I'll Quit Being a God

Chapter 473: Ghost Valley Divine Calculation

Chapter 473: Ghost Valley Divine Calculation

We purchased

The city in this location, known as Guanqi City, is an important gateway city for those heading north.

Once you leave this place and head further north, you will enter the territory of the Youxiong Country.

The once desolate border between the two countries is now bustling and prosperous.

The many merchants traveling to and fro in the city were all waiting for the opening of the gates so that they could venture north for trade.

Encountering demons in such a bustling metropolis is something one would never have imagined in the past. It seems too absurd.

However, nowadays, such absurd events are unfolding right before the eyes of the gathered crowd.

The merchants within the inn all wore a pale expression, filled with deep distress, while the innkeeper trembled with fear, quivering like a sieve.

Everyone was silently gazing at the street outside, hoping that the passing pedestrians would notice the unusualness of this inn and notify the wizards at the Fire God Temple for help.

However, the pedestrians bustling along the streets seemed to ignore this roadside inn entirely. Among the endless stream of passersby, not a single gaze lingered even for a moment upon the inn.

Regarding this, the merchants were filled with unparalleled despair, fully aware that it must have been some sort of illusion cast by these four demons.

But what madness are these four demons unleashing?

A demon that is able to infiltrate the city without being detected is undoubtedly at the pinnacle of demonkind, already transcending earthly desires and abstaining from worldly indulgences. Yet, these four demons nervously ventured into a human settlement, seeking to feast upon the tavern, only to coincidentally encounter a fearless, audacious blind man What a stroke of ill fate! Oh, the cruelty of fate!

The merchants lamented in their hearts, while the burly man coldly stared at the blind man before him, saying, "Speak! Why have you fallen silent?"

Compared to the burly man, this blind man in a gray robe appeared aged and emaciated, as if a gust of wind could easily knock him down. His cloudy eyes lacked any spark, seemingly unable to venture far without assistance.

The burly man grabbed the ragged cloth that the blind man had set aside and cynically read the words inscribed on it, saying, "A tongue as sharp as iron, discerning for three millennia. Can a blind eye truly perceive the ancient spirits? Blind man, you have quite the audacity, parading around with this tattered cloth. Is it meant to summon spirits?"

The disdain from the burly man widened the eyes of the white dragon girl, who declared, "My master is the esteemed practitioner of Ghost Valley Divine Calculation! His divination skills are unparalleled throughout the world! He can decipher fortunes, calamities, and blessings! You, fool, ought to show some respect!"

The words uttered by the white dragon girl caused a slight astonishment among the merchants in the inn, who could not comprehend why this young girl dared to be so arrogant in the presence of evil creatures Did she not realize that this being was a demon?!

Moreover, Ghost Valley Divine Calculation? Divination? What is that? Is it a terminology of cultivators? Could this master and disciple also be cultivators? Is that why they dare to act recklessly before the demon?

The merchants were extremely astonished but dared not utter a word, all remaining silent and patiently awaiting the unfolding of events.

After listening to the words of the white dragon girl, the robust and sturdy man was momentarily taken aback. "Ghost Valley Divine Calculation? The art of divination? What nonsense I must inquire, to which faction do you and this blind man belong?"

Behind the burly and sturdy man, the two young men who resembled wealthy aristocrats could no longer conceal their true nature.

One person exuded a sinister and eerie aura, while the other person's visage appeared fierce and menacing.

The sinister and eerie man sneered coldly, saying, "Does Brother Tu not understand this? This blind man is from the Ghost Valley sect, and 'Ghost Valley Divine Calculation' is his title, indicating that his skill in divination is remarkable. However, divination, well"

The sinister man looked at the blind man and asked, "Blind man, what is the way of divination?"

At this moment, the gaze of everyone present focused on the blind man.

Amidst the watchful gaze of all, the blind man in a gray robe smiled faintly. He set down his chopsticks and said, "The heavens and the earth take form, and all things possess destiny. The river of time flows ceaselessly, intertwining the fates of all beings. Through the art of divination and the way of prophesy, one can discern fortunes and misfortunes, survey the past and present, and foresee the future."

"Just like a river that continuously flows from its source, passing through famous mountains and great rivers, remote villages and small towns, until it ultimately merges into the rivers and seas."

"Ordinary people standing on the riverbank can only overlook the scenery on both sides of the river, catching a glimpse of the fleeting appearances in a particular time and place."

"However, within my Ghost Valley sect, we possess the ability to calculate the past and future, comprehensively observing the entire panorama of the river from its source to the vast sea."

"In this manner, it is the path of divination and fortune-telling."

The words spoken by the blind man with a smile left the onlooking merchants in utter astonishment, with some less astute minds even failing to comprehend their meaning.

However, a small number of the listening merchants were shocked to the core, feeling that this blind man was incredibly daring, as he dared to spout nonsense and mock the demonic entities without fear, even in the face of four menacing demons, displaying a complete disregard for his own safety.

They all looked at the sturdy and robust man with a fearful gaze, knowing that he had been provoked.

Indeed, the burly man let go of the cloth in his hand and, in a fit of anger, chuckled, "What bold words! Blind man, according to what you say, can you foresee the future? Are you claiming to have a clear understanding of what events are yet to unfold?"

Upon the strong man's questioning, the blind man smiled ever so slightly and replied, "My cultivation is not profound enough to see too far. However, predicting fortunes, divining auspicious and inauspicious outcomes, those are tasks I excel at effortlessly."

"Very well! Then, you shall calculate for me, what are the identities of the four of us!" The burly man said with a sinister smile, as an aura of demonic energy surged around him, the ferocious intent to kill unapologetically revealed.

The atmosphere within the entire inn instantly dropped to freezing point, overwhelming all the merchants present with its formidable presence, causing them to feel a sense of fear and trembling, to the point where they could barely breathe.

However, in the face of such a terrifying aura, the grey-robed blind man remained unfazed, as if not only his eyes were blind, but his mind as well.

He smiled and said, "The four of you possess extraordinary grace and righteousness, evident by your dignified and noble demeanor. It is clear that you are individuals blessed with rare fortune and prosperity. However, there is a slightly excessive malevolent energy that has disrupted your noble aura, resulting in a slight decline. Nevertheless, even so, you are still able to surpass the vast majority of ordinary mortals in the world."

Upon hearing the blind man's words, all four demonic creatures burst into laughter.

The burly man laughed even louder, saying, "Hahaha Remarkable grace and righteous demeanor Hahaha I initially thought you, blind man, were simply incapable of verbal communication, but it turns out your mind is the one that falters. From the tone of your speech, I assumed you were someone knowledgeable from the cultivation realm, only to realize that you are nothing more than a madman Hahaha"

The burly man laughed heartily for a while, before finally suppressing his laughter and spoke coldly, "Foolish blind man, I am not the righteous and dignified person you described. I am the ruler of the demonic lair in the South Sea, the Great King Pingye! This time, passing through the Fire Pass Country, I am responding to the call of the Demon King, to attend the grand ceremony at the Arctic Skyark Palace!"

"You, blind man, claimed that I lacked wit, didn't you? Now, in front of me, dare you to say it again?!"

The blind man was slightly taken aback by the cold and stern interrogation of the burly man.

"Ah? When did I ever say that Your Excellency lacks intelligence? Your Excellency, you mustn't slander others," the blind man said innocently.

The burly man, however, didn't let him off the hook and said coldly, "Didn't you claim that any demon rushing to the north without reason is brainless? Have you already forgotten the words you spoke just moments ago?"

With that, the blind man suddenly realized.

He helplessly shrugged and said, "So that's how it is But I never mentioned that Your Excellency could reach the Skyark Palace. If Your Excellency doesn't make it to the Skyark Palace, wouldn't that mean you are not among those brainless demons?"

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