I'll Quit Being a God

Chapter 514: Unparalleled Brilliance

Chapter 514: Unparalleled Brilliance

Before Mount Buzhou, the radiance of lightning gleamed brilliantly.

Within a thousand miles, the demons vanished without a trace.

The heavenly thunder cultivated by Lu Heng is no different from a nemesis to these demons. Once the clouds of thunderous punishment are summoned, Lu Heng doesn't even need to take action personally; the celestial thunder itself annihilates the malevolent spirits.

Thus, this once perilous and unpredictable sea area was effortlessly traversed by Lu Heng. As he continued onward, what appeared before Lu Heng was an oddly serene and tranquil world, quiet and peaceful.

The aura here seems strikingly similar to that of the Celestial Desolation Realm, standing out in this eerie world filled with a blend of murderous and malevolent energy, rendering it completely incongruous.

Even the color of the sky has transformed into a deep sapphire blue, instead of the eerie and gloomy hue.

Between the sea and the sky, the colossal Mount Buzhou stands incomprehensibly immense. Like a towering pillar, it upholds the heavens and the earth.

In the middle of Mount Buzhou, there exists a fissure that divides this colossal mountain into two halves. However, compared to the immense size of the mountain, this crack is exceedingly narrow, requiring one to approach closely in order to catch a glimpse of it.

Upon arriving at this place, the air no longer carries the ubiquitous ominous and malevolent aura of the eerie world. However, the sense of oppression in Lu Heng's heart has not diminished in the slightest; on the contrary, it has grown even stronger.

A indescribable sense of crisis constantly lingers in his heart, urging him to leave this place as soon as possible.

In a vague state, Lu Heng even felt as if he were being closely watched by some peculiar presence.

Beside Lu Heng, Xiao Ai's expression seemed somewhat uneasy.

She also sensed the strangeness of this place, yet her trust in the Wolf God kept her silent.

Two figures, one tall and one small, crossed over the pitch-black sea and arrived before this immensely colossal mountain.

As Lu Heng stood at the foot of the mountain and gazed upwards, the colossal Mount Buzhou appeared as an infinite celestial canopy, majestically stretching across the earth's surface. It connected the heavens above with the earth below, obstructing the view ahead. Only the fissure between the two split mountains seemed particularly conspicuous at this moment.

It is said to be a crack, but upon closer observation, it is discovered to be an immense chasm spanning thousands of feet, which divides the entire Mount Buzhou into two. Moreover, the separated fracture is level and smooth, as if it were cleaved by a sharp and divine weapon from its very center.

Standing before the massive fissure, Lu Heng ceased his advancement.

For within that grand rift, there permeated an immensely potent force of sharpness, capable of obliterating all in its path.

With his cultivation, even standing at this spot caused him to feel an unsettling prickling sensation and a chill running down his spine. If he were to continue forward, even the divine consciousness forged by the Heavenly Thunder Tao Foundation would crumble.

Before the colossal rift, Lu Heng furrowed his brow and cast a glance at the incessantly trembling Green State Cauldron. With a single gesture, he sent the palm-sized bronze cauldron soaring into the depths of the immense chasm. An immense quantity of vital life essence descended, impervious to any harm, and cascaded down like an inexhaustible torrent.

However, amidst the surges of the mighty and all-annihilating power, the life essence that descended from the Green State Cauldron was relentlessly severed. The visible descent of life essence within the Green State Cauldron was rapidly depleted.

At this rate of depletion, it is feared that the Green State Cauldron will not last half an hour, and the vast reservoir of life essence contained within it will be on the brink of exhaustion!

Lu Heng, who realized this fact, felt a shiver coursing through his heart.

This was the first time since he took control of the nine cauldrons that he had encountered something capable of annihilating the essence of the nine cauldrons.

Even the impervious nine cauldrons could not persist for long in this eerie grand chasm. The perils of this place were even more terrifying than Lu Heng had imagined!

With a flicker of thought, Lu Heng promptly summoned back the Green State Cauldron that had soared into the depths of the chasm, aiming to avoid the needless consumption of essence within the cauldron.

However, as the palm-sized Green State Cauldron fell into the hands of Lu Heng, he was astonished to discover a multitude of intricate scratches, both large and small, adorning the surface of the cauldron.

These scratches were not deep, but rather extremely shallow, vanishing after a breath's time. Yet, upon witnessing this scene, Lu Heng couldn't help but be taken aback.

The Green State Cauldron, which purportedly boasted an impervious life essence barrier against all laws, was not only unable to persist for long, but it also failed to fully isolate the sinister radiance.

The Green State Cauldron, even at its outermost level, was already marked with intricate scratches; if one were to delve deeper

Lu Heng cast his gaze once again upon the vast chasm before him, his countenance growing solemn.

Who exactly split Mount Buzhou? It has been so many years, yet the remnants remain terrifying, unimaginable how fearsome that single strike was that cleaved Mount Buzhou.

Without a doubt, far surpassing the might of the Heavenly Thunder Sword!

And Lu Heng's Heavenly Thunder Sword seems to be a formidable technique that even ordinary individuals find difficult to behold, a terrifying move that not even beings of the caliber of the ancient Di Tian Devil Lord dare to confront head-on.

In the era where Fu Xi and the Heavenly Court resided, one can only wonder what kind of formidable creatures roamed this land!

Lu Heng, gazing upon the immense chasm before him, was filled with a profound sense of awe.

Meanwhile, by his side, Xiao Ai observed the unfolding situation, unable to speak her mind. She said, "The Wolf God, it seems we should return now"

Xiao Ai couldn't help but speak up and remind, "The tenth-day appointment is drawing near, we should return to Hanyu Mountain."

Xiao Ai learned about Lu Heng's ten-day appointment with Candle Dragon and others. However, she now brings up this matter primarily out of concern for the Wolf God venturing further into the perilous place before them.

The supreme sharpness that even the Nine Cauldrons cannot withstand, Xiao Ai truly doesn't want the Wolf God to risk his life against it.

After Xiao Ai spoke up, Lu Heng smiled and said, "Rest assured, I am more afraid of death than anyone else. I will not venture into danger."

He was naturally aware of the little girl's concerns, but he was also certainly not a reckless person.

The unfathomable Mount Buzhou before his eyes was indeed mysterious and eerie, but since it was an impossible task, he had no intention to continue venturing into danger.

With Xiao Ai by his side, Lu Heng decided to depart from this fractured valley and, after circling around Mount Buzhou without any fruitful results, he ultimately made the decision to leave.

Upon this vast Mount Buzhou, where no vegetation thrived and vitality was extinguished, not even a single ferocious beast, ubiquitous in this enigmatic world, could be seen.

However, Lu Heng was not surprised by this, as the presence of that terrifying rift in the middle made it quite normal for no living creature to dare approach within hundreds of miles.

From the traces around Mount Buzhou, it was evident that the unparalleled sharpness within the great rift was not sedate. Sharp forces would occasionally shoot out, cutting down all living beings along the way.

The malevolent entities within this enigmatic world have evidently experienced the terrifying power of that unparalleled sharpness, naturally refraining from approaching.

And as for the current Lu Heng, he similarly lacks the strength to confront this unparalleled sharpness head-on, thus can only temporarily depart, returning at a later time once his cultivation has improved to investigate the truth.

His intuition still whispered to him that beneath this Mount Buzhou, lay the greatest secret of the Celestial Desolation Realm.

Furthermore, it is even possible that it is the greatest secret of the entire multiverse.

Here, Lu Heng's foremost objective, after digesting thirty-six peaches and fully restoring his cultivation, shall be realized.

And now, it is time to return to the Celestial Desolation Realm, to discuss with Candle Dragon and others at Hanyu Mountain on how to deal with this impending Earthly Catastrophe.

The impending Cataclysmic Calamity approaches, and the living beings of the Celestial Desolation Realm are now faced with the question of their fate and must seek a definitive answer.

The links of our ebooks on Amazon: Kill Me More Times, I'll Become InvincibleThe Queen Villainess Eavesdrops on My Heart and Wont Let Me Slack OffI'll Quit Being a GodThe Eldest Martial Sister Gave Up TreatmentThe God of Sky & EarthSamsara Games: Very Easy!Cultivation: Being ImmortalThe World that Tao Rules

Ill Quit Being a God Chapter 513

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