I'll Quit Being a God

Chapter 522: Lord of Calamity

Chapter 522: Lord of Calamity

Time has elapsed for one thousand three hundred and seventy years

This is the memory left by Lu Heng in his soul.

Since he began his seclusion for cultivation, it has been over a thousand years until the arrival of the Earthly Catastrophe today!

The world-ending catastrophe, which was originally thought to occur in ten years, has unexpectedly been delayed for so long!

And the consequence, is everything that lies before his eyes!

Unspeakable despair and terror, unimaginable acts of brutality and wickedness, are unfolding upon this land.

The beings of the heavens and earth were annihilated in the first instant of the cataclysm's arrival.

However, after the massacre, it didn't come to an end.

In this instance, there was no formidable enemy from beyond the realm wielding the Nine Cauldrons, nor was there anyone crazily harvesting the essence of all living beings.

After the annihilation of all living beings, there followed a second wave of slaughter, followed by a third wave, fourth wave, and so on

When Lu Heng departed Hanyu Mountain, this realm had already been repeatedly crushed by the overwhelming and unbearable force of terrifying extinction.

Even the earth itself seemed on the verge of being completely slain.

The very foundation of heaven and earth seemed to have cracks appearing.

The entire Celestial Desolation Realm, it seems, will henceforth be devoid of any vitality.

Never before has the Earthly Catastrophe occurred with such absolute annihilation!

That brutal enemy of the seven realms, this time, surprisingly refrained from harvesting the essence of living beings, allowing the massive life force to be repeatedly annihilated by this terrifying crucible of the heavens and earth until its ultimate demise.

In such a despairing crucible, no living being can bear the burden.

Even a cultivator with remarkable cultivation, in the relentless onslaught of exterminating force unleashed time and time again, their spiritual energy and vitality will be continuously depleted. In the end, the ever-increasing pressure of annihilation will surpass their threshold of endurance, leading to their complete demise.

Lu Heng's escape light swiftly traversed within the Celestial Desolation Realm.

From the north to Skyark Palace, and from the south to the Mermaid Kingdom, he swiftly flew across this realm, even venturing to the outskirts of the world, visiting Dragon Island along the way.

However, everything that came into sight was nothing but a desolate scene of utter devastation.

In the end, the world-engulfing force of annihilation that swept through this realm had been exerted to a degree that even he could barely withstand!

This group of cultivators from the Seven Realms, after preparing for over a thousand years, is unexpectedly aiming to completely uproot the foundations of the Celestial Desolation Realm in this cataclysm!

They strive to use this cataclysmic furnace to smelt away every living creature within the Celestial Desolation Realm, reducing them to naught!

Even those cultivators who managed to escape into the void using the Life Deviation Technique seem unable to evade the tragic fate of death.

Due to the relentless force of annihilation sweeping through, it can even extend its influence to the realm of nothingness!

Those cultivators who sealed their cultivation within the void using the Life Deviation Technique were soon affected by the force of annihilation. Round after round of cataclysmic sweeping ultimately left those cultivators with no escape.

As Lu Heng searched, he could only watch helplessly as several ancient cultivators who had survived from the primordial era were mercilessly engulfed by the force of annihilation, collapsing from the void while wailing in agony. In the end, they met their demise directly within the world saturated with the power of annihilation, their souls scattered, and their remains obliterated without a trace.

Such a horrifying sight made Lu Heng's heart tremble with a chilling apprehension.

If it were not for the impending catastrophe of the Celestial Desolation Realm, many cultivators would have already ventured into the eerie world, opting not for the conventional Life Deviation Technique. Thus, this current cataclysm truly has the potential to eradicate all resistance within the Celestial Desolation Realm!

Due to the accumulation of vital forces since the era of Lian Cangqing, if it were not for the protection of the eerie world, they would have been completely jeopardized!

The entire Celestial Desolation Realm will once again be reduced to a barren wasteland!

On the shores of the Eastern Sea, upon the Dragon Island, Sanxian Island has fallen. This ancient immortal island, which has existed here since primordial times and survived countless Earthly Catastrophes, has now been completely extinguished, with even the spiritual energy of the earth veins eradicated. It has plummeted and perished within the depths of the abyss known as the Return Ruins.

The dragon race, dwelling upon Dragon Island, met a tragic end. Despite their unwavering determination to fight to the last, the dragon clan never witnessed the presence of their formidable adversaries from beyond the realm. In this manner, devoid of any means of resistance, they were mercilessly crushed within the horrifying crucible of the heavens and earth.

However, as Lu Heng soared over the skies of the Fire Pass Country, he detected an extraordinary aura.

A peculiar fiery red radiance shimmered in a certain location of this land. The blazing sacred flame surged madly within the terrifying crucible of the heavens and earth.

Within that sacred flame, a colossal Vermilion Bird slumbered with closed eyes. Upon the Bird's chest, one could behold an immense and irreparable wound, nearly cleaving her into two. However, this Vermilion Bird had not perished.

Not only did she not perish, but the flames engulfing her entire being were also the most ostentatious and undefeated power within this realm, untouched by the forces of annihilation.

The power of annihilation, capable of wiping away even cultivators who employ the Life Deviation Technique to vanish into nothingness, proves futile against the surging frenzy of this intensifying conflagration.

Within the sacred flame, countless densely packed figures loom suspended.

Each of those figures, adorned in crimson hair and crimson eyes, adorned with fiery snakes, possesses a formidable power of fire spirits. In the mortal realm, they would be considered formidable beings!

They were none other than the lords of Fire Pass Country throughout the ages! Alongside them were some exceptionally gifted Wuzhus of Fire Pass Country!

Lu Heng even caught sight of a familiar figure among them.

Lianshan JingGongshu JieHelan Zhen

This unusually short-lived lineage of fire deity wizards, astonishingly had their souls continuously protected by the Fire God, and thus, managed to survive!

The surging holy fire, which is currently skyrocketing, with the combined efforts of numerous wizards, continuously consumes the annihilating forces around it, to the extent that even the destructive furnace of annihilation that had destroyed all beings in the heavens and earth, at this moment, cannot harm this holy flame in the slightest!

However, Lu Heng didn't linger here for long.

Because from the distant lands beyond, there suddenly emanated a peculiar aura.

Amidst this catastrophic apocalypse, where all the saints perish and all things wither away, it seems that there are still supreme powerhouses engaged in fierce battle!

The pale escaping radiance transformed into a beam of white light and vanished into the sky.

Soon, Lu Heng arrived above another enigmatic region on this vast land.

----Stretching three million eight hundred thousand kilometers to the west of Hanyu Mountain, lies the formidable Scared Mountain of the Jiuli tribe!

This Scared Mountain, revered by the nine branches of the Li Tribe since ancient times, has always been one of the most enigmatic and unfathomable realms within the Celestial Desolation Realm.

Similar to Sanxian Island, where dragons gather together, it is concealed from the mortal world, existing only as a lingering legend.

Although different from Sanxian Island, the location of the Scared Mountain of the Li Tribe was known to many.

However, no one has ever succeeded in reaching here.

The members of the Li Tribe return to the Scared Mountain every few decades to perform ancient ritual ceremonies.

And though it is not yet the appointed day, the area in front of Scared Mountain is already filled with members of the Li Tribe.

These days, the naturally gifted and incredibly powerful individuals of the Li Tribe, now stand united before the Scared Mountain, exerting their divine prowess and becoming almost inseparable from their revered Scared Mountain.

The enormous phantom that manifests on the Scared Mountain stands tall and roaring endlessly, just like the massive divine fire in the Fire Pass Country. It bravely withstands the relentless forces of destruction and stands alone amidst the terrifying crucible of the heavens and earth on the brink of annihilation.

And before the Scared Mountain of the Nine Li people, there stands a peculiar figure, laughing uproariously towards the sky, engaged in an ongoing battle with the gigantic phantom that materializes upon the Scared Mountain.

The colossal ancient ancestral spirit, exhausted both in spirit and strength, not only has to contend with the relentless sweeping forces of annihilation but also engage in battle with formidable enemies from other realms.

It can be observed that the individuals of the Li Tribe, beneath Scared Mountain, have pale faces and appear to tread lightly, clearly indicating that they are nearing the point of complete exhaustion.

And if the resistance of these individuals from the Li Tribe crumbles and the colossal ancient ancestral spirit vanishes, then it can be foreseen that the entire Li Tribe, consisting of nine departments, will fall victim to the impending slaughter at the hands of their current enemies!

And amidst their formidable strength, the terror-imbued formidable enemy sneers at the Li Tribe with an arrogant and unrestrained tone, filled with disdain.

"Chi You! Your group of little offspring has shown no signs of progress after all these years, huh!"

"Today, let me assist you in annihilating them! So as to prevent them from tarnishing your reputation!"

With every arrogant strike from the formidable enemy, it was as if the power of each palm could obliterate the stars. The immense strength displayed by the enemy caused even the present-day Lu Heng to furrow his brow involuntarily.

As the colossal ancient ancestral spirit's ethereal image teetered on the brink of collapse, and the impending annihilation of the Nine Li Tribe loomed, Lu Heng could no longer contain the urge to intervene.

However, at this moment, from the distant expanse of the South Sea, a resounding roar of fury suddenly echoed through the void.

A terrifying aura, akin to the eruption of a furious volcano, swept across the entire world.

"Lord of Calamity! Begone from my sight!"

Shortly after, from the depths of the South Sea, on a grand path of Mandala flowers, a terrifying figure suddenly soared into the air.

There, once the domain of the Immortal Kingdom, now lies desolate, devoid of life. Even the proclaimed immortal citizens of the Immortal Kingdom have long since perished. The ancient remnants of the Mandala flowers sea, however, stand as the sole region that has not yet turned to ashes.

However, within the Mandala flowers sea, a realm that should have been devoid of any living beings, a terrifying figure suddenly emerged.

The dark shadow traversed through time and space, swiftly arriving in front of the Sacred Mountain. With a single strike, it unleashed a terrifying force that sent shivers down the spine, directly repelling the Lord of Calamity that stood before the Sacred Mountain!

Subsequently, appearing before everyone was none other than a colossal monument of the Demon Stone.

Carved on its surface are ancient inscriptions.

The tomb of Chi You, the ruler of the Nine Li Tribe!

The links of our ebooks on Amazon: Kill Me More Times, I'll Become InvincibleThe Queen Villainess Eavesdrops on My Heart and Wont Let Me Slack OffI'll Quit Being a GodThe Eldest Martial Sister Gave Up TreatmentThe God of Sky & EarthSamsara Games: Very Easy!Cultivation: Being ImmortalThe World that Tao Rules

Ill Quit Being a God Chapter 521

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