I’m a Pastor, what the hell is an Acute Gastroenteritis Outbreak Spell?!

Chapter 2 - Chapter 2: Chapter 2, Class Beauty Song Chaoyu? Failed!

Chapter 2: Chapter 2, Class Beauty Song Chaoyu? Failed!

Translator: 549690339

“Wang Zichen, Wang Meng, Cao Shuang, Li Hai, Zhu Guangfeng, Sima Xiangnan, Zhang Xiaobing, Zhang Ping’an…”



One by one, ten students walked onto the stage at Gao Yang’s call.

Gao Yang, too, restrained his nervousness, whispering, ”

“Everyone, don’t be nervous. Quiet your minds and feel carefully.”

“Think about your dream, what kind of person you want to be, or about mountains and rivers, scenes of your dreams…”

During the awakening of the occupation, the awakening crystal will align with your human physique, spirit, or perhaps the guidance of the soul or fate, and grant the profession to humans.


Whether calm or nervous, these ten students closed their eyes slowly, trying to maintain their composure.

A minute later, there was no movement from the awakening crystal.

Gao Yang’s face fell with disappointment. The other fifty-plus students in the class also started to whisper.

“Why isn’t it moving?”

“Did the awakening fail?”

“Class 4, in our school Class 1 is the rocket class, Class 2 and Class 3 are the key classes, the remaining classes are all ordinary classes. It’s normal for them to fail if their health and spirit thresholds are below one point!”

Other class students, and a group of students who failed to awaken in classes 1, 2 and 3 were also pointing fingers at Class 4.

“It’s Class 4’s turn now, I wonder how many will awaken in Class 4?”

“I didn’t awaken even with a vitality value of 1.2 and a spirit threshold of 0.9, how many in Class 4 are the same as me?”

“I damn well had both vitality and spirit threshold above 1, and I still didn’t awaken, you’re nothing compared to me!”

“Hehehe… Some people in Class 1 didn’t awaken even with values above 2, how devastated must they be?”

“Hehehe, Class 4 is just an ordinary class, among the fifty-plus students, it’d be a miracle if two or three awaken!”

“Only a ten percent chance of success…”

“Tsk tsk, maybe the entire class won’t awaken, hahaha…”

Just then, the awakening crystal suddenly flickered with a faint glow, shining on one person!

There stood a dumbfounded young man.

A look of surprise appeared on Gao Yang’s face.

“Zhang Ping’an, awakening successful!”

He quickly took two steps and checked the information, his face immediately falling.

“Awakened profession, Apothecary. Professional star level…one star!”

At his side, the other teachers also paused but dutifully recorded this information.

“One-star? That’s so weak…”

“Shh… Be quiet, an Apothecary is a high-paying profession in the future…”

“I remember that Apothecaries are quite rich… Damn, he’s a future tycoon…”

Students from other classes discussed in low voices, and Gao Yang’s face didn’t look very good either.

Classes 1 and 2 had nine-star and seven-star levels, why did their Class 4 only have one-star?

“Alright, you can go down now.”

Gao Yang forced a smile, saying, “Next, the second group of students…”

“Yang Hao, Li Xia, Wu Dahao, Wang Xiaohao, Lin Nanna, Zhu Shi, Chen Xiao…”

Next to Zheng Cheng, Chen Xiao suddenly said, “Brother Cheng, it’s my turn.”

Zheng Cheng patted his shoulder.

“Chen Xiao, good luck!”

“Huh, huh… I know!”

Chen Xiao followed the other nine students onto the stage. Under Gao Yang’s guidance, he took a deep breath and put his hand on the Awakening Crystal.

Gao Yang also said: “You all don’t be nervous, especially you Chen Xiao, your vitality is around 1.1, so there is a chance of successful awakening!”

Less than half a minute later, the Awakening Crystal suddenly radiated a hue of earth brown, shining on Chen Xiao.

Gao Yang’s tone became unusually excited.

“Chen Xiao, awakening successful! Profession Earth Knight! Rating five stars!”

“Wow! He did it!”

“Chen Xiao’s awakening was successful! He actually has a five-star profession; he’s really amazing!”

“Earth Knight? A main tank! The most important profession in a team, he’s going to soar!”

“Hehehe, Class 1 has the strongest with a nine-star profession and Class 2 has a seven-star Magic Swordsman, Class 3 also has a six-star Flame Mage.”

There was a related commotion of whispering comments.

Five-star profession, Earth Knight!

A main tank profession, which is very important to individuals, other powers, or even countries.

A profession that is indispensable in a team.

Gao Yang’s face looked very pleased; he gave some words of encouragement to the other nine failed students and let them go.

Instead, she took Chen Xiao’s hand and said something serious.

Chen Xiao came down excitedly and punched Zheng Cheng.

“Hahaha, how about that Brother Cheng, I’m a five-star Earth Knight!”

“I’ll have your back from now on, hahaha”

Zheng Cheng grinned, “Congratulations, congratulations, a five-star occupation, eh.”

“Next team… Zhao Zhemei, Gao Xiaojing, Yang He, Song Chaoyu…”

Another team of students came out at Gao Yang’s call.

This time, the students in the fourth class became somewhat quiet.

Many people’s eyes were focused on a girl.

A tall and very attractive girl with a ponytail came forward.

“Wow… it’s the class beauty.”

“I wonder if the class flower will have a successful awakening?”

“She should be able to, right? Even though her vitality was only 0.8 last week, her spirit was at 1.2…”

“Awakening is a matter of fate. Even those in the first class with both values exceeding 2 didn’t make it. Why should she!”

At this point, not only all the students in the fourth class, but also a group of people outside, were all holding their breath, looking at the most beautiful girl on the stage, Song Chaoyu.

Chen Xiao asked quietly, “Hey, Brother Cheng, do you think Song Chaoyu will have a successful awakening?”

Zheng Cheng shrugged, “How should I know? I’m not familiar with her.”

“Didn’t you used to chase her?”

“When did I chase her?”

Zheng Cheng’s mouth twitched, that was my predecessor’s doing, what’s it got to do with me?

He didn’t like these immature little girls who knew nothing at all.

Unlike those big-hearted sisters, one look, one action, and they knew what you wanted.

A big-hearted sister would change her pose as soon as you tapped her.

But an immature little girl, you tap her, and she’ll ask you why you hit her?

Just like in the previous life, teachers like Bai Shi, Hua Hua, Jing Xiang and so on.

Only these teachers could be considered real women.

On the stage, Gao Yang also subconsciously stood in front of Song Chaoyu and repeated the same words again and again.

“Students, don’t be nervous, put your hands on the awakening crystal, hold your breath…”

“Alright, Teacher Gao.”

Song Chaoyu agreed with a nod, her delicate hand placed on the awakening crystal.

Underneath the stage, the gaze of at least a hundred people was all on her.

After all, a pretty girl would always attract more attention than the others to those with normal sexual orientation.

A minute later, there was no movement from the awakening crystal.

The ten students couldn’t help but become nervous, some even opened their eyes.

Song Chaoyu’s little face also became increasingly pale.

She opened her eyes and looked at Gao Yang in a daze.

The students of this team…all failed!

Gao Yang was also stunned. What’s going on—everyone failed?

Even Song Chaoyu, who he had high hopes for, failed?

Gao Yang couldn’t bear to say: “The students of this group have all…failed to awaken!”


This set off another wave of discussion among the teachers.

“Oh my god! The class beauty actually failed her awakening!”

“Isn’t it normal to fail with a ten percent probability?”

“No, she’s the best student in our class, and she’s an all-round athlete…”

“Hehehe, such a pretty girl, I wonder who will make her their concubine in the future!”

“Shut your dirty mouth…”

All the sounds of discussion reached Song Chaoyu’s ears.

Song Chaoyu’s slender figure wavered and she almost fell to the ground.

But she still held back her tears and said, “Tea…Teacher Gao, I…I wasn’t prepared just now, can I try again?”

Gao Yang shook his head, but still said reluctantly: “No!”

“Song Chaoyu, as your teacher, I can’t break the rules of professional awakening for you.”

“Each person only has one opportunity to awaken.”

“You all… just go down!”

Ignoring Song Chaoyu’s pleading eyes, he picked up the roll call and said:

“Alright, next batch…”

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