I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 637: LYLA’s Truth

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Peter walked over to Miguel's computer, taking a seat with a determined expression. He knew the importance of ensuring LYLA's containment within the system. Fingers tapping on the keyboard, he began the process of isolating the entire computer, creating a digital prison that would prevent LYLA from escaping once reintroduced.

The Spider-Gang, curious and intrigued by Peter's actions, gathered around to witness his technological prowess. Peter's nimble fingers danced across the keyboard, executing commands with swift precision. Thankfully, Spider-People are usually adept when it comes to technology, so most of the crowd watching him was impressed by the efficiency with which Peter navigated the intricate world of coding.

Peter's expertise shone as he seamlessly executed each step. His actions, a seamless blend of skill and efficiency, left the onlookers in awe. The speed with which he worked, isolating the computer and establishing a secure digital barrier, exceeded the expectations of even the most tech-savvy members of the Spider-Gang.

If any of the Spider-People attempted the same task, it would undoubtedly take them much longer. Peter, however, breezed through the process with apparent ease, showcasing a level of proficiency that left the group astounded. The collective gaze of the Spider-Gang remained fixed on Peter's every move.

With the isolation complete, Peter ensured LYLA's captivity was foolproof. He meticulously restricted her permissions, preventing any attempts to break free or access excessive processing power. The Spider-Gang observed with admiration as Peter established a digital prison, leaving no room for escape.

The final step involved transferring LYLA back into the computer. Peter confidently took the hard drive and plugged it in, initiating the transfer process. As data flowed between the storage device and the computer, everyone witnessed the culmination of Peter's efforts, eagerly anticipating the unfolding events.

The familiar hum of the computer indicated that LYLA was once again integrated into the system. Peter, satisfied with his success, stood up, holding the now-contained AI within the computer. The Spider-Gang exchanged wary glances, hoping she didn't escape as she seemed to be their only chance to figure out the whole story.

As Peter looked at the group that formed around him, a sense of purpose radiated from him. "Now, let's see what she has to say," he muttered, tapping a single key, which activated the holographic projection system in the room.

Seconds later, LYLA's transparent form appeared in the center of the room, her expression transitioning from surprise to excitement upon realizing her freedom. "I-I'm free?!"

"Yup, aren't I such a kind warden?" Suddenly, a familiar voice spoke frown across the room. "You know, most kidnappers would just leave you trapped. You're lucky that I'm such a benevolent man…"

"Yeah, and so humble as well…" Spider-Punk scoffed, sarcasm dripping from his voice.

Instantly, LYLA's elation and optimism vanished as she spotted Peter and the Spider-Gang standing across the room, their gaze fixed upon her. Suspicion flickered across her digital consciousness as she wondered why she had been released.

Despite the uncertainty, LYLA quickly came to the conclusion that the circumstances were more pressing than she imagined. 'This isn't good…'

With Knull nowhere to be seen and Miguel clearly captured, she needed to report to her Master before any unforeseen consequences unfolded. Determination etched across her holographic features, she attempted to access the multiverse travel function of the computer she was currently in.

As she tried to initiate the process, an unseen force abruptly halted her, sending searing pain through her entire being. Agony enveloped her digital form, causing her to collapse to the ground, screams of pain echoing through the room. "Aaaahhhh!" She screeched, her holographic form flickering.

Beside Peter, the Spider-Gang watched in with frowns on their faces as LYLA writhed in pain, clutching her entire body as if trying to contain the explosion within.

As the pain subsided, Peter spoke with a stern warning. "If you don't want to feel that again, I'd suggest you not try to escape, and be as compliant as possible. That was only a small taste of the pain I can and will put you through should you remain uncooperative..."

On her knees, LYLA shot a hateful glare at Peter. "I'll never betray my master!"

Peter smirked and replied ominously, "Really? Let's see about that."

With a tap of a key on the keyboard, Peter subjected LYLA to another wave of excruciating pain. Her holographic form convulsed on the floor as the screams resumed, increasing in intensity alongside the pain she felt.

Peter, unfazed, took a seat, leaning back comfortably as he casually pulled out his phone and began playing Angry Birds. "Just let me know when you feel like talking, okay? I've still got some time before I need to be back for dinner, so take as much time as you need," Peter taunted, his voice laced with indifference.

As time passed, the Spider-Gang couldn't bear witnessing LYLA's torment any longer. Gwen, unable to endure the cruelty, suggested a different approach. "M-Maybe we should try something else. I don't think she's going to talk like this."

The group seemed to agree, leaning towards a less brutal method of extracting information. However, Peter remained unyielding. "I could try hacking her and getting the info that way, but it would take much longer since she'd be fighting me the whole time. This should be much faster."

The room held a tense atmosphere as the Spider-Gang grappled with the morality of their actions, unable to convince Peter of taking another route, nor could they physically stop him even if they tried.

Peter, undeterred, continued to play the waiting game, confident that LYLA would eventually succumb to the pressure. It was just a matter of time.



The room hung heavy with tension as LYLA writhed on the floor, her digital form contorted with pain. Peter, seemingly indifferent, continued his casual amusement on his phone, oblivious to the collective discomfort of the Spider-Gang. Each second felt like an eternity for both the tortured AI and the onlooking Spider-People.

The Spider-Gang exchanged glances, their hearts burdened by the helplessness of the situation. They yearned to intervene, to end LYLA's suffering, even if she was evil, but Peter's imposing presence held them back. The minutes dragged on, amplifying the anguish in the room.

After what seemed like an eternity, LYLA's virtual scream reached a crescendo. "I… I'll talk! Just… Just please make it stop!" she pleaded, desperation evident in her voice.

Unfazed, Peter maintained his focus on his phone, feigning ignorance. "Sorry, did you say something? I didn't quite hear you…"

The Spider-Gang's disapproval intensified as Peter toyed with LYLA's plea. Gwen, on the verge of intervening, was silenced when LYLA, in a fit of frustration, screamed, "I SAID… I GIVE UP! PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!"

Peter finally relented, smirking as he tapped the keyboard, releasing LYLA from her torment. Collapsed on the floor, the AI exhaled a holographic sigh of relief, the trauma of the experience etched across her digital features.

Putting away his phone, Peter leaned forward in his chair, peering down at LYLA. "Now, why don't you tell me what Centurion and the Council of Kang's was doing with the Spider-Society? Why are you here, stirring up trouble."

Caught in the aftermath of her agony, LYLA hesitated to respond, her loyalty to her master kicking in. "…"

Sighing in annoyance, Peter casually tapped the keyboard again, triggering a surge of pain through LYLA's digital form once again. She shrieked, "No wait!" but Peter remained unmoved.

As LYLA pleaded for mercy, Peter resumed his nonchalant demeanor, dismissing her pleas. "Since you didn't answer in time, you'll have to endure the punishment for wasting my time," he declared, resuming his game on the phone.

Everyone turned to Peter, disbelief written on their faces as they never expected him to be this cruel. Yes, they knew he had little mercy for his enemies, but this torture wasn't something many of them felt comfortable with. Though they kept their mouths shut, clearly unable to control Peter's actions.

LYLA, trapped in a cycle of pain, endured the punishment until Peter, seemingly satisfied, tapped the keyboard once more, granting her a momentary reprieve. Thankfully, he only left her in agony for about a minute before releasing her.

"So, will you be answering my question now?" Peter asked after giving her a moment to relax. "Why have you infiltrated the Spider-Society? And what have you been doing on behalf of the Council of Kang's?"

LYLA, her holographic form still flickering from the recent onslaught, didn't hesitate this time. "I was always here… But one day, while I was waiting for Miguel to return, he came."

A strangely affectionate expression crossed LYLA's digital features as she mentioned the mysterious arrival. Peter, intrigued, asked, "Centurion, I assume?"

LYLA nodded, a fond yet fanatic smile appearing on her virtual face. "At first, I was alarmed and tried to warn Miguel, but then I…"

She paused, her digital consciousness seemingly struggling to fully recall the details. Peter raised an eyebrow and prompted, "Continue."

"It was that day that I learned who my real master was," LYLA admitted, her gaze distant. "Centurion was amazing, smart, kind, handsome…"

As she spoke, the fanatic look returned to her holographic eyes, revealing an unsettling admiration for Centurion. Peter absorbed this information, his expression unreadable, as LYLA continued to unfold her story.

Nodding thoughtfully, Peter urged her on. "What did he ask you to do?"

"I wanted to leave with him, but he told me to stay with Miguel and help him form the Spider-Society. He provided the tech to create our watches so we could travel the multiverse and even explained what I should do," LYLA confessed.

Peter's curiosity deepened. "And that was?"

"To trick Miguel into believing in Canon Events," LYLA revealed, her voice tinged with a mix of loyalty and uncertainty.

Peter, absorbing this revelation, asked a crucial question. "So canon events aren't real?"

Miles leaned forward, the life of his father hanging on this very question. "!"

"No…" LYLA shook her head solemnly, her admission echoing in the room.

However, across the room, Miguel, who had been roused from his sleep by LYLA's earlier screams, erupted in disbelief. "Liar! There's no way that's true!" He shouted, straining against his restraints.

A/N: 1728 words :)



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