I’m A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 373 - Chapter 373: Chapter 372: Altar! (New Book Already Uploaded, Please Support!)

Chapter 373: Chapter 372: Altar! (New Book Already Uploaded, Please Support!)


Du Gang was led by Yao Ancestor to a spacious plaza.

It was an island floating in the sky, surrounded by drifting clouds, an ethereal and dreamy setting reminiscent of a fairyland.

“Wait for a moment. The Sages are gathering Southern Wilderness’s resources for you!”

Yao Ancestor faintly smiled, signaling Du Gang to remain calm.

Looking around, Du Gang found that just the two of them were in the plaza, there was no one else.

He asked: “Ancestor, what is contained in the Southern Wilderness’s resources? What realm will I reach after consuming these resources?”

He was more concerned about the level of power he could achieve.

Yao Ancestor chuckled, “The Southern Wilderness’s resources are not for you to consume, they’re for the altar…”


Du Gang was taken aback, not understanding what he meant.

Yao Ancestor explained with a broad smile, “The altar left by the five Supremes is specifically used to convert resources!”

“You can think of it this way, regular resources, no matter what they are, the human body can only absorb so much of them. It’s impossible to fully assimilate, and there’s a certain resistance and saturation…”

“The altar, on the other hand, is like a filter. All resources in the world enter the altar, undergo refining, and are transformed into pure energy sources that can be perfectly absorbed…”

“These pure energy sources are what you can directly absorb!”

A look of envy appeared on Yao Ancestor’s face, “The altar has only been activated once in the last hundred billion years, and that was a hundred billion years ago…”

“Unfortunately, those people then were not the true successors left by the five Supremes, so they failed…”

True successors?

Du Gang was startled and asked, “Are you saying that a hundred billion years ago, there were people like me who went to the altar?”

Yao Ancestor nodded, “Indeed, a hundred billion years ago, each of the five regions produced an unrivalled hero who harvested all the continent’s resources and poured them into the altar. But unfortunately, the five of them failed…”


Du Gang hastily asked, “If they failed, what happened to them?”

Yao Ancestor hesitated for a second before shaking his head, “They died. The five of them weren’t the true successors of the five Supremes, so…”

Seeing that Du Gang was anxious, Yao Ancestor can’t help showing a smile, “Don’t worry, this time, you and the rest are certainly the true successors!”

“A hundred billion years ago, choosing those five people as successors was the decision of the various God Kings. Back then, the Sages were not yet revived…”

“This time, the Sages in every region have all revived, and after reviewing your trajectories, they have confirmed that you five are the true successors of the five Supremes!”

Upon hearing this, Du Gang breathed a sigh of relief, and his curiosity arose once again, “You just mentioned five individuals. Besides me, are there others?”

“Of course there are!”

Yao Ancestor said matter-of-factly, “Have you forgotten what I told you? This time, you will obtain the resources of the Southern Wilderness, not the resources for the whole continent!”

Smiling, he added, “You will receive Southern Wilderness’s resources, which makes you the successor of Supreme Pangu. Besides, you, there are four others who have obtained resources from the other four regions. Only when all of you five come together, will you be considered as having obtained the resources of the whole continent!”

Understood; Du Gang realized that in addition to Supreme Pangu, the other four Supreme figures had also left behind their successors.

He surveyed the island they were on and curiously asked, “Is this the altar?”


Laughing, Yao Ancestor shook his head, “No, the altar is not here…”

Pausing for a moment, he added with a smile, “The altar is in the center of the continent!”

As they conversed, multiple figures suddenly emerged.

Instinctively scanning with his divine thought, Du Gang found nothing. It was like these people only had shadows, not a real substance.


Given his current strength, whether they were Celestial Gods or from the God King Realm, he should have been able to detect at least a trace of them. However, he found no hints of these people whatsoever.

Except for the Sages, he didn’t know who else possessed this ability.

“Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!!!”

In a matter of mere seconds, the plaza on the island was filled with figures.

Gazing at this scene, Du Gang was filled with astonishment.

He didn’t expect that there could be so many Sages. Roughly counting, there were more than twenty.

These Sages didn’t pay any attention to Du Gang. Some were meditating, others chatted among themselves, only a small portion gave Du Gang a glance.

Soon, as Du Gang was becoming a little edgy from the wait, a red-robed elder appeared in the plaza.

Upon his arrival, all the Sages fell silent.

Du Gang and Yao Ancestor couldn’t help but become more rigid.

Yao Ancestor whispered to Du Gang: “This is Pangu’s first disciple. Calling him the foremost sage of the Southern Wilderness would not be an overstatement!”

During the mythical era, all “number one” titles were earned bit by bit through strength, there were no honorary titles.

This meant that this first sage must have fought the other sages and secured his supremacy to gain this title.

The red-robed elder smiled faintly. Having clearly heard their conversation, he said, “Let’s go. To the altar!”

Having said this, he raised his long sleeve, swung it towards the island, and suddenly, a swirling rainbow of dazzling colors appeared, enveloping the entire island.


The sky darkened instantly. Their surroundings, previously filled with fluffy, white clouds, were now twinkling with flowing light.

Upon seeing this scene, Du Gang was startled. It seemed they moved the entire island.

Although he could see that the external lines of the world outside were blurred and indistinguishable, he didn’t feel any disturbance on the island itself. The immense control required to achieve such a feat spoke volumes about the strength of this First Sage.

“Swish, swish, swish!!!”

While Du Gang was thinking about how long it would take them to arrive, the island suddenly burst from the portal travel pathway.

The sky turned azure again, and they were now hovering in mid-air.

Looking ahead, Du Gang could make out an octagonal altar shaped like a Bagua diagram suspended high in the sky. Around them were four similar floating objects.

He understood – these were the people from the other four regions!

The red-robed elder softly said, “Let’s go up!”

With this said, he glided into the air without any effort and gently ascended.

Seeing this, the other Sages followed one by one, making their way to the altar.

“Let’s go!”

At this moment, Yao Ancestor appeared a bit anxious. Under normal circumstances, he wouldn’t even have the right to be here. He was only here because he needed to explain some matters to Du Gang.

Resting his hand on Du Gang’s shoulder, the two of them ascended into the sky like the other Sages, and moved towards the altar.

Just as Du Gang was wondering why these people were flying so slowly, a powerful force of attraction came from below.

This sensation reminded him of gravity, and the level of attraction was far beyond the gravity experienced on regular planets.

He had a feeling that if Yao Ancestor let go, he might drop straight down.

A thought occurred to him that this was not an ordinary sky.

This place was likely different from the typical mainland.


Shortly after, under Yao Ancestor’s guidance, Du Gang, along with the other Sages, stepped onto the altar.

As soon as he landed, Du Gang realized there were already many people on the altar.

Considering the positions of these individuals, it seemed they had formed four groups. Including Du Gang’s group, there were representatives from the whole five regions.

Simultaneously, among these people, he noticed four other individuals like him, their cultivation only at the Celestial God Level.

Four young men of differing appearances, their identities were easily deduced by Du Gang through their attire.

The man wearing the Dao robe was clearly the successor of Primordial Heavenly Venerable from Eastern Ridge.

The bald young man is the successor of the Tathagata Buddha of the Western Desert.

Besides these two, the successor of the Jiuli God Emperor of Central State, donned in a yellow imperial robe, exuded a quality of elegance and nobility.

Lastly, the man who embodied the name of the Demon Path, donning a black robe, radiated an aura of darkness all around him.

In comparison, his own garments were far too casual, just a simple blue shirt.

As Du Gang was observing the others, the four successors were also sizing him up.

Both the Taoist and the monk, seeing him look their way, smiled and nodded slightly, showing a sense of friendliness.

The other two, however, were expressionless, showing no intention of greeting him.

“The Five Elements take their place!”

At that moment, one of the Sages who had arrived earlier called out loudly.

Simultaneously, the center of the altar gradually lit up, and a Five-Pointed Star array floated up.

Gold, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth.

Characters representing the five elements emerged.

The red-robed Sage turned his head to look at Du Gang and said, “Go ahead.”

Du Gang nodded. He didn’t need the Sage to remind him, he could already feel a powerful pull coming from the array.

What attracted him was the character for gold.

The Five Elements, superficially commonplace, are in fact the foundation of everything. Regardless of how many advanced attributes he had learned along the way, they all eventually returned to the most fundamental elements.

Correspondingly, the other four people each walked onto their respective element characters one by one.

At this moment, Du Gang seemed to have a moment of clear enlightenment.

The Supreme Dao required the enlightenment of the original source, the Five Elements, which meant if they were to achieve enlightenment, it would exclude others…

Only one Supreme could arise from one original source.

If that is so, why hadn’t anyone achieved the Supreme Dao all these years?

“The twenty-eight stars of the Southern Dipper take their place!”

The red-robed sage gave a soft shout, and immediately following, Du Gang realized that all of the Sages of the Southern Wilderness that had come with him, according to some etiquette, kneeled and sat in the southern section of the array.

And he was at the front of these twenty-eight Sages, like the tip of an arrow, sitting at the apex of a pyramid.

“The twenty-eight Lunar Mansions of the Big Dipper take their place!”

Not only here, but in the other four directions as well, many Sages acted in unison, sitting cross-legged behind their respective elements.


A strong force emanated from the ground.

Without thinking, Du Gang sat down cross-legged. Not just him, but the other four successors as well, all sat in the same posture.

Seeing the five of them comfortably seated, the leaders of the five-directional arrays called out in unison: “Activate the Altar!”


The entire continent violently trembled at this moment.

Five pillars of light simultaneously shot up towards the sky from the center of the five domains.

These five beams of light seemed to possess the attributes of the five individuals sitting cross-legged at the altar.

The color of the attribute that the Southern Wilderness represented was precisely gold.

As the pillars rose, waves of earth’s energy gradually flowed in, feeding the pillars.

“Hum!” “Hum!” “Hum!” “Hum!” “Hum!”

A series of booming resonated throughout the continent.

At this moment, everyone was watching this event unfold.

It was told beforehand, great changes were about to come to the world.

The successors of the five strongest Supremes were about to receive the highest inheritance today, simultaneously absorbing the resources left on the continent.

“Will they achieve the Supreme Dao?”

Someone murmured to themselves, with a look of envy in their eyes.

This scene was happening in every corner of the world.

To anyone, whether they were celestial gods or god kings, whoever saw it would be filled with envy and desire.

This was an emotion that any sentient being possessed.

Just as the saying goes, water flows downhill, and people strive upwards; this is the natural law of the world.

“The Five Elements take their place!”

A grand voice echoed throughout the heavens and the earth.

This voice did not come from anyone’s mouth.

It radiated from the Heavenly Dao, this was the “Sound of the Dao!”

Following this grand voice, the tips of the five pillars of light, each belonging to one of the five domains, abruptly shifted, changed direction, and shot towards the center.

Not towards Central State, but together with Central State’s pillar they surged into the high sky as if there was another heaven beyond the sky.


At that instant, Du Gang felt an endless rush of energy surging into his body.

In that moment, his divine body, divine soul, and divine power began to grow wildly stronger.

This was an extremely pure energy. There wasn’t even a hint of discomfort during the absorption process. It felt as if this energy had been created just for him.

A sense of return to the origin emerged from the bottom of his heart, surprising Du Gang slightly.

The Power of the Ancient God’s original source?

Could it be that this was the power left by Pangu?

He was somewhat confused. Hadn’t PanGu already been scattered and transformed into PanGu’s universe a long time ago?

How could there still be power left?

However, the remarkable compatibility felt during the absorption process left him somewhat contented.

At this moment, his cultivation began to rapidly ascend.

Mid Celestial God Level, Late Celestial God Level, Peak Celestial God Level.


A violent tremor resounded, some kind of restraint in his body was forcefully broken through at that moment, not only did it not harm his origin, but it even grew stronger.

Beggining of God King Realm!

Du Gang very easily entered the God King Realm, a realm he had never dared to imagine.

Or rather, in his expectations, to reach the God King realm, he would have to face endless hurdles, at least overcoming Eighty-One tribulations to reach it, who would have known it would be so simple today.

Not only him, but the other four also reached the early stages of becoming a God King at the same time.

Each of their faces was dawning with a bright smile. This feeling of a rapid increase in power, it felt so good!

Moreover, the increase in cultivation level did not stop.

Mid God King Realm, Late God King Realm, Peak God King Realm!

In a short moment, they managed to transcend a realm that was insurmountable by an average person in their lifetime, reaching the peak of the God King realm.


Similar to the previous occurrences, after a brief sprint and a rumble within their bodies, they smoothly broke through to the Sage Realm.

At this moment, in the middle of the altar, above the Five Elements, five illusory figures gradually emerged.

Simultaneously, over a hundred sages showed their respect with their heads bowed low, they were paying homage.

“We welcome the return of the Supremes (Heavenly Venerable) (Buddha) (Demon Ancestor) (God Emperor)!”

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