Xuan Tian Realm!

At this moment, the entire world was trembling.

The ground shook slightly, the clouds in the sky dissipated without a breeze, and though it was midday, the sun vanished and reappeared intermittently. Day and night alternated in the heavens and earth!

And every creature was filled with a profound terror.

“What’s happening, why do I feel as if some terrifying entity is about to devour our entire world?”

“It’s as if a giant hand is about to destroy the Xuan Tian Realm in one fell swoop!”

“What in the world is going on? Heavens, could this be the same cross-realm actions as last time?”

Countless people were panic-stricken!

Last time, the Ten Great Profound Immortals crossed realms, but everyone could see it and knew what was happening.

This time, however, everything was happening invisibly.

No one knew what was happening, but everyone felt palpitations and fear.

Unknown, some unknown existence was destroying this realm!

Southern Territory!

“What in the world is happening? What occurred?!”

Saint Lord Lingchao was shocked beyond measure as he frantically looked around the sky, at a loss.

“Where is the enemy, where is the enemy?”

Yuanyang Holy Lord took a step forward and appeared above the Southern Territory, staring intently at the realm barrier, yet he felt no flux from it! It wasn’t caused by someone crossing realms!?

“Brother Lingchao, Brother Yuanyang, do you know what’s happening?” Cihang Saint Lord also arrived, her beautiful eyes filled with tension.

“I don’t know…”

The brows of Yuanyang Holy Lord were deeply furrowed!

“Everyone, what exactly is happening? My heart has never trembled like this before, as if the whole world is about to be destroyed!”

Saint Teacher Kongming was exceedingly anxious.

They were all Immortals, and if someone was crossing realms, they would dare to confront them in battle!

But now, no one even knew where the enemy was!

“The real threat comes from the Chaotic Stream Sea!”

At that moment, a heavy voice rang out, and Dugu Chenlu stepped forward, carrying a rust-covered long sword in his hand!


Yuanyang Holy Lord and the others were surprised.

The Chaotic Stream Sea?

“This is the only explanation… Something from outside must be threatening the existence of the Xuan Tian Realm! Since it’s not someone from the Immortal Domain crossing realms, then it can only mean that something in the Sea of Chaotic Voidcurrents is approaching our realm!”

Dugu Chenlu said, “We should now cross the realm barrier to check!” Yuanyang Holy Lord immediately nodded and said, “I agree, let’s go!” Everyone nodded in agreement, as this seemed to be the only explanation. “Brother Lingchao, please immediately go to Fire Country and find Ling’er, the Divine Maiden, and Qian Ning, the Divine Maiden. With such a major event occurring, merely a few of us minor Immortals are unlikely to handle it. We need to ask Senior Li to take action!”

Dugu Chenlu spoke at the same time!


Saint Lord Lingchao turned into a streak of immortal light and headed straight for Fire Country!

Meanwhile, Dugu Chenlu and the others instantly arrived at the boundary of the realm barrier.

The mist was thick, yet now it dispersed in chaos, as if sensing some terrifying threat.

“Let’s go!”

Dugu Chenlu, holding the rusted sword, took a step forward.

The others immediately followed suit.

In the next moment, they appeared outside the realm barrier, standing amidst the boundless Sea of Chaotic Voidcurrents!

Upon their emergence, their hearts sank as the feeling of impending threat and panic became even more intense!

“No… what is that? What is that?!”

Saint Teacher Kongming was shocked, pointing ahead!

In truth, there was no need for his alert, as the others had already seen it as well.

Because the sight was too magnificent!

It was a vast and terrifying vortex, drawing in millions of chaotic voidcurrents, powerful enough to destroy everything!

The vortex… was moving towards the Xuan Tian Realm!

And it was moving fast!

To the naked eye, the lifeless landmasses floating in the void exploded into dust the moment they were swept by the vortex!

As the Terrifying Vortex approached, the surrounding chaos flows of the void almost seemed to boil!

“Heavens, what exactly is going on? What is that thing?!”

Cihang Saint Lord murmured in shock, her eyes filled with horror.

“A kind of vortex of the chaotic voidcurrents that can destroy anything, that can destroy everything, the Xuan Tian Realm… is doomed!”

Yuanyang Holy Lord’s complexion turned ghastly pale!

“Is this the Apocalypse Vortex… not just mere Immortals, even if Profound Immortals and Heavenly Immortals were here, what could they do? They too would die…”

Saint Teacher Kongming’s eyes were filled with despair.

Dugu Chenlu’s heart trembled, his eyelids twitched non-stop; he understood that this vortex was incredibly terrifying and unstoppable!

“Let’s go, back to the Xuan Tian Realm!”

He shouted!

Everyone hastily crossed the realm barrier and returned to the Xuan Tian Realm!

Due to the proximity of the terrifying vortex, the entire realm was now starting to tremble!

Countless beings were wailing and screaming…

They immediately went back to the Southern Territory.

“We must see Senior Li! He is our only hope!”

Dugu Chenlu spoke directly, and everyone made their way towards the Cangli Mountain Range!


In the Cangli Mountain Range, a small mountain village.

Within a small courtyard.

“What’s happening?”

“The heavens are flickering between light and dark, such a terrifying aura… could it be the end of the world?”

“There’s no one crossing realms in the sky, what in the world is happening?”

A group of Disciples had stopped what they were doing, filled with uncertainty.

Fear was evident on their faces!

The Xuan Tian Realm had already sensed terror on its own, so this fear would immediately transmit to every creature within the realm!

Li Fan was teaching Xinning to recite poetry when he, too, furrowed his brow deeply.

What is going on here?

Last time, one could say the weather was strange, but this time… it’s a tremendous disaster.

Even as a mortal, he could feel it!

Xinning’s expression changed, and she glanced at Gong Ya, who was serving tea to Li Fan!

Gong Ya’s beautiful face was also filled with a look of shock and doubt!

“Is Senior Li here?”

At this moment, Mu Qianning’s anxious voice rang out from outside the door.

“Come in.”

Li Fan spoke.

Fire Spirit, Mu Qianning, and Saint Lord Lingchao pushed the door open and strode straight toward Li Fan.

When they saw Gong Ya, they were all somewhat surprised. When had such a beautiful woman appeared beside Senior Li?

Who is she?

But they didn’t have time to ask these questions. Mu Qianning went straight to the point:

“Senior Li, something terrible has happened… The Xuantian Realm seems to be facing a colossal calamity!”

“According to the speculations of several seniors, there might be some terrifying entity in the Chaos Flow Sea of the Void… set on destroying the Xuantian Realm!”

Mu Qianning spoke nervously.

Upon hearing this, Long Zixuan, Dugu Yuqing, and others were visibly shocked.

Sea of Chaotic Voidcurrents?

They did not know what it was, but they understood the gravity of the current situation.

Was there some terrifying entity intent on destroying the Xuantian Realm?

Even Gong Ya was murmuring, “Void storm, chaos vortex? Each is difficult to deal with…”

As a former Demon Marshal, she had witnessed countless Lower Worlds destroyed by the great void vortexes or chaotic streams!

But such events were exceedingly rare!

Why would the Xuantian Realm encounter it?

Confused, she turned to Xinning and transmitted her voice, “Demon Monarch, should I go out and have a look?”

However, Xinning shook her head and said, “With Big Brother Li here, we just have to wait.”

At the moment, she still had full confidence in Li Fan!

But Li Fan was shocked to his core.

Good God…

The destruction of the Xuantian Realm?

Is this real or false?

No way… Could my peaceful days really be coming to an end?

I don’t want to die…

Li Fan felt somewhat hollow at the moment, but still managed to keep his composure, saying, “Do not panic, stay calm, not everything is…”

“Dugu Chenlu seeks an audience with Senior Li!”

At this time, another high-pitched call came from outside!

Dugu Chenlu and others had arrived.

The situation was too urgent; they could no longer concern themselves with proprieties.


Upon hearing the voice, Dugu Yuqing was immediately overjoyed.

“Your father? Then please let them in.”

Li Fan said.

Dugu Yuqing hurried forward to open the door, and right afterward, Dugu Chenlu, Saint Teacher Kongming, Yuanyang Holy Lord, and others all walked in.

“Holy Master…”

Qing Chen also looked toward Saint Teacher Kongming.

When Saint Teacher Kongming saw Qing Chen, he was taken aback for a moment. This… Qing Chen’s aura was so transcendent and otherworldly?

Stronger than his own… almost reaching the realm of a Profound Immortal?

Saint Teacher Kongming was shocked on the spot.

Qing Chen was still holding a broom. Could it be that he reached the Xuanxian Realm just by sweeping the floor in this small courtyard?

Saint Teacher Kongming’s state of mind became incredibly complex.

But this thought flashed by only momentarily.

There were more pressing matters at hand!

“Senior Li, there’s been a terrible development. We went out to investigate and discovered terrifying vortexes attacking from the Chaos Flow Sea of the Void. I fear that… no one in the Xuantian Realm can stop them!”

Dugu Chenlu bowed deeply to Li Fan!

They were all looking at Li Fan.

Everyone was looking at Li Fan.

They had all realized that this matter was truly serious, too serious!

Moreover, it seemed that the apocalypse-bringing entity was steadily drawing closer to the Xuantian Realm, and the horror, oppression, and despair in everyone’s hearts were only intensifying!

Li Fan felt utterly disordered inside…

My God, what could I possibly do about the end of the world?

Li Fan wanted to say, “I’m not even a cultivator!”

But he could see that this group of people, both old and young, was utterly panic-stricken.

No, damn it, even if I have to die, I want to die gracefully.

After all, Zi Ling and Nan Feng, his two beautiful disciples, were watching.

His newly acquired stunning maid was watching too.

With so many eyes upon him, Li Fan found himself determined to die with dignity.

He waved his hand and commanded, “Gong Ya, pour the tea!”

Gong Ya was stunned for a moment, shocked. At such a critical time, how could this being remain so casual?!

She knew that a great void vortex, while it might not kill a domain master, would still definitely cause considerable trouble!

All those present couldn’t help but deeply admire him!

“Indeed a being that transcends the conventional, even at such a time, Senior Li can remain so composed!” praised Yuanyang Holy Lord with deep respect.

“With such tranquility and composure, could it be that the Xuantian Realm will indeed remain safe?”

Dugu Chenlu was somewhat shocked.

The disciples, seeing Li Fan’s serenity, suddenly felt themselves quieting down.

Gong Ya nervously poured tea for Li Fan, who took it, sipped it, and then realized the tea had gone cold.

He too was feeling a bit uneasy, uncomfortable under everyone’s stares, and immediately took the cold tea to the peach tree, where he watered the newly planted sapling.

All eyes followed Li Fan, and when they saw the small sapling… everyone was struck speechless in an instant.

Their gazes were glued to it!

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