Chapter 136

"Our family is cursed by a demon? Seriously, it never ends."

Lucia twirled her pinky around her ear, as if there was no longer anything worth listening to.

To laugh off and dismiss as nonsense the revelation of a secret that could ruin their family, especially one that the family had desperately tried to conceal.

'So, this is what being the eldest of the Lucid family is like.'

She seemed utterly unconcerned.

Could it be that experience is indeed something that cannot be ignored? Is this the charm of someone older?

If that's the case... it might be somewhat appealing.

'Well, that's not what's important right now.'

Lucia appeared unfazed on the surface.

But inside, she must be incredibly tense.

After all, the fact that the Lucid family is under a demon's curse is undeniable. Moreover, a demon's curse is...

'Essentially no different from a deal.'

When demons confront humans, they propose two main things.

'Dealing with a demon' and 'a demon's curse' are exactly those, with the former being a type of transaction that benefits the individual privately.

Such acts are considered grave sins, deserving of immediate execution.

On the other hand, a demon's curse is not a contract where one or both parties benefit, but rather a 'promise' that binds both sides to keep or perform certain actions.

Contracts that can weaken the power of a demon depending on the circumstances are not considered grave sins.


'This only applies if reported beforehand.'

The Lucid family has obviously not disclosed this fact. Even as a distinguished family, they are likely to face execution-like punishments.

No, being a distinguished family might actually make the punishment worse.

Hence the extreme anxiety.

As I kept silent, as if to prove my point, Lucia spoke up.

"Even if you're dying to teach me something... that joke went too far."

"Keke, to dismiss the truth as a joke. Isn't that too harsh on your part, Lady Lucia?"

"That might be true. Your confidence looks good on you. Well, then. Let's hear it. Why do you think our family is under a demon's curse?"

Lucia let out a faint laugh.

The kind of story you'd expect from a magazine on the brink of closure due to poor sales. That was the attitude with which she dismissed it.

However, I knew her true feelings were completely different.

'Is she trying to determine if what I know is true and where I got my information?'

Aiming to verify the truth while also identifying the source of the rumor, to prevent further spread.

Not a bad judgment.

Except for the part that I'm her opponent.

"Keke, all members of the Lucid family have a nanny or someone equivalent with them at all times, don't they?"

Lucia twitched visibly. Had she realized her mistake? She quickly responded.

"What's so strange about that? My nanny has been with me since I was born."

"That's exactly what's strange. For other noble families, it's common for children to part ways with their nannies before reaching adulthood. Don't you find that odd?"

"It's because we're close. And our family doesn't just abandon people. It's our way of showing gratitude for their care."

"Keke... I suppose that's one way to look at it."

Lucia brushed her hair back and continued.

"Haah... You do realize your logic is full of holes, right?"

"Which part?"

"From the beginning to the end. First off, what's the big deal if the nanny is around? It has nothing to do with a demon's curse."

No, it's closely related. That's why Lucia is so passionately arguing this point.

"Your argument now is no different from saying, 'Members of the Lucid family are cursed to always be accompanied by their nannies.' Why would a demon impose such a restriction?"

"Keke, there's no need to understand their reasoning. Perhaps they're just perverted."

"Ha, fine! Let's say you're right. But look around."

I scanned the area. Our usual training ground.

Nothing out of the ordinary, except perhaps for some blood I had spilled earlier staining the ground.

"If you have eyes, you can see. My nanny isn't here with me. According to your theory, she should be. How do you explain that?"

Indeed, at this moment, it was just Lucia and me here.

For the record, the nanny has been eyeing me lately, searching for other potential suitors.

I saw her working at the restaurant today. What was it she said? That it's the best spot for observation?

Yet, she still says there's no one quite like me, bringing me various things whenever she visits the restaurant.

Nevertheless, the fact that the nanny isn't here right now is clear.

Thus, Lucia's claim that 'the nanny has nothing to do with the demon's curse' seems entirely plausible.


"I never said the nanny had to be right beside you."


"I only mentioned that people from the Lucid family always have a nanny or someone equivalent with them. I never said they had to stick together."

"That's the same thing!"

Lucia raised her voice in frustration.

Always composed, Lucia was now visibly agitated.

A good response. It meant she no longer had the luxury to display the unique charm of someone older.

"I'm wasting my time arguing with a child... I'm leaving. Don't make such jokes again. I won't let it slide next time."

Lucia reached for the training ground's door handle.

But she had no choice but to stop.

"It must be for protection."

Lucia froze in place. Even from behind, her stiffness was palpable.

But it was too soon to be surprised.

"Not that the nanny needs protection. Rather, it's the opposite. The nanny..."

Exists to protect members of the Lucid family.



A scream escaped my lips involuntarily.

When I regained my senses, I found myself smashed against the wall.

Standing before me was Lucia, her eyes ablaze with fury.

To think the wall of the training ground, which could withstand an A-grade [One Flash], was shattered, and I was embedded in it.

Even experiencing it firsthand, I couldn't believe it.

"...See? I'm strong. Much stronger than the nanny. And you're saying the nanny is supposed to protect us? Does that make any sense?"

"Cough! That's exactly why it's a demon's curse."


"When facing 'them,' the people of the Lucid family can't do anything."

Being unable to do anything is true for 'them' as well, but it's not as simple as it ends there.

Members of the Lucid family have many people to protect.

Everyone nearby is someone they must protect.

Moreover, if the people of the Lucid family were to flee upon seeing a demon, it would arouse great suspicion.

In other words, the nanny is a precautionary measure for such situations, or in other words...

"A scapegoat to buy time while escaping, right?"



Once again, a sword was pointed at my neck.

The only difference was that the tip of the sword was touching the side of my neck, not in front?

It meant I was truly at risk of being beheaded.

"How dare you... insult a person who dedicates their life to the family and its members right in front of me. You'd have no excuse even if your head were to fall."

"Keke, the hero of the empire threatening to kill a student of the academy. You'll be heavily criticized."

"I don't care. Killing an unidentified child like you won't scratch my honor. On the contrary, my honor would rise even higher for killing the mastermind."

The honor Lucia has accumulated so far is so high that killing about a dozen innocent people wouldn't tarnish it.

So, there's no lie in what Lucia just said, except for the part where I'm the mastermind.

"Keke, you'll regret it if you kill me."

"Did you take some precautions?"

"Of course. I've informed a trustworthy colleague. Ah, but they don't know yet. Only if I don't contact them, they are to go to a secret place and open a letter."


The demon's curse placed upon the Lucid family.

Proving it is also quite simple.

If the emperor orders a check, there's no escaping it.

"...I don't know how you found out, but it's unfortunate. We have a way to avoid it."

Yeah, I know too well. Your despicable actions.

The actions you've taken that you should never have done to protect your family.

The repulsive reality hidden behind your nobility.

In the game, tens, hundreds, thousands of times.

I've seen it clearly.

"You're planning to prove it through Miss Rodelin. She's the only one..."

The only one exempt from the demon's curse and destined to bear all the sins of the Lucid family.

A poor child.

Lucia's eyes widened noticeably.

She lowered her sword and staggered back a few steps.

"You, you... How on earth did you!"

How did I know? Obviously.

"It's a secret."

Covering my lips with a finger, I said that, and Lucia looked at me in dismay.

Why that reaction? It's my carefully chosen signature pose.


I pulled myself out of the training ground wall.

Though I was cut in several places by the stone debris, it wasn't enough to immobilize me.

"You... What exactly are you?"

"Keke, well, let's just say I'm on your side, Lady Lucia. And don't worry, I'll keep the affairs of the Lucid family secret."

"...How can I believe that?"

What if you don't believe me?

I shrugged, and Lucia slightly shook her head, realizing it too.

She can't pose any threat to me.

The scales have tipped completely in my favor.

"Now, let's make a deal."

"A deal?"

"Yes, I've wanted to make a deal from the beginning. You're the one who made it this way, aren't you?"

A trade of teaching swordsmanship in exchange for revealing the survivor of the Lester family.

Lucia was the one who refused. Has she realized that?

Lucia frowned deeply.

"As you know, being taught for just a month is an unfair trade to keep quiet. So, I'd like to ask for two more things."

Counting on my fingers, I mentioned the first condition: earnest guidance for a month.

"To provide help when requested, limited to three times."

"That makes it five in total."

"Keke, but it's still a favorable deal for you, Lady Lucia. Do you dislike it?"

Lucia remained silent.

Three or five.

Compared to keeping the secret of the Lucid family, it's a small price.

Lucia nodded irritably.

Thus, two more conditions were added to the scale.


"I demand an alliance and sharing information about those who harmed the Lester family."

"An alliance?"

"Yes, an alliance between the Lucid family and me."

Lucia grimaced. An alliance between an entire family and one individual.

Even if it's just for the Lester family, I'm just a student at the academy.

It would hurt her pride too much.

"Sorry, but that's difficult. I can't decide that alone."

"I don't mind informing Duke Luke."


"I mean, it's okay to let Duke Luke know about my existence."

"Sorry, but my father is different from me and Rodelin. He's not as forgiving! He won't leave you alone."

Sorry, but it's the same for me.


‘Give that disgusting bastard a piece of my mind.’

To protect the family, its members, and others, to punish that vile person who forced sacrifices on Rodelin.

"No, no matter how I think about it, it's impossible. Meeting my father? Absolutely not. Unless you have the right..."

The right, huh. Certainly, a certain level of qualification is needed.

To catch Duke Luke's interest, one must have considerable skill.

At least a 6-star knight to catch the edge of his eye.

But I have 'one thing' that will inevitably draw his interest.

"I'll prove it. Be careful."


Now is the time to reveal my trump card.

I pulled out a sword and a pocket watch from the pocket dimension.

The pocket watch, tightly held along with the sword.

Adjusting my stance with my left and right foot forward and back.

I lifted the sword to the sky with both hands.


Slightly spreading the back of my hand, the pocket watch began to fall.

Lucia's gaze shifted between the sword raised to the sky and the falling pocket watch.

Using the [Eye Opening] skill, her gaze met mine.


I stepped on the pocket watch as it hit the ground, opening the lid.

Lucia's body stiffened momentarily. At the same time.

The Lucid family's fourth secret technique.

Sky Splitter.

--TL Notes--

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