I'm Actually Not Overpowered!

Chapter 91 Crisis In The Adventurers City

It all happened two days ago—at the break of dawn.

A whole armada of Demons suddenly appeared before the City Of Adventurers.

There was no prior warning, neither had anyone seen signs of them marching close to the City before their appearance.

It was as though they were transported there through the use of Magic.

Their surprising emergence was the least of everyone's surprise, though.

The unbelievable number was something else to consider.

An estimated number of ten thousand Lower Class Demon Soldiers, and then at least five hundred Middle-Class Demons were also spotted.

That made a total estimate of 10,500 Demon enemies.

The upper echelon of Adventurers were confident in taking down Lower Class Demons—though time would be needed to clear such an absurd number.

However, for Middle Class Demons to have been in the mix, it was literally impossible to win.

The Adventurers realized that the battle was already over before it began.

Not only did the Demons have the element of surprise on their side—thanks to the ambush—but they were also superior in numbers and power.

It wouldn't even be a battle.

It was going to be a straight-up massacre!

In face of such terrible danger, there was only one person who came to mind.

The man who defied all odds and easily killed an Earth Dragon. He was the only one who could even have a chance at bringing them victory.

To accomplish this mission, the Ranger—Asa—and her two Party Members were assigned for the task.

Even though they wanted to remain and fight, it was imperative that they successfully completed their mission.

It was the only way to guarantee everyone's survival.

And so, having the fate of her comrades resting on her shoulders, Asa sneaked out of the surrounded City at night—alongside her companions.

The Radar wasn't completely clear—and it wasn't easy leaving Dulum—but thanks to her skills as a Ranger, they somehow managed.

The camouflage of the night also helped a great deal.

Such was the tale of Asa and her two companions—one that was filled with much desperation and pain.

At this point, only one person could save everyone.


"Vice Guildmaster Zabdel told me that you saw this coming. You earned him that a storm was coming... he just didn't think it would be this soon."

'A-ah...' My thoughts trailed as I fought hard to maintain my composure.

"You left the Dragon Corpse so we could make the necessary weapons to defend ourselves, but we realize now that we were not prepared enough.

Our incompetence has left us to this situation. There is no way we can achieve victory with our current numbers and strength."

I finally realized something after Asa's whole explanation.

"That is why we are here, Lord Hero! Please, we require your strength and wisdom to deliver us from this calamity."


My brain was currently screaming in pain as I tried my hardest to process the information I was being fed with.

Demons? Invasion? Coming storm?

I hadn't thought of anything like that!

How could I have foreseen that Dulum would be invaded by Demons—especially with such an absurd number?

'Crap! Oh, crap!'

My weapons were now being used as their last resorts for war, and they needed me to clean up the mess.

'I can't face ten thousand Demons! Who are they kidding?!'

My body wanted to leak out sweat, but I fought to remain in control.

'So, it wasn't debt, after all...'

I had wrongfully assumed things about the Adventurers. That was my bad.

But, now that the real issue had come to light, I found myself wishing the debt matter was the case.

'I really don't like violence! I don't want pain! I don't want to risk my life!'

This world was depressing enough as it was. Why would I want to throw myself into more danger?

'Refuse them, Sam! You have to refuse them!' My thoughts rang.

"Such misfortune. To think they suddenly ravaged your City..." Sarah's voice suddenly sounded, causing me to sharply glance in her direction.

I could sense something really troublesome about to proceed from her mouth, so I quickly made the signal for her to stop.

Unfortunately... I was to late!

"... Do not fear, the Hero is here. I am certain he will not allow this crisis afflict you all. An Army of Demons is nothing for Sam!"

I wanted to jump from my seat and kick Sarah so hard.

'What the heck is she saying?!'

"Sam also defeated the army of Demons that invaded this place. There were zero casualties!"

Sarah was spouting words of insanity. I didn't know it before, but she truly had a screw loose.

'You want to compare a couple hundred of low-level dregs to an army of ten thousand?!'

They even had five hundred Middle-Class Demons! That was like Lilith multiplied by five hundred!

How could I deal with that shit?


"The Hero is so strong."

"So strong..."

The idiot Adventurers were even buying her crap. They all beamed with utter amazement, staring at me with unrestricted awe and expectations.

'Why is Sarah doing this to me? I swear, I'm never trusting her again!'

I wanted to pass out at this point, but I couldn't afford to.

'Let's face it, Sam. You have to deal with this...'

Once that was forcefully implanted in my head, no number of shrieks and annoyed groaning could save me from the task that lay ahead.

I had to take care of the challenge—as the Hero that everyone looked up to.

"Hmph... a mere ten thousand Demons? I see how it is now..." Despite my fretting state within, I displayed the opposite.


"The Hero is amazing!"

"The Hero is epic!"

"S-so great!"

I rose from my seat, greeted with compliments that weren't true.

"We will hold a meeting to discuss our plans forward. Sarah, prepare everything and make sure all the Leaders are present."

The Priestess nodded with a charmed smile. She was very cute with the way her eyes glittered.

That didn't stop me from wanting to punch her, though.

"As for you Adventurers, fear not..." I knew I was screwed, but it was too late to turn back now.

I had just had to deal with it.

"... I will save you all."

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