I’m the Only One Who Can’t See Ghosts

Chapter 45: Even If You’re Caught in a Tiger’s Den (3)

‘What kind of strength is this…’

I couldn’t shake off Baek Yoorin.

Why is she so strong?

Even though she’s a woman, she’s far stronger than most men.

No, this wasn’t just about being strong.

This was abnormal.

The fact that I could barely put up a fight was strange.

“For the first time in six years, I felt the warm touch of a person.”

Baek Yoorin mumbled as she held onto my wrist, her head lowered.

Six years... Does that mean she hasn’t had any human contact for six years?

“But how does my voice sound to you?”

“Just like a pretty girl’s voice...”

“Ah, hehehe.”

Baek Yoorin muttered with a bitter smile.

“So it doesn’t sound like the wail of an evil god from another world? Then maybe you’ll like my singing too. I used to sing well.”

An evil god from another world? Wailing sounds?

So, that’s how her voice sounds to others?

Suddenly, I remembered an old video I saw on NewTube.

There was a video of a boy in America being bullied because his soul was said to look like a demon.

The boy cried, insisting he wasn’t a demon, but people only tried to exorcise him with crosses and reciting the Bible.

Without hesitation, they fired a 12-gauge shotgun at the kid who looked like an elementary school student.

There was no hesitation at all.

The comments were filled with calls to kill such a kid quickly. But to me, he just looked like an ordinary elementary school student.

Just like Baek Yoorin in front of me now.

I think Baek Yoorin is really pretty.

But others must see something different.

Thinking about it, there were many strange things.

The shelter that fell into extreme fear at the sight of us.

The girl living in a mansion deep in the tiger’s den.

And she referred to herself as a powerful soul compared to a demon god, not just a monster.

I see.

Baek Yoorin was the tiger.

Damn it.

I’m really in the tiger’s den now.

Unaware of my trembling eyes, Baek Yoorin kept mumbling as she held onto me.

“I can dance well, and I sing well too. And you said I’m pretty. Hey, I can also do naughty things. I don’t really know what they are, but I’m a genius at trying hard. If you teach me, I’ll learn earnestly.”

“W-wait a minute.”

I smiled desperately, trying to persuade Baek Yoorin.

“People say that inner qualities are more important than outward appearances. I, I liked your appearance, but I don’t know much about your inner qualities...”

“...Don’t look at my inner self. Ever.”


Baek Yoorin’s grip grew even stronger.

Damn it, if it weren’t for me, my wrist would have been crushed a long time ago.

“I’m pretty, aren’t I? You’re not touching my fur like the other celestial beings, but my skin. Isn’t that enough? Ugh, why do I keep talking so much?”

Baek Yoorin’s expression was strange.

Although she had no expression, it felt like she was seething with anger.

“Just stay with me. While I’m asking nicely.”


The tiger is showing its true colors.

“That won’t do.”

I pulled Baek Yoorin into my arms. She let out a startled yelp and instinctively curled up. It was in that moment.

I freed my wrist from Baek Yoorin’s grasp.

And I ran back immediately.

“Why do I always get involved in this kind of stuff!!!”

My desperate shout echoed through the hallway.


“Why do I always get involved in this kind of stuff!!!”

Yoo Hajin’s shout echoed through the tiger’s den.

He sprinted in the opposite direction.

But there, the house servants were waiting.

“Dodge!!! Dropkick!!!”

He tried to break through them with a dropkick, but they lunged at Yoo Hajin without caring for their bodies.

“The Lord’s command is absolute. You cannot leave here.”

“The Lord’s command is absolute. You will be devoured by the Lord.”

And most of them were psychics.

And quite powerful ones at that.

‘Damn, judging by their tough bodies, they’re probably as strong as the perverts or celestial beasts I used to fight back in the Cheonji’s exam.’

Although Yoo Hajin overpowered them with punches,

he couldn’t easily knock them down.

So Yoo Hajin fled to another corridor. But when the butler behind him cast a spell, that corridor quickly collapsed.

“This is driving me crazy.”

However, Baek Yoorin, perhaps still flustered by the earlier hug, was still a hundred meters away, trying to calm her startled heart.

Yoo Hajin swiftly looked down another corridor.

At that moment,

a burst of air exploded.

All the furniture in the corridor jolted and fell, and a long mark like a cannonball trail appeared on the floor.

And Baek Yoorin stood before Yoo Hajin.

With legs that covered a hundred meters in less than a second, Yoo Hajin was left speechless.

Baek Yoorin, her face bright red, mumbled.

“Take, take responsibility.”

“For, for what?”

“You hugged me. So, that means you made a move on me.”

Does it work that way?

Yoo Hajin, momentarily flustered, shook his head.

“No, that’s because you were trying to kidnap me.”

“Wh-whatever. Now it’s not my fault anymore.”

At Baek Yoorin’s ridiculous logic, Yoo Hajin immediately readied himself.

How many psychics had he defeated so far? Even if she was a tiger, in close combat, he felt he wouldn’t lose.

‘I’ll take the tiger hostage and escape!!!’

But Yoo Hajin’s thoughts were shattered in just three seconds.

Baek Yoorin’s hands and feet were far faster and stronger than anything he could have imagined.

Even though she knew nothing about proper striking techniques, Yoo Hajin was completely overpowered.

He could only grit his teeth and raise his guard.


Baek Yoorin had been an idol trainee.

Until the day she awakened her spiritual sight, she had never believed in anything like shamans.

Thus, Baek Yoorin knew nothing about the techniques used in psychics combat. She didn’t know how to use or recite incantations, spells, or seals.

But Baek Yoorin was strong.

Among the celestials, she was one of the strongest.

She was judged solely on her soul and physical abilities.

Therefore, Yoo Hajin was continuously pushed back.

‘Why doesn’t she use any psychic power or anything?’

If she were to clasp her hands together and put on a big show, Yoo Hajin could at least look for an opening to counterattack, but Baek Yoorin showed no such signs.

Therefore, Yoo Hajin could only be flustered.

When he touched Baek Yoorin’s skin, thinking she might be reinforcing her body with spirit power, she blushed and mumbled,

“Th-that’s inappropriate.”

“T-that’s not what I meant!!!”

However, Baek Yoorin was also a bit flustered.

Her ‘tiger kitty punch’ wasn’t working at all.

‘Any ordinary celestial being would be knocked out with one hit.’

But her real hands and feet worked.

So she could keep pressing forward.

Baek Yoorin, with a soul so strong that she was called an ‘outsider,’ had a body evolved to withstand that soul, placing her at the top tier of the superhuman category.

And since that body was real, Yoo Hajin couldn’t easily subdue her.

But Yoo Hajin was skilled in brawling.

“I’ve got it. Your pattern.”


Yoo Hajin had somehow grabbed both of Baek Yoorin’s wrists. He twisted them behind her back.

“Overconfident newbie suppression technique!!!”

“Ouch, ouch!”

After subduing Baek Yoorin, Yoo Hajin’s eyes met with several others.

The servants were staring at him.

“Oh, right, damn it.”

“Master, we’ll help you.”

Yoo Hajin was skilled in brawling.

But even the best fighters can’t handle multiple opponents at once.

With Baek Yoorin and the servants attacking together, Yoo Hajin was soon overwhelmed and pinned down, barely able to utter a word.

“I, I surrender. Just don’t eat me.”

Thus, Yoo Hajin, beaten and bound in thick chains, was dragged into the tiger’s room.

Once inside, he was thrown onto a huge bed.

Baek Yoorin, panting, climbed onto the bed.

“Uh, Miss Tiger?”

“Huff, huff. Call me Baek Yoorin. I don’t like being called a tiger.”

“Why do you keep touching my pants?”

Yoo Hajin squirmed, resisting her touch.

“Uh, you don’t plan to use me like a bad guy, do you? I can do whatever you want like a pushover.”

“Then untie me.”

“Not just that. Ugh, huff. I’ve never been good at talking.”

But Baek Yoorin’s hands didn’t stop.

“H-how do you even untie this?”

Baek Yoorin struggled for a moment before simply tearing his pants apart.

“Ugh, ugh. Don’t all men like this? Right?”

“N-no. Wait.”

And Baek Yoorin’s hand reached toward Yoo Hajin’s sensitive area.


In the newly built Louisville officetel, there was an old elevator.

It was an elevator Yoo Hajin occasionally used.

And now, the old elevator in Luaville was moving.

The display showed strange characters like 1327F and &%-F.

With the ding of the first floor, the elevator doors opened.

Inside the elevator stood a man and a girl.

Both of their clothes were stained with blood.

However, the man lit a cigarette as if the blood meant nothing.

“So, Sojin, is this OmegaTech really that competent?”

“Well, this elevator itself is a collaboration between OmegaTech and your Ilwol-Oakmoon. You funded its installation and you don’t know?”

“I still thought of it as just another secular enterprise.”

The girl laughed as she spoke.

“Old man, don’t underestimate technology. Especially you old-timers. Just because a weapon doesn’t use spirit power doesn’t mean it’s ineffective. Yoo Hajin fell victim to this cutting-edge tech too.”

“What? Yoo Hajin did?”

The girl proudly took out her smartphone.

“OmegaTech’s Spy Underwear. If anyone other than Yoo Hajin touches his underwear, I get an immediate alert. Yoo Hajin, who avoids all kinds of tracking abilities, is completely unaware and regularly uses these.”

“That’s quite... extreme.”

The man shook his head.

After exhaling a puff of smoke, he added,

“Also, during intimate moments, people usually take off their own underwear.”

“R-really? Old man, tell me more.”

At that moment,

the girl’s smartphone began to flash.

She stared at the screen and muttered,

“...Who is this?”

Suddenly, the girl emitted a murderous aura so intense that it made even the man flinch, and she soared into the sky.

– – – The End of The Chapter – – –

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