

"Judging from your reaction, seems like you heard something from Zero."

"No, I didn't?"

"I see. You heard there's a survivor, but you didn't hear they're in the academy?" "...Damn it."

Caron covered his mouth and chuckled.

Zero, who said he didn't leak any information about Luna when reporting to him.

But he leisurely leaked it well.

Cutting off only the tasty part that had to be bitten, that is.

'He probably used it in exchange for receiving instruction. Using Luna, that cheeky bastard.'

Anyways, he's an unbelievably sinister guy.

The problem is that at the same time, he thinks he's amazing.

"So tie fate with that child. That's what you should do."

"...You have to tell me who it is for me to tie fate or not."

"You have to find that out yourself. You still haven't gotten rid of the habit of relying on others?"

"Playing dirty! Fine! I'll find out, I'll find out!"

Lucia, who was heading out of the cave while grumbling.

She spun around and stood in front of him again.

"...What is it now."

"So what happened with Lady Renia? Did you kill her?"

"...Didn't I just say? That's not something you should concern yourself with."

"You didn't, right? Right?"

She's not going to leave unless he tells her the truth.

Caron, who let out a deep sigh.

Soon, his mouth slowly opened.

"Let's say I killed her. That would be easier for both of us."

"Meaning you didn't kill her?"

"...No, it's true that I killed her."

"What's with this ambiguous answer? Are you really Caron? Not only dozing off like a sick chicken earlier... You're not Caron, are you?"

Lucia rubbed his face here and there.

If you stare, staring makes him look like a starling.

The moment Caron was about to explode.

Lucia, who noticed his thoughts, quickly left.

"Trying to get angry, playing dirty! I'll get you back!"

While spouting lines like a third-rate villain.

Lucia's presence, and another presence that was behind her.

After confirming that the two presences had completely disappeared, Caron slumped into a chair.

"...Looks like I've gotten old too."

Perhaps because he lived with the children at the academy, or because he was away from the battlefield for too long.

Not only has his knife-like senses dulled, but he has become quite docile.

To the point of tolerating such pranks.

"It's hard to keep up with the flow of time."

The child who cried on the battlefield is now at the doorstep of being called a hero.

The growth of a child is dazzlingly unparalleled.

Caron was starting to understand Elester's words bit by bit.

Perhaps because of that. He felt a little sad.

He, both then and now.

Is just a person who has stopped without progress.

'I'm tired.'

Even after sleeping for 2 hours, fatigue is rushing in again.

He must have really gotten old.

'If I dream... I hope it's the same dream as before.'

Perhaps because he earnestly wished for it, or because Renia's name was mentioned.

Caron had a dream.

The memory of when he first met Renia.

--TL Notes--

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