The crimson heart, resembling a hill, pulsated once more, while a dazzling light shimmered like exploding stars.

In the moment when the bright light flickered, before the three of them, where there was nothing just moments ago, a female spirit suddenly appeared.

She was pure white all over, sparkling and transparent, with long hair that resembled ice crystals. Her eyes held no human emotions whatsoever.

As if she had long existed in a different realm, separate from the people of this world.

"Oh, warriors of the Babel Tower, why have you come here to hinder me?"

The ancient queen, Aphrora, spoke softly.

"For a thousand years, I have kept the ancient promise, commanding my descendants to pass down the legend of the Babel Tower, honoring your Savior."

Her tone was neither sad nor happy, as if devoid of any emotion.

Bai Yan knew in his heart that after a thousand years had passed, she had changed greatly from the former queen, Aphrora.

Aphrora continued, saying:

"Are you now betraying me and seeking to take my life for the power of the Philosopher’s Stone, desiring to become gods?"

Bai Yan shook his head, gazing at the other person with an untroubled expression in his eyes.


"We want to do this because, in order to become a god, you have directly hindered countless opportunities for souls to be reborn, sacrificing countless souls just to make yourself more powerful."

"This is no different from being a cultist."

"Are you trying to say that you represent justice?" At that moment, Aphrora’s tone became subtle, no longer devoid of emotion as before.


Aphrora’s ethereal form looked down at the three of them, her voice taking on a more human quality, and the mockery in her tone grew stronger. "Do you even deserve to speak of justice? I have long known that the Babel Tower is a subordinate of the ‘God of Games’. Throughout countless years, it has brought destruction to numerous civilizations."

Bai Yan paused for a moment, unsure of how to respond.

Although he was indeed connected to the "God of Games," and the Tower also claimed that the Babel Tower should belong to them, in reality, the Babel Tower and the Tower were already two separate organizations!

In need of a swift slice of justice!

Bai Yan shook his head and gazed at Aphrora’s spirit, saying, "Rather than saying it represents ‘justice,’ I simply cannot bear to see someone like you meet a favorable outcome."

Aphrora shook her head.

"I transformed countless souls into philosopher’s stones, but this was not a sin."

"Because, their existence has no meaning at all… Normal souls are born, grow, age, die, reincarnate, and the cycle continues, like day and night changing. The existence of these souls is merely a natural phenomenon, they are not truly alive, there is no meaning to speak of."

"Only when their souls help me become a god, does it truly have meaning."

Aphrora’s tone was unusually firm, in a way you could say she was extremely stubborn.

She remembered what she had once seen…

A divine scene descended!

The cycles of life and death, the efforts and struggles of mortals, the important things, the things they want to protect… In the presence of gods, everything, all of it, appears so laughable and meaningless.

Even as the Enos civilization grew stronger day by day, in the presence of the gods they were nothing more than a massive hive of insects, easily crushed with a mere thought.

In an instant, in an instant, Aphrora was deeply plagued by the fear of this thought!

She knew that throughout her countless lifetimes, there was no escaping the whims of the gods!

The only way to unravel the mystery was to grant the soul eternal and everlasting existence!

"For a thousand years, I have witnessed many people passing away, the downfall of one country after another, and the impermanence of all things… Only gods are the only living beings that hold meaning, capable of transcending all kinds of limitations."

"Unable to become a god, unable to attain supreme eternal and immortal glory, the so-called grand ambitions and dominant enterprises in World, after the passage of time, there is nothing at all that can be left behind!"

Bai Yan let out a soft sigh. It seemed that the allure of becoming a god and the fear of remaining a mortal had already taken hold of her soul.

However, who doesn’t want to live forever, to be immortal and never die?

Out of thousands and thousands of people, probably ninety-nine percent of them would have such thoughts.

But Bai Yan would not let Aphrora go because of these "reasons," "desires," or "logic."

Just like the determined Aphrora.

Bai Yan never wavered, not even once.

Aphrora looked at the Babel Tower warriors in front of her and remembered the scene when she first met them.

The two girls, who now appeared to be anything but powerful, helped her crush the enemy.

Back then, she felt that one day, she would surely…meet the people from the Babel Tower again.

Little did she know that they would meet in such a way.

That’s fine.

"Let us bring this thousand-year journey to a close… I will use your souls as the foundation for my ascension to godhood."

Aphrora was a wise and ruthless queen towards her enemies a thousand years ago. As time passed, she gradually learned to be equally heartless towards her own people.

Of course, she wouldn’t hold back against the Babel Tower warriors whom she had only seen a few times.

Kaluoer and Evie both looked at Viscount Edmond, while Bai Yan nodded gently, his voice sounding somewhat solemn.

Too bad.

One couldn’t have foreseen that one’s own possession of Babel Tower would turn a friend from a thousand years ago into an enemy now.

In her thousand years of existence, she tried every possible means, resorting to any measure, all in the hope of becoming stronger.

"This island is the legendary place of Andochel, the magnificent Prince Samael’s creation. He is the only human who successfully became a god in this land, and he left behind the knowledge of how to create the Philosopher’s Stone. He possesses the ancient alchemy that people nowadays don’t possess."

"I will inherit his will and become the new deity."

Aphrora’s eyes emitted an enchanting silver glow that captivated everyone, making it impossible to look away.

She was only one step away from ascending to the upper ranks of the Apocalypse.

"Goodbye forever!"

Aphrora’s power comes from her mastery of ancient alchemy under the dominion of the legendary Andochel and Prince Samael. She has fully mastered the ancient alchemical arts and reached the realm of the "primordial beings."

Half human, half god, a state of perfection!

Nowadays, she can effortlessly disassemble and reassemble almost any substance in World.

Of course, Aphrora didn’t want to destroy the altar she needed to ascend to godhood. Therefore, she decided to find a new battlefield.

Her eyes shimmered with silver flames.

Space began to warp, and in an instant, the ethereal Aphrora disassembled and reassembled the space, teleporting herself to the seas a hundred miles away.

In the next moment, Bai Yan and his two companions followed closely behind.

In fact, even the Crown could not reach the level that Evie, who had no role to play in this apocalyptic war, was involved in. However, Bai Yan still brought her along.

On the calm sea, a thick layer of ice formed. Evie stood steadily on top, gazing worriedly at the two of them.

"Keep going!"

Bai Yan gazed at Aphrora floating in the sky not far away. He could clearly feel that a tremendous energy fluctuation was spreading continuously in all directions.

"Karla, let’s go together."

The enemy was an immensely powerful being who was dangerously close to becoming an upper-ranked Apocalypse. Even with his current abilities, Bai Yan knew better than to underestimate them. Without hesitation, he invoked the Power Possession, transforming into the Queen of the Scarlet Moon.

The Scourge of War·Gorgeous Moonshine.

Bai Yan reached out his arm, holding a black staff. A soft blue radiance flickered intensely on the surface of the staff, transforming amidst countless streams of light into the "Moonlight Blade," capable of cutting through anything.

At the same moment, Kaluoer had disappeared without a trace.

When she appeared once again, she had already arrived in front of Aphrora.

Kaluoer had a blank expression on her face as she tightly gripped the black blade in her hands and slashed towards the invisible "line."

"Take apart."

Facing the attack, Aphrora remained in her original position without moving, her gaze icy.

As an invisible force swept past, Kaluoer’s two arms suddenly vanished from sight, and her weapon dropped instantly.


In Aphrora’s emotionless gaze, a pair of crystal-clear hands revealed a weapon. It was a sword forged from the flesh and structure of Kaluoer’s arms.

It was a sword with a blood-red blade!

She spoke softly, her voice echoing through the sky:

"The rude person paid the price for attacking the king."


Kaluoer vanished into thin air at a critical moment, and the power that tore through the heavens and earth surpassed her position. It stirred up a colossal tsunami hundreds of meters high and several kilometers long on the once calm sea surface!

Evie watched in awe, her eyes wide open and her mouth agape.

Bai Yan’s tone was steady, and the "Gorgeous Moonshine" in his hand exuded a cold breath, "It seems that there is a great risk in close combat…The closer we get to her, the easier it will be for her to directly disintegrate us."

In other words, the power to disintegrate and reconstruct all things has distance limitations.

She would probably struggle to handle long-range attacks with ease.

In an instant, as the overwhelming tsunami crashed down, Bai Yan calmly unleashed his attack.

The Gorgeous Moonshine in her hand suddenly extended for kilometers, resembling a silver thread that divided the sea and the sky, slashing towards Aphrora!

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