Chapter 62: Chapter 62 LVIO! New job skill!

Translator: 549690339


“Blurt, blurt!!”

Very quickly.

Zheng Cheng was darting around among more than a hundred ordinary people, throwing out one Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Eruption Technique after another.

The soul beasts were still alive, and the ones who hadn’t been defeated by the night watchmen soon woke up.

You want to sleep?

Get the hell up!!!

And those ordinary people whose soul beasts had been defeated, their bodies had long since ceased to breathe.

When they were hit with the Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Eruption Technique, there was no reaction at all.

There’s no… with the dead.

A large number of people had turned into idiots due to the damage inflicted by the soul beasts.

Even when they were sprouting, they just lay on the ground.

These people, with their souls damaged, could only be idiots for the rest of their lives.

Unless, there were high-level support Professionists willing to treat them.

And those normal people, the first thing they did upon waking up was to cover their stomachs and scream while looking for a hiding place.

Unfortunately, as ordinary people, they couldn’t resist the force of the LV3 Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Eruption Technique power, and in just a few seconds, they sprayed it all out.

For a while, the whole camp was full of white buttocks and weak screaming.


Xiao Ding and Wang Ning also ran out.

Along with them, there were several other members of the Night Watchmen.

They were fighting a life and death battle with the soul beasts, who knew that all of them would be gone in a swoosh. “Zheng Cheng! How did you manage this?” “Holy… that stinks! Let’s go, let’s go…”

“You really are a talent, rookie…”

The Night Watchmen were all shocked, but none of them dared to come over.

Brother, there’s manure everywhere, there’s no place to step on.

At this point.

Zhao Yunxiao, who had already dealt with the mud monster, also ran over, his Qing Gang sword still dripping with fresh blood.

“Zheng Cheng, did… did you do this…”

She was shocked!

She had seen quite a few novice priests complete the level-up task.

But using the Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Eruption Technique to treat people on the verge of death was a first for her!

Thanks to Zheng Cheng, otherwise, if they couldn’t control these soul beasts for a long time, they would have only one last method.

That is to defeat the soul beasts!

Unfortunately, once the soul beasts were defeated, it meant killing people.

For the Night Watchmen, this was undoubtedly a difficult choice.

Zheng Cheng also held his breath and flashed into a safe area.

He said helplessly, “I had no choice, to complete the level-up task, I could only try this method.”

Zhao Yunxiao said, “That’s good too, you have completed your leveling task, you should have leveled up.”

” Lv10 can learn a new skill, I hope your new skill is not as weird…”

“Of course.

Zheng Cheng’s eyes lit up, as early as when he had awakened the tenth person, he had already completed the level-up task.

His level naturally rose to Lv10.

At that time, he was busy rescuing these ordinary people and didn’t check his new skills right away.


When he leveled up to Lv10, he didn’t just learn one new skill as Zhao Yunxiao had suggested.

But two!

“What about the earth monster?”

“We’ve caught it, we should be able to pry some secrets about the Breaking Dawn organization out of him…”

Just then, the large patch of black fog over the military camp suddenly began to disperse.

Like an ebb tide.

In just a few seconds, it disappeared without a trace.

The lights and fire of Weihe Town in the distance were suddenly exposed before their eyes.

Zhao Yunxiao exclaimed in surprise, “The black fog has dispersed, the Lord of the Black Sun is dead!” “The director made it!”


Zheng Cheng also said in surprise.

The Lord of the Black Sun, he died just like that?

Zhao Yunxiao confidently said, “The Director is as impressive as the Lord of the Black Sun, both are strong individuals of Lv79 and are just one step away from the Epic Level.”

“But the Director is a Formation Master Professionist who laid out a killing formation in the underground base beforehand. For this purpose, even the city defense array of Chang’an City was moved here.”

“With preparation against those without, not to mention a mere Lord of the Black Sun, even if two more Dawning Nine Suns come, the Director can withstand it!”

“That ruthless?”

Zheng Cheng exclaimed in surprise.

He was familiar with the Professionist role of a Formation Master.

Ordinary Formation Masters are just supportive Professionists.

Initially, only supportive formations can be learned. They can be placed in fixed places to assist other Professionists.

Once promoted to a higher level, Formation Masters can learn offensive formations.

With the power of the formation disk, along with magic crystals, special items, etc., various attacking formations can be arranged in a short time.

Some Formation Masters, with a deep foundation, can even integrate one formation after another, creating their own formation tower!

Just like the magic tower of wizards and mages.

A Formation Master within his own formation tower is considered invincible among his peers!

However, being a Formation Master is a profession that greatly exhausts resources and money.

Only some large families, great forces, or nations can afford to cultivate an excellent Formation Master.

Zhao Yunxiao ordered, “The Lord of the Black Sun has been killed, the black fog blockade has also been broken, immediately call for an ambulance to treat these civilians.”

“Also, you guys go support Meng Fusheng at the magic crystal mine.”

“Yes! Captain!”

A few night guards responded, immediately springing into action.

Some of them headed in the direction of the magic crystal mine, while others stayed in the barracks.


Squads of soldiers also returned.

The disturbances of Weihe Town were after all caused by ordinary followers of the Lord of the Black Sun, and were quickly suppressed.

They captured many people and brought them back to the barracks.

When they saw the ruined barracks, everyone was dumbfounded.

Especially the more than one hundred people at the entrance…

They almost doubted their own eyes!

At once, the barracks became lively.

Meanwhile, Zheng Cheng went to an unnoticed place and opened his personal skill list.

Two intertwined skill trees, like pythons, appeared in front of Zheng Cheng.

Two skill icons on the penultimate row were twinkling with bright lights.

The first skill icon looked a bit like a… pot?

[You have learned a new skill: Central Radar Life Monitoring Technique

(internal) ! ]

“Central Radar Life Monitoring Technique?”

Zheng Cheng’s mouth twitched a little. How is this Change Ability’s name so tongue-twisting?

[Central Radar Life Monitoring Technique (Internal/Lv1): Change Ability, consuming mental power, with the user’s body as the center, can detect any living entity within a certain distance. Current monitoring range: Centers on the user within a radius of 100 meters.]

[Monitoring methods include but are not limited to heart rate, respiration, blood pressure, pulse, body temperature, brain waves, mental fluctuations, aura fluctuations, etc., and can form a simple life map in the mind.]

[Simultaneously, it can also simply monitor a single life target, obtaining the current physical condition, life status, basic attributes, etc., of a single life target.]

“This Change Ability…”

Zheng Cheng’s eyes lit up slightly, “is very useful… isn’t this equivalent to a super-sized radar monitoring? No life can escape my monitoring…”

“Heart rate, respiration, blood pressure, pulse, body temperature, brain waves, mental fluctuations, aura fluctuations… these life signs, even if it’s an undead creature with soul fire fluctuations, can be detected!”

“And also a single life target? Isn’t this equivalent to a universal skill detection technique?”

“It’s even better than the detection technique!”

Zheng Cheng nodded in satisfaction.

Activating the Central Radar Life Monitoring Technique, a simple current map appeared in his mind.

The barracks, the sky, even the 3D image underground, can all be seen. Besides these, green and yellow stars also appeared on the map.

“Green, represents teammates? The Night Guards?”

“And yellow… represents neutral units, these soldiers…”

With this Change Ability, he can detect hidden enemies in advance whether he is in the wilderness or in a copy.

Divine skill!

Another divine skill!

“The internal skills are so amazing, I wonder about the external…

Saying that, he looked at the second Change Ability. The icon of this external Change Ability was….

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