Chapter 153

"Cough! Cough!"

Scarlet was revived, but there was nothing he could do right away.

That's because he hadn't regained his senses.

Judging by his groaning with unfocused eyes, it seemed like it would take some time for him to recover.

"But why did you come back?"

"I came back because I had something to check."


"About that guy throwing a knife at you. At the time, I let it slide due to the circumstances, but no matter how I think about it, it's strange."

Now that you mention it, that did happen.

My memory is hazy since so many things happened, but I clearly remember Lucia catching the flying knife.

"And what do you know? He was trying to stab you. So I entered right away."

The curtain on the window fluttered in the wind.

It seemed Lucia had entered through that window.

'I didn't even feel her presence, let alone notice she entered.'

Looking outside through the window, I could see Rezé lying with her head on Luna's lap.

Luna's gaze was directed this way, but she didn't show any particular reaction.

Meaning she hadn't noticed at all that Lucia had returned to the tavern.

'Her movements are like a ghost.'

I became a little curious if I could also move like that when my level increases.

"But why was this guy after you? Do you know anything?"

"...I feel like I might know, but also might not."

"What's with that ambiguous answer. Well, whatever. I can just ask him directly."

Having regained his senses at some point, Scarlet was watching for an opportunity.

Lucia grabbed Scarlet by the collar and lifted him up with one hand.

"Hey, why did you throw a knife at Zero?"

"Th-That's... I-It was a mistake."

"This is surprising. To think you'd dare lie in front of me."

Lucia's hand that was gripping his collar moved like lightning to Scarlet's neck.

As his neck naturally got choked from gravity, Scarlet's face reddened and bulged with veins.

Scarlet struggled and resisted, but Lucia didn't budge an inch.

"Do I look like an idiot who can't even distinguish between a mistake and intention?"

"Guh, guh-uck...!"

"What's the reason you targeted Zero? You better speak quickly if you don't want to die."


Scarlet's eyes turned red as blood vessels burst.

It's not a good situation.

He may be low-level, but Scarlet is also a proper rat.

He won't submit to this kind of threat and reveal that he's a rat.

Even if Scarlet dies like this, there's almost no loss for me, but I can't just let him die.

Not only because he'll be a big help to me, but also.

'In the first place, it's my fault Scarlet got involved.'

If the game had progressed normally, Scarlet would be spending his days leisurely.

But my flapping wings created a huge typhoon called Lucia, and he's about to get sucked in and die.

There's no other way. I have to intervene.

"Miss Lucia."

"What. Can't you see I'm busy?"

"He's a rat."


"One of Teacher Caron's rats. And a low-level one at that. Wouldn't it be troublesome in many ways if you kill him?"


After thinking for a moment, Lucia practically threw Scarlet down.

Scarlet shed tears and exhaled rough breaths.

Lucia's gaze that was looking at him turned towards me.

"How do you know that? The rat list should be confidential."

"It's not certain yet, but it's probably true. Teacher Caron sent me here."

"What? What's that supposed to mean? What does him sending you here have to do with rats?"

"I made a deal with Teacher Caron. Somehow this person seems to have gotten involved."

"...You made a deal with that bastard?"

That guy, that bastard.

Terms of address filled with negative emotions.

'Did something happen between her and Caron?'

It's information that wasn't in the game. There's hardly any episode of Lucia and Caron getting entangled.

My curiosity as a veteran gamer reared its head.

But Scarlet is the top priority right now.

Finding out what happened between the two of them can wait until later.

"Yes, so that's all I know."

"But why was he acting like that then? If that bastard sent you here, there's no reason for this guy to attack you."

As Lucia said, if we agreed to a deal, we're practically allies.

There's no reason for Scarlet to attack me, and I can't really think of an excuse either.

But it's fine. I just need to utilize my specialty.

Approaching Scarlet, I said.

"Keke, we decided to become friends."

"Cough, cough! What kind of bullshit is that..."

Even while coughing in pain, Scarlet acts hostile.

Putting my hand on his shoulder, I spoke with my eyes.

'Hey, smile. Smile. You want to get hit again?'

Perhaps my feelings reached him. Or maybe he didn't want to get hit by Lucia again.

"Ha, hahaha..."

Scarlet put his arm around my shoulder and laughed awkwardly.

An excuse so flimsy anyone could see through it.

Lucia, who was looking at us, let out a chuckle.

"Do people these days have to stab knives into each other's bodies to become friends?"

"You know it well. Friendship tattoo... no, friendship scar. Something like that."

"Hmm~ I really don't get kids these days."

Lucia stared at me intently. Scarlet had already left her interest.

Rather, she seemed curious about the deal I said I made with Caron.

The fact that I made a deal with Caron means I have something worth giving him.

She must be thinking, 'This guy's value might be higher than I thought.'

"Keke, let's postpone our conversation for later. We have plenty of time."

"...I don't know what deal you made with that dirty bastard or how you did it, but you better be careful. Not only is his attitude annoying, but he's also frighteningly good at backstabbing."

"I'll be careful."

"Don't die and see you tomorrow. I have a lot of questions now."

Perhaps because I took the initiative, Lucia expressed her will to back off obediently.

But I can't let my guard down.

'She could hide her presence and eavesdrop on our conversation.'

[Hyper Sense] is a skill that only reacts to things that can affect me, like traps or assassinations.

It might not react to Lucia who simply wants to obtain information.

So, I throw out bait. Lucia's personal bait called Rodelin.

"Come to think of it... I had one favor to ask."

"You're really doing everything. What is it?"

"Senior Rodelin is seriously sulking. I'd appreciate it if you could cheer her up for me."

"...Delin is sulking? That can't be. She hasn't sulked since she was eight."

Hmm, that's just like Rodelin. She hasn't sulked since she was eight.

It's the first time I learned this, but that makes it even better.

'Lucia the siscon won't be able to resist.'

I said to Lucia, who still showed a reaction of disbelief.

"Keke, it's not a lie. I saw it clearly. Ah... but you might not be able to see it. Senior Rodelin is skilled at controlling her emotions."


I closed my eyes at the sudden gust of wind.

I opened my eyes right away, but Lucia was already gone.

Only a gust of wind lingered in the tavern.

'Rodelin is going to suffer a lot.'

Having a sister who's a pervert... no, a pervert with siscon that seems incurable.

Well, it's none of my business.

Rodelin specializes in dealing with perverts, so she'll handle it well.

I just need to do my thing.

I spoke to Scarlet, who was blankly staring out the window.

"Keke, now things are sorted out. How about we have a heart-to-heart talk as friends."

"...Who's my friend?"

"Me, of course. Didn't I save your life?"

Scarlet raised his middle finger.

Hmm, big and beautiful. Not as good as mine though.

Of course, I'm talking about the finger.

'I wasted too much time because of Rodelin and Lucia.'

If I were alone, I'd have a leisurely conversation, but Luna and Rezé are waiting outside.

I don't have any more time for banter with Scarlet.

So I'll get straight to the point.

"First of all... I'm not a rat."

"What? Then what are you?"

"Didn't you hear earlier? I'm in a business relationship with Teacher Caron."

"...So that was true?"

"Keke, if Miss Lucia also acknowledged it and moved on right away, can't you tell?"

Scarlet's eyes changed. From eyes filled with suspicion to eyes mixed with awe and admiration.

It's a natural reaction since he knows exactly what it means to do business with Caron.


'He might be comparing himself to me.'

His position as a low-level rat, and my position doing business with Caron at the pinnacle of rats.

On top of that, I'm younger than him, so he's probably feeling a strong sense of defeat right now.

"And I need your help."

"...Saying you need my help. That's too obvious of a lie. Why don't you just honestly say you want information?"

"Keke, I can see it clearly. You standing shoulder to shoulder with Teacher Caron... no, rising even higher than him."

Caron, who oversees the Empire's rats.

But even Caron often utilized Scarlet, who would be called the Omni Merchant.

Not only for information but also because he had many unique items.

So it's not a lie to say Scarlet will rise higher than Caron.

"...You say you see it. I don't really trust you with those slit eyes."

"Keke, is that so?"

"Seems like you're trying to make me talk no matter what... You should give up. As you saw earlier, I absolutely won't talk."

Scarlet, who didn't yield even to Lucia's power, even in a life-threatening situation.

Is it because he's a loyal rat? No.

The real reason Scarlet didn't yield until the end is...

'Because there's information he can only obtain by being under Caron.'

And the one who can provide that information.

Is me as well.

"This is troublesome. To think that you would treat so coldly the person who'll become a life savior."

"Hah, a life savior? If you had saved me before it got to this point, I might have called you that."

"Ah, of course I'm not talking about you."


A question appeared on Scarlet's face.

It's a good expression. Using the [Eye Opening] skill, I said.

"I'm talking about your little sister."

"How do you know about that...!"

The fact that Scarlet has a little sister is a secret even Caron doesn't know.

It's natural for him to be startled that I know.

Scarlet grabbed me by the collar.

"I don't know what your goal is, but you better stop right now! If you do anything to my sister, I won't let it slide!"

The fact that I know about his sister's existence is practically the same as holding a hostage.

Kneeling would be the right judgment rather than grabbing my collar.

But Scarlet didn't do that.

He got extremely agitated. To the point of losing reason.

But it's still too early to be surprised.

"You're searching for the Eternal Snow Flower, aren't you?"


Scarlet's eyes widened.

That's the very reason he became a rat.

And it's the impetus for him to be called the 'Omni Merchant' in the future and indiscriminately collect all the mysterious items and information in the world.

'Petrification disease'.

A rare disease among rare diseases that only five people in history have contracted, where the body gradually hardens starting from the toes, and finally even the head hardens like a statue.

It's also a disease with no cure.

No, to be precise, it's not an incurable disease.

About two centuries ago, there's a record of the granddaughter of an emperor receiving treatment.

And the ingredient for that treatment is none other than.

The 'Eternal Snow Flower' I just mentioned.

--TL Notes--

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