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Resisting the urge to utter the word 'Arise' like a certain dripped out Korean protagonist, Peter cautiously curiously the green flame at the flickering remains of Tiamut, hoping for a successful resurrection despite the celestial's complete decay.

Instantly, the green flame collided with the flickering yellow remnants, igniting into a fiery clash as the two hues battled for dominance. Peter watched with interest as Tiamut's residual essence seemed to resist being overtaken so easily, displaying an unexpected tenacity even in its diminished state.

As the duel of flames raged on, Peter's eyes widened in surprise as Tiamut's yellow flame began to overpower his own green fire, its flickering light growing stronger with each passing moment.

"Huh… I guess you're still pretty strong, even now…" Undeterred, Peter shrugged and conjured yet another green flame, determined to get what he wanted. "I guess I'll just have to keep trying…"

And like a Pokémon trainer who kept tossing Poké balls at a weakened Pokémon, Repeatedly, Peter conjured his green flames, never giving up.

Over and over, Tiamut's remaining essence would assert its dominance, but Peter persisted, conjuring more and more green flames whenever his opponent gained the upper hand.

Gradually, Tiamut's resistance weakened, its flickering light dimming with each successive clash until, at last, Peter's final green flame emerged victorious, consuming the celestial's remnants in a triumphant blaze.

With a triumphant smirk, Peter watched as his green flame consumed Tiamut's fiery remains, growing in size until it towered above him, pulsating with power. The flame seemed to take on a life of its own, its intensity growing by the second.

As the flame reached its peak, it dimmed, and from within emerged a dark shadow figure. It stood tall, its eyes glowing a bright green, matching the accents along its body.

"It worked," Peter breathed, his voice a mixture of awe and disbelief. He had managed to transform Tiamut into an undead shadow, just like Knull.

The shadowy figure of Tiamut loomed over Peter, but it just wasn't as intimidating as before. After all, he is Peter's servant now.

"Master!" Tiamut spoke reverently, his knees buckling as he kneeled, still towering over Peter nonetheless. "I owe you my deepest thanks for liberating me from Centurion's grasp."

Peter's eyebrows shot up in surprise, his mind struggling to process the fact that Tiamut can now speak. "You... can talk?"

Tiamut nods solemnly, his glowing green eyes reflecting a mix of relief and sorrow. "Yes, Master. Even as a seed buried deep within the Earth, I retained my consciousness. But Centurion's experiments robbed me of my voice and will, turning me into a mere rage fueled puppet."

Peter listens intently as Tiamut recounts his plight, his heart heavy with empathy for the celestial's suffering. "I thought so… I'm sorry to hear that, but at least you're fine now."

Tiamut shakes his head, a grateful smile tugging at the corners of his shadowy form. "No need for apologies, Master. You have freed me from that nightmare, and for that, I am eternally grateful."

Peter meets Tiamut's gaze, his own expression softening with understanding. "Well, I'm glad I could help."

Still in a deep bow, Tiamut acknowledges Peter's words, his loyalty unwavering. "Thank you, Master. I am Tiamut and from this day forth, I am yours to command."

Peter returns the gesture with a nod of his own, "I look forward to having you at my side, Tiamut." He says as a cruel smirk forms on his face. "Hey, why don't we go and test your powers a bit? I'm sure Centurion wouldn't mind being our test dummy as well…"

Tiamut's expression shifts, mirroring Peter's cruel smirk as thoughts of revenge consume his mind. "I would relish the opportunity to show Centurion the extent of my newfound power," he growls, his voice dripping with malice.

Peter nods in agreement, his own desire for justice fueling their shared determination. "Then let's not keep him waiting," he says, his tone filled with anticipation as Tiamut shrank and disappeared into his shadow.


In the heart of the cavernous lair beneath the Whitehouse, the clash intensified, the echoes of metal meeting metal reverberating through the chamber as Miles, Mateo, and Aaron battled against the formidable Centurion. Each move was a dance of danger, every strike a testament to their determination to overcome their powerful foe.

Miles dodged and weaved, his Spider-Sense tingling with warning as Centurion's deadly energy blades sliced through the air with lethal precision. With a swift twist, Miles unleashed a venom blast, the crackling energy surging forth like a torrential wave, aimed at disabling Centurion's suit.

But Centurion was ready, his suit adapting seamlessly to the assault, absorbing the energy and repelling it with a surge of power. "Is that it?" he taunted, his voice dripping with contempt and disappointment as he lunged forward, relentless in his pursuit. "If I'd known you'd be this weak, I would've sent the spider somewhere else…"

Mateo's fists clenched with determination as he summoned the power of electricity, arcs of lightning crackling around him like a tempest unleashed. With a surge of willpower, he tried to control the metal on Centurion's suit, aiming to squeeze him to death.

Yet Centurion was no stranger to such tactics, his suit morphing and shifting in response, repelling the magnetic power with ease. "You'll have to do better than that," he sneered, his eyes alight with malice as he pressed the attack. "Though it is impressive… I assume Peter gave you those powers. How very generous of him…"

Aaron, ever the strategist, watched the battle unfold with a calculating gaze, his mind racing as he sought a way to turn the tide in their favor. With a flick of his wrist, he summoned icy tendrils from the ground, aiming to ensnare Centurion and freeze him in his tracks.

But Centurion was too quick, his suit adapting once more, emitting a high pitched hum, causing the tendrils to shatter within a certain proximity. "Nice try," he scoffed, his movements fluid and precise as he closed in on his prey, his intent clear… to crush them without mercy.

Instantly, Centurion's onslaught intensified, his blows landing with bone-crushing force as he pummeled Miles, Mateo, and Aaron relentlessly. Each strike echoed through the chamber, sending shockwaves of pain coursing through their bodies.

Miles gritted his teeth, blood dripping from his mouth from the sheer ferocity of Centurions assault. He staggered backward, his vision swimming as he fought to stay upright against the barrage of punches and kicks.

Mateo's attempts to retaliate were met with brutal efficiency, Centurion effortlessly dodging his lightning-charged fists before countering with devastating precision. Mateo could feel his strength waning, his muscles protesting with every movement as he struggled to keep pace.

Aaron's icy tendrils shattered like glass against Centurion's unyielding armor, leaving him vulnerable to the relentless barrage of attacks. He cursed under his breath, his mind racing for a solution as he desperately tried to fend off Centurion's relentless assault.

With each blow, Centurion's taunts grew louder, his voice dripping with contempt as he mocked their futile attempts to resist. "Is this the best you can do?" he jeered, his blows raining down with merciless intent. "Pathetic."

The cavernous chamber became a battleground of desperation, the air thick with the sound of grunts and the metallic clang of combat. But against Centurion's overwhelming might, their resistance seemed futile, their hopes of victory dwindling with each passing moment.

As Centurion pressed his advantage, the trio found themselves pushed to their limits, their bodies bloody, battered, and bruised, their resolve hanging by a thread, unable to keep up with the relentless assault.

"Ugh!" Miles grunted as he smacked into the wall at full speed, collapsing to the floor, unable to move.

"Ahh!" Mateo followed soon after, his arm snapped out of place as he was sent hurtling across the floor.

"Miles!" Aaron's voice rang out, filled with concern as he saw his nephews injuries.

"Oops…" Cebturion smirked dangerously. "Did I do that?"

"!" Aaron turned back to Centurion, his resolve burning with the fire of vengeance. He couldn't let Centurion get away with what he had done to him, his nephew, his sister in law, and most of all his brother.

"Uncle Aaron! Wait!" Miles and Mateo screamed after him, unable to stand after the beating they'd been given.

But Aaron didn't listen, moving forward one step at a time as his body began to emit an icy chill, which shot out toward Centurion, a manifestation of his determination to take down his brother's killer.

But sadly, Centurion's suit countered the attack effortlessly, nullifying the cold with a burst of searing heat.

Centurion scoffed, his laughter echoing through the chamber as he delivered a bone-crunching kick that sent Aaron crashing to the ground. The pain was unbearable, but Aaron refused to yield, his eyes blazing with defiance even as he knelt before his adversary.

Mateo and Miles, their bodies broken and battered, could only watch in horror as Centurion raised his blades, poised to strike the final blow. "Stop!" they screamed, their voices filled with desperation, but Centurion paid them no heed.

"First your father and now your Uncle…" Centurion laughed as he stared Mateo in the eyes. "It's like you're cursed~"

"NO!" Mateo screamed in anguish, Miles' voice following closely behind him. "Stop!"

Just as Centurion was about to deliver the fatal blow, a sudden presence appeared beside them, a blur of motion as Peter materialized, slapping Centurion away from Aaron with a forceful blow, sending him flying across the room.

Seeing Peter materialized beside their uncle, Mateo and Miles let out sighs of relief, their tense muscles finally relaxing as they watched their savior in action.

Uncle Aaron looked up at Peter, gratitude shining in his eyes. "Thank you, Peter. You saved my life," he said, his voice filled with genuine appreciation.

Peter offered a reassuring smile. "No problem," he replied, his tone comforting.

Meanwhile, across the room, Centurion scrambled to his feet, his eyes widening in terror as he saw Peter standing across from him, signifying the failure of his plan.

With a panicked expression, Centurion activated the multiverse traveling function of his cyborg suit, desperate to escape the wrath of Spider-Man. But to his horror, a glowing rune appeared on his chest, in the exact spot where Peter slapped him, nullifying his escape attempt and trapping him in the chamber with his nemesis.

Peter smirked triumphantly, his gaze locked on Centurion. "Where do you think you're going?" he asked, his voice laced with satisfaction.

A/N: 1764 words :)



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