I’m a Pastor, what the hell is an Acute Gastroenteritis Outbreak Spell?!

Chapter 243 - Chapter 243: Chapter 180: Zheng Cheng is definitely a nine-star professional divine war priest!

Chapter 243: Chapter 180: Zheng Cheng is definitely a nine-star professional divine war priest!
“Zheng Cheng, here’s your villa.”

In the backyard of Beijing National Vocational University, Zhao Zhemei and a few others stood before a detached villa, surrounded by a small garden and sprawling over two hundred square meters.

“Wow… Brother Cheng, your villa is so big…!”

The moment Noob walked through the door, he looked up, his eyes filled with envy.

The villa was two-storied, equipped with regular furniture and appliances, exquisite and complete, spacious enough for over ten people to live.

Zhao Zhemei continued, “Yao Zhixue’s villa is next door. They were specifically prepared for you nine-star Professionists.”

“Thank you, senior.”

Yao Zhixue nodded her head and asked, “What did you mean earlier, senior?”

“Which words?”

“Why will Zheng Cheng receive quite a number of challenges, aside from the S-class treatment from the university?”

“The Ten Top Dragons competition…” Zhao Zhemei directly said: “Every grade in our Beijing National Vocational University has to battle for the ten strongest Professionists, known as the ‘Ten Top Dragons’.”

“Once you become one of the Ten Top Dragons, you receive full-scale support from the university. Funding, resources, manpower, and so on, are coveted by all students!”

Yao Zhixue frowned, “What’s the benefit of competing for it?”

Zhao Zhemei chuckled, “The simplest benefit… Once you become one of the Ten Top Dragons, the school will earmark an area for you as your ‘Department Base’.”

“Within your base, you can recruit new members, inviting other students to join your power base in preparation for future adventures and the Alien Battlefield.”

“That is to say, every one of the Ten Top Dragons has the qualification to form a Professional team, or even an army!”

“Today, the Ten Top Dragons in the senior class have at least a hundred members in their bare minimum team. They are the mainstay on the Alien Battlefield, respected by countless people.”

Zheng Cheng thought for a moment and said, “Is this not… a club?”

“You could think of it that way, but it’s much larger than the clubs before the Great Catastrophe.”

Zhao Zhemei smiled, “And this club is supported by the university and can even receive national funding.”

“This is the university’s preparation for promising freshmen to better play their roles on the Alien Battlefield in the future.”

“What do you think, Zheng Cheng?”

Zheng Cheng tapped his fingers on the table, “Interesting, a club supported by the authorities, huh…”

“Correct.” Zhao Zhemei nodded, “The team spirit and combination cultivated from the university period are always better than being alone, or hastily forming a team when near the Alien Battlefield.”

Zheng Cheng suddenly asked, “Have there been two or more Top Dragons forming a team?”


Zhao Zhemei thought for a moment and answered, “There are, but very few.”

“After all, as one of the Ten Top Dragons, the lowest Professionist level is seven stars. Everyone is very proud.”

“It’s difficult for them to submit to their peers…”

“Ten Top Dragons, huh…” Zheng Cheng glanced at Yao Zhixue, “Zhixue, are you interested?”

Yao Zhixue shook her head, “No interest. If you want to compete, I’m willing to support you.”

Noob, who was standing by, also excitedly chimed, “Boss! Go for it! What are you afraid of! This is supported by the school and country. Just imagining having dozens or hundreds of underlings…hehehe… ”


Zheng Cheng shot him a glance. An idea suddenly came to him, “Noob, on our way, we encountered the Fallen Ones. They have quite an item that suits you. Wait till we clean up…”

“Zheng Cheng!”

Suddenly a clamor came from outside the villa, drawing everyone’s attention.

“I am the new student, Shi He, here to challenge you! If you dare, come out and accept the challenge!”

“Here we go!”

Zhao Zhemei’s eyes sparkled, “Just as I estimated, you just entered the university, and someone wants to challenge you.”

“Zheng Cheng, never decline your first challenge, otherwise it would be a great threat to your reputation… If you refuse to accept the challenge, even if you participate in the competition of the Ten Top Dragons, you will be looked down upon by many.”

“I understand.”

Zheng Cheng walked toward the door, “By the way, senior, do you know this Shi He?”

“Shi He…”

Zhao Zhemei thought for a while and shook her head, “No memory, he shouldn’t be any strong player.”

“But it’s also possible that he was sent by some S-class new student to test you.”

Four people walked out of the villa. A youth with a dark complexion was standing on the lawn, staring at the entrance of the villa.

Around him, many students had also appeared.

Quite a few people were taking pictures with their cell phones; it was hustle and bustle.

“There he is! That’s Zheng Cheng!”

“Who is the person behind him?”

“That’s Senior Zhao Zhemei.”

“I’m referring to the other one, wow, she feels so cool…!”

“Yao Zhixue! Another nine-star Professionist from Qinzhou Province this year…”

“Zheng Cheng is really brave, a three-star Priest dares to accept Shi He’s challenge?”

“Hehehe, behind Shi He are those people from Binhai City, what could they be planning?”


In the crowd, Dongfang Yang was staring at Zheng Cheng, filled with coldness.

“It’s indeed you…the humiliation from the Radiation Island, I will avenge it hundredfold!”

“And that woman…”

He was staring at Yao Zhixue, his eyes filled with greed.

“Let’s start with taking away your S-class treatment. A mere three-star Priest, what qualification do you have to enjoy the university’s S-class treatment?”

As soon as Zheng Cheng saw Shi He, he frowned slightly.

Shi He?

The skin is actually blue-black?

Of foreign bloodline?

Or is it… some special profession?

And also…

His gaze moved again, landing on a person in the crowd.

Dongfang Yang!

He’s here too, not even trying to hide.

It seems that the person behind Shi He is Dongfang Yang?

Back on Radiation Island, I only refused to sell him the fragment of the Guwu Terrain, and he has held a grudge since then?

He really bears grudges over petty things!

“Zheng Cheng!”

At this moment, Shi He spoke again: “I had informed the school’s teacher when I came here. He will serve as the referee to ensure a fair and open challenge.”

A middle-aged man stood beside Shi He and also said, “Both of you, are you sure you want to challenge each other today?”

“Although the school supports challenges between students, it would be better if you…”

Shi He interrupted him: “Teacher Bai, I’m fully prepared. What about Zheng Cheng… ”

Zheng Cheng also nonchalantly said, “Alright, I accept the challenge.”

Teacher Bai shrugged helplessly: “In that case, I will serve as your referee for this challenge!”

As he spoke, he flipped his hand, a simple array disk appeared, and he threw it into the sky.

With the emergence of a strange glow, a simple formation was formed in front of them.

With a thought, the protective formation immediately enveloped them both.

“Zheng Cheng, you have accepted Shi He’s challenge. If you lose, you will lose your right to enjoy your S-class treatment. At the same time, you can choose to challenge Shi He again within ten days to reclaim your S-class treatment, do you understand?”

“I understand!”

“If that’s the case, let’s begin…!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Shi He abruptly raised his hands parallel to his chest, and dug a big pit behind him with a sudden push against the ground.

Using the force of the impact, his figure shot towards Zheng Cheng like a cannonball!

“Holy shit! A Zombie!”

Chickens outside the formation shouted out.

The surrounding students also started to discuss.

“A Zombie! I remember! Shi He’s profession seems to be a seven-star Zombie General!”

“Invincible, impervious to swords and flames, and extremely powerful. I’ve heard that once a zombie bloodline is awakened, the body could remain intact for thousands of years, resisting death!”

“Bullshit immortal, it’s just an Undead profession. Even though they can resist death, their entire body is like a corpse. They cannot enjoy good food or drink, not even able to have offspring. They can only survive on blood…”

“Geez, then wouldn’t Shi He be very pitiful…”

The discussions around didn’t disturb those within the formation. The moment Shi He attacked Zheng Cheng, the Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Eruption Technique landed on Shi He.

When Zheng Cheng saw Shi He’s figure, he was also momentarily surprised.


He suddenly realized: “No wonder he was the first to challenge me, he wants to use his special physique to resist the Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Eruption Technique…”

“If that’s the case, I’ll suppress you with absolute power!”

With a thought, he stepped forward, his hands suddenly raised before him, hands pulling the sky.

Shi He, who was in mid-air, had drastically changed.

His skin was blue-black, two massive tusks sprouting about seven to eight centimeters long from his mouth.

On each of his fingers grew extremely sharp black nails, furiously scratching towards Zheng Cheng.


The two figures intersected, and Zheng Cheng caught Shi He’s claws with his bare hands, withstanding the charging Shi He.


Shi He unconsciously widened his eyes.

He was fully aware of his own strength, especially when he transformed into his zombie form, his strength was greatly enhanced.

One hit carried the power of a thousand pounds, he could even knock over a heavy truck.

He didn’t expect that now, he was held by the weak-looking Zheng Cheng using his bare hands.

He subconsciously pulled his arms, trying to break free from Zheng Cheng’s control, but he felt like his hands were firmly clasped by a pair of iron tongs, unable to break free.

“Want to retreat?” Zheng Cheng smiled: “Let me help you.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he kicked out directly.


Under dozens of incredulous gazes, Shi He was kicked tens of meters away by Zheng Cheng, fiercely crashing into the ground and raising a cloud of dust.

“Did I see it wrongly? The one kicked away is Shi He?”

“Impossible! Shi He’s a Zombie! His nails could even easily cut through steel…”

“Gosh! Is Zheng Cheng really a three-star Priest?”

“Damn! Did he find the promotion book for the nine-star profession, War Priest?!”

“I feel it might be possible too… He might really be the rumored War Priest in a holy armor, wielding a divine hammer, an army by himself, capable of beheading generals among thousands of enemies…!”


Among the discussions of dozens of people, Shi He abruptly got up, his mouth wide open as his sharp tusks began to grow in size.

With a flicker, his figure strangely disappeared.

At the same time, an extremely dark aura suddenly exploded beneath Zheng Cheng’s feet!

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