I’m a Pastor, what the hell is an Acute Gastroenteritis Outbreak Spell?!

Chapter 270 - Chapter 270: Chapter 206: The Generous Zheng Family? Selling Special Ingredients!

Chapter 270: Chapter 206: The Generous Zheng Family? Selling Special Ingredients!
As Zheng Cheng leisurely walked into Leopard Garden, he noticed that there were not many people coming and going.

The main entrance was roughly designed to resemble the gaping mouth of a ferocious beast.

Four sharp tusks protruded outward from above and below, an intimidating sight to behold.

As he continued forward, the air was thick with the smell of blood.

Moving further, a giant calligraphy work appeared in front of Zheng Cheng.

“Boundless Beasts!”

The four characters still appeared extremely formidable, like four fierce beasts crouching on the ground, ready to pounce on their prey.

For a moment, Zheng Cheng’s vision blurred slightly, but he quickly recovered.

He thought to himself, “No wonder the Zheng family, reputedly the ‘First Pioneer Family’, even this single piece of calligraphy conveys such a powerful presence…”

With that brief lapse of concentration, the scene before him changed again.

A row of sparkling, transparent counters appeared before Zheng Cheng. It felt like being in a modern bank lobby.

Inside each counter sat a young woman clad in different professional attire—office wear, school uniforms, cosplay costumes and even palace costumes.

Some of the counters had professionists engaged in conversation.

Within the hall, groups of two or three professionists would occasionally pass by.

“Dear guest, what services would you like to avail?”

A soft, beautiful voice echoed into Zheng Cheng’s ear. He turned around, only to find it was a woman wearing a sky-blue qipao.

She was barely in her twenties, her long hair tied up in a bun, revealing a smooth, swan-like neck. She wore a warm and friendly smile on her face.


Zheng Cheng twitched his mouth. Could this really be a bank lobby transaction?

The qipao beauty seemingly knew Zheng Cheng’s doubts, she continued to laugh, “Is it your first time visiting our Leopard Garden?”

Zheng Cheng nodded and said, “Mmm.”

The qipao woman laughed again, “This is our Leopard Garden’s rule. Each guest can choose their favorite attendant.”

“Which type of attendant would you prefer? The girl next door type? The college student? Or the secretary? Or the ancient maid?”

“I’ll go with you.”

Zheng Cheng’s mouth twitched, his interest piqued by this Zheng family property.

Are they sure this is a professionist family, not an entertainment club?

The woman in the qipao smiled, even more, endearing this time, “Sir, my name is Yang Yixin. May I have your name, and what services will you be needing?”

Yang Yixin led Zheng Cheng to an empty counter and asked him to sit down.

“I need to buy some beast carcasses, the higher the star level the better.”

Zheng Cheng said and handed over the list of materials.

This was a list he obtained from Shentu Dao. It mostly consisted of high-spirit beasts.

So, the dissected special ingredients would mainly cater to the spiritual side.

“Let me see.”

Yang Yixin took the materials list, her beautiful eyes slightly moving, she smiled and said: “Some items from the list of beasts you need are not currently available. Would you like to wait, or would you want the ones we currently have?”

“Which ones are available now?”

“Four types.” After a few clicks on the computer by Yang Yixin, a series of messages quickly appeared on the screen before Zheng Cheng.

“Name: Bewitching Serpent; Quantity: 12; Star level: 4 star; Price per piece: 2000 gold coins.”

“Name: Giant Winged Fruit Bat; Quantity: 34; Star level: 3 star; Price per piece: 1000 gold coins.”

“Name: Illusory Bird; Quantity: 167; Star level: 3 star; Price per piece: 800 gold coins.”

“Name: Ice Spirit Frog; Quantity: 3; Star level: 6 star; Price per piece: 15000 gold coins.”

As Zheng Cheng read the prices of these beast carcasses, he estimated the total cost and gave a slight nod.

His college entrance exam score had brought him about two million gold coins. After various expenses, he had around one and a half million left.

Buying these beasts would be sufficient.

“I’ll take them all.”


Yang Yixin had expected Zheng Cheng to haggle, but instead, he took everything in one scoop.

She restrained her excitement and said, “Mr. Zheng, are you saying you want all these goods?”

“Hmm, is there an issue?”

“No issue, I’ll place the order for you at once!”

She quickly typed into the computer, securing all the goods.

“Mr. Zheng, your order of 12 Bewitching Serpents, 34 Giant Winged Fruit Bats, 167 Illusory Birds, and 3 Ice Spirit Frogs come to a total of 236,600 gold coins.”

“Will you be paying by card or online transaction?”

“I’ll do an online transaction.”

Zheng Cheng took out his phone and quickly made the payment.

Once the computer confirmed that the gold coins had arrived, Yang Yixin, holding down her excitement, said: “Mr. Zheng, please wait for a moment. I will have the workers prepare your goods. I’ll take you to collect them in 5 minutes.”


Yang Yixin took another glance at the computer. Suddenly, her eyes lit up, she excitedly asked, “Mr. Zheng, are you interested in high-star beasts?”

“High-star beasts?”

Zheng Cheng was surprised and asked, “Do you have those here?”

He had once asked Shentu Dao about high-star beasts. According to him, high-star beasts contain life essence and energy cores, or magic cores / beast cores, and their prices were ten to a hundred times that of low-star beasts.

Besides, once a high-star beast was killed, if its carcass was brought back, it was typically consumed within the professionist team. Rarely would anyone bring it out for sale.

So, those are usually sought but seldom found.

Therefore, he didn’t include high-star beasts when he was recording beast types.

“Yes, we do.”

Yixin’s smile became even sweeter, “Just before your purchase, our Beijing headquarters received five of the same kinds of nine-star beasts. Would you be interested?”

“Oh? A nine-star level?”

Zheng Cheng’s eyes flickered before he asked, “What kind of beast is it?”

“Ice Snow Witch.”

Yang Yixin laughed, “Although the Ice Snow Witch is only a low-tier nine-star beast, it is very good at ice magic and has a natural geographical advantage in ice and snow terrains. Its strength can compete with a high-tier nine-star monster.”

“These five Ice Snow Witches were killed by our Leopard Park professional team. After extracting the beast cores, the intact bodies are ready for sale.”

“The monster cores were taken away?”

Zheng Cheng looked intrigued.

Of course, among all beasts, the highest worth were the monster cores or similar items.

Once the monster cores were removed, their value would drop by at least seventy percent!

Yang Yixin laughed, “Mr. Zheng, even though the monster cores have been removed, the Ice Snow Witch is still a rare beast in its ice and snow tantalization.”

“Its body contains special ingredients like the Witch Wing Meat, the feathers can be used to craft arrows of ice and snow, the blood can be used for chanting rituals or alchemical refining…””

Zheng Cheng directly replied, “What’s the price?”

“Three hundred thousand gold coins each.” Yang Yixin cautiously replied, “That’s the lowest price.”

Seeing that Zheng Cheng was quite young and looked like a university student, yet could readily produce over 200,000 gold coins…

“Three hundred thousand gold coins?” Zheng Cheng tapped on the desk and fell into thought. Just when Yang Yixin thought that Zheng Cheng was going to refuse, he asked, “Do you purchase special ingredients?”

Three hundred thousand for one beast, five would be one and a half million gold coins.

He obviously didn’t have enough money to afford it, the only solution was to sell special ingredients.

“Special ingredients?”

Yang Yixin replied, “Of course we purchase those. May I ask what kind of special ingredient you have?”

Zheng Cheng waved his hand and a wooden box appeared in his hand.

As he opened it, a dark-red meatball as large as a tennis ball appeared before Yang Yixin.

“This is…”

Yang Yixin looked puzzled.

Befitting their job, they had received thorough training about various well-known special ingredients before starting work.

But this special ingredient…

[Special Ingredient: Giant Lizard’s Heart]

[Quality: Five-star]

[Effect: After consumption, permanently increases 8 points of physique, 5 points of strength, and raises water elemental resistance by 5, can be taken up to ten times.]

This Giant Lizard’s Heart was extracted by Zheng Cheng, and the explanation about its origins was intentionally hidden by him.

After examining the specific properties of this meatball, Yang Yixin inadvertently opened her mouth wide in bewilderment.

Although she was just a newbie, she had keen insight.

Ordinary special ingredients could not be eaten directly and generally had some debuffs. However, this special ingredient called ‘Giant Lizard’s Heart’ was something she had neither seen nor heard of before!

Moreover, its attributes…

Could be consumed directly?

Not only does it enhance four-dimensional properties, but it also boosts water elemental resistance?

Yang Yixin hesitated for a moment before speaking, “Mr. Zheng, this is the first time I’ve come across this kind of special ingredient and cannot provide a quote for it. Could I ask our manager to take a look?”

Zheng Cheng nodded, “Sure.”

Yang Yixin left the counter and went to the back.

A few minutes later, a man in his sixties with wrinkled skin came to the counter.

A normal person?

Zheng Cheng was intrigued.

This elderly man was merely a normal person, with not a trace of energy fluctuations on him.

The old man smiled, nodded at Zheng Cheng and introduced himself, “Hello, dear customer. My name is Zheng Yuanhao and I’m the Assistant Manager of Leopard Park.”

“May I check this special ingredient of yours?”

“Go ahead.”

Zheng Yuanhao nodded, sat down, picked up the Giant Lizard’s Heart, fished out a pair of reading glasses from his pocket and began to closely inspect it.

His eyes also looked somewhat astonished.

Several minutes later, Zheng Yuanhao put down his glasses and the Giant Lizard’s Heart and began to speak, “Mr. Zheng, we’ll take this Giant Lizard’s Heart off your hands for fifty thousand gold coins apiece!”


Before Zheng Cheng could speak, Yang Yixin, who was standing behind Zheng Yuanhao, cried out in surprise, immediately covering her mouth.

Fifty thousand gold coins!

This price was enough to purchase an entire seven-star beast.

And this was merely a five-star special ingredient, yet Manager Zheng offered fifty thousand gold coins, which was way too high!

Zheng Cheng was also somewhat taken aback and instinctively looked towards Zheng Yuanhao.

Zheng Yuanhao laughed, “Mr. Zheng’s special ingredient is truly top-quality, the best I’ve seen in many years. How many you have on hand, we’ll purchase them all!”

Zheng Cheng hesitated for a moment, then answered, “Three.”

“That’s a total of one hundred and fifty thousand gold coins, I’ll transfer it to Mr. Zheng right away.”

Yang Yixin suddenly reminded them, “Manager, Mr. Zheng also wanted to purchase the bodies of the five Ice Snow Witches.”

“Five bodies of Ice Snow Witches?”

Zheng Yuanhao’s eyes flickered, “Sure, this old man can give Mr. Zheng a ten percent discount. How about that?”

Zheng Cheng nodded, “Thank you.”

With the one hundred and fifty thousand gold coin support, purchasing the bodies of the five Ice Snow Witches was now attainable.

They quickly completed the transaction, and Zheng Yuanhao casually brought up, “By the way, Mr. Zheng, could you tell us which five-star beast this special ingredient was extracted from?”

“We, at Leopard Park, are willing to pay a high price for that!”

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