I’m Really Not A Supreme Master!

Chapter 122: Lord of the Heavenly Realm 1

“From nowhere in particular, a woman clad in white suddenly appeared, drawing the gaze of everyone present.”

“Her snow-white hair cascaded down like a waterfall from heaven, her demeanor cold and aloof, yet she possessed an awe-inspiring aura that made it difficult for others to look directly at her!”

“Who is this person?”

“When did she approach our military formation, and how come we didn’t feel anything?”

“This person… is unfathomable, at least beyond a Heavenly Immortal!”

“For a moment, members of the Four Great Alliances were all extremely astonished.”

“Even the Seven Great Golden Immortals fixed their eyes on the woman, their own eyes revealing a look of surprise!”

“This person… even we can’t see through her?”

” Wu Mingshen was taken aback and said, “Could she possibly be above a Golden Immortal? Impossible!”

“How could there be such an existence in the Xuan Tian Realm?”

“Yue Poshan’s pupils constricted even more!”

“As the woman approached, the Seven Great Golden Immortals subconsciously stepped back!”

“She directly forced the Seven Great Golden Immortals to retreat!”

“Upon seeing this, everyone at the scene took in a sharp breath of cold air.”

“What kind of existence is she?”

“Meanwhile, the people of Xuan Tianzhou were also incredibly surprised as they watched the woman.”

“Is this… Jiang Xue, the Fairy?”

“Yuanyang Holy Lord exclaimed in shock!”

“Jiang Xue, the Fairy, had been missing since the day the Ascension Platform of Cangli Mountain Range was destroyed and her request to become a disciple to Senior Li was rejected. Today, she has reappeared…”

“Her cultivation level must have reached an unimaginable extent!”

“Saint Lord Ling Chao and others were also deeply shocked as they looked at her!”

“This woman, clad in white, with white hair… was none other than Jiang Xue!”

“When the Cangli Mountain Range in the Southern Territory of Xuan Tian Realm opened vastly and the Ascension Platform appeared, Jiang Xue, along with the Evil God of that time, were the only two Almost Immortals of their era.”

“However, at that time, Yu Chenbing of the Senluo Holy Land and others plotted to exterminate the beings of Xuan Tian Realm and seize the World Tree.”

“In the end, Li Fan ‘One Sword Suppressing the South Heavens’ calligraphy emerged, slaying a True Immortal, piercing through the Immortal Domain; she admired him for it and wanted to become his disciple, but she was refused.”

“After that, no one knew where she went.”

“Now, she has reappeared!”

“You… who are you?!”

“Yin Xingde watched Jiang Xue with extreme wariness!”

“Jiang Xue, appearing in the center of the venue, was so indifferent on her face. Looking at Yin Xingde, word byword, she said:”

“Just now, you showed disrespect to Senior Li. Therefore, I grant you death!”

“She raised her hand!”

“You dare!”

“Yin Xingde felt a tremendous threat, his whole body bristling, bursting forth with all his might as Immortal Spiritual Power surged like a vast ocean!”

“However, Jiang Xue simply lowered her raised hand indifferently.”


“In an instant, Yin Xingde let out a scream of agony, the sea of his Spiritual Power evaporated, and he himself cracked open from the skull, inch by inch!”

“Finally, with a miserable scream, Yin Xingde, a Golden Immortal of his generation, turned into a pile of corpse fragments!”

“Both body and spirit destroyed!”

“At this moment, the entire place suddenly went silent!”

“Thousands of warships of the Four Great Alliances, countless Heavenly Immortals and Profound Immortals were all rendered speechless.”

” Looking at Jiang Xue in her white garb, none were not shocked and fearful!”

“Heavens, this… A Golden Immortal exterminated with a mere hand raise? What realm has she reached?”

“This kind of existence, even in the Earth Character Realm, could not appear, how did she do it…”

“It’s over, it’s all over!”

“Everyone was shocked!”

“Yin Xingde was an immensely powerful Golden Immortal, yet he died just like that…”

“That woman, just by raising her hand!”

“Terrifying, to an extreme!”

“And you.”

“Jiang Xue looked indifferently towards Huang Shang, and word byword, said: “Neither human nor ghost, do you really think that because Senior Li doesn’t wish to emerge, you can question his edict?”

“Today, I will let you thoroughly enter the Yellow Springs.”

“She spoke with a cold voice.”

“Upon hearing this, Huang Shang’s face showed an extremely frightened expression, and he suddenly turned to flee, transforming into a rainbow light, attempting to tear through the fabric of space and escape!”

“Faced with Jiang Xue, he dared not fight!”

“He only wanted to flee.”

“But, with just a point of Jiang Xue’s finger,”

“Instantly, the void exploded, space obliterated into a true void, and Huang Shang let out a ghost-like shriek!”

“His body disintegrated rapidly, turning into countless drops of yellow corpse fluid!”

“Death, but not to contaminate the land of the Southern Territory.”

“Jiang Xue spoke indifferently, waving her hand, and that yellow corpse fluid instantly evaporated!”

“It disappeared without a trace!”

“At this moment, the people in the venue were again astounded.”


“With a hand raise, she extinguished Yin Xingde; with a finger point, she slew Huang Shang!”

“Two Alliance Hierarchs, both Golden Immortals, just ended like that.”

“The remaining five Great Golden Immortals were extremely shaken.”

“The rest of the Heavenly Immortals and others were even more terrified!”

“Anyone else refuses to accept this?”

“Jiang Xue asked indifferently, sweeping her gaze over all the remaining people including Wu Mingshen, Yue Poshan, and others, saying:”

“Just now, you seven Golden Immortals joined forces to attack two girls of the Xuanxian Realm, quite domineering of you!”

“Now, I give you all a chance, everyone from the Four Great Alliances, whether you are Golden Immortals or Heavenly and Profound Immortals, come at me together ”

“She openly issued a challenge to everyone from the Four Great Alliances!”

“The people of the Four Great Alliances, however, all changed color!”

“No one stepped forward, instead, many people instinctively backed away at this moment!”

“Wanting to flee!”

“Everyone was clear, if she could so easily slay Golden Immortals, this woman in front of them… very likely had reached the Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm!”

“Taiyi Golden Immortal… For those from the Lower World, it was an entity to be revered from afar!”

“Between Immortals, each minor realm gap was an insurmountable gulf, not to mention the difference between Golden Immortals and Taiyi Golden Immortals!”

A Taiyi Golden Immortal can annihilate myriad realms!

Golden Immortal? Heavenly Immortal? Profound Immortal? Even if millions come, they can only bring about their own deaths!

This is the power of a Taiyi Golden Immortal!

This is the insurmountable gulf!

Remaining Golden Immortals such as Ning Tianhao, Yue Poshan, and the other five were trembling upon hearing these words.

They trembled uncontrollably.

“No… no… no!”

Wu Mingshen cried out, suddenly dropping to his knees!

“I was wrong, I was wrong… Please do not kill me, do not kill me, I am willing to honor the Great Dao Decree of that senior and will never again draw weapons in the Heavenly Realm!”

He hurriedly spoke, scared out of his wits!

“I am also willing, I swear, to leave this place immediately and never set foot in Xuan Tianzhou ever again!”

Yue Poshan too dropped to his knees directly, drenched in cold sweat, bowing his head in submission, ready to die!

The rest, like Shangguan Zhanyi, Bai Zhentian, and the ranks of other Golden Immortals, all knelt down at once!

They were all pleading for mercy!

Seeing this scene, everyone from the Four Great Alliances was also shocked.

What followed was a scene that left everyone agape!

The Four Great Alliances, with thousands of warships and tens of thousands of troops, suddenly all knelt down!

Golden Immortals on their knees, Heavenly Immortals prostrating, Profound Immortals shaking!

All of them, everyone knelt down!

“I was wrong, please do not kill me, do not kill me, ah!”

“I should not have questioned the decree of that senior, please spare us!”

“We are willing to promote peace and will never again take up arms!”

They were making promises, begging!

They knew that they had made a grave mistake, showing disrespect to a supreme existence, a sin for which even a thousand deaths would not be redemption enough!

Only by beseeching might they have a slim chance of survival!

The scene fell silent.

Completely silent.

The people from the Southern Territory, including the Yuanyang Holy Lord, were dumbfounded upon witnessing this.

This was simply too incredible…

The previously aggressive Four Great Alliances were now all kneeling in submission!

Even Fire Spirit and Mu Qianning, upon seeing this scene, had complicated expressions on their faces.

At this moment, Jiang Xue suddenly turned around, looked at Mu Qianning, and asked,

“Live, or die?”

She posed the question.

Mu Qianning was taken aback for a moment but then quickly realized she was being asked whether to grant death to the tens of thousands from the Four Great Alliances or to let them live.

Life or death was right at Mu Qianning’s thoughts…

She was stunned, the sudden authority to decide thrown her way left her somewhat at a loss!

But, she instantly understood, Jiang Xue was so powerful yet sought her opinion… for one reason alone!

Senior Li!

Because, Senior Li had shown her a favor…

Jiang Xue surely wasn’t showing her respect, but rather… Senior Li!

“Miss Qianning, we were wrong, please spare us—”

“We are willing to serve Miss Qianning as our Alliance Hierarch!”

“Please give us a chance to live!”

People from the Four Great Alliances also began to plead incessantly towards Mu Qianning!

Mu Qianning was angry at heart, angry at these people for having dared to disrespect Senior Li’s command…

But seeing the sea of people kneeling down in the sky…

Should she really order them all killed?

Mu Qianning couldn’t bring herself to make that decision.

Blood, human lives… these were tens of thousands of people!

At this moment, Fire Spirit gently took her hand, “Qianning, listen to your heart.”

Mu Qianning was silent for a very long time.

Finally, she slowly lifted her head and said, “Senior Li said, ‘It is better to be harmonious’… If they are killed, where is the harmony?”

“Please, Immortal Jiang Xue, grant them life.”

“But, though the death penalty can be avoided, the crime cannot escape… In this life, they may not step into Xuan Tianzhou!”

Upon hearing this, people from the Four Great Alliances all felt as if they had been granted amnesty!

“Thankyou, Qian Ning, the Divine Maiden, for the command!”

“We are eternally grateful!”

“For the rest of our lives, we will abide by the divine command and will not step into this territory again!”

They all spoke in turn, extreme gratitude in their voices!

Just being alive was the greatest fortune!

As for what Mu Qianning said about not setting foot in Xuan Tianzhou for the rest of their lives… even if Mu Qianning hadn’t said it, they wouldn’t dare come here again.

This place was too terrifying!!

Jiang Xue nodded indifferently and said, “Alright.”

Then, she turned to leave.

“May I ask, miss… are you perhaps the disciple of that senior?”

At this time, from the crowd of the Four Great Alliances, an elder suddenly asked Jiang Xue with excitement,

“Moreover, may I be so bold as to ask, what is the honorific title of that senior?…”

This elder was clad in formal attire, but his aged eyes were filled with anticipation and unease, as if this answer meant a great deal to him.

“Are people from Huangtian State mad? They dare to ask for the name of that senior?!”

“Don’t get us killed along with you!”

“Ji Yuanqing… have you gone mad? Don’t seek death!”

Instantly, people from the Four Great Alliances chastised anxiously, fearing that the elder from Huangtian State would anger Jiang Xue!

However, Jiang Xue did not turn her head, her tranquil voice rang out, “Disciple? I don’t have such good fortune. I simply have his senior’s permission to cultivate in his secluded abode…”

In her speech, there seemed to be a profound sense of loss!

“As for his honorific… perhaps now, you might address him as…”

“The Lord of the Heavenly Realm.”

The Lord of the Heavenly Realm!

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