I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 660: Worldwide Earthquake!

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As the holographic image of Centurion flickered before them, Aaron and Mateo exchanged a glance, frustration evident in their clenched fists. The realization that their target was not physically present only fueled their determination to track him down.

"He's hiding like a coward," Aaron muttered through gritted teeth, his eyes scanning the room for any sign of Centurion's whereabouts.

Mateo nodded in agreement, his jaw set in determination. "But where?"

Meanwhile, Peter couldn't resist a taunt as he locked eyes with the holographic projection. "Afraid to face me, Centurion?" He smirked. "Well, I'll give you at least a little credit for leaving a hologram. I thought you'd have run off with your tail between your legs by now…"

"Oh, I have…" Centurion's smirked back, unbothered as he met Peter's gaze. "After all, why risk my neck when I can have others do my dirty work for me?" he retorted smoothly, his tone dripping with arrogance.

Peter chuckled, undeterred by Centurion's cowardice. "Too scared to face the music, huh? Typical third rate villain behavior..."

While Peter and Centurion exchanged banter, Mateo took matters into his own hands, striding over to the wall where the hologram was being projected from. With the finesse of a seasoned tech expert, he tapped into the holographic projector, scanning for any trace of Centurion's hiding place.

Centurion's smirk widened as he observed Mateo's actions. "Impressive, but do you really think you can find me that easily?"

Peter shrugged nonchalantly, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "You never know until you try."

With a knowing smile, Centurion turned his attention back to Mateo, a sly gleam in his eyes. "Peter here seems to have a lot of faith in you, Mr. Morales."

Mateo's heart skipped a beat at the mention of his name, his mind racing with questions. "H-How do you know who I am?" he stammered, caught off guard by Centurion's revelation.

Centurion's smirk grew more pronounced as he leaned back, reveling in Mateo's reaction. "Oh, I've known about you for a while now," he replied cryptically, his tone dripping with malice.

Mateo's pulse quickened at the implication that his identity had long been exposed to their enemy. "Since when?" he demanded, his voice tinged with a mix of fear and defiance.

Centurion's laughter echoed through the room, sending a shiver down Mateo's spine. "Oh, much longer than you realize," he taunted, his eyes locking onto Mateo's with an intensity that sent a chill down his spine.

"How long have you been watching me?" Mateo's voice trembled with fury, his fists clenched tightly at his sides.

Centurion's smirk widened, relishing in Mateo's palpable rage. "Since before you were even born," he replied casually, his tone dripping with satisfaction.

As the tension hung thick in the air, Mateo's heart raced with a mix of anger and disbelief. He stared at Centurion, his mind reeling from the revelation that his enemy had known his identity all along.

Glancing over at Miles, Centurion's smirk widened with a hint of amusement. "Oh, I see you've met your little doppelganger," he remarked casually, his tone condescending. "How was that first meeting? Awkward, I'm sure… After all, he has your powers, right? How did it feel when you learned he stole them from you? Was it soul crushing?"

Mateo ground his teeth, his fists trembling with restrained fury. "Shut up!" he shouted, his voice echoing through the room with a raw intensity.

Centurion's smirk only grew more pronounced as he kept his attention on Miles, his eyes gleaming with a malevolent curiosity. "Speaking of your powers, how are they?" he inquired, his tone deceptively casual. "Everything working the way it should? No hairy spider legs growing anywhere? Truthfully, I didn't know how your body would react to the bite when I sent the spider over. You seem to be doing well though…"

Miles's eyes widened in realization, the pieces of the puzzle falling into place with alarming clarity. The spider coming to his universe wasn't just an accident from Wilson Fisk's multiverse experiments. No, it was a meticulously orchestrated plan by Centurion himself.

The weight of Centurion's manipulation hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow over their every move.

As the truth sank in, Mateo's jaw tightened, his eyes narrowing at Centurion's taunting demeanor. "You sent away the spider that was supposed to bite me," he accused, his voice laced with venom. "You've been manipulating everything from the start, haven't you?"

Centurion's chuckle sent a chill down Mateo's spine, his eyes glinting with amusement. "And what if I did?" he challenged, his arrogance radiating like a noxious aura. "Who would want an annoying Spider-Man meddling in their affairs anyway?"

Mateo's fists trembled with restrained fury, his mind racing with a torrent of emotions. "You destroyed my life," he seethed, his voice barely above a whisper, yet resonating with unbridled rage. "All this time, you've been pulling the strings, playing god with people's lives!"

Centurion's smirk never wavered, his eyes gleaming with sadistic pleasure. "And what are you going to do about it, Mr. Morales?" he taunted, his voice dripping with disdain.

Mateo's gaze burned with righteous fury, his resolve hardening like steel. "I'll stop you," he declared, his voice resonating with unwavering determination. "No matter what it takes, I'll make you pay for everything you've done."

Centurion laughed, which seemed to infuriate Mateo. "Do you think you're my enemy? No, you're just a pawn in my grand design, a mere speck in the vastness of my power. The only reason you still draw breath is because I found your little resistance amusing. And that's all you are, just a passing amusement."

As the weight of Centurion's manipulation settled over them like a suffocating blanket, Aaron's simmering rage bubbled to the surface.

"Was it amusing when you killed my brother?" Aaron's voice cut through the tension like a knife, his eyes blazing with fury as he confronted Centurion, tossing his mask aside, revealing his face.

Centurion's smirk widened into a cruel grin as he met Aaron's gaze head-on. "Absolutely hilarious," he confirmed nonchalantly.

Mateo, Miles, and Aaron exchanged a glance, their expressions etched with raw anger at Centurion's callous admission.

Centurion continued, his voice dripping with contempt as he reveled in their growing outrage. "You should see the looks on your faces right now," he chuckled, his eyes glinting with sadistic pleasure. "I wonder what you'll look like when you learn the real truth about your father's death?"

Mateo's blood ran cold at Centurion's revelation, his mind reeling from the sheer cruelty of it all. "What truth?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper as he struggled to comprehend the depths of Centurion's depravity. "You killed him. What more is there to know?"

Centurion chuckled darkly, his eyes gleaming with perverse amusement. "Oh, nothing much, I'm sure you don't want to know," he waved Mateo's questions off.

As Mateo's anger surged, he couldn't help but demand answers from Centurion. "Tell me the truth!" he demanded, his voice trembling with fury.

Centurion's smirk widened into a chilling grin as he leaned forward, basking in Mateo's growing agitation. "Ah, always so eager for the truth," he remarked casually, his tone filled with malice. "But are you truly prepared to hear it?"

Mateo's jaw tightened, his eyes burning with righteous fury. "Stop playing games and tell me!" he spat, his voice tinged with desperation.

Centurion's laughter echoed through the room, sending a shiver down Mateo's spine. "Very well. You see, I knew about the investigation into myself from the very beginning. But instead of putting an end to it, I decided to let it play out. After all, what's the harm in a little entertainment?"

He paused for a moment, a smirk forming on his lips, before continuing, "And what would be more entertaining than recruiting your father into it?" Centurion revealed, shocking the entire room.

"You didn't…" Mateo muttered

"Oh, I did. I mean, did you really think your father, a police officer from New York, was qualified to investigate me, the President of the United States of America? No, which is why it took a couple moles suggesting his name to get him involved. And then… well, I'm sure you know the rest of the story, right?"

Miles's fists clenched at his sides, his mind racing with a mix of anger and confusion. "You sick b*stard," he seethed, his voice trembling with barely contained rage.

Mateo's blood ran cold at Centurion's callous admission, his mind reeling from the sheer cruelty of it all. "You monster," he whispered, his voice barely above a whisper as he struggled to comprehend the depths of Centurion's depravity.

Centurion's smirk widened into a cruel grin as he reveled in Mateo's anguish. "Thank you for the compliment~"

The realization hit Mateo like a freight train, his world crumbling around him as he grappled with the truth. Centurion had been pulling the strings all along, manipulating every aspect of his life with merciless precision.

"Were you planning to turn me into this all along?" Mateo's voice trembled with a mix of fear and fury as he confronted Centurion, his fists clenched tightly at his sides. "Was my entire life a lie?"

Centurion's laughter echoed through the room, sending a chill down Mateo's spine. "You finally figured it out, huh?" he taunted, his eyes gleaming with sadistic pleasure. "Congratulations, Mr. Morales. Welcome to my grand design."

With those chilling words hanging in the air, Mateo's resolve hardened like steel as he stared down his nemesis, his determination burning brighter than ever before. "I'm going to kill you. I don't care how long it takes or how far I have to go to get it done." He stared straight at Centurions holographic form, his rage overflowing. "You will die…"

Centurion chuckled darkly, his eyes gleaming with malevolent delight. "Oh, I look forward to it," he replied, his tone dripping with disdain. "But for now, let's just enjoy the show, shall we?"

With a final smirk, Centurion turned to Peter, "I wish you luck, Peter. You're going to need it…" He warned as he vanished into thin air, leaving Mateo, Miles, and Aaron to grapple with the horrifying truth of his manipulation.

A tense silence descended upon the room, broken only by the smoldering rage, which Centurion instigated before his departure. But just as everyone began to slowly calm down, a deep rumbling reverberated through the ground beneath their feet.

Peter's eyes widened in alarm as he staggered slightly before immediately regaining his balance amidst the sudden tremors. "?"

"What's happening?" Aaron exclaimed, his voice tinged with concern.

Mateo's heart raced as he glanced around the room, his senses on high alert. "I don't know," he replied grimly, his gaze narrowing as he braced himself against the shifting ground.

Miles's expression mirrored Mateo's concern as he steadied himself against the wall, his mind racing with possibilities. "This doesn't feel like a natural earthquake," he remarked, his voice laced with unease.

Aaron's fists clenched tightly at his sides as he surveyed their surroundings, his eyes flashing with determination. "Whatever it is, it can't be good," he growled, his voice thick with apprehension.

As the tremors surged in intensity, causing objects to clatter and the walls to shudder, Peter shut his eyes, immersing himself in a heightened state of awareness that swiftly extended beyond the confines of the White House, reaching out to encompass the city, the states, the nation, and ultimately, the entirety of the planet.

With his eyes going wide in astonishment, Peter swiftly grasped the alarming truth. The entire planet was in the grip of an earthquake, which was steadily rising in intensity, leaving him puzzled as to what the cause could be.

A/N: 1956 words :)



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