I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 635: Peter Vs Knull (2/2)

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"This... this is quite fortuitous!" Knull declared, a viscous smirk returning this face. "I can finally get rid of some competition!"

Knull's declaration echoed through the barren landscape, and suddenly, his entire being was engulfed in a dark red, bloodthirsty energy, shaking the very world they stood upon. The malevolent aura radiated power, which Peter hadn't seen until now.

Peter, his usual quips replaced by a serious expression, sensed the impending danger as he realized that Knull must have been holding back a lot of his power up until now…

'Is he a masochist or something?' Peter thought, wondering if his opponent was enjoying his earlier a*s kicking.

As the energy surged, the ground trembled beneath them. It became evident that the planet, already battered from the previous battle, couldn't withstand the escalating power.

Peter, recognizing the gravity of the situation, decided to match Knull's intensity. Ominous purple energy enveloped him as his power rose to unprecedented levels, following in step with his opponent.

The two adversaries, now resembling celestial entities, powered up like characters in a Dragon Ball Z battle, their power levels well over 9000.

The planet below cracked and crumbled, unable to endure the immense pressure exerted upon its surface. With a collective effort, Knull and Peter ascended into the air, leaving the collapsing planet behind.

Hovering midair, eyes locked, Peter broke the tense silence, "Since you had the last hit, I'll be the one to start things off this time around." With those words, Peter vanished, reappearing beside Knull in an instant. His eyes glowed in a bright red light as he launched a punch toward the evil god's jaw.

Knull, quick to react, tilted his head, narrowly avoiding Peter's attack. Anticipating the dodge, Peter unleashed his heat vision, a powerful beam striking Knull's chest at full force. The evil god staggered back, the smell of his flesh cooking as the lasers tore through him.

*Sniff… Sniff…* "Smells like bacon…" Peter commented tauntingly.

As the heat vision ceased, a sizable hole remained in Knull's chest, which Peter could see right through, but the wound began to rapidly heal. Flesh mended itself, closing the gap.

But before Knull could fully recover, Peter soared over once again, unwilling to give him a moment's respite. "Sup…" He greeted as he struck Knull across the face, sending him tumbling back just as his chest was fully healed.

The battle unfolded as a relentless exchange of blows, with Knull and Peter trading powerful attacks. Each strike showcased their enhanced abilities, creating shockwaves that rippled through the fabric of reality. The cosmic confrontation continued, the two adversaries evenly matched, neither yielding an inch.

Sending Peter flying with a kick to the chest, which caused his opponent to cough up a mouthful of blood, Knull quickly tapping into the dark abyss of his powers, unleashed black tendrils to ensnare Peter, who wasn't able to avoid their ensnaring grip.

The tendrils constricted around him, threatening to crush his form, his bones beginning to creak and crack under the immense pressure.

"Uuurgghh!" Peter grunted and groaned, his muscles flexing to fight the tight grasp of Knulls dark tendrils.

"Hahahahaha!" Knull laughed maniacally as he enjoyed the pain that morphed onto Peter's face, his entire being radiating with satisfaction. "Where's that confident, smug attitude from earlier?! Haha! Come on! Bring back the taunts and insults! I want to hear them again!"

'What an annoying b*stard…' Peter thought as he strained his body, forced to hear Knulls mad ravings.

However, he wouldn't be forced to listen for long. Empowered by the purple cosmic energy, which he inherited from Galactus's blood, Peter knew he needed a boy more strength to set himself free.

Needing a quick boost, Peter's body underwent a rapid transformation. Muscles expanded, and his figure grew larger, taking on a bright red hue that radiated power.

"!?" The sudden change caught Knull off guard, and he watched in confusion as the tendrils that had once ensnared Peter were now stretched against this colossal red Hulk-like figure.

Gripping the dark tendrils within his now-giant red hands, Peter grunted with immense strength as he ripped them apart, freeing himself from Knull's grasp. "Ugh!" *rip…*

The evil god, deeply connected to those tendrils, eyes widened as he spat out a mouthful of blood, the damage transferring over from his shattered appendages. *Cough!*

Seizing the opportunity, Peter, still in his giant form, launched forward. With a movement that seemed so fast that it defies the laws of space, he appeared beside Knull, his giant fist connecting with the evil god's face and torso.

"Argh!" The hit sent Knull flying downward, his hurtling body impacting the ground below, which created a massive hole as his body tore through the center of the planet, shooting out the other side.


The planet now resembled a big donut, the middle completely hollow, with the sides barely holding together, crumbling to bits by the second. Admiring the view of his handiwork, Peter watched as Knull came shooting back towards him, passing through the donut hole of the planet with a mad and frenzied look on his face.

The cosmic confrontation continued, with Peter's giant form and Knull clashing in a mid-air battle. The debris from the crumbling planet added chaos to the already intense scene. Peter's colossal punches and Knull's attempts to counter created shockwaves that reverberated through space.

Knull, though weakened from the earlier onslaught, proved to be a formidable opponent. As Peter delivered colossal punches, Knull retaliated with dark energy beams, each clash creating explosions that illuminated the dark void.

The malevolent god also unleashed black tendrils for a second time, attempting to ensnare Peter once again, but the giant Spider-Man wouldn't be trapped twice, dodging and weaving through the onslaught.

With a swift move, Peter's massive form seemed to teleport beside Knull, his giant foot connecting with the evil god's chest and stomach. The impact sent Knull spiraling backward, but he quickly recovered, harnessing the dark energies to launch a counterattack.

Peter, in his giant form, evaded yet another punch with surprising agility. Each miss resulted in shockwaves as Knulls limps collided with the remnants of the shattered planet below.

Knull, frustrated by Peter's resilience, intensified his attacks, unleashing a barrage of dark energy beams that lit up the cosmic battleground.

In response, Peter copied his opponent, unleashing his own purple energy, creating a shockwave that blocked Knulls attack.

Sadly, this clash was the last and final straw for the once peaceful and barren planet below, which couldn't even be seen anymore. All that remained was the particles of dust that slowly dispersed amongst the cold black space, leaving Peter and Knull floating in dark nothingness.

But that didn't stop them, as the back-and-forth struggle continued, each adversary refusing to back down. The intensity of the battle reached a fever pitch, with explosions and bursts of cosmic energy painting a spectacular display in the vast emptiness.

As the fight raged on, Peter's thoughts turned towards the conclusion. 'Okay, it's about time I ended this, or else I'll be late for dinner...' Empowered by the purple cosmic energy coursing through his veins, as well as his Hulk-like form, Peter shot forward, radiating the absolute peak of his power.

Knull, sensing the shift in momentum, tapped into the deepest recesses of his dark powers. Suddenly, the malevolent god transformed into a monstrous, shadowy figure, towering over even Peter's large size. Even his sword seemed to wriggle and expand, matching the its masters newfound size.

"You're not the only one who can increase their size!" Knull barked, waving his sword as he dashed toward Peter.

Instantly, the battleground became a clash of titans as Peter, in his colossal red Hulk-like form, faced off against the monstrous, shadowy figure that Knull had become. The two giants collided, shockwaves rippling through the empty expanse of space.

Their colossal attacks and energy blasts illuminated the darkness, creating a cosmic spectacle. Peter's determination burned bright, his eyes glowing with the intense purple energy. On the other side, Knull, now towering over Peter, radiated energy waves which tore through the space around them.

The struggle reached its zenith as the two giants grappled, their movements echoing through the silent void. Peter, drawing upon his newfound strength and cosmic energy, began to gain the upper hand. His colossal punches landed with precision, each blow weakening Knull's shadowy form.

Gathering the last reserves of his strength, Peter lunged forward, his giant fist connecting with Knull's face. The impact sent shockwaves through the dark void, and Knull staggered, his towering form beginning to falter.

Seizing the opportunity, Peter pressed the attack. His giant form moved with unparalleled speed, dodging Knull's desperate sword swings. The cosmic struggle continued, but it became increasingly evident that Peter was gaining the upper hand.

In a moment of revelation, Peter's eyes locked onto the weapon that had been in Knulls hand since they first met, a wicked, living blade.

'All-Black. The Necrosword. The Godslayer…' Peter thought, his eyes shining with greed.

All-Black is an immensely powerful Necrosword forged by Knull at the dawn of time using his firstborn symbiote and the cosmic energies from a the many dead Celestials, and other gods, that Knull has slain over the years.

'I might as well take it now, right?' Peter smirked as he appeared before Knull, using his heat vision to quickly sever Knulls sword hand, seizing the god-killing weapon before his opponents hand regenerated.

The sword radiated with an otherworldly glow as it tried to fight against its new master's hold, its voice echoing inside Peter's head, trying and failing to invade his mind. 'You are not my Master!'

'Nope, but I will be.' Peter replied as he sent a huge surge of cosmic energy into the blade, wiping its consciousness in a matter of seconds.

"Aaaaaahhhh!" The blade seemed to shriek and writhe before finally turning quiet and going still.

Knull watched all of this with a shocked look in his face, unable to feel his connection to his prized sword any longer. "You… You…"

But before Knull could say anymore, Peter raised his new sword high, feeling its power coursing through him now that its consciousness was gone.

"Time to end this, Knull," Peter declared with a sense of finality in his voice. The blade descended in a swift arc, slicing through the shadowy form of Knull. The celestial-infused sword, forged in the blood of powerful beings and empowered by Peter's cosmic energy, proved to be the bane of the malevolent god.

As the towering shadowy figure disappeared, Knull's severed head and body was revealed, floating in the cold emptiness of space, his face frozen in a state of wide-eyed shock. The dark red energy that once fueled him now dissipated, leaving only stillness and silence.

Peter, his colossal form slowly returning to its normal size, surveyed the aftermath of the cosmic battle. The once tumultuous battleground was now serene, leaving only Knulls dead body as everything else was destroyed in their clash.

With Knull defeated and the threat extinguished, Peter floated in the black inkiness of space, his gaze descending towards his new sword. 'Hehe, I'll be sure to take good care of you from now on…' he thought as he looked towards Knulls floating corpse, a flicker of curiosity flashing across his face.

"Hmm, I wonder…" Peter muttered, a dark green flame igniting in the palm of his hand…

A/N: 1920 words :)



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