I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 677: No Kang Remains…

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The evening air was thick with tension as Peter floated above the wrecked streets of Queens, watching the Kang leaders huddle inside their little ship, an unimpressed look on his face. Below him, the battle raged on, but his focus was drawn to Rama-Tut and Immortus, who were rapidly preparing their counterattack.

"Ah, what do we have here?" Peter quipped, the smirk audible in his voice as he eyed the transforming vessel. "A shiny toy for big boys?"

From his vantage point, the ship began to bristle with weaponry, a deadly array of futuristic arms unfolding with mechanical precision. Rama-Tut, his features twisted in fury, slammed his hand onto a control panel, initiating the onslaught.

Peter, undeterred, floated casually in the air, his eyes aglow with power. "Really? You think those pea shooters will do anything to me?" he taunted, watching as the ship's cannons swiveled to aim directly at him.

The first volley of energy blasts cut through the air, their trajectories clear and deadly. But Peter simply tilted his head, a flick of his wrist redirecting the energy harmlessly into the sky, where it exploded like distant fireworks.

"Is that all you got?" Peter called out, his voice dripping with disdain. He raised his hands, gathering a swirling mass of elemental energy, ready to strike. "Here, try not to die to easily…" With a graceful motion, he sent a torrent of phoenix fire spiraling towards the ship.

Rama-Tut, quick on the uptake, activated the ship's shields, which glowed with a pulsing blue light, absorbing the brunt of Peter's attack. "Is that all you've got?!" he shouted back, repeating Peter's taunt, his voice echoing through the ship's speakers.

"Nah," Peter retorted simply, flying closer with a burst of speed. As he approached, he phased through the next barrage of laser fire, his form blurring in and out of tangibility.

Inside the ship, Rama-Tut and Immortus exchanged a look of concern. They were not accustomed to dealing with an adversary who could simply ignore their most powerful weapons.

Peter circled the ship, his movements a blur. Every attempt they made to lock on to him failed, as he effortlessly dodged or countered their attacks. He then landed atop the ship, his weight causing the structure to groan under the pressure.

"Nice view from up here!" Peter joked, tapping on the hull with his foot. Kang the rat, still perched on his shoulder, squeaked in agreement, its eyes gleaming with anticipation.

With a sudden burst of strength, Peter tore open the hull like it was made of paper, exposing the frightened faces of Rama-Tut and Immortus. "Room service!" he announced cheerfully, his eyes glowing a bright red before firing beams of energy at whatever machinery was within his sight. Sparks and fire erupted as the ship's systems began to falter and fail.

Rama-Tut frantically hit another series of controls, causing the ship to teleport a short distance away. But Peter was too quick, catching up in a flash of light, his laughter ringing out across the battlefield.

"Why don't you two ditch this dingy thing," Peter said, his voice now serious as he hovered in front of the crippled ship. He clenched his fists, energy crackling around them with increasing intensity.

With a final, contemptuous look at Rama-Tut and Immortus, Peter unleashed his power. A massive blast of chaotic energy surged from him, striking the ship with such force that it was obliterated in an instant. The explosion was deafening, a brilliant flare that lit up the night sky.

As the dust settled, Rama-Tut and Immortus crawled from the wreckage, their bodies battered and their armor smoking. They looked up at Peter, who landed before them, a casual smile on his face.

"You know," Peter said, glancing down at the defeated Kangs, "you really should've tried harder. Even Centurion sent a Celestial after me, but maybe he was the better of you three?" He shrugged, turning back to survey the battlefield, a hint of amusement in his voice as he added, "Anyway…"

"Hey, ratatouille," Peter began, turning to the small creature perched nervously on his shoulder. "You've got a score to settle, right?" Kang the Rat twitched its whiskers affirmatively, its beady eyes narrowing with a palpable thirst for vengeance.

Peter gently set Kang on the scorched earth, stepping back with a solemn nod. He extended his hands, fingers weaving through the air as he chanted under his breath. The fabric of reality shimmered, twisting around the rat, which grew and morphed until Kang the Conqueror stood where the rodent had been, regal and imposing in his restored human form.

"T-This… how?!" Kang exclaimed, lost for words as he stared down at his human hands once again.

Smirking, Peter conjured a sleek blaster pistol, the weapon materializing from thin air, and tossed it to Kang. "They're all yours," he said, nodding toward the dazed and defeated figures of Rama-Tut and Immortus.

Kang caught the blaster, grasping it tightly, his face hardening as he approached his former allies, a vicious smile blooming on his face. "You know, it's funny how the tables turn. Here you are, at my mercy—just where I always imagined you'd end up."

Rama-Tut, struggling to rise, his voice strained with desperation and defiance, retorted, "Kang, you fool-" he collapsed mid-sentence, his broken body unable to hold much weight.

Kang chuckled darkly, leveling the blaster at them with unwavering hands. "The only fools I see are lying defeated at my feet..."

And with a cold, unrelenting fury, he opened fire. The blasts were relentless and deafening, each one a release of pent-up rage, echoing across the silent battlefield long after his enemies had fallen.

As the blaster's energy finally sputtered and died, Kang stood breathing heavily, a sinister satisfaction in his eyes. He let out a contented sigh, a triumphant smile spreading across his face, "thank you, Peter-"

Suddenly, before Kang could finish expressing his gratitude, a gleaming black blade pierced through his back and poked out of his chest, blood caking its blade.

Kang gasped, blood dripping from his lips, his eyes wide with shock and betrayal as he looked down at the dark blade piercing him. "W-Why?" he managed to choke out as he glanced over his shoulder, where he found Peter staring back at him, a sword in his hand.

Peter's voice was steady, devoid of emotion. "I told you before, didn't I? No Kang remains. Especially not the most dangerous of them all." His eyes didn't waver as he pulled the sword free, watching Kang collapse beside his foes, blood pooling below his body.

Shortly after Kang the Conquerer's death, Peter surveyed the aftermath of the battle from atop a crumbling building. Below him, the Spider-People scattered, efficiently rounding up the remaining Kangs who were trying to escape their inevitable defeat. Peter's gaze lingered on the scene, a thoughtful frown creasing his brow under the mask.

With a swift movement, he reached into his pocket, pulling out his rings, each inset with an Infinity Stone, gleaming ominously even in the dim light of the destroyed city.

One by one, he slid them onto his fingers, feeling the surge of cosmic power thrum through his veins—a sensation that was always exhilarating each time he experienced it.

As the Spider-People finished their tasks, they gathered below, their eyes wide with a mix of curiosity and confusion. They stared at Peter, sensing the unimaginable power radiating off of him, their spider senses tingling. None spoke; the gravity of the moment hung heavily in the air.

Peter raised his hand, the Stones glowing brightly. "Let's clean up first," he announced, his voice carrying a casual tone, as if he were simply tidying up his room.

With a decisive snap of his fingers, a blinding light erupted from his hand, enveloping every Kang present. In moments, they turned to dust, drifting away as if they had never existed.

Silence followed the light show. The Spider-People stared in disbelief, the reality of the situation slowly dawning on them. Peter, feeling the power coursing through him, prepared for the final act.

He snapped his fingers again, this time with a different intent. Light enveloped the city once more, but this time, it was gentle, almost soothing. Buildings reconstructed themselves, streets mended, and cars untwisted from their mangled forms. The chaos wrought by the battle reversed, as if time itself were rolling backward.

As the light faded, the Spider-People observed their surroundings in awe. Their own injuries healed before their eyes, cuts sealing and bruises vanishing. Gasps and murmurs of disbelief filled the air as those who had fallen in battle stood once again among them, blinking in astonishment, including any civilians who were simply caught in the crossfire.

Peter watched their reactions, a small smile playing on his lips. His gaze softened as he looked at his spidery subordinates, who were beginning to realize just how powerful their boss truly was. Yet, amid the awe and the restoration, a simple, human sensation brought him back to reality—a rumbling in his stomach.

"Hey, you guys want to celebrate with some pizza?" he called out, his tone light, undercutting the tension and awe of the moment.

Although he anticipated laughter and agreement from the Spider-People gathered around him, he was instead met with an unsettling silence as if the world had paused, time stopping for everyone but him.

Turning his head, Peter spotted the unmistakable figure of the Grim Reaper, appearing seemingly from nowhere. "Did I complete the mission?" he asked, becoming accustomed to the Reaper's sudden and dramatic appearances.

"Why else would I be here?"

A/N: 1665 words :)



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