I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 711: A Quick Lesson

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The rain continued to pour as Peter and his group made their sudden and dramatic entrance through the golden portal.

Hanzo's forces, along with Yahiko, Nagato, and the Akatsuki stood frozen in place, their eyes wide with shock and confusion. "?!"

After all, portals weren't a normal sight in this world, and the idea of someone using such a method for transportation had everyone on edge.

Nagato tried to process what had just happened, his mind racing, trying to figure out who these people were and how they had managed to appear in the middle of such a critical moment.

Yahiko, kunai still in hand, glanced between Hanzo, who looked equally stunned, and the newcomers.

Hanzo, always calculating and cautious, narrowed his eyes as he studied the group. His elite guards shifted uneasily behind him, their weapons ready but their movements hesitant. The sudden appearance of such an unknown force had thrown them off balance.

"Who… the hell are you?" Hanzo growled, his voice cutting through the rain. His grip tightened on Konan as he held her hostage, clearly not willing to let go of his advantage so easily.

Peter, standing casually with his hands in his pockets, simply smiled. "Yo, I'm Spider-Man. Nice to meet you," he said, giving a little wave with his free hand, as if this were a completely normal introduction. His relaxed demeanor only added to the confusion spreading through the crowd.

Yahiko, still on edge, shot a glance at Nagato, who returned it with a silent, questioning look. Neither of them had any idea what was happening, but they knew that whoever these newcomers were, they had just turned the situation upside down.

Hanzo's brow furrowed in suspicion. "I don't know who you are or why you're here," he said coldly, his voice dripping with malice, "but this has nothing to do with you. Leave now, and I'll spare your lives."

Peter's smirk widened slightly. "Nah, I don't wanna..." he stubbornly refused, like a petulant child.

And before Hanzo could react, Peter moved—so fast that none of them even saw it happen.

In an instant, Peter appeared beside Hanzo, standing just inches away.

"?!" Hanzo's eyes widened in shock, his body instinctively trying to react, but before he could even move, Peter was already gone, vanishing just as quickly as he had appeared. And with him, Konan was no longer in Hanzo's grasp.

The air around them seemed to crackle with energy as Peter reappeared in front of Madara, Kurama, and his students, Itachi and Shisui, holding Konan safely in his arms. She blinked in surprise, her mind struggling to keep up with what had just happened.

One moment, she had been a hostage in Hanzo's grip, and the next, she was being carried by a stranger, unharmed.

As she looked up at Peter, still cradled in his arms, a faint blush spread across her cheeks. It was rare for her to feel vulnerable, but in this moment, the way Peter had swooped in and saved her so effortlessly made her feel like a princess being rescued from danger. Her heart pounded in her chest as she stared up at him in awe.

Peter, noticing the look on her face, couldn't help but smirk. "Don't go falling in love now," he teased, his voice light and playful. "I'm already taken."

Konan blinked, the blush on her cheeks deepening as she realized she'd been caught off guard. She quickly averted her gaze, mentally scolding herself for being distracted at such a critical moment. But even as she turned her attention back to the situation,

The suddenness of the move left everyone stunned. Yahiko and Nagato stared in disbelief, their eyes flickering between Hanzo and Peter as they tried to comprehend how he had managed to take Konan so effortlessly.

Hanzo, for his part, was seething. His plan had been going perfectly until this moment, and now it was crumbling before his eyes. He glared at Peter, fury boiling beneath his calm exterior. "You think you can just walk in here and interfere with my plans?"

Peter shrugged, still holding Konan carefully as he glanced back at Hanzo. "Well, I just did, didn't I?" He smirked, "What are you going to do about it?"

Behind him, Madara snorted out a laugh, watching the scene with mild interest, while Kurama grinned, clearly amused by Hanzo's frustration. Itachi and Shisui remained silent, their eyes trained on Peter, absorbing every detail of how their sensei handled the situation.

Meanwhile, Konan still couldn't quite process what had happened, her mind reeling as she clung to Peter, still in his arms.

"Konan!" Yahiko and Nagato's voices broke through the confusion, both of them shouting her name as they watched her being taken from Hanzo's grasp.

Nagato's Rinnegan eyes flared with intensity, despite his inability to use them, his chakra surging as he instinctively stepped forward, ready to intervene if necessary. "Are you alright, Konan?!" he called out, his voice strained with worry.

Yahiko's gaze darted toward Peter, his expression cautious but grateful. "Whoever you are—thank you for saving her. But…" His voice trailed off, his uncertainty clear. "Please, return Konan to us. We don't know who you are, but if you're here to help…"

Peter, holding Konan securely, turned his head to Yahiko with a casual smirk. "Don't worry, we're only here to—"

Before he could finish his sentence, his spider-senses flared to life, an unmistakable warning that danger was approaching—fast.

Peter instinctively took a step back, just as Hanzo appeared beside him in a burst of speed, his body moving with deadly precision.

Hanzo's fist shot forward, aiming directly at Peter's head, the air around it whistling with the force of the punch.

"Konan!" Nagato and Yahiko screamed in unison, their voices filled with panic. Without thinking, they both began to rush forward, determined to help.

Nagato's chakra flared wildly, the intensity of his emotions nearly blinding him. Yahiko, too, moved to attack, ready to do whatever it took to save Konan from Hanzo's wrath.

But just as they moved, they both stopped in their tracks, their eyes widening in disbelief at what they saw next.

Peter was faster. He pivoted smoothly, effortlessly dodging the blow while still holding Konan in his arms. Hanzo's punch missed by mere inches, the force of it sending a gust of wind past Peter's face.

Alarmed by the sudden attack, Konan instinctively tightened her grip on Peter, her hands clutching his shirt as she tried to steady herself, not wanting to fall or worse—be captured by Hanzo again.

Hanzo's eyes narrowed in frustration. He didn't stop. With a snarl, he followed up the missed punch with a powerful roundhouse kick, the heel of his boot aiming directly for Peter's ribs.

Peter's body moved with supernatural grace. He ducked low, slipping under the kick with ease, his movements smooth and fluid. Even with Konan in his arms, he didn't seem the least bit hindered. Hanzo's kick sailed harmlessly over Peter's head, missing its mark entirely.

Yahiko and Nagato, frozen in place, could only watch in shock as the battle unfolded before them. Their panic had turned into awe as they realized this strange newcomer was effortlessly dodging Hanzo's attacks—while still holding Konan. The man they had feared moments ago was being handled like a common thug.

"What...?" Yahiko muttered, his voice filled with disbelief. "How is this possible?"

Nagato's Rinnegan eyes continued to glow, but now it was more from curiosity than rage. He could hardly believe what he was seeing.

Those watching—Yahiko, Nagato, and the other Akatsuki members—could only stare in awe. Hanzo was renowned for his speed and strength, one of the most dangerous shinobi in the world. And yet this stranger, holding Konan no less, was moving as if Hanzo's attacks were nothing more than an inconvenience.

Peter's students, Itachi and Shisui, stood off to the side, watching the exchange with wide-eyed fascination. It was clear that they were witnessing a level of skill far beyond anything they had seen before.

"Whoa…" Shisui muttered under his breath, unable to hide his awe. "Isn't that Hanzo the Salamander?"

Itachi, though quieter, was equally mesmerized. "I-I think so, yeah…" His Sharingan eyes whirled, trying to keep up with Peter's movements. He had always known his sensei was strong, but seeing him effortlessly counter one of the strongest shinobi in the world made it all the more real.

Peter glanced back at his students, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. "Pay attention, you two. You might learn something."

Hanzo, hearing Peter's words, snarled in frustration. He launched another flurry of attacks—punches and kicks coming at Peter with deadly precision. Each blow carried the weight of a man who had mastered the art of combat, his strikes swift and brutal.

But Peter moved like water. Every time Hanzo attacked, Peter either sidestepped, ducked, or twisted his body just enough to avoid the hit. His agility was almost unnatural, each movement perfectly timed to dodge Hanzo's strikes by the smallest of margins.

Hanzo's fist flew toward Peter's face once again, but Peter tilted his head to the side, letting the punch sail past him. He pivoted on his heel, shifting Konan in his arms as he stepped behind Hanzo in a blur of motion.

Before Hanzo could recover, Peter swept his leg out, kicking Hanzo's supporting leg from underneath him. The older shinobi stumbled, momentarily losing his balance, but he quickly caught himself and spun around, his eyes blazing with anger.

Peter smirked, clearly enjoying himself. "Come on… Is that all you got? You must be pretty weak, huh? What are you? A Genin?"

Hanzo growled in response, his pride wounded by Peter's taunts. He launched himself forward, faster this time, his fingers forming hand signs in a blur. In an instant, he released a torrent of flames from his mouth, the searing heat roaring toward Peter and Konan.

But Peter, unbothered, leapt into the air with Konan still cradled in his arms, his movements fluid and graceful. He vaulted over the flames, the heat licking at his heels but never touching him. He landed softly on the ground a few feet away, still holding Konan securely.

Watching from the sidelines, Nagato clenched his fists, his Rinnegan eyes wide as he watched the battle unfold. Yahiko, too, was tense, his heart pounding as he tried to make sense of what he was seeing.

"This guy…" Yahiko muttered, his eyes wide with disbelief. "Who is he? How is he moving like that?"

Peter, noticing their reactions, decided to use the moment as a teaching opportunity for Itachi and Shisui. "You two watching?" he called over his shoulder, his voice calm despite the intensity of the fight. "Always remember—power isn't everything. Speed, skill, and control are just as important."

Hanzo, hearing Peter's words, snarled in frustration. "Stop talking like you've already won!" he roared, forming another set of hand signs in a blur. This time, a massive wave of water erupted from the ground, crashing toward Peter like a tidal wave.

Peter's eyes gleamed with excitement. "Time for the big finish."

As the wave of water surged toward him, Peter stood his ground. Just as the wave was about to crash down on him and Konan, Peter snapped his fingers, and in the blink of an eye, he vanished, reappearing behind Hanzo in an instant.

Before Hanzo could even react, Peter struck him with a powerful, open-palm strike to the back, sending him flying forward. Hanzo's body skidded across the ground, crashing into the rubble with a thunderous impact.

The entire battlefield fell silent.

Yahiko, Nagato, and the remaining Akatsuki members could only watch in stunned silence as Hanzo, one of the most feared shinobi in the world, was effortlessly tossed aside like a ragdoll.

Peter, still holding Konan, glanced down at her, a playful smirk on his face. "You alright?"

Konan, her face still slightly flushed from earlier, nodded silently, too stunned to speak.

With the fight clearly over, Peter looked back at his students. "So, boys, did you get all that?"

Itachi and Shisui nodded, their eyes wide with awe.

Peter shifted Konan in his arms once more, then turned his attention back to Yahiko and Nagato. "Now… where were we?"

A/N: 2059 words :)



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