Chapter 158

Caron's office.

Actually, it was closer to a cave than an office.

No, it was a real cave.

In a space surrounded by rocks and soil on all sides, a desk and a few chairs were placed abruptly.

On the desk covered with encrypted documents.

A luminescent stone placed nearby was emitting light in loneliness.

It was the epitome of a cave. But it was also a clear fact that this was Caron's office.

The official name of this place was 'Rubbish Bin No. 5'.

Information that reaches Caron is not only verified but also proven, so it would be troublesome if such a place was raided.

For that reason, Caron had prepared twenty rubbish bins around Annwood Academy, and was managing the latest information while changing locations irregularly every day.

Because he couldn't feel secure with just encrypted information.

It was a complex system that would confuse an ordinary person about where to put the information.

But this much is the basic quality a rat should possess.

And currently, he was here.

The one called the Empire's rat and the head of the rats.



Caron, who was sitting on a chair, slightly raised his drooped head.

'...Was I asleep?'

Caron's gaze turned to the pocket watch on the desk.

Quite some time had passed.

'Two whole hours have passed. I had a good sleep for the first time in a while.'

Falling asleep while looking at information.

He ended up doing something he wouldn't usually do.

It must be because he's had too many things to worry about recently.

That wasn't the only thing that was unusual.

'To think I had a dream... It's been a while for this too.'

It was even a good dream that made him want to go back to sleep.

It was a warm dream enough to forget the unpleasant dampness of the cave.

But going back to sleep was out of the question.

Because he had already wasted a considerable amount of time.

Caron, who was trying to shake off the regret. Only then did he discover.

The shining blue eyes on the chair across from him.

"...What brings you here?"

It was an unexpected guest, but Caron wasn't surprised.

Rather, the one who was surprised was the person sitting across from him.

"This is surprising. Not only did the great Caron fall asleep, but he didn't even notice someone entering and kept sleeping..."


"Is it about time you retire? Of course, I'll kill you before that."

Although it was a dark cave, the night sky-like hair was clearly visible.

Black hair with a slight tinge of blue.

That's right. The person sitting across from Caron was Lucia.


Caron clicked his tongue inwardly.

Not only because it was a visit from a person he hadn't expected at all, but also because he showed a side he didn't want to show.

"You're still spouting nonsense as usual. I asked you, didn't I? What brings you here?"

"I was that surprised, that's why. Well, whatever. I can just consider it as gaining something to tease you about for life. Right, Mr. Sick Rat?"

Lucia slightly provoked him, but Caron was unfazed.

Because no one would believe the words 'Caron dozed off like a sick chicken'.

Caron, who usually doesn't have any gaps in his conduct.

On the contrary, Lucia is a notorious slacker known to everyone.

Anyone would think Lucia is talking nonsense.

"You know I'm leaving soon, right?"

Caron easily grasped the meaning of Lucia's words.

Lucia, who agreed to stay for a month and guide the children.

That time was coming to an end soon.

"Ten days left."

"To think there are only ten days left when I can legally slack off. Isn't it terrible?"

"For someone saying that, you were quite diligent."

"Ugh, I have no choice because of Mr. Elester's pressure."

Caron narrowed his eyes.

She's diligently teaching the children because of her mentor's request? That slacker Lucia?

It's impossible.

Especially, it makes even less sense that she's seriously teaching Zero's group.

Caron knew well that there was some hidden reason he didn't know about.

"Let's say that's the case for now. So what's your business?"

"Straight to the point? You know men like that aren't popular, right?"

"Your business is?"

"...I want to hold a small test before I leave."


Lucia nodded.

The reason she made this proposal was simple. Because of the 'bet' with Zero.

If Zero surprises her, she acknowledges him as her disciple. If Zero fails...

'I can obtain a wish coupon.'

And with this wish coupon, Lucia intended to ask how he found out about the 'demon's curse' placed on her family.

'I could just replace it with a duel without having to take a test, but...'

There was a high possibility Zero wouldn't agree.

Because that fishy guy is cunning.

So she planned to settle it firmly with a test.

"I'm just a temporary teacher. If you give permission, I'll take care of the rest."

Although Caron is in charge of the advanced class's practical lessons, the children won't acknowledge a test from Lucia who isn't an official teacher.

So she's making this request, but he won't easily agree.

Because their relationship isn't one you could say is good.

While pondering if she should give at least one piece of information, Caron's mouth opened.

"This is good timing."


"The academy was already preparing a test anyway."

Normally, it would be time to take the midterm exam after Lucia leaves.

But the midterm exam was postponed. Because of the Holy Kingdom's protest.

-How about you start the midterm exam after our children have joined? We think that would be fair.

-Come to think of it, Annwood Academy is evaluated as the best academy on the continent, right?

-That's right. If we measure basic skills with the midterm exam and then take the final exam, we can check how much they've improved. Haha, I'm already looking forward to it.

On the surface, it seems like they're praising the excellent education of Annwood Academy, but the reality is completely different.

If the children of the Holy Kingdom show outstanding results in the midterm exam?

They can show that they overwhelm the Empire's students even in a state where they haven't learned anything.

It breaks the Empire's pride in an instant.

Even if they rank low, it doesn't matter.

Because they still have one more chance called the first semester final exam.

'We could have ignored it and proceeded with the midterm exam, but...'

The Empire's self-esteem would crumble.

The Empire's self-esteem of having to be confident everywhere and being the best on the continent.

In the end, the Empire had no choice but to accept the Holy Kingdom's proposal.

They postponed the midterm exam.

The problem arose after that.

How can we overwhelm the Holy Kingdom in the midterm exam?

To solve this problem, they even held an emergency meeting, so you can see how seriously the Empire is taking this issue.

"Hmm... So that's what happened? Anyways, children suffer because of adults here and there. But what does that have to do with the new test you mentioned?"

"We're going to reorganize the classes."


The countermeasure the nobles came up with after much consideration.

'Reorganization test'.

To hold a small test before the children from the Holy Kingdom arrive and reorganize the classes.

"It's okay if the children in the general class lose. But the children in the advanced class must never lose no matter what."

"In other words, they're going to take the top ranks no matter what. Indeed, even if you take many high ranks, it's meaningless if you don't take the very top ranks."

1st to 10th place. No, if they don't give up even a single spot in the top 5.

It means the Empire's children are superior to the Holy Kingdom's children, and furthermore, the Empire is superior to the Holy Kingdom.

It's an assertion that lacks samples, has statistical errors, and can't even be called logic, but.

In a power struggle between countries, such simple claims are more readily accepted.

It's easier for the public to talk about it too.

"Reorganization test... This is good timing. What the. Then there was no need to ask in the first place, right?"

"Everyone acknowledges you have a good eye. I hope you can select the gems in this test."

"Gems, my foot. It's full of lumps of rocks. When is it?"

"A week from now."

Lucia, who was gauging the time, nodded.

She currently has ten days left.

Victory in the bet with Zero, obtaining information, and completing verification. There was enough time.

"I can take care of Zero and Luna, right?"

Rezé is there too, but magic guns aren't her specialty.

In the first place, the probability of her moving up to the advanced class is low.

Putting a trembling child in competition with the Holy Kingdom's children? She'll be perfect for collapsing from a heart attack.

"Do as you like. Isn't it your specialty."

"Don't be sarcastic. Well, yeah. I'll do as I like. Because it's my spe-ci-al-ty!"

Caron fell into thought while looking at the grumbling Lucia.

Suddenly, Zero's words came to mind.

-Keke, then Miss Lucia will join as well. She happens to be here now.

The extermination squad being organized to investigate Kalos, where skeletons are rising, and to prevent unforeseen accidents.

As Zero said, it makes sense for Lucia to go together.

Not only because she's quite skilled, but also because she's living the life of an idle bum, lazing around and only gaining weight.

Meaning she's surplus manpower. And high-class surplus manpower at that.

'Creator of Madness... He was a handful. If the one currently in Kalos is also that skilled...'

It's not certain, but they're currently speculating that there's an unknown Heavenly King in Kalos.

Lucia will surely be a big help.

'I reported to exclude her because it's awkward to work together, but...'

Nothing is more important than the Empire's safety.

Moreover, it's unacceptable to ruin work because of personal feelings.

Caron, who let out a small sigh, opened his mouth.

"I have a condition."

"What? You told me to do it and now you're suddenly setting a condition. Is this how rats do business these days? You're a total thug!"

"If you don't like it, don't do it."

"Ah, no well. I'll hear it out first and then decide."

"There's an urgent extermination battle. Participate in that."

Caron explained the detailed situation.

Of course, he didn't provide information about the Heavenly King.

Not only because it's not confirmed information yet, but also because he didn't want to spread seeds of anxiety across the continent.

'Because the continent could fall into chaos.'

Lucia isn't a loose-lipped person, but she'll provide information to the Lucid family.

And that information will continue to spread as well.

There's nothing more frightening than wrong information that can't be controlled.

So Caron only provided Lucia with the necessary information.

"Walking and running skeletons, huh. Interesting. Well, participating in the extermination battle is fine with me. But..."

Lucia slightly shrank back. At the same time, she made an expression as if she was nauseated.

"You're telling me to fight together with you? Ugh... I'll just go. You stay out of it."

"We don't know the enemy's strength, so it can't be helped. If you refuse, I can't allow the children's test either."

"...Tch. Playing dirty, huh."

In the end, Lucia had no choice but to accept Caron's proposal.

'A battlefield together with Caron... It's been how many years?'

It seems to have been at least 10 years.

Compared to the dozens of times the Empire was in crisis during that period, it can be said to be a very unusual occurrence.

That's how much the two avoided being on the battlefield together. To be precise.

Lucia unilaterally refused to be with Caron.

There are many reasons why she hates Caron, but the two biggest reasons are.

'Because he's someone who remembers me at my weakest. And...'

Because she's a 'manufactured hero', and the one who supported that from behind.

Is none other than that man, Caron.

--TL Notes--

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