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🚨Insert Old/Elderly GIFs/PICs here - Most likes wins🚨(A/N: only TWO entries per person!)

🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): BenBagMan & Pertiester!🏆 (A/N: 👑 👑)

Beaten and battered by over 15 different versions of himself, Ben found himself at the mercy of the Spider-Society, his once-clever attempt at stealth having led him into a web of trouble. The Spider-People, with their various abilities and menacing looks, surrounded him, making his predicament clear.

Amidst the ensnaring chaos, Ben's years of experience failed to protect him from the relentless assault. Bruised, bloodied, and barely conscious, he regretted venturing into the Spider-Society alone. "Timeout, okay? I just need a second to catch my breath…" he weakly pleaded as the blows kept coming.

After enduring a quick and brutal confrontation, which left him on the sadge of consciousness, Ben was dragged through the shadowy halls of the Spider-Society's lair.

Brought down to the prison, passing holding cells filled with monstrous and intimidating spider-prisoners, Ben, who was teetering in and out of consciousness at this point, caught a glimpse of a giant spider, making a nest out of its cell, as well as a humanoid creature with spider-like features, both eyeing him as if he were their dinner.

Thrown into a cell, Ben began to realize the gravity of his situation. The prison seemed to house spider-people who had either crossed the society or proved too dangerous for unrestricted freedom. As the heavy cell door slammed shut, the silence of captivity enveloped him.

Lying on the cold hard floor, contemplating the consequences of his ill-fated decision, Ben was about to fall unconscious once again, when suddenly, he was startled by an aged voice that called out from above. "So… You're my new cell mate, huh? At least it's not another Man-Spider…"

Looking up, Ben saw the familiar face of an elderly man dressed in a worn Spider-Man-themed suit, minus the mask.

Staring at the elderly figure in disbelief, Ben muttered, "Uncle Ben..." He froze in shock before his eyes rolled back and he passed out, his body unable to keep itself awake any longer.

[Insert Picture of Uncle Ben here] (A/N: Bonus points for anyone who can find an old Uncle Ben in a Spider-Suit)


In the far reaches of space, trillions and trillions of miles away from any asteroids, moons, planets, suns, galaxies, or even black holes, Peter and Galactus emerged from the golden portal, floating across from one another, surrounded by nothing but silent, empty black space.

Peter glanced around, satisfied with the area they've found themselves in. "Well, here we are. Far enough from anyone or anything. No planets to obliterate, no stars to snuff out. Now we can really go all out without worrying about collateral damage."

Galactus, towering over Peter, maintained a stoic expression. "Very well, you may have the first move."

Peter, ever the opportunist, casually shrugged. "You asked for it." In an instant, he vanished with a burst of speed, reappearing beside Galactus before the cosmic giant could register the movement.

Galactus, unflinching, observed Peter's sudden appearance with an air of arrogance. "You're fast, I'll admit, but I'm afraid speed won't help-" Before he could finish speaking, Peter's super-powered fist collided with Galactus's armored stomach. The impact echoed through the cosmic void, shattering the silence.

Surprisingly, for the giant, Galactus's colossal form recoiled as if struck by an unstoppable force. The once impenetrable armor shattered into pieces, revealing Galactus's now-exposed stomach.

Peter's fist didn't lose a hint of momentum as it dug into the cosmic entity, caving his opponents stomach inwards with brutal force.

Blood sprayed from Galactus's mouth as he was sent hurtling backward, resembling a rag doll tossed through space. Shock registered in Galactus's glowing eyes, eyes that hadn't felt such vulnerability in eons.

Peter, seemingly unfazed, watched Galactus's trajectory. "What was that you were just saying? I didn't quite hear you over the blood spraying out of your mouth…" he remarked, a smirk playing on his lips.

Galactus, floating in the vacuum of space, quickly regain his composure, halting his uncontrolled tumbling. The wound on his stomach glowed with cosmic energy as his body swiftly mended the damage. It was a sight rarely witnessed. Galactus, the devourer of worlds, being injured and forced to heal himself.

"Hey, thanks for the donation," Peter continued, confidently floating forward, conjuring a vial, which he used to collect Galactus's blood. "I'll be sure to make good use of this."

Galactus, regaining his stance, stared at Peter in realization. "I see… so that's why I feel the power of so many others resonating inside of you…" He said before asking. "Is blood all you need to copy their powers?"

Peter chuckled as he stored the vial into his necklace, his confidence undeterred. "Why don't you let me get a few more free hits and maybe I'll tell you?"

Galactus, a rare hint of uncertainty in his cosmic gaze, shook his head, he didn't need to know that badly. He may have underestimated Peter once before, but he most certainly won't make that same mistake again.

If he were to let Peter get a few more hits in, they might just be the thing that wins him the bet.

Peter, enjoying the moment, cracked his knuckles. "I see you're finally starting to take me seriously."

"Yes, my apologies for underestimating you up until now. I'll be sure to take this seriously from here on out…" Galactus couldn't help but feel a bit of a thrill for the fight that was to come. After all, it's not every day that a worthy opponent appears before him.

"Good, that's how it should be-" As Peter spoke, suddenly, he was interrupted by an eruption of purple light.

Galactus, shrouding himself in energy, vanished from his spot, reappearing mere inches from Peter in the blink of an eye. Peter's eyes widened as Galactus mirrored his earlier move, showcasing an unexpected speed and agility for a man of his size.

Before he could react, Galactus unleashed a massive fist aimed at Peter's midsection in retaliation.

Spider-Sense, the ever-reliable guardian of Peter's survival, screamed in his head seconds before Galactus even made his move. 'Huh? That's new…' Reacting swiftly, Peter twisted his body, narrowly evading the colossal punch.

In turn, Peter twisted his body and launched a powerful kick, aimed at the side of Galactus's head. But sadly, he simply raised his arm, blocking Peter's leg with his armored forearm.

The encounter escalated into a chaotic brawl, limbs clashing, and cosmic energies colliding. Spider-Man and Galactus engaged in a dance of destruction, each trying to land a decisive blow.

Amidst the battle, Peter marveled at the evolution of his Spider-Senses, which he only now began to notice.

Before his latest evolution, his spider senses only warned him of imminent danger, but now this ability seemed to peer into the future, granting Peter a crucial foresight advantage.

This enhanced perception allowed him to predict Galactus's attacks seconds before they materialized, giving him a significant edge in the rapid-fire confrontation.

Despite Galactus's attempts to strike back, Peter proved elusive, dodging every incoming blow with uncanny precision. Peter's strikes, on the other hand, found their mark, chipping away at Galactus's formidable armor with each connecting hit.

The cosmic giant, unable to retaliate effectively, found himself on the receiving end of relentless assault, which was a new feeling for him. 'Is this what it feels like to lose?' He couldn't help but wonder, finding the whole situation to be quite novel.

Yet, no matter how much damage he took, Galactus possessed an innate ability to regenerate, healing from the inflicted damage almost instantaneously. Despite the visible wear on his armor, he restored himself to peak condition after each assault.

As the battle raged on, Galactus's frustration transformed into a burning anger. Unable to land a single hit on Peter, he abandoned the chaotic brawling approach, seeing it as a waste of time.

"Is that it? Are you giving up?" Peter asked, a smug look on his face. "I was really expect more from-"

Suddenly, Galactus enveloped himself in a growing aura of intense purple light, screaming at the top of his lungs as he interrupted Peter for a second time.

[Insert DragonBallZ power up screaming here]

"!" Peter's Spider-Senses tingled intensely, warning him of an imminent threat. "You know… It's really rude to just start screaming like Goku during a fight…" he muttered, but his words fell on deaf ears.

His opponent transformed into a pulsating ball of energy, the brightness escalating rapidly. A realization dawned on Peter—he was about to face an explosive assault covering every possible direction.

Galactus's plan was simple. If he could land a hit on Peter, then he would just have to attack everywhere at once, leaving him nowhere to run.

With his senses on high alert, Peter's eyes widened as Galactus erupted into a radiant explosion, purple energy surging in all directions, resembling that of an exploding star. "Well, sh*t…" He muttered as a wall of purple energy shot his way.


Meanwhile, within the dark depths of the Spider Society, Miguel sat in his chair, restlessly waiting as LYLA tirelessly worked on breaking into Ben's confiscated phone.

Hours passed, the only noise being the rhythmic hum of LYLA's immense processing power. Finally, a triumphant beep echoed through the room, signaling success. "Got it," LYLA announced, her virtual voice carrying a hint of satisfaction. "Whoever upgraded this phone's security did well, but sadly, they don't have my processing power."

Miguel leaned forward, his eyes fixed on the screen as LYLA navigated through the phone's contents. Soon enough, the messages between Ben, Tobey, and Miles were revealed, showcasing their shared suspicions, plans to contact Peter, and Ben's solo infiltration were laid bare in the text threads.

"Just as I thought," Miguel muttered before turning to his trusted AI companion. "LYLA, dispatch some members to capture Miles and Tobey. They were part of Ben's scheme, so they should join him in his punishment."

LYLA, seemingly pleased with the turn of events, responded with a digital smile. "Understood, Miguel. I'll relay the orders immediately." She swiftly left the room, leaving Miguel alone with the weight of his decisions.

A/N: 1700 words :)



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