I’m Really Not A Supreme Master!

Chapter 159: Words Follow the Law - 1

Jing Mie Demon Marshal, as well as a Primeval Soul of the Nine Holy Demon Monarch, finally appeared outside Li Fan’s small courtyard.

Taking a deep breath, Jing Mie had just walked all the way from the entrance of the village, truly terrified.

The murderous intent was too fearsome, with dire straits at every turn; many times, he felt his end had come.

However, fortunately, many of the terrifying death traps did not attack him.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have made it here.

“Gong Ya, having parted nearly ten thousand years ago, you and 1 finally meet again,” said Jing Mie coldly as he looked at Gong Ya.

“Where is the Demon Monarch’s Primeval Soul? Hand it over!”

“You’re no match for me, and the Primeval Soul you’re protecting hasn’t even been in this world for a full year!”

Upon hearing this, Gong Ya simply replied, “It’s not yet certain whose game it will be.”

Jing Mie scoffed, “Heh, I hope that when my protected Demon Monarch’s Primeval Soul devours your master, you still have the same confidence!”

Gong Ya, neither salty nor bland, extended her hand and said, “The Demon Monarch is waiting for you in the courtyard, please come in!”

Please come in!

However, Jing Mie’s eyes flickered with caution.

This little courtyard didn’t seem so simple.

For a moment, the courtyard seemed to evoke a heart-stopping sensation in him.

Entering rashly, something unpredictable might happen…

“What? You’ve crossed the vast Void Sea Domain to get here, and now you’re too scared to enter?” Gong Ya mocked coldly.

“Who says I’m scared?”

Jing Mie barked, stepping forward on the spot.

But as he approached, that terrifying aura began to assault him in threads and strands!

At this moment, he suddenly felt he dared not even breathe.

For this aura made his soul feel threatened, causing his whole body to shiver uncontrollably!

“Please come in.”

Gong Ya spoke again, a cold smirk appearing in her beautiful eyes.

She understood all too well the Jing Mie Demon Marshal’s current feelings!

The first time she had come here and seen this courtyard, she had been equally astounded.

Approaching rashly, even a Demon Marshal could be utterly destroyed!

At this moment, even though Senior Li had already announced his waiting for them to come in, thus sparing them from obliteration, that oppressive aura still existed!

The little girl riding on his neck suddenly spoke up:

“Do you think you can perform the empty-fort strategy for me?”

Her large eyes brimmed with sinister energy as she cackled, “You are but one of my maidservants, and I am more aware of the ghosts in your head than you are.”

“There are no forbidden beings left here, am 1 right? Perhaps the only forbidden thing is that plaque above the door!”

“All the forbidden aura comes from it; you’ve simply chosen this place to try and scare people with that door plaque!”

She glanced at the four large characters “Wu’er Xianting” on the door but quickly looked away, not daring to linger!

Hearing this, Jing Mie’s eyes also flashed with sudden realization.

“The Demon Monarch is absolutely right; if there truly were any living forbidden beings here, and Gong Ya and the Primeval Soul she protects were accepted by such forbidden beings, why would they go to such lengths to get us to come in?”

“Such beings could flick me to dust with a mere gesture!”

He felt he had completely seen through the truth of this place!

Immediately braving the terrible pressure, he moved forward step by step, scoffing, “If we must enter, then enter we shall. Today, you will witness the return of the true Demon Monarch!”

Gong Ya promptly turned to lead the way.

Jing Mie finally stepped over the threshold of the small courtyard.

And in that instant!

He was met with an awe-inspiring, supreme terror!

Jing Mie suddenly stiffened!

This terror-stricken aura made his liver and gallbladder split, his entire body drenched in sweat in an instant, and he stood rooted to the spot as if struck by lightning.

“What kind of aura on this earth…”

He clearly felt that the terror inside the small courtyard far surpassed that outside.

He had thought, just as the Demon Monarch said, that this place was all bark and no bite and that only the door plaque was the source of the terrifying aura.

But… an even more horrific presence was within the courtyard.

It was like he had intruded into the dwellings of countless terrifying beings, any one of which could make his legs go weak!

He involuntarily looked up, glancing ahead.

In front, the courtyard was tidy, with peach trees, a stone table, and cottages.

And… many people!

Some were playing music,

Some were painting,

Some were sweeping,

And some were feeding fish…

There was also a young man sitting beside the stone table, with a little girl identical to the Demon Monarch wrapped around his arm!


At this moment, Jing Mie Demon Marshal was utterly shaken.

To think that this forbidden area was hiding so many beings?

Living beings in the forbidden area, even if just one were to appear, would cause an enormous uproar.

And the little girl on his neck, witnessing this scene…

Suddenly, her whole body jerked, and she fell from Jing Mie’s neck!

“Demon Monarch…”

Jing Mie hurriedly helped her up, only to feel that the Demon Monarch was trembling as well.

Both of them stared ahead, terror-stricken.

Gong Ya wandered over nonchalantly and curtsied before the young man sitting by the stone table, saying, “Master, your maidservant has brought them here.”

Master… this appellation!

Maidservant… this self-reference!

Hearing these words, Jing Mie understood in his heart that this seemingly refined, amiable young man with an unassuming aura… was actually the lord of this place!

The Master of the Forbidden Area?

He had…. seen a living Master of the Forbidden Area?

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